

To solve this type of problem, we will use the re module or regular expression module in the Python. Here, we will assume a string given by the user from which we have to remove all consonants that is we have to find all vowels present in the given strings. So, before going to solve this problem we will learn a little bit about re module.

为了解决这类问题,我们将在Python中使用re模块正则表达式模块 。 在这里,我们假设用户给定的字符串,我们必须从中删除所有辅音,即必须找到给定字符串中存在的所有元音。 因此,在解决此问题之前,我们将学习一些有关re模块的知识。

什么是Python中的re模块? (What is re module in the Python?)

Python has an inbuilt module called re which allows us to solve the various problems based on pattern matching and string manipulation.


Let us assume a string s is given by the user it has a mixture of consonants and vowels. Here, we are going to write Python code that will remove all consonants from the string s.

让我们假设用户给定的字符串s混合了辅音和元音。 在这里,我们将编写Python代码,该代码将从字符串 s中 删除所有辅音

    s = 'Includehelp is specially designed to provide help to students, working professionals and job seekers. We are fully dedicated to making each tutorial very simple to learn and understand.'



# importing the module
import re

# string initialization
s ='Includehelp is specially designed to provide help to students, working professionals and job seekers. We are fully dedicated to making each tutorial very simple to learn and understand.'

# removing all constants
s1=re.sub('[^aeiouAEIOU ]+','',s)

# printing the string after removing all constants



Iuee i eia eie o oie e o ue oi oeioa a o eee e ae u eiae o ai ea uoia e ie o ea a uea



  • Here, we have included the re module in the Python code by using the import function.


  • In re module, re.sub use to replace the substring. The syntax of re.sub() is re.sub(Pattern, replace, string) and in the above code, we are replacing all letters with '' (empty space) excepting the vowel "aeiouAEIOU".

    re module中re.sub用于替换子字符串。 re.sub()的语法是re.sub(Pattern,replace,string) ,在上面的代码中,我们将所有字母替换为'' (空白),但元音“ aeiouAEIOU”除外。

  • At the end of the program, we are printing the left string after the replacement of all consonants and this is our requirement.



