
1 PPM - 1 Pulse Per Minute 
1 PPS - 1 Pulse Per Second 
14AF - 14th Air Force, USAF 
19SOPS - 19th Space Operations Squadron, USAF 
1-D - One-dimensional 
1SOPS - 1st Space Operations Squadron, USAF 
2-D - Two Dimensional 
2DRMS - Two times the standard deviation or Twice Distance Root Mean 
2SOPS - 2nd Satellite Operations Squadron, USAF 
3-D - Three Dimensional 
4-D - Four Dimensional (3-D plus time)

A/C - Aircraft 
A/D - Analog to Digital 
A/J - Anti-Jamming 
AAATS - Australian Advanced Air Traffic Services 
ABAS - Aircraft-based Augmentation Systems 
ABM - Abeam 
ACI - Allocated Configuration Identification 
ACU - Antenna Control Unit 
ACSM - American Congress on Surveying and Mapping 
A/D - Analog To Digital 
ADC - Analog to digital converter 
ADF - Automatic Direction Finder 
ADI - Attitude Director lndicator 
ADIU - Advanced Digital Interface Unit 
ADP - Automated Data Processing 
ADR - Accumulated Delta Range 
ADS - Automatic Dependent Surveillance 
AE - Antenna Electronics 
AECB - Atomic Energy Control Board 
AF - Air Force 
AFB - Air Force Base 
AFI - Automatic Fault Indication 
AFSPC - Air Force Space Command 
AGL - Above Ground Level 
AHRS - Attitude Heading Reference System 
AI - Artificial Intelligence 
AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
AIS - Automated Information System 
AJ - Antijamming 
ALT - Alternate 
ALT - Altitude 
AM - Amplitude Modulation 
AM/FM - Automated Mapping and Facilities Management 
AMCS - Alternate Master Control Station 
ANE - Autonomous Navigation Emulator 
ANSI - American National Standards Institute 
ANTB - Advanced Navigation Test Bed 
AoA - Analysis of Alternatives 
AOA - Airport Operations Area 
AOA - Angle-of-Attack 
AOC - Aeronautical Operation Control 
AOC - Auxiliary Output Chip 
AOC - Auxiliary Output Chip 
AOCS - Attitude and Orbit Control System 
AOM - Aircraft Operating Manual 
AOO - Area of Operations 
AOPA - Aircraft Owners And Pilots Association 
AOR - Area of responsibility 
AORP - Airfield Obstruction Reduction Program 
AP - Acquisition Plan 
APA - Airline Pilots Association 
APMS - Automated Performance Measurement System 
APPR - Approach/Approach Mode 
APPS - Analytical Photogrammetric Positioning System 
APR - April 
APU - Auxiliary Power Unit 
AQP - Advanced Qualification Program 
ARGO - Automatic Ranging Grid Overlay 
ARNS - Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service 
ARPA - Advanced Research Projects Agency 
ARR - Arrival 
ARTCC - Air Route Traffic Control Center 
ARTS - Automated Remote Tracking Station 
ARTS - Automated Radar Terminal System 
AS - AntiSpoofing 
ASCII - American Standard Code for Interface and Interchange 
ASF - Additional Secondary Factor (Loran-C) 
ASI - Air Speed Indicator 
ASIC - - Application Specific Integrated Circuit 
ASPRS - American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
ASR - Airport Surveillance Radar 
ATA - Air Transport Association 
ATC - Air Traffic Control
ATCS - Advanced Train Control Systems 
ATCSCC - Air Traffic Control System Command Center 
ATE - Automatic Test Equipment 
ATM - Air Transportation Management 
ATON - Aids To Navigation 
ATS - Automatic Throttle System 
AUG - August 
Autonav - Autonomous Navigation 
AVAIL - Available 
AVL - Automatic Vehicle Location 
AVL - Automatic Vehicle Location 
AVLN - Automatic Vehicle Location And Navigation 
AVM - Automatic Vehicle Monitoring 
AWACS - Airborne Warning And Control System 
AWAS - Automated Weather Advisory Station 
AWIPS - Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System 

