妻子是个辣椒婆(My wife is a Chili Lady)


My wife is a Chili Lady

原创:斧子       中译英:斧子的二当家


妻子是个辣椒婆(My wife is a Chili Lady)_第1张图片


My family runs a small business. It's not much profitable but it's really tiring.


I'm an impetuous person who is easy to lose temper, it is difficult for me to bear down to deal with some small contradictions and problems. So i'm always pissed off, leaving myself in trouble all the time, it's really annoying.

结婚后,我直接把法人代表改成了妻子朱元桃,从此开始百事不管。当然,为了面子问题,对外我印的名片上,职位成了:董事长。其实,就是什么事都不懂。小事,去找我妻子 ;大事,去找我妻子。什么都不管我的事。就连每年正月初八开门经营的大日子,几十号员工团聚拜年发红包,我都懒得参加。我完全成了个局外人。

After the marriage, I changed the legal representative directly into my wife Zhu Yuantao. From then on, I left all business affairs alone and charged nothing. Of course, for the sake of my face, I printed the business card with the position named Chairman of the Board, which actually meant nothing. Small things, went to my wife; Big deal, went find my wife.No matter what it was, it's none of my business. Even on the eighth day of the New Year, a big day of opening the door for business, when dozens of staff reunioned to get the New Year red envelopes, I did not bother to attend. I'm a complete outsider.

妻子是个辣椒婆(My wife is a Chili Lady)_第2张图片


The old father was worried and asked me, "is this company yours or your wife's?"


"Even if it is hers, what are you afraid of?" I replied indifferently, " No matter how much money she makes, it will be left to my son. Unless she has another son with another man. "


My father shook his head with hatred of iron not turning into steel, but he could do nothing.

妻子刚接手经营的时候,手忙脚乱,晕头转向。也曾经打过退堂鼓,想把经营权交给我。我装作很忙的样子,天天在外面瞎转,忙着跟朋友喝茶看风景,就是不回家。逼得她没办 法,只能强撑下去。半年多,她就得心应手,拔得溜溜转了,一切都上了轨道。

When my wife first took over the business,she was in a hurry and confused.She once thought of retreat and gave the right of management back to me.I pretended to be very busy, and I was wandering around outside every day, busy in tasting tea and viewing scenery with friends. She had no choice but to hold on. After more than half a year, she was able to get her hands on it, and everything was on track.

妻子是个辣椒婆(My wife is a Chili Lady)_第3张图片


My wife has been in the boss's position for more than ten years, and she has gradually developed the character of a strong woman who is generous and loyal, calm and resolute.

办企业,有时候就是玩过山车,有很风光、高高在上的时候,也有很艰难、举步维艰的时刻。在最苦最难简直要破产的边缘,连员工的工资都发不出,老婆依旧咬牙挺着。她居然 还做了一件很荒唐的事:在网上微信圈里卖煮龙虾。边煮边现场发视频,八十块钱一份,每天卖十多份。员工们给面子,每天主动订购一些。她的朋友圈个个都给面子,三不三订 购一份支持她。就连我的朋友圈知道后,也三不三订购几份,算是支持她。企业的经济危机就在她的硬撑下,转危为安。

Business, sometimes is like playing roller coaster. There is a lot of scenery when you are high above, but also very difficult times during the process. On the verge of bankruptcy, even the wages of employees could not be issued, his wife still clenched his teeth and held on. She even did something ridiculous: selling the boiled lobster in the wechat circle. When she cooked, she sent a video on the spot online at the same time. Each box of crayfish cost eighty yuan, and she sold more than ten boxes every day. The staff gave face and took the initiative to order some every day.Her friends all gave her face and ordered some to support her.Even after my friends knew it, they also order a few copies now and then to support her. Under her persistence, the economic crisis of the enterprise was gone and turned to safety.

妻子是个辣椒婆(My wife is a Chili Lady)_第4张图片


After the event, my friends all sighed:the boss swallow the pride and put aside all considerations of face, part-time as a kitchen wench, "your wife is so tough, she is a real Chili Woman! " Unfortunately, I haven't tasted the crayfish cooked by my wife myself.


My wife was busy, and I was at ease, my daughter Linlin laughed at me,"Dad, I always thought you were a Gigolo. Mom makes money, and you just spend money.What a happy life."


Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...It hurts my pride. How can I be a loser with a name of Gigolo?!

我又急又气,口不择言地说:“老子是打江山的,守江山当然是你老娘的事。你问问你老娘,企业是谁创办的?谁让她当老总的?前期投资的土地,还有房产,还有那些设备设施 ,那不是钱,不是你老爸千辛万苦赚的,是天上掉下来的?”

I am impatient and angry, spoke out without thinking, "your dad is a fighter who have found this business. Of course it's your mother's job to defend it. Ask your mother who started the business? Who put her in charge? The land, the property, the facilities, which worth a great of money, are all hard-earned by your father, those're not pennies from heaven."

妻子是个辣椒婆(My wife is a Chili Lady)_第5张图片


My daughter, Linlin, stupefied and then argued: "Anyway, I think my mother is better than you."

我懒得跟女儿计较,一句话打发她:“不信,问问你老娘去,看看谁厉害?”我很得意,在心里还是认为自己最厉害。妻子再厉害,也是在帮我打工吧?我是董事长嘛。虽然是个 虚职,总还是排位第一的嘛。

I was too lazy to argue with the daughter, just leaving a word to her:"If you don't believe me, ask your mom, and see who's stronger," I was very proud in the heart and believe in that i'm the most powerful one. No matter how strong the wife is,as i'm the Chairman of the Board, isn't she working for me? Although the Chairman of the Board is totally an empty duty, but it's still number one.


Even the best Chili Lady still works for me. That's what I'm proud of.

妻子是个辣椒婆(My wife is a Chili Lady)_第6张图片

作者简介(Author's introduction):


Axe, graduate student from Chinese People's Public Security University, member of the Hunan Writers'Association and a special commentator of the Red Net fiction section, published:


Prose poetry collection "Waiting for you" , Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House;


Prose poetry collection "Principal in debt",  The Hong Kong commercial press (HKPC);


A short and medium story collection, "The last edition of love between the swan under the month and Zhu Tang", United publishing house;


A short and medium story collection, "Invisible bodyguard", United publishing house;


A short and medium story collection, "The first marriage of brother Qian," and published by the China Federation of Literary Unions ...

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