

The Encrybit Cryptocurrency Exchange Evaluation Survey had an option to choose from five different age groups. One was for Gen Z, one for Gen Y or millennials, 2 groups for Gen X and the last for boomers. The millennial age group received the highest input.

Encrybit加密货币交易所评估调查可以从五个不同年龄段中进行选择。 一个用于Z世代,一个用于Y世代或千禧一代,两个用于X世代,最后一个用于婴儿潮一代。 千禧年年龄组得到的投入最多。

是什么原因? (What is the reason?)

The survey does not intend mere information gathering on happenings of the cryptocurrency world. Its purpose is to focus more on deriving meaningful insights from the responses received. Moreover, implementing the required features. Hence, the surveyor does not leave the facts published. A through scrutinization is to follow.

该调查不仅仅希望收集有关加密货币世界发生的信息。 其目的是将更多的精力集中在从收到的响应中得出有意义的见解。 此外,实现所需的功能。 因此,验船师不会保留事实。 将进行彻底审查。

Now, cryptocurrency trading is not a child’s play. It does require research and understanding. The people of age group 25-34 years either are at the start of their career or well settled (the later ones.) They seem to be open to adopting new technologies or try something new. Also, more prone to take risks as no fear to save for retirement at this age.

现在,加密货币交易已不再是小孩子了。 它确实需要研究和理解。 25-34岁年龄段的人要么是事业的开始,要么是定居下来的(后来的人)。他们似乎愿意采用新技术或尝试新事物。 另外,在这个年龄段,更容易冒险,因为不怕为退休储蓄。

Another major reason for this result is that, since the onset of 2018, many cryptocurrency and blockchain based start-ups have emerged. People from this age group are actively involved in them and thus made them take a plunge in cryptocurrency trading. 

造成这一结果的另一个主要原因是,自2018年开始以来,出现了许多基于加密货币和基于区块链的初创公司。 这个年龄段的人都积极参与其中,因此使他们大跌加密货币交易。  

We can broadly say, “Millennials are building the future of cryptocurrency”. 

我们可以广义地说,“ 千禧一代正在构建加密货币的未来 ”。

Besides, the trading styles of these millennials differ from other age groups. Majority of these traders classify themselves as the day trader and the ones who buy the dips holds for the long term.

此外,这些千禧一代的交易方式与其他年龄段不同。 这些交易者中的大多数将自己归类为日内交易者,而长期购买者则持有该抄底。

In fact, some of them are so involved that they are ready to quit regular jobs and completely focus on crypto.

实际上,其中一些人参与其中,以至于他们 准备退出常规工作并完全专注于加密

We now know the reason behind the active participation of millennials. However, what about the dormant participation of people from other age groups? Let’s have a take on them one by one. 

我们现在知道千禧一代积极参与的原因。 但是,其他年龄段的人的Hibernate状态又如何呢? 让我们一个接一个地对待他们。  


Starting with the younger ones – the Gen Z. The 15-24 years old are either studying or just finished studying and likely to start work. So, probably not having many funds of their own. Another reason contributing to their lack of participation is deficient knowledge. As you may know, we do not even have a handful of institutes teaching about cryptocurrency and blockchain. The last resort is the Internet i.e. self-learning.

从年轻的Z代开始。15至24岁的孩子正在学习或刚完成学习,并且有可能开始工作。 因此,可能自己没有很多资金。 导致他们缺乏参与的另一个原因是知识不足。 如您所知,我们甚至没有几个机构教授有关加密货币和区块链的知识。 最后的手段是互联网,即自学。

Generation X has a mixed taste. They have to work for their regular jobs and cryptocurrency trading as a side business. As the trading is high on risk-taking, leaving the job to do it full-time is still not convincing to them. This is the age to save for retirement and hence a stable source of income has to be there.

X世代喜忧参半。 他们必须为日常工作和作为副业的加密货币交易工作。 由于交易的风险承担很高,因此全职从事这项工作仍然不能使他们信服。 这是为退休储蓄的年龄,因此必须有稳定的收入来源。

Moving on to the boomers who are partly retired, working, or laid off. Very few enthusiasts from this age group are daring enough to take the risk of learning about the new technology and invest their hard-earned money. It is practically not feasible for them to lose their savings, as they won’t be able to earn again.

转向那些已经部分退休,工作或解雇的婴儿潮一代。 这个年龄段的发烧友中很少有敢于冒险学习新技术并投入来之不易的钱的。 他们失去储蓄几乎是不可行的,因为他们将无法再次赚钱。

鼓励其他年龄段人群的方法是什么? (What are the ways to encourage people of other age groups?)

A good number of millennials are already engaged in cryptocurrency trading. However, a massive boost is required to promote cryptocurrency trading in other age groups. Two things that can create a major impact are the inclusion of cryptocurrency and blockchain in the educational curriculum and regular workshops, which spreads knowledge about the same. The first one will help the Gen Z and the latter will help Gen X.

已经有大量的千禧一代从事加密货币交易。 但是,需要大力推动其他年龄段的加密货币交易。 可以产生重大影响的两件事是在教育课程和常规研讨会中包含加密货币和区块链,从而传播了有关相同知识的知识。 第一个将帮助Z代,而第二个将帮助X代。

Moreover, specialized trading features like margin trading, social trading and paper trading which helps to learn in real-time by borrowing funds.


摘要 (Summary)

A survey has derived a fact that 50% of the cryptocurrency traders are millennials. The obvious reason is the exposure and risk-taking ability. The ways to encourage people of other age groups is to provide proper guidance and advanced trading features.

一项调查得出的事实是,加密货币交易员中有50%是千禧一代 。 明显的原因是风险和承担风险的能力。 鼓励其他年龄段人群的方法是提供适当的指导和先进的交易功能。

An initiative by an upcoming cryptocurrency exchange will succeed to make a difference!


翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/32987/Millennials-are-the-most-active-in-the-Cryptocurrency-Trading-A-Survey-unveiled.html