B - Billion 
BBS - Bulletin Board Service 
BCD - Binary Code Decimal 
BER - Bit Error Rate 
BIPM - International Bureau of Weights and Measures 
BITE - Built-in Test Equipment 
BMCS - Backup Master Control Station (MCS) 
Bps - Bits per second 
BPSK - Binary Phase Shift Keying 
BRG - Bearing 
BRT - Brightness 
BUMCS - Back-up Master Control Station 

C - Centigrade 
C&A - Certification and Accreditation 
C/A - Coarse Acquisition Code 
C/No - Carrier to Noise Ratio 
C/PD - Cost/Pricing Data 
C2 - Command and Control 
C3 - Command, Control, and Communications 
C3I - Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence 
CAD - Computer Aided Design 
CASE - Computer Aided Software Engineering 
CAT - Computer Aided Testing 
CBD - Commerce Business Daily 
CBT - Computer Based Training 
CCB - Configuration Control Board 
CCW - Continuous carrier wave 
CCW - Coded Continuous Wave 
CCZ - Coastal And Confluence Zone 
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access 
CDU - Control Display Unit 
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access (GPS) 
CEP - Circular error probable 
CG - Center of Gravity 
CGS - Centimeter-gram-second 
Cl - Cost Index 
CLR - Clear 
cm - Centimeter 
CM - Configuration Management 
CMG - Command Managers Guide 
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 
CMC - Central Maintenance Computer 
CMP - Configuration Management Plan 
CMS - Command Management Seminar 
CNA - Computer Network Attack 
CNS - Communications, Navigation, And Surveillance 
CO - Contracting Officer; Change Order; Commanding Officer; Colorado 
COE - Common Operating Environment; Center of Expertise 
CONOPS - Concept of Operations 
COP - Circle Of Position 
CONUS - Continental United States 
CORS - Continuously Operating Reference Station 
COTS - Commercial Off-The-Shelf 
CPU - Central Processing Unit 
CRPA - Controlled Radiation Pattern Antenna 
CRT - Cathode Ray Tube 
CRYPTO - cryptographic 
CS - Control Segment 
CTR - Center 
CSAT - Constellation System Assessment Team 
CTRL - Control 
CTS - Colorado Tracking Station 
CUE - Common User Element 
CVNS - carrier navigation systems 
CW - Continuous Wave 
CY - Calendar Year 

D/A - Digital To Analog 
D/D - Drift Down 
DAC - Digital to Analog Converter 
DATALINK - Digitized Information Transfer (air/ground) 
dB - Decibel (X = 10 Log X dB) 
DBS - Direct Broadcast Satellite 
dBW - decibels per watt 
DC - Direct Current Electricity 
DEC - December 
DECR - Decrement 
DEG - degree 
DEL - Delete 
DEP - Departure 
DEV - Deviation 
DF - direction finding 
DGIC - Differential GPS Integrity Channel 
DGNS - Doppler GPS Navigation System 
DGPS - Differential Global Positioning System 
DH - Decision Height 
DID - Data Item Description 
DIS - Distance 
DISCR - Discrepancy 
DIST - Distance 
DLL - Delay Lock Loop 
DLM - Data Loader Module 
DLR - Data Loader Receptable 
DLS - Data Loader System 
DLT - Data Link Terminal 
DMA - Defense Mapping Agency 
DME - Distance Measuring Equipment 
DMU - Data Management Unit 
DoD - Department Of Defense 
DOE - Department of Energy 
DOP - Dilution Of Precision 
DoT - Department Of Transportation 
DR - Dead Reckoning 
DRMS - Distance Root Mean Square 
DRS - Dead Reckoning System 
DRU - Data Retrival Unit 
DT&E - Development Test and Evaluation 
DTG - Distance-to-go 

