
场景:亟需脱困 求助无门 period.

例句:She intends desperately to bring about much-needed transformation but doesn’t know where to start or how to begin with .


英英释义:needed to a great extent

“much-needed”是形容词,意思是“亟需的”,可以表达出类似中文成语“雪中送炭”的迫切性。这个词非常地道,体现了英文表达和构词的灵活性。它后面一般接 support, assistance, improvement, boost, reform 等词。在口语和写作中都可以使用 much-needed。

    今年是中国改革开放 40 周年,中国在这些年取得了巨大的经济成就,这在很大程度上要归功于当时采取了亟需的改革措施。我们就可以这么说:

1. The economic success China has achieved in the past four decades is attributed largely to the adoption of the much-needed reform initiatied by Deng Xiaoping.

  最近几年山西平遥的旅游业增长缓慢。2017 年著名导演贾樟柯发起了平遥国际电影节,在很大程度上拉动了当地的旅游业。就可以说:

2. The Pingyao International Film Festival, initiated in 2017 by Chinese film director Jia Zhangke, provides a much-needed boost to the local tourist industry.


3. Smartisan has been crippled lately as it failed to secure the much-needed funds.
