This summer, Wang Yibo has proved that he is not just eye candy. The 23-year-old pop star joined season three of the Street Dance of China competition as one of the four mentors.
He cut a conspicuous figure by presenting his excellent dance skills. Leading his team in battles with rivals, Wang showed perfect coordination of body movements to a musical beat and various moves to different dance styles.
But what mostly surprised and convinced competitors and audiences was his professional understanding of street dance. In one episode, Wang immediately asked a dancer to stop performing when he found that the dancer had copied others,because a core of street dance is to “value originality”.
Xiong: Hey, Laura. What’ve you been up to?
Laura: Hi! I've been practicing street dancing recently! I was inspired after watching Street Dance of China Season 3. Have you watched it yet?
Xiong: No. Is it any good?
Laura: I think it's the best! Those team leaders are so incredibly talented. My favorite one, Wang Yibo, is totally cut out for dancing!
Xiong: Cut out for dancing? What does that mean?
Laura: Well, it means he has a natural gift for dancing. When we say someone is cut out for something, it means he or she is talented or naturally suited to it.
Xiong: Oh, I see. So… what about you? What's something that you're cut out for?
Laura: Hmm… I don't know, but it's definitely not dancing! I'm more of the hard-working type when it comes to learning new things.
Xiong: Well, actually I prefer your type. I believe that practice makes perfect. Can you show me some dance moves (舞蹈动作)?
Laura: Sure thing!
大家有没有被Laura对街舞的热情感染到呢?听故事的同时大家有没有注意到一个很地道的说法:cut out for dancing。Cut out for sth就是天生适合做某事的意思,形容有天赋的人。这里cut out for dancing就是说王一博跳舞天赋太强了!
下面我们一起康康“cut out for”的具体用法吧:
naturally able or suited to do or be (something)
- merriam-webster
简单来说,“cut out for”就是天生适合做某事。比如说:
He's cut out for teaching.
I left medicine anyway. I wasn't really cut out for it.
The term comes from tailoring, where cloth is cut out (into pieces) to make a specific garment. It was used figuratively by 1700.
这个词来自裁缝业,在那里,布料被cut out(成块)来制作一件特定的衣服。到1700年,它被用作比喻来形容某个人适合做某事。
“cut out for dancing”!