解:最多一层红一层黑,叶结点红, 2 2 k − 1 2^{2k} - 1 22k−1个;最少全黑, 2 k − 1 2^k - 1 2k−1个。
y = x.left
x.left = y.right
if y.right != T.nil
y.right.p = x
y.p = x.p
if x.p == T.nil
T.root = y
elseif x == x.p.right
x.p.right = y
else x.p.left = y
y.right = x
x.p = y
证明(机翻自参考答案):Since the exercise asks about binary search trees rather than the more specific redblack trees, we assume here that leaves are full-fledged nodes, and we ignore the sentinels.
Taking the book’s hint, we start by showing that with at most n − 1 n - 1 n−1 right rotations, we can convert any binary search tree into one that is just a right-going chain. The idea is simple. Let us define the right spine as the root and all descendants of the root that are reachable by following only right pointers from the root. A binary search tree that is just a right-going chain has all n nodes in the right spine.
(根据本书的提示,我们首先展示最多 n − 1 n-1 n−1次右旋,可以将任何二叉搜索树转换为一个单链。这个想法很简单。让我们将右脊定义为根,并且后继只能通过右指针到达。右向单链的二叉搜索树在右脊中具有所有n个结点。)
As long as the tree is not just a right spine, repeatedly find some node y y y on the right spine that has a non-leaf left child x x x and then perform a right rotation on y y y:
(只要树不仅仅是一个右脊,在右脊上重复找到一个节点 y y y,其中有一个非叶左子结点 x x x,然后在 y y y上执行右旋:)
(In the above figure, note that any of α \alpha α, β \beta β, and γ \gamma γ can be an empty subtree.) Observe that this right rotation adds x x x to the right spine, and no other nodes leave the right spine. Thus, this right rotation increases the number of nodes in the right spine by 1 1 1. Any binary search tree starts out with at least one node—the root—in the right spine. Moreover, if there are any nodes not on the right spine, then at least one such node has a parent on the right spine. Thus, at most n − 1 n - 1 n−1 right rotations are needed to put all nodes in the right spine, so that the tree consists of a single right-going chain.
((在上图中,请注意 α \alpha α, β \beta β和 γ \gamma γ中的任何一个都可以是一个空子树。)观察到这个右旋将 x x x添加到右脊,而没有其他节点离开右脊。因此,这种右旋使右脊中的节点数量增加 1 1 1。任何二叉搜索树都从右脊以至少一个结点(根结点)开始。此外,如果有任何结点不在右脊上,则至少一个这样的结点在右脊上具有父节点。因此,将所有节点放在右脊柱中需要最多 n − 1 n-1 n−1次右旋,以使树由右向单链组成。)
If we knew the sequence of right rotations that transforms an arbitrary binary search tree T T T to a single right-going chain T ′ T' T′, then we could perform this sequence in reverse—turning each right rotation into its inverse left rotation—to transform T ′ T' T′ back into T T T.
(如果我们知道将任意二叉搜索树 T T T转换为单个右向链 T ′ T' T′的右旋序列,那么我们可以反向执行此序列,将每个右旋反向旋转到其反向左旋直到将 T ′ T' T′转换回 T T T。)
Therefore, here is how we can transform any binary search tree T 1 T_1 T1 into any other binary search tree T 2 T_2 T2. Let T ′ T' T′ be the unique right-going chain consisting of the nodes of T 1 T_1 T1 (which is the same as the nodes of T 2 T_2 T2). Let r = ⟨ r 1 , r 2 , … , r k ⟩ r = \langle r_1, r_2, \ldots, r_k \rangle r=⟨r1,r2,…,rk⟩ be a sequence of right rotations that transforms T 1 T_1 T1 to T ′ T' T′, and let r ′ = ⟨ r 1 ′ , r 2 ′ , … , r k ′ ′ ⟩ r' = \langle r_1', r_2', \ldots, r_{k'}' \rangle r′=⟨r1′,r2′,…,rk′′⟩ be a sequence of right rotations that transforms T 2 T_2 T2 to T ′ T' T′. We know that there exist sequences r r r and r ′ r' r′ with k k k, k ′ ≤ n − 1 k' \le n - 1 k′≤n−1. For each right rotation r i ′ r_i' ri′, let l i ′ l_i' li′ be the corresponding inverse left rotation. Then the sequence ⟨ r 1 , r 2 , … , r k , l k ′ ′ , l k ′ − 1 ′ , … , l 2 ′ , l 1 ′ ⟩ \langle r_1, r_2, \ldots, r_k, l_{k'}', l_{k' - 1}', \ldots, l_2', l_1' \rangle ⟨r1,r2,…,rk,lk′′,lk′−1′,…,l2′,l1′⟩ transforms T 1 T_1 T1 to T 2 T_2 T2 in at most 2 n − 2 2n - 2 2n−2 rotations.