E - East 
EA - Electronic Attack; Evolutionary Acquisition 
ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display And Information System 
ECEF - Earth Centered, Earth Fixed 
EDM - Electronic Distance Measurement 
EGNOS - European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service 
EOS - Earth Orbiting System 
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory 
EHF - Extremely High Frequency 
ETA - Estimated Time Of Arrival 
ECE - Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed 
ECEF - Earth Centered, Earth Fixed 
ECM - Electronic Countermeasures 
ECP - Engineering Change Proposal 
ECS - Environmental Control System 
EDM - Electronic Distance Measurement 
EFIS - Electronic Flight Instrument System 
EHF - Extremely High Frequency 
EHSI - Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 
EIU - Electronic Interface Unit 
EKMS - Electronic Key Management System 
ELEV - Elevation 
ELT - Emergency Locator Transmitter 
EM - Electro Magnetic 
EMC - Electromagnetic Compatibility 
EMCON - Emission Control 
EMI - Electromagnetic Interference 
EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse 
EMS - Emergency Medical Services 
ENG - Engine 
EOL - End of Life 
EOW - End of Week 
EPR - Engine Pressure Ratio 
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory 
EPS - Electric Power System 
ES - Electronic Support 
ESGN - Electrically Suspended Gyro Navigator 
ESM - Electronic Support Measures 
EST - Estimated 
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival 
ETX - End of Transmission 
EU - European Union 
EW - Electronic Warfare 
EXEC - Execute 
Exp - Exponential Function 

 - Fahrenheit 
f - Frequency 
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration 
FAATC - FAA Technical Center - Atlantic City, New Jersey 
FADEC - Full Authority Digital Engine Control 
FANS - Future Air Navigation Systems 
FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation 
FBO - Fixed Based Operator 
FCC - Federal Communications Commission 
FCC - Flight Control Computer 
FCMDR - Flight Commander 
FCU - Flight Control Unit 
FD - Fault Detection 
FDE - Fault Detection Equipment; Fault Detection and Exclusions 
FDMA - Frequency Division Multiple Access 
FDR - Flight Data Recorder 
FEB - February 
FHWA - Federal Highway Administration 
FLT - Flight 
FI - Fault Isolation 
FL - Florida 
FM - Frequency Modulation 
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 
FMS - Flight Management Systems 
FO - First officer 
FOC - Full Operational Capability 
FOM - - Figure Of Merit 
FOIA - Freedom of Information Act 
FOUO - For Official Use Only 
FPA - Focal Plane Array 
FPM - Feet Per Minute 
FQIS - Fuel Quantity Indicating System 
FR - From 
FRA - Federal Railroad Administration 
FRA - Flap Retraction Altitude 
FREQ - Frequency 
FRP - Federal Radionavigation Plan 
FRPA - Fixed Radiation Pattern Antenna 
FRPA-GP - FRPA Ground Plane 
FSS - Federal Supply Schedule 
FT - Feet 
FY - fiscal year 

GA - General Aviation 
GA - Ground Antenna 
GANS - global access, navigation and safety 
GAO - General Accounting Office 
GATM - Global Air Traffic Management 
GBAS - Ground-based augmentation system 
Gbps - Gigabits per second 
GDOP - Geometric Dilution Of Precision 
GEO - Geosynchronous Earth Orbit 
GEOREF - World Geographic Reference System 
GHz - Gigahertz 
GIAC - GPS Interagency Advisory Council 
GIB - GPS Integrity Broadcast 
GIC - GPS Integrity Channel 
GIS - Geographic Information Systems 
GLONASS - Global Navigation Satellite System 
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time 
GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems 
GPS - Global Positioning System 
GPSE - GPS Enhancement 
GPSIC - GPS Information Center 
GRAS - Ground-based regional augmentation system 
GRP - Geographical Reference Points 
GRS - Geodetic Reference System 
GS - Glide Slope 
GS - Ground Speed 
GSA - General Services Administration 
GW - Gross Weight 
GYRO - gyroscope 

HADGPS - High Accuracy DGPS 
HANU - High Accuracy Navigational Users 
HD - High dynamic 
HDG - Heading 
HDG - SEL - Heading Select 
HDOP - Horizontal Dilution of Precision 
HF - High Frequency 
HHA - Harbor And Harbor Approach 
HF - high frequency 
HIRS - High-Resolution Infrared Sounder 
HMI - Hazardously Misleading Information 
HR - relative height 
HUD - Head-Up Display 
HV - Host Vehicle 
Hz - Hertz (cycles per second) 

