遵从5条简单规则who took five simple rules to heart.
1、质疑权威Question authority.
不轻信人言No idea is true just because someone says so,
包括自己在内including me.
2、独立思考Think for yourself.
3、自我质疑Question yourself.
不因自己想要相信 而相信任何事情Don't believe anything just because you want to.
相信不代表能成为现实Believing something doesn't make it so.
4、依靠观察与实验 Test ideas by the evidence gained
以实证检验想法from observation and experiment.
如果自己喜欢的想法没有通过全面的检验If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test,
它就是错的it's wrong!
乐观一点Get over it.
遵循证据 无论它指向哪里Follow the evidence, wherever it leads.
如果没有证据 不妄下定论If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.
5、也许最重要的规则就是 And perhaps the most important rule of all...
要记住 你也会犯错Remember, you could be wrong.
即使是最优秀的科学家Even the best scientists
也曾经在某些事情上犯错have been wrong about some things.
牛顿 爱因斯坦Newton, Einstein,
还有历史上每一位伟大的科学家and every other great scientist in history,
他们都犯过错they all made mistakes.
这很正常 是人都会犯错Of course they did-- they were human.
科学让我们不再欺骗自己Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves...
欺骗别人and each other.
科学家们有罪吗Have scientists known sin?
有的Of course.
我们曾滥用科学We have misused science, just as we have
就像手边的工具一样随意使用every other tool at our disposal,
因此我们不能把科学and that's why we can't afford
放在少数的掌权者手中to leave it in the hands of a powerful few.
当科学更多的属于全人类时The more science belongs to all of us,
它就越不会被乱用the less likely it is to be misused.
科学的价值能阻止These values undermine the appeals
狂热与无知of fanaticism and ignorance