(因此,以下是我们如何将任何二叉搜索树 T 1 T_1 T1转换为任何其他二叉搜索树 T 2 T_2 T2。 让 T ′ T' T′成为由 T 1 T_1 T1结点组成的唯一右链(与 T 2 T_2 T2的结点相同)。 设 r = ⟨ r 1 , r 2 , … , r k ⟩ r = \langle r_1,r_2,\ldots,r_k \rangle r=⟨r1,r2,…,rk⟩是一系列右旋,将 T 1 T_1 T1转换为 T ′ T' T′,让 r ′ = ⟨ r 1 ′ , r 2 ′ , … , r k ′ ′ ⟩ r'= \langle r_1',r_2',\ldots ,r_ {k'}'\rangle r′=⟨r1′,r2′,…,rk′′⟩是一系列右旋,将 T 2 T_2 T2转换为 T ′ T' T′。 我们知道存在序列 r r r和 r ′ r' r′和 k k k, k ′ ≤ n − 1 k'\le n - 1 k′≤n−1。 对于每个右旋 r i ′ r_i' ri′,让 l i ′ l_i' li′为相应的反向左旋。 然后序列 ⟨ r 1 , r 2 , … , r k , l k ′ ′ , l k ′ − 1 ′ , … , l 2 ′ , l 1 ′ ⟩ \langle r_1,r_2,\ldots,r_k,l_ {k'}',l_ {k' - 1}',\ldots,l_2',l_1'\rangle ⟨r1,r2,…,rk,lk′′,lk′−1′,…,l2′,l1′⟩将 T 1 T_1 T1转换为 T 2 T_2 T2 最多 2 n − 2 2n - 2 2n−2次旋转。)
我们可以使用 O ( n ) O(n) O(n)调用将 T 2 T_2 T2中的根节点旋转到 T 1 T_1 T1的根,然后分别在两个子树中使用相同的操作。共有 n n n个结点,因此上限是 O ( n 2 ) O(n ^ 2) O(n2)。
In Figure 13-5, nodes A A A, B B B, and D D D have black-height k + 1 k + 1 k+1 in all cases, because each of their subtrees has black-height k k k and a black root. Node C C C has black-height k + 1 k + 1 k+1 on the left (because its red children have black-height k + 1 k + 1 k+1) and black-height k + 2 k + 2 k+2 on the right (because its black children have black-height k + 1 k + 1 k+1).
In Figure 13-6, nodes A A A, B B B, and C C C have black-height k + 1 k + 1 k+1 in all cases. At left and in the middle, each of A A A's and B B B's subtrees has black-height k k k and a black root, while C C C has one such subtree and a red child with black-height k + 1 k + 1 k+1. At the right, each of A A A's and C C C's subtrees has black-height k k k and a black root, while B B B's red children each have black-height k + 1 k + 1 k+1.
Property 5 is preserved by the transformations. We have shown above that the black-height is well-defined within the subtrees pictured, so property 5 is preserved within those subtrees. Property 5 is preserved for the tree containing the subtrees pictured, because every path through these subtrees to a leaf contributes k + 2 k + 2 k+2 black nodes.