IALA - International Association Of Lighthouse Authorities 
ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization 
ICD - Interface Control Document 
ICS - Interim Control Segment 
ID - Identifier 
ICWG - Interface Control Working Group 
IDD - Interface Design Document 
IEEE - Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers 
IERS - International Earth Rotation Service 
IF - Intermediate Frequency 
IFF - Identification Friend or Foe 
IFR - Instrument Flight Rules 
IF - Intermediate Frequency 
IGEB - Interagency GPS Executive Board 
IG - Inspector General 
IGS - International GNSS Service 
ILS - Instrument Landing System 
IMO - International Maritime Organization 
INFO - Information 
IFRB - International Frequency Registration Board 
INIT - Initialization 
INMARSAT - International Maritime Satellite 
INR - Image Navigation and Registration 
INS - Inertial Navigation System 
INTC - Intercept 
IOC - Initial Operational Capability 
ION - Institute Of Navigation 
IOT&E - Initial Operational Test and Evaluation 
IP - Instrumentation Port 
IPT - Integrated Product Team 
IRD - Interface Requirements Document 
IRS - Inertial Reference System 
IRT - Independent Review Team 
IRU - Inertial Reference Unit 
ISA - International Standard Atmosphere 
ISO - International Standards Organization 
ITP - Integrated Test Plan 
ITRF - International Terrestrial Reference Frame 
ITS - Intelligent Transportation System 
ITU - International Telecommunication Union 
IV&V - Independent Verification and Validation 
IVHS - Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems IW Information Warfare 

J/S - Jamming to Signal Ration 
JAN - January 
JCS - Joint Chiefs of Staff 
JPALS - Joint Precision Approach and Landing System 
JPL - Jet Propulsion Laboratory 
JPO - Joint Program Office 
JROC - Joint Requirements Oversight Council 
JSRA - Joint Sponsored Research Agreement 
JSST - J oint Space Support Team 
JSTARS - Joint Surveillance, Target Attack Radar System 
JTF - Joint Task Force 
JTIDS - Joint Tactical Information Distribution System 
JUL - July 
JUN - June 

K - Thousand 
Kbps - Kilo bits per second 
KG - Kilogram 
kHz - kilohertz 
KHz - Kilohertz 
km - Kilometer 
KT - (kts) - Knots 
kW - Kilowatt 

- Link 
L - Left 
L1 - GPS Carrier Frequency, 1575.42 MHz 
L2 - GPS Carrier Frequency, 1227.6 MHz 
LAAS - Local Area Augmentation System 
LAN - Local Area Network 
Lat - Latitude 
Lat/Lon - Latitude/Longitude 
LBS - L Band System 
L2C - Civil signal on L2 
L2M - Military-code on L2 
L5 - Link 5, carrier frequency = 1176.45 MHz 
LAAFB - Los Angeles Air Force Base 
LAAS - Local Area Augmentation System 
LAN - Local Area Network 
LAT - latitude 
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display 
LCN - Local Communications Network. 
LED - Light Emitting Diode 
LEO - Low Earth Orbit 
LEP - Linear Error Probable 
LED - Light emitting diodes 
LEO - Low Earth Orbit 
LEP - linear error probable 
LF - low frequency 
LFR - Low-frequency Radio Range 
LIM - Limit 
LIS - Land Information System 
LF - Low Frequency 
LO - Local Oscillator 
LO - Low 
LOC - Localizer Beam 
Lon - Longitude 
LOP - Line Of Position 
Loran - Long Range Navigation 
LOS - Line Of Sight 
LRC - Long Range Cruise 
LRU - Line Replaceable Unit 

