Listening-"States and Matter"-D17-18/06/22
1、This old couple enjoys (traveling).
2、They (take) several (trips) a year, (often) to different countries.
3、This man enjoys cooking.
4、This woman enjoys gardening.
5、This man is hiking up a mountain trail.
6、He is wearing hiking boots and is carrying a pack on his back.
7、She grows flowers, such as roses, and vegetables, such as tomatoes, in her garden.
Dialogue-"Ready for the Meeting"
1、You (were) supposed to (be) here 30 minutes (ago).
2、The meeting is (supposed) to start (in) 15 minutes.
3、To hurry means to go fast and not waste time.
4、I left it in the office because I was in such a hurry to get here.
5、I think the company introduction (can) be (cut) in (half).
6、I'm (sure) you'll (do) a great (job).
7、I'm afraid there won't be enough time for questions.
8、It's good, but it's a bit too long.
9、The video is on our website and it's not that good anyway.
Dialogue-"Discussing Test Results"
1、He did better than expected.
2、I expected to do better than I did.
3、She was disappointed with how she did on the test.
4、She didn't do as well as she expected.
5、I don't know (who) got the lowest (score).
6、You usually do better than I do.
7、What was the average test score?
8、She didn't do well because she wasn't careful enough.
9、She usually does better than he does, but this time he did better.