证明:只有在情况1或3会将某结点设为RED,在这两种情况下也只有z.p.p被标红。如果z.p.p是哨兵,z.p就是根结点。通过循环不变式的(b)和RB-INSERT-FIXUP的第1行,如果z.p是根,我们已经退出循环。唯一的细微之处在于情况2,我们在把 z.p.p标红之前设置z = z.p。因为我们在重新着色之前旋转,所以z.p.p的标识在情况2之前和之后是相同的,所以没有问题。
情况1:出栈 z . p z.p z.p和 z . p . p z.p.p z.p.p。
情况2:出栈 z . p z.p z.p和 z . p . p z.p.p z.p.p,然后入栈 z . p . p z.p.p z.p.p和 z z z。
情况3:出栈 z . p z.p z.p, z . p . p z.p.p z.p.p和 z . p . p . p z.p.p.p z.p.p.p,然后入栈 z . p z.p z.p。
假设在 RB-DELETE \text{RB-DELETE} RB-DELETE中 x x x和 x . p x.p x.p都是红色。这只可能在第9行的else情况下发生。由于是从红黑树中删除,因此在 RB-TRANSPLANT \text {RB-TRANSPLANT} RB-TRANSPLANT第14行的调用中成为 x x x兄弟的y.p的另一个孩子必须是黑色的,所以 x x x是 x . p x.p x.p唯一的孩子。 RB-DELETE-FIXUP ( T , x ) \text{RB-DELETE-FIXUP}(T,x) RB-DELETE-FIXUP(T,x)的while循环条件会立即被违反,所以只需设置 x . c o l o r = b l a c k x.color = black x.color=black,恢复属性4。
由于 w w w可能是 T . n i l T.nil T.nil,因此必须包含 RB-DELETE-FIXUP ( T , x ) \text {RB-DELETE-FIXUP}(T,x) RB-DELETE-FIXUP(T,x)中检查或修改w的任何行。但是,如第185页所述, w w w永远不会是 T . n i l T.nil T.nil,因此不需要包含这些行。
Our count will include the root (if it is black).
Case 1:
For each subtree, it is 2 2 2 both before and after.
Case 2:
For α \alpha α and β \beta β, it is 1 + count ( c ) 1 + \text{count}(c) 1+count(c) in both cases.
For the rest of the subtrees, it is from 2 + count ( c ) 2 + \text{count}(c) 2+count(c) to 1 + count ( c ) 1 + \text{count}(c) 1+count(c).
This decrease in the count for the other subtreese is handled by then having x x x represent an additional black.
Case 3:
For ϵ \epsilon ϵ and ζ \zeta ζ, it is 2 + count ( c ) 2+\text{count}(c) 2+count(c) both before and after.
For all the other subtrees, it is 1 + count ( c ) 1+\text{count}(c) 1+count(c) both before and after.
Case 4:
For α \alpha α and β \beta β, it is from 1 + count ( c ) 1 + \text{count}(c) 1+count(c) to 2 + count ( c ) 2 + \text{count}(c) 2+count(c).
For γ \gamma γ and δ \delta δ, it is 1 + count ( c ) + count ( c ′ ) 1 + \text{count}(c) + \text{count}(c') 1+count(c)+count(c′) both before and after.
For ϵ \epsilon ϵ and ζ \zeta ζ, it is 1 + count ( c ) 1 + \text{count}(c) 1+count(c) both before and after.
This increase in the count for α \alpha α and β \beta β is because x x x before indicated an extra black.
仅当 x x x的兄弟 w w w为红色时才会出现情况1。如果 x . p x.p x.p是红色的,那么连续会有两个红色,即 x . p x.p x.p(也是 w . p w.p w.p)和 w w w,即使在调用 RB-DELETE \text{RB-DELETE} RB-DELETE之前也会连续出现这两个红色。
不,红黑树不一定是一样的。 以下是两个示例:一个是树的形状发生变化,另一个是形状保持不变但节点颜色发生变化。