Advices to English Learner.

Advices to English Learner.
Up to the time writing this article, I have learned English for total 11 years(4 years of Grammar School, 3 years
of High school and 4 years of college). That sounds like a pretty long time, to my shame and to your surprise, I
cannot speak fluent English yet, and I am still a English learner. Those years, I have tried many English Learning
methods, and I have worked hard and turned loose to learning. Here are some some advices to English learners based
on summarizing of my own learning experiences.
1. If you want something, work for it.
No pains, no gains. Trust me, there is nothing that you can get it without
paying any efforts. This is the same to there is no such thing like free lunch. If you wanna speak fluent English
you have to pay much more efforts than you ever thought and than you ever saw.
2. Culture gap is the biggest obstacle to master English.
Perhaps you have a impressive vovabulary, perhaps your pronunciation is perfect. But before you can think in
the way which westerns do, you have not mastered English yet. Language is the vehicle of human thoughts. Language
is the tools of communications, language is the representative of culture. The foreigners would feel rather
weird if you ask them about their salaries, their parents, or they might be offended, though you use the standard
American tone.
3. Pronunciation is everything.
4. Recite some arctiles, some is enough, don't be many.
Use the standard tone, standard pronunciation, starndard innotation to recite some articles. That benifits you
more than tens of text books and examnation couches.
5. Listen music and watch movies with your heart.
Those are best learning materials. They are most real thing. You can learn a lot of things from them, including
pronunciation, innotation, culture, idioms and words. Try to remember some well written lyrics or movie scripts
and show it off to your arounds.
6. Immerse yourself in a full English environment.
Try to use english computer operating systems, use english software, read english books, visit english
websites. Make yourself in english world as much as possible.
7. After you have made some progresses, you can change your learning strategy.
You can try use english rather than learning them solely. If you are learning some new topics or skills you can
try english version text books.
8. Talk to yourself are the best way to practice.
There is no other campanion which is better than yourself. There is no other guy who knows better of you than your-
self. You are the best partner to practice. And you are the most loyal guy to trust.
9. Learn with your heart and full attentions.
This is a general rule for learning. Concentration can improve your productivity.
10. Thinking why always.
Almost everything on this planet are connected in some ways. The relationships between objects are sutle
and interesting. When you saw a phrase on some advertising tab or in a movie, think why it is created that way.
Try to summarize somethings that is general. And you can apply it to other aspect of languages, or even other
things in life.
你可能没有注意到, 我们能应用的东西只有在我们脑子中已经被激活的。比如说英语, 如果说一个单词在你的脑子中已被告激活, 那么你可随时随地地说出来, 翻译它, 听懂它和写下它。很多人的词汇量大的惊人,但是他仍然不能听懂, 不能写下, 不能翻译。因为他是在机械地去记忆单词, 这些单词虽然被记住了, 但是从来没被激活, 所以你听不懂, 写不出, 翻不了, 也说不出。因此我们在学习英语的时候,要努力去增加脑子中的活动词汇量。光有单词也是不够的, 还要多增加些英语句子,成语等。外国人从不像我们那样辛苦的学习英语, 但是他们的英语都很好, 他们能说的出, 写的下, 听的懂很多很多。所以在学习英语的时候, 我们要调动心眼耳手嘴。每学习一个新单词, 新句子都要达到说的出, 听的懂, 写的下,译的来。这样的有时也会忘, 还有一个关键的步骤就是用,可能是听, 说, 写或译。一旦你在真实情况下用成功子, 那你真正掌握了这个单词, 这个单词也真正的被激活了, 它会一直在你的脑子中, 你可以随时调出来用。怎么才能用呢, 一定要真实的环境才会有好的效果, 有三种方法,到外国去或找外国人;自己练,自己说给自己听, 自己写给自己, 自己译给自己;另一种方法就是看原声电影, 最好看二遍, 第一次看难免会被电影情节吸引,第二次看你才有可能去学习英语, 尽量先听, 自己译,然后再去看字幕, 如果遇到一个词或句子, 你好像见过, 却又说不清什么意思, 这就是以前学习了但还没有被激活的, 马上再学一遍它就被激活了!

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