SharePoint 2016:性能优化和高可用(十一,SP中的WEB内容管理功能)


根据SharePoint MPP 课程,下面几个文章介绍,SP16 性能优化和高可用的下一部分,Web内容管理功能。

SharePoint Server 2016中的Web内容管理包含用于配置,自定义,优化和发布网站集,网站和页面的功能。按照设计,发布网站主要承载网页内容而不是文档内容,尽管发布网站可以像非发布网站一样包含图书馆。


  • 发布门户。

The Publishing Portal template offers libraries for pages, images, reports, form templates, styles, and reusable content. By default, there are content approval workflows for pages, the template is designed to support extensive branding, and anonymous permissions can be granted to content pages only. Publishing Portal templates are the most commonly used site collection templates.

  • 企业Wiki。

The Enterprise Wiki template is for the collaborative creation of page content, with page categories, comments, and ratings.

  • 产品目录。

The Product Catalog template is for managing lists and libraries for Cross-Site Collection Publishing. Typically, list and library content that is stored and updated in a product catalog site collection is consumed through category pages or search-driven Web Parts in other site collections.

发布网站集和网站模板通常会启用SharePoint Server发布基础结构功能和SharePoint Server发布功能。这些功能包括以下功能:

  • 特殊群组和权限。

Site collections with the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature activated have special groups created, including Approvers, Designers, and Hierarchy Managers, along with matching permission levels.

  • 全局导航菜单。

The global navigation menu replaces the top link bar, and managed navigation is available.

  • 母版页,页面布局和显示模板。

You can customize the overall appearance of your site collection or site with master pages, and you can use Page Layouts and display templates to customize the way information displays on certain pages.

  • 设计管理器和设计包。

Design Manager is a SharePoint 2016 feature that you can use to manage site branding. You can export customizations as a design package, which is a single file with a .wsp extension, and you then can import the design package into other sites or site collections. Design packages include changes made to the Master Page Gallery, Style Library, Theme Gallery, the Device Channels list, and Page Content types.

  • 设备频道。

Device Channels enable you to specify different designs for different devices, such as mobile devices, to enable better content layout for the devices.

  • 网站列和内容类型。

Additional site columns, such as Page Content, Scheduling Start Date, and Scheduling End Date are created within the Site Column Gallery, and content types such as Page Layout, Article Page, and Enterprise Wiki Page are added to the Content Type Gallery.

  • Web部件。

Additional content-related Web Parts are added to the Web Part Gallery.

  • SharePoint加载项。

SharePoint Add-ins are self-contained extensions of SharePoint websites that you create, and that run without custom code on the SharePoint server.

  • 页面库。

A Pages library is created to store webpages for the site.

  • 审批工作流程和日程安排。

You can use an approval workflow to route approval tasks to appropriate users prior to publishing. Scheduling enables an author to specify a time or date when a page should be available.

  • 多语言网站的变体。

Variations enable you to keep the same site structure but have different language pages for end users. In SharePoint 2016, you can translate pages manually or use the Machine Translation Service.

  • 缓存。

SharePoint can use an object cache to reduce the burden on object retrieval from database servers. For example, publishing sites can store retrieved object data in the memory of a web front-end server for short periods so that if the same object is requested again, it will return from memory quickly.

注意:您可以在不使用发布网站模板的网站集和网站上激活SharePoint Server发布基础结构和SharePoint Server发布功能,以便为网站集提供其他功能。但是,您应该考虑每个功能激活步骤包括此处列出的几个功能组件; 例如,您不仅可以激活导航功能。



  • 确定放置和访问要求


  • 拥有有效Active Directory登录帐户的员工通常从内部网络访问Intranet。
  • Internet客户端可以安全地访问外联网。虽然需要访问内容的人通常不是所有内部员工,但每个用户都需要登录。
  • 面向Internet的网站通常包含一些可供所有人使用的网站或内容,无论该用户是否具有登录凭据。面向Internet的站点通常需要匿名访问。

注意:SharePoint Online(Office 365)不支持面向Internet的站点。虽然本地SharePoint 2016确实支持面向公众的Internet站点,但建议由托管服务管理面向Internet的站点。有关详细信息,请参阅Office 365的网站托管合作伙伴。

  • 确定多语言支持


  • 确定发布方法



通过跨站点集合发布,作者可以在Search Service应用程序索引的一个或多个网站集中创建和更新内容。作者可以将内容发布到使用内容搜索Web部件和目录项重用Web部件的一个或多个其他网站集,以显示创作的内容。此外,他们还可以使用母版页,页面布局和影响Web部件显示信息的显示模板来修改发布网站集上的品牌。


  • 创作网站是否可以接受(或要求)具有与发布网站不同的外观和可能的不同结构?
  • 您是否希望或需要将创作网站与发布网站分开?
  • 您想为不同的品牌拥有多个网站甚至不同的主机标头吗?
  • 您是要将来自多个创作网站的内容合并到一个发布网站,还是要将一个创作网站的内容发布到多个发布网站?
  • 您是否计划针对网站的不同区域设置特定变体使用不同网址的多个网站使用变体或翻译内容?




  • 您不需要具有唯一网址的变体。
  • 您无需将相同内容发布到多个站点。
  • 您需要在发生内容消费的同一站点中执行创作。
