纽约时报杂志的年度创意大赏 (ZT)



Anti-Rape Condom


The anti-paparazzi flash

The anti-paparazzi flash: 1. The celebrity prey. 2. The lurking photographer. 3. The offending camera is detected and then bombed with a beam of light. 4. Voila! A blurry image of nothing much.

Collapsing the Distribution Window

In February, the film industry as we know it may change forever. That's when "Bubble," a low-budget murder mystery directed by Steven Soderbergh, will appear in theaters - and on cable, and on DVD, all on the same day. The movie is the first in a six-film deal between Soderbergh and 2929 Entertainment, a partnership led by the media moguls Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner, which includes theaters, cable channels and production and distribution companies. While no one expects "Bubble" to break box-office records, even a modicum of success could indicate the arrival of something many in the movie business have anticipated - and feared - for years: universal release.

Consensual Interruptions

Consensual Interruptions: 1. A call comes in on your cellphone. 2. Others' finger rings vibrate. 3. If someone doesn't want you to answer your phone, he can veto the call by touching the ring, and you won't get to talk.

Do-It-Yourself Cartography

Maps from Chicagocrime.org
1. Recent crimes in a particular ZIP code. 2. Recent crimes in a four-block area. 3. Recent bank robberies in one area. 4. Recent homicides in the same area. 5. Recent crimes along a specific route.


Embryo Adoption

Bush promoting embryo adoption.


Fleeting Relationship, The

Americans put a premium on sustaining intimate relationships, but could it be that they gain as much emotional sustenance from the relative strangers they meet on commuter trains, in the stands at softball games and even at strip clubs?
"Together Alone: Personal Relationships in Public Places" ,也就是在公共场所建立的个人短暂感情是人类重要情感之一.这种人际关系命名为FLEETING RELATIONSHIP.多发与酒吧,STRIP CLUB,商店,路遇等场合.

Forehead Billboards


Gastronomic Reversals

Fried mayonnaise? Hot ice cream? Chocolate pudding that can be sliced and cut? This year witnessed the flourishing of an unusual culinary fashion: dishes that, with the addition of certain chemicals, turn hot into cold or moist into dry or create an invisible boundary between the two.

The genetic theory of Harry Potter .

This summer, the journal Nature published "Harry Potter and the Recessive Allele," a letter that argued that J. K. Rowling's tales of the young wizard Harry Potter offer an opportunity to educate children in modern theories of heredity.

As almost everyone above the age of 3 knows, the Harry Potter novels depict a world divided into people who possess magical powers (wizards and witches) and those who do not (Muggles). Not everyone can be a wizard; indeed, after careful review of the evidence, the authors of the Nature letter concluded that wizards evidently inherit their gifts from their parents as predicted by the theories of the 19th-century geneticist Gregor Mendel.

His-and-Her TV, The

The controlled-viewing-angle LCD looks like a regular TV screen. From her angle: a steamy French movie. From his angle: a buzzer beater.


Juvenile Cynics
Adults often extol children for their innocence, but according to a recent study by researchers at Yale's department of psychology, kids are in fact the most hardened of cynics.

The study, which was written by Candice M. Mills and Frank C. Keil and appeared in the May 2005 issue of the journal Psychological Science, suggests that young children are especially apt to believe that when people distort the truth, they do so for selfish reasons. In one part of the experiment, kindergartners, second graders, fourth graders and sixth graders read or heard short stories about the outcomes of various contests. The children were then informed that some of the characters in these stories had falsely reported the results of the contests. The children had to decide whether the misstatements were due to lying, bias or innocent error.

Laptop That Will Save the World, The


National Smiles

Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, contends that Americans and the English smile differently. On this side of the Atlantic, we simply draw the corners of our lips up, showing our upper teeth. Think Julia Roberts or the gracefully aged Robert Redford. "I think Tom Cruise has a terrific American smile," Keltner, who specializes in the cultural meaning of emotions, says. In England, they draw the lips back as well as up, showing their lower teeth. The English smile can be mistaken for a suppressed grimace or a request to wipe that stupid smile off your face. Think headwaiter at a restaurant when your MasterCard seems tapped out, or Prince Charles anytime.
现在不仅开始有英式英语和美式英语,现在还有ENGLISH SMILE AND AMERICAN SMILE,见上图,决定你要带那种口音,穿哪种笑容

The runaway alarm clock.



Newton's third law of motion applies on the Internet as well as in the physical world: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The convenience of e-mail messages triggered the annoyance of spam. And now the democracy of Web logs has brought forth the duplicity of spam blogs, or splogs.

During one weekend in October, persons unknown used Google's blog-creation tool, Blogger, to generate more than 13,000 fake blogs. Hosted on Google's free BlogSpot Web site, these splogs consisted of nonsense text, postings swiped from legitimate blogs and, most important, links to sites that sploggers were trying to promote.

Uneavesdroppable Phone Conversation, The

Two speakers and a sound generator that attach to your phone. The generator records the phonemes, or building blocks, of your speech. Then when you activate the device, it generates a stream of counteracting sounds

Accredited Bliss
Anti-Paparazzi Flash, The
Anti-Rape Condom, The
Branding Nations
Cartoon Empathy
Celebrity Teeth
Cobblestones are Good for You
Collapsing the Distribution Window
Consensual Interruptions
Conservative Blogs are More Effective
Dialing Under the Influence
Do-It-Yourself Cartography
Dolphin Culture
Embryo Adoption
Ergomorphic Footwear

Fair Employment Mark, The
False-Memory Diet, The
Fleeting Relationship, The
Forehead Billboards
Gastronomic Reversals
Genetic Theory of Harry Potter, The
Global Savings Glut, The
His-and-Her TV, The
Hollywood-Style Documentary, The
Hypomanic American, The
Infrared Pet Dry Room, The
In Vitro Meat
Juvenile Cynics
Laptop That Will Save the World, The
Localized Food Aid
Making Global Warming Work for You

Medical Maggots
Monkey Pay-Per-View
National Smiles
Open-Source Reporting
Parking Meters That Don't Give You a Break
Playoff Paradigm, The
Pleistocene Rewilding
Porn Suffix, The
Preventing Suicide Bombing
Readable Medicine Bottle, The
Republican Elitism
Robot Jockeys
Runaway Alarm Clock, The
Scientific Free-Throw Distraction
Seeing With Your Ears
Self-Fulfilling Trade Rumor, The

Serialized Pop Song, The
Sitcom Loyalty Oath, The
Solar Sailing
Sonic Gunman Locator, The
Stash Rocket, The
Stoic Redheads
Stream-of-Consciousness Newspaper, The
Subadolescent Queen Bees
Suburban Loft, The
Synesthetic Cookbook, The
Taxonomy Auctions
"The Crawl" Makes You Stupid
Toothbrush That Sings, The
Totally Religious, Absolutely Democratic Constitution, The
Touch Screens That Touch Back
Trial-Transcript Dramaturgy
Trust Spray
Two-Dimensional Food
Uneavesdroppable Phone Conversation, The
Urine-Powered Battery, The
Video Podcasts
Why Popcorn Doesn't Pop
Worldwide Flat Taxes
Yawn Contagion
Yoo Presidency, The
Zero-Emissions S.U.V., The
Zombie Dogs
