GRE / GMAT / LSAT长难句300句(22)

According to a recent theory, Archean-age gold-quartz vein systems were formed over two billion years ago from magmatic fluids that originated from molten granite-like bodies deep beneath the surface of the Earth.



1、Archean adj.太古代的

  arch n.弓形 + e[连接元音] + an[形容词后缀] --> 太古代的人类用弓箭 --> 太古的

2、magmatic adj.岩浆的

  magm[magnet n.磁铁 --> 矿石] + atic[形容词后缀] --> 岩浆的


According to a recent theory, Archean-age gold-quartz vein systems were formed over two billion years ago from magmatic fluids that originated from molten granite-like bodies deep beneath the surface of the Earth.

1. 介词结构倒装。over two billion years ago修饰formed。

2. 定语从句。that引导的定语从句修饰magmatic fluids。

3. 介词结构倒装。deep beneath the surface修饰granite-like bodies。

4. 介词结构倒装。of the Earth修饰surface。 


According to a recent theory[状], Archean-age gold-quartz vein systems[主] were formed[主] over two billion years ago[状] from magmatic fluids[状] [定语从句]that[主] originated[谓] from molten granite-like bodies[状] deep beneath the surface of the Earth[定].




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