M - Mach Number 
m - Meter(s) 
M - Million 
M/S - Meters per Second 
MAG - Magnetic 
MAINT - Maintenance 
MAN - Manual 
MAR - March 
MAX - Maximum 
mB - Millibar 
Mbps - Mega bits per second 
MC&G - mapping, charting, and geodesy 
MCA - Minimum Crossing Altitude 
MCDU - Multipurpose Control Display Unit 
M-Code - Military Code 
MCS - Master Control Station 
MCT - Mean Corrective Maintenance Time 
MCW - Modulated Continuous Wave 
MCW - modulated continuous wave 
MD - Maryland 
MDL - Multipurpose Data Link 
MEL - Minimum Equipment List 
MF - Medium Frequency 
MGRS - Military Grid Reference System 
MHz - Megahertz 
MIDAS - Multi-discipline Data Analysis System 
mil - unit of angular measurement equal to an angle having a tangent of 0.001 
MILSPEC - Military Specifications 
MIN - Minimum 
MIN - Minutes 
MLRS - multiple launch rocket system 
MLS - Microwave Landing System 
MLV - Medium Launch Vehicle 
mm - millimeter 
MMD - Mean Mission Duration 
MMR - Multi-Mode Receiver 
MN - Magnetic North 
MNP - Master Navigation Plan 
MNS - Mission Need Statement 
MOA - Memorandum of Agreement 
MOD - Modified/Modification 
MODIS - Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectrometer 
MOPS - Minimum Operational Performance Standards 
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding 
MP - Master Plan 
MS - Monitor Station 
MSAS - MTSAT Augmentation System 
MSG - Message 
MSK - Minimum Shift Keying 
MSS - Mobile Satellite Service 
MSL - Mean Sea Level 
MTBF - Mean Time Between Failures 
MTSAT - Multifunction Transport Satellite 
MU - Management Unit 
MWP - Meteorological Weather Processor 

N - North 
N/A - Not Applicable 
NACA - National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 
NAD - North American Datum 
NADU - Notice Advisory to DGPS Users 
NAGU - Notice Advisory to Glonass Users 
NANU - Notice Advisory to Navstar Users 
NAS - National Aircraft Standard 
NAS - National Airspace System 
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
NATCA - National Air Traffic Controllers Association 
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization 
NAV - Navigation 
NAVAID - Navigational Aid 
NAV-msg - . - Navigation Message 
NAVSTAR - Navigational Satellite Timing and Ranging 
Navwar - Navigation Warfare 
NCA - National Command Authority 
ND - Navigation Display 
NDB - Nondirectional Radio Beacon 
NDGPS - Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System 
NDS Nuclear Detection Subsystem 
NESDIS - National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service 
NGS - National Geodetic Survey 
NIMA - National Imagery and Mapping Agency 
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology 
Nl - Engine Revolutions per Minute (percent) 
NLM - Network Loadable Module 
NLR - National Research Laboratory (The Netherlands) 
NM - Nautical Mile 
Nm - Nautical Mile 
NMC - National Meteorological Center 
NNSS - Navy Navigation Satellite System (Transit) 
NOAA - National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration 
NOS - National Ocean Survey 
NRL - Naval Research Laboratory 
Ns - Nanosecond 
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
NOCC - National Operations Command Center (FAA) 
NORAD - North American Aerospace Defense Command 
NOTAM - Notice for Airman 
NOV - November 
NPA - Non-precision approach 
NRL - Naval Research Laboratory 
NRP - National Route Program 
NS - Nanosecond 
NSC - Non-standard C/A code 
NSC - National Security Council 
NSTC - National Science and Technology Council 
NTIS - National Technical Information Service (Department of Commerce) 
NTS - Navigation Technology Satellite 
NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board 
NW - Northwest Airlines 
NWS - National Weather Service 

OAB - Operational Advisory Broadcasts 
OATS - Orbit and Attitude Tracking 
OBE - Overtaken by Events 
OBS - Omni Bearing Select 
OCONUS - Outside the CONUS (Continental United States) 
OCS - Operational Control Segment 
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer 
OGE - Operational Ground Equipment 
OIS - Orbital Insertion System 
OJT - On-the-Job Training 
OMB - Office of Management and Budget 
ONC - operational navigation chart 
OP - Operational 
OPCON - operational control 
OPSCAP - Operational Status Capability 
OPT - Optimum 
ORD - Operational Requirements Document 
ORRB - Operational Requirements Review Board 
ORWG - Operational Requirements Working Group 
OS - Operational Stability 
OSCARS - Optimum Satellite Constellation Assessment Report Summary 
OSD - Office of the Secretary of Defense 

