


对于不同的系统,arena 的数量如下:

For 32 bit systems:
     Number of arena = 2 * number of cores.
For 64 bit systems:
     Number of arena = 8 * number of cores.

显然并不是每一个线程都会有对应的 arena。当线程数大于核数的2倍时,必然有线程处于等待状态,因此没有必要为每个线程分配一个arena。

与 thread 不同的是,main_arena 并不是在申请的 heap 中,而是一个全局变量,在 libc.so的数据段。


heap_info 用来记录申请内存时产生的信息。程序刚开始执行时,每个线程是没有heap区域的。(嗯嗯好像是的,malloc之后才有)此外,一般申请的 heap 是不连续的,因此需要记录不同的 heap 之间的链接结构。

该数据结构是专门为从memory mapping segment 处申请的内存准备的,即为非主线程准备的。

主线程可以通过 sbrk() 拓展 program break location 获得(直接触及mms)。

heap_info 的主要结构如下:

#define HEAP_MIN_SIZE (32 * 1024)
# else
#  define HEAP_MAX_SIZE (1024 * 1024) /* must be a power of two */
# endif

/* HEAP_MIN_SIZE and HEAP_MAX_SIZE limit the size of mmap()ed heaps
   that are dynamically created for multi-threaded programs.  The
   maximum size must be a power of two, for fast determination of
   which heap belongs to a chunk.  It should be much larger than the
   mmap threshold, so that requests with a size just below that
   threshold can be fulfilled without creating too many heaps.  */


/* A heap is a single contiguous memory region holding (coalesceable)
   malloc_chunks.  It is allocated with mmap() and always starts at an
   address aligned to HEAP_MAX_SIZE.  */

typedef struct _heap_info
  mstate ar_ptr; /* Arena for this heap. */
  struct _heap_info *prev; /* Previous heap. */
  size_t size;   /* Current size in bytes. */
  size_t mprotect_size; /* Size in bytes that has been mprotected
                           PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE.  */
  /* Make sure the following data is properly aligned, particularly
     that sizeof (heap_info) + 2 * SIZE_SZ is a multiple of
  char pad[-6 * SIZE_SZ & MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK];
} heap_info;

(1)堆对应的 arena 的地址
(2)一个线程可能有多个堆(这不是很正常?),prev 记录了上一个 heap_info 的地址。单链表链接 heap_info
(3)size 表示当前堆的大小


该结构用于管理堆。记录每个 arena 当前申请内存的具体状态,如是否有空闲 chunk,有什么大小的空闲 chunk 等等。无论是 thread arena 还是 main arena,它们都只有一个 malloc_state结构。
由于 thread 的 arena 可能有多个,malloc_state 结构会在最新申请的 arena中。

main arena 的 malloc_state 并不是 heap segment 的一部分,而是一个全局变量,存储在 libc.so的数据段。

struct malloc_state {
    /* Serialize access.  */
    __libc_lock_define(, mutex);

    /* Flags (formerly in max_fast).  */
    int flags;

    /* Fastbins */
    mfastbinptr fastbinsY[ NFASTBINS ];

    /* Base of the topmost chunk -- not otherwise kept in a bin */
    mchunkptr top;

    /* The remainder from the most recent split of a small request */
    mchunkptr last_remainder;

    /* Normal bins packed as described above */
    mchunkptr bins[ NBINS * 2 - 2 ];

    /* Bitmap of bins, help to speed up the process of determinating if a given bin is definitely empty.*/
    unsigned int binmap[ BINMAPSIZE ];

    /* Linked list, points to the next arena */
    struct malloc_state *next;

    /* Linked list for free arenas.  Access to this field is serialized
       by free_list_lock in arena.c.  */
    struct malloc_state *next_free;

    /* Number of threads attached to this arena.  0 if the arena is on
       the free list.  Access to this field is serialized by
       free_list_lock in arena.c.  */
    INTERNAL_SIZE_T attached_threads;

    /* Memory allocated from the system in this arena.  */
    INTERNAL_SIZE_T system_mem;
    INTERNAL_SIZE_T max_system_mem;

记录了一些分配区的标志,比如bit0记录了分配区是否有fast bin chunk,bit1 标识分配区是否能返回连续的虚拟地址空间。具体如下:

   FASTCHUNKS_BIT held in max_fast indicates that there are probably
   some fastbin chunks. It is set true on entering a chunk into any
   fastbin, and cleared only in malloc_consolidate.
   The truth value is inverted so that have_fastchunks will be true
   upon startup (since statics are zero-filled), simplifying
   initialization checks.


#define have_fastchunks(M) (((M)->flags & FASTCHUNKS_BIT) == 0)
#define clear_fastchunks(M) catomic_or(&(M)->flags, FASTCHUNKS_BIT)
#define set_fastchunks(M) catomic_and(&(M)->flags, ~FASTCHUNKS_BIT)

   NONCONTIGUOUS_BIT indicates that MORECORE does not return contiguous
   regions.  Otherwise, contiguity is exploited in merging together,
   when possible, results from consecutive MORECORE calls.
   The initial value comes from MORECORE_CONTIGUOUS, but is
   changed dynamically if mmap is ever used as an sbrk substitute.


#define contiguous(M) (((M)->flags & NONCONTIGUOUS_BIT) == 0)
#define noncontiguous(M) (((M)->flags & NONCONTIGUOUS_BIT) != 0)
#define set_noncontiguous(M) ((M)->flags |= NONCONTIGUOUS_BIT)
#define set_contiguous(M) ((M)->flags &= ~NONCONTIGUOUS_BIT)

/* ARENA_CORRUPTION_BIT is set if a memory corruption was detected on the
   arena.  Such an arena is no longer used to allocate chunks.  Chunks
   allocated in that arena before detecting corruption are not freed.  */


#define arena_is_corrupt(A) (((A)->flags & ARENA_CORRUPTION_BIT))
#define set_arena_corrupt(A) ((A)->flags |= ARENA_CORRUPTION_BIT)

存放每个 fast chunk 链表头部的指针
指向分配区的 top chunk
最新的 chunk 分割之后剩下的那部分
用于存储 unstored bin, small bins, large bins 的 chunk 链表
ptmalloc 用一个 bit 来标识某一个 bin 中是否包含空闲的 chunk.
