

本文为土耳其中东技术大学(作者:ŞAFAK BİLGİ AKDEMİR)的硕士论文,共108页。


In this thesis study, an overview of MIMOradar is presented. The differences in radar cross section, channel andreceived signal models in different MIMO radar configurations are examined. Theperformance improvements that can be achieved by the use of waveform diversityin coherent MIMO radar and by the use of angular diversity in statistical MIMOradar are investigated. The optimal detector under Neyman-Pearson criterion forCoherent MIMO radar when the interfering signal is white Gaussian noise isdeveloped. Detection performance of phased array radar, coherent MIMO radar andStatistical MIMO radar are compared through numerical simulations. A detectorfor MIMO radar that contains the space time codes explicitly is also examined.