P-Code - Precision/Protected Code 
PADS - Position Azimuth Determining System 
PAFB - Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, CO 
PALS - Precision Approach Landing System 
PC - Personal Computer 
PDD - Presidential Decision Directive 
PDOP - Position Dilution Of Precision 
PE - Probable error 
PERF - Performance 
PHARE - Program for Harmonized ATC Research in Europe 
PHIBUF - Performance Buffet Limit 
PHMI - Probability of Hazardously Misleading Information 
PHINOM - Nominal Bank Angle 
PINS - Precise Integrated Navigation System 
PLGR - Precise Lightweight GPS Receiver 
PMI - Preventative Maintenance Instructions 
PMS - Performance Management System 
PNT - Position, navigation and time 
POC - Point of Contact 
POS - Position 
POS REF - Position Reference 
Pos/Nav - positioning/navigation 
PPM - Parts Per Million 
PPM - Parts Per Million 
PPOS - Present Position 
PPS - Precise Positioning Service 
PPS - Pulse Per Second 
PR - Pseudorange 
PREV - Previous 
PRN - Pseudo Random Noise 
PROM - Programmable Read-Only Memory 
PTTI - precise time and time interval 
PVT - Position, Velocity and Time 
PY - Prior Year 

QA - Quality Assurance 
QC - Quality Control 
QTY - Quantity 
QUAD - Quadrant 

R - Right 
R&D - Research and Development 
RAD - Radial 
RAIM - Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring 
RAM - Random Access Memory 
RAP - Reserve Auxiliary Payload 
RCVR - Receiver 
RDF - Radio Direction Finder 
RDOP - Relative Dilution of Precision 
RDSS - Radio Determination Satellite Systems 
REF - Reference 
RF - Radio Frequency 
RFI - Radio Frequency Interference 
RINEX - Receiver INdependent EXchange format 
RLG - ring laser gyro 
RMS - Root Mean Square 
RNAV - Area Navigation 
RNP - Required Navigation Performance 
ROM - Read-Only Memory 
ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicle 
RTCA - Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics 
RTCA-SC - Radio Technical Comission for Aeronautics, Special Committee 
RTCM - Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services 
RTK - Real-Time Kinematic 
RSS - Root Sum Square 
RTCA - - Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics 
RTCM - Ratio Technical Commission for Maritime Services 
RTE - Route 
RTS - Remote Tracking Station 
RVR - Runway Visual Range 

S - South 
S/A - Selective Availability 
SA - Selective Availability 
SA - Situation Awareness 
SA/A-S - selective availability/anti-spoof 
SAASM - Selective Availability and Anti-Spoofing Module 
SAFB - Schriever Air Force Base (Colorado) 
SAR - Selected Acquisition Report; Subsequent Application Review; Search and Rescue; Safety Assessment Report; Special Access Required 
SARPS - Standards and Recommended Practices 
SATCOM - Satellite Communications 
SATNAV - Satellite Navigation 
SBIR - Space Based Infrared System; Small Business Innovation Research Program 
SC - Special Committee 
SCA - Satellite Control Authority/Architecture 
SCAT I - Special Category I 
SCATANA - Security Control of Air Traffic and Navigation Aids 
SCCB - Software Configuration Control Board 
SCI - Sensitive Compartmented Information 
SCSS - Satellite Control Simulation System 
SDLS - Satellite Data Link Standard 
SE - Systems Engineering; Support Equipment 
sec - Second(s) 
SEL - Selected 
SEP - - Spherical Error Probable 
SES - Severely Errored Seconds 
SF - Sub Frame 
SGLS - Space-Ground Link Subsystem 
SHF - Super High Frequency 
SIGMET - Significant Meteorological Information 
SIGSEC - Signal Security 
SINS - Shipborne INS 
SIS - Signal-In-Space 
SKYNET - Skynet Communications Satellite 
SLEP - Service Life Extension Program 
SLR - Satellite Laser Ranging 
SLS - Satellite Launch Squadron 
SM - Security Module 
SME - Subject Matter Experts 
SNAPM - Satellite-Based Navigation Accuracy Performance Model 
SNR - Signal To Noise Ratio 
SOC - Satellite Operations Center 
SOIT - Satellite Operational Implementation Team 
SONAR - sound navigation ranging 
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure 
SOPS - Satellite Operations Squadron 
SORD - System of Operational Requirements Document 
SP - Space 
SPS - Standard Positioning Service 
SPU - Spacecraft Processor Unit 
SQL - Structured Query Language 
SRP - Selected Reference Point 
SS - Space Segment 
SSG - Senior Steering Group 
SSM - Sign Status Matrix 
SSN - Space surveillance network 
SPS - Standard Positioning Service 
STB - System Test Bed 
STD - Standard 
STS - Space Transportation System 
STS - System Telecommunication Simulator, Block IIF 
STS/TSM - Satellite Telecommunications Simulator (Block IIF)/Telecom Simulator 
SV - Space Vehicle 
SVN - Space Vehicle NAVSTAR, Space Vehicle Number 

