[Programming Tracking]Compliers Programming Assignment 1: Lexer

## Compliers Programming Assignment 1: Lexer

### Day 1:

1. Read the pdf [Link](https://spark-public.s3.amazonaws.com/compilers/assignments-public/PA1.pdf) [completed].
2. Learn the Basic step of Using Flex [Link](https://code.google.com/p/msys-cn/wiki/ChapterFour) [completed].
3. Using the VM provided by Coursera to Compile and Run the Lexer [completed]
4. Learn and use markdown to write this. [editor](http://markable.in)  [tutorial](http://wowubuntu.com/markdown/index.html) [completed]

### Day 2:
1. Read the full documention of lex [link](http://dinosaur.compilertools.net/lex/index.html) [completed]
2. Read [A Tour of the Cool Support Code](http://spark-university.s3.amazonaws.com/stanford-compilers/resources/cool-tour.pdf) [completed]
3. Write Basic COOL programming illustrated on the page [not completed]
4. After Understanding the material , Write a Simple COOL language lexer [not completed]

### Day 3:
Going to School and have a rest [not a programming day]

### Day 4:
Doing nothing on this course just opening the VM and make a failure attempt

## Day 5:
Doing nothing

## Day 6:
Completed and published to github[Link](https://github.com/nptwz/my_cool_compiler)


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