什么是 MAC 地址?

什么是 MAC 地址?

MAC 地址是制造商为网络硬件 (如无线网卡或以太网网卡) 分配的唯一代码。MAC 代表媒体访问控制,每个代码对应一个唯一的设备。
MAC 地址由六组两位字符组成,由冒号分隔。比如 00:1B:44:11:3A:B7,就是一个 MAC 地址。

The MAC address for the wired device will be displayed as the Hardware Address.
The MAC address for the wireless device displayed as the Hardware Address in the Details panel.
有线设备的 MAC 地址将显示为硬件地址。
单击设置按钮以查看在 详细信息 面板中显示为硬件地址的无线设备的 MAC 地址。

In practice, you may need to modify or “spoof” a MAC address. For example, some internet service providers may require that a specific MAC address be used to access their service. If the network card stops working, and you need to swap a new card in, the service won’t work anymore. In such cases, you would need to spoof the MAC address.
实际上,您可能需要修改或 欺骗 MAC 地址。例如,一些互联网服务提供商可能要求使用特定的 MAC 地址来访问他们的服务。如果网卡停止工作,并且您需要更换新卡,则该服务将不再起作用。在这种情况下,您需要欺骗 MAC 地址。