T - Trillion; Time 
T&E - Test and Evaluation 
TACAN - Tactical Air Navigation 
TAI - International Atomic Time 
TBD - To Be Determined 
TCA - Terminal Control Area 
TCAS - Traffic Alert & Collision Avoidance System 
TD - Time Difference 
TDMA - Time Division Multiple Access 
TDOP - Time Dilution of Precision 
TE - Test Equipment 
TEMP - Temperature 
THDG - True Heading 
TN - True North 
TO T - echnical Order 
TOA - Time of Arrival 
TOD - Time Of Day 
TOPEX - The Ocean Topography Experiment 
TOT - Total 
TQM - Total Quality Management 
TRACON - Terminal Radar Approach Control Facility. 
TRANS - Transition 
TSO - Technical Standard Order 

UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 
UE - User Equipment 
UERE - User Equivalent Range Error 
UEE - User Equipment Error 
UHF - Ultra High Frequency 
UNK - Unknown(s) 
URE - User Range Error 
US - User Segment 
USAF - United States Air Force 
USCG - United States Coast Guard 
USGIC - US GPS Industry Council 
USGS - US Geological Survey 
USNO - US Naval Observatory 
UT - Universal Time 
UTC - Coordinated Universal Time 
UTC (USNO) - Coordinated Universal Time as maintained by the USNO 

V - Velocity 
V&V - Verification and Validation 
VAR - Variation 
VAR - Visual-aural Radio Range 
VDOP - Vertical Dilution of Precision 
VE - Value Engineering 
VFR - Visual Flight Rules 
VHF - Very-high Frequency 
VLF - very low frequency 
VLM - Vehicle Location Monitoring
VMC - Visual Meteorological Conditions 
VNAV - Vertical 
VOM - Volt-ohm-milliammeter 
VOR - very high frequency omnidirectional range station 
VOR/DME - Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range/Distance Measuring Equipment 
VORTAC - VHF Omni Range Radio/Tactical Air Navagation 
VPATH - Vertical Path 
VREF - Reference Velocity 
VTC - Vessel Traffic Center 
VTOL - Vertical Takeoff and Landing 
VTR - Variable Takeoff Rating 
VTS - Vessel Traffic Services 

W - West 
WAAS - Wide Area Augmentation System 
WADGPS - Wide Area Differential GPS 
WAGE - Wide Area GPS Enhancement 
WAN - Wide Area Network 
Waypoint - Position in space usually on aircraft's flight plan 
WGS - World Geodetic System 
WGS 84 - World Geodetic System 1984 
WPT - Way point 
WRC - World Radio Conference
WT - Weight 
WWV WWVH - time station call letters 
WX - Weather 
WXR - Weather Radar 


X-BAND - The frequency range between 8000 and 12500 MHz 
XCVR - Transceiver 
XFR - Transfer 
XLTR - Translator 
XMIT - Transmit 
XMITR - Transmitter 

Y code - Precise code (GPS) 
Y2K - Year 2000 
YD - Yaw Damper 
YSAS - Yaw Stability Augmentation System 

Z - Zulu (GMT time)

