
有时候 调试程序的时候 。我们需要防止程序退出。比如调试一个定时服务。


方法1 while(true) {Thread.Sleep(1000)}


方法 2——(推荐) Well when you do that with Thread.Sleep(1000), your processor wastes a tiny amount of time to wake up and do nothing.

You could do something similar with CancelationTokenSource.

When you call WaitOne(), it will wait until it receives a signal.

CancellationTokenSource cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); public override void Run() { //do stuff cancelSource.Token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); } public override void OnStop() { cancelSource.Cancel(); }


An alternative approach may be using an AutoResetEvent and instantiate it signaled by default.

public class Program { public static readonly AutoResetEvent ResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(true); public static void Main(string[] args) { Task.Factory.StartNew ( () => { // Imagine sleep is a long task which ends in 10 seconds Thread.Sleep(10000); // We release the whole AutoResetEvent ResetEvent.Set(); } ); // Once other thread sets the AutoResetEvent, the program ends ResetEvent.WaitOne(); } }
