1.0)meta 为一个接口,有多种实现方式,
if (!metaManager.isStart()) { metaManager.start(); }
public void start() { super.start(); Assert.notNull(dataDir); if (!dataDir.exists()) { try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(dataDir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CanalMetaManagerException(e); } } if (!dataDir.canRead() || !dataDir.canWrite()) { throw new CanalMetaManagerException("dir[" + dataDir.getPath() + "] can not read/write"); } dataFileCaches = MigrateMap.makeComputingMap(new Function, File>() { public File apply(String destination) { return getDataFile(destination); } }); executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); destinations = MigrateMap.makeComputingMap(new Function , List >() { public List apply(String destination) { return loadClientIdentity(destination); } }); cursors = MigrateMap.makeComputingMap(new Function , Position>() { public Position apply(ClientIdentity clientIdentity) { Position position = loadCursor(clientIdentity.getDestination(), clientIdentity); if (position == null) { return nullCursor; // 返回一个空对象标识,避免出现异常 } else { return position; } } }); updateCursorTasks = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet ()); // 启动定时工作任务 executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { public void run() { List tasks = new ArrayList (updateCursorTasks); for (ClientIdentity clientIdentity : tasks) { MDC.put("destination", String.valueOf(clientIdentity.getDestination())); try { // 定时将内存中的最新值刷到file中,多次变更只刷一次 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { LogPosition cursor = (LogPosition) getCursor(clientIdentity); logger.info("clientId:{} cursor:[{},{},{},{},{}] address[{}]", new Object[] { clientIdentity.getClientId(), cursor.getPostion().getJournalName(), cursor.getPostion().getPosition(), cursor.getPostion().getTimestamp(), cursor.getPostion().getServerId(), cursor.getPostion().getGtid(), cursor.getIdentity().getSourceAddress().toString() }); } flushDataToFile(clientIdentity.getDestination()); updateCursorTasks.remove(clientIdentity); } catch (Throwable e) { // ignore logger.error("period update" + clientIdentity.toString() + " curosr failed!", e); } } } }, period, period, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }
private void flushDataToFile(String destination) { flushDataToFile(destination, dataFileCaches.get(destination)); } private void flushDataToFile(String destination, File dataFile) { FileMetaInstanceData data = new FileMetaInstanceData(); if (destinations.containsKey(destination)) { synchronized (destination.intern()) { // 基于destination控制一下并发更新 data.setDestination(destination); ListclientDatas = Lists.newArrayList(); List clientIdentitys = destinations.get(destination); for (ClientIdentity clientIdentity : clientIdentitys) { FileMetaClientIdentityData clientData = new FileMetaClientIdentityData(); clientData.setClientIdentity(clientIdentity); Position position = cursors.get(clientIdentity); if (position != null && position != nullCursor) { clientData.setCursor((LogPosition) position); } clientDatas.add(clientData); } data.setClientDatas(clientDatas); } String json = JsonUtils.marshalToString(data); try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(dataFile, json); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CanalMetaManagerException(e); } } }
* 1. 先写内存,然后定时刷新数据到File * 2. 数据采取overwrite模式(只保留最后一次),通过logger实施append模式(记录历史版本)
client 已成功消费的最后binlog位点,时间,实例 的数据。目录和canal同级别,可配置,在canal.instance里配置
canal.conf.dir = ../conf
if (!alarmHandler.isStart()) { alarmHandler.start(); }
1.2)store 初始化内存 new了一个数组 size为16384-1
if (!eventStore.isStart()) { eventStore.start(); }
public void start() throws CanalStoreException { super.start(); if (Integer.bitCount(bufferSize) != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bufferSize must be a power of 2"); } indexMask = bufferSize - 1; entries = new Event[bufferSize]; }
if (!eventSink.isStart()) { eventSink.start(); }
public void start() { super.start(); Assert.notNull(eventStore); for (CanalEventDownStreamHandler handler : getHandlers()) { if (!handler.isStart()) { handler.start(); } } }
if (!eventParser.isStart()) { beforeStartEventParser(eventParser); eventParser.start(); afterStartEventParser(eventParser); }
before 做解析前处理,启动logposition和hacontroller
protected void startEventParserInternal(CanalEventParser eventParser, boolean isGroup) { if (eventParser instanceof AbstractEventParser) { AbstractEventParser abstractEventParser = (AbstractEventParser) eventParser; // 首先启动log position管理器 CanalLogPositionManager logPositionManager = abstractEventParser.getLogPositionManager(); if (!logPositionManager.isStart()) { logPositionManager.start(); } } if (eventParser instanceof MysqlEventParser) { MysqlEventParser mysqlEventParser = (MysqlEventParser) eventParser; CanalHAController haController = mysqlEventParser.getHaController(); if (haController instanceof HeartBeatHAController) { ((HeartBeatHAController) haController).setCanalHASwitchable(mysqlEventParser); } if (!haController.isStart()) { haController.start(); } } }
1.4.2) 比较复杂的代码来了,和主库连接,发送dump指令,解析等
public void start() throws CanalParseException { if (runningInfo == null) { // 第一次链接主库 runningInfo = masterInfo; } super.start(); }
public void start() throws CanalParseException { if (enableTsdb) { if (tableMetaTSDB == null) { // 初始化 tableMetaTSDB = TableMetaTSDBBuilder.build(destination, tsdbSpringXml); } } super.start(); }
public void start() { super.start(); MDC.put("destination", destination); // 配置transaction buffer // 初始化缓冲队列 transactionBuffer.setBufferSize(transactionSize);// 设置buffer大小 transactionBuffer.start(); // 构造bin log parser binlogParser = buildParser();// 初始化一下BinLogParser binlogParser.start(); // 启动工作线程 parseThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { MDC.put("destination", String.valueOf(destination)); ErosaConnection erosaConnection = null; while (running) { try { // 开始执行replication // 1. 构造Erosa连接 erosaConnection = buildErosaConnection(); // 2. 启动一个心跳线程 startHeartBeat(erosaConnection); // 3. 执行dump前的准备工作 preDump(erosaConnection); erosaConnection.connect();// 链接 // 4. 获取最后的位置信息 EntryPosition position = findStartPosition(erosaConnection); final EntryPosition startPosition = position; if (startPosition == null) { throw new CanalParseException("can't find start position for " + destination); } if (!processTableMeta(startPosition)) { throw new CanalParseException("can't find init table meta for " + destination + " with position : " + startPosition); } logger.warn("find start position : {}", startPosition.toString()); // 重新链接,因为在找position过程中可能有状态,需要断开后重建 erosaConnection.reconnect(); final SinkFunction sinkHandler = new SinkFunction<EVENT>() { private LogPosition lastPosition; public boolean sink(EVENT event) { try { CanalEntry.Entry entry = parseAndProfilingIfNecessary(event, false); if (!running) { return false; } if (entry != null) { exception = null; // 有正常数据流过,清空exception transactionBuffer.add(entry); // 记录一下对应的positions this.lastPosition = buildLastPosition(entry); // 记录一下最后一次有数据的时间 lastEntryTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } return running; } catch (TableIdNotFoundException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof TableIdNotFoundException) { throw (TableIdNotFoundException) e.getCause(); } // 记录一下,出错的位点信息 processSinkError(e, this.lastPosition, startPosition.getJournalName(), startPosition.getPosition()); throw new CanalParseException(e); // 继续抛出异常,让上层统一感知 } } }; // 4. 开始dump数据 // 判断所属instance是否启用GTID模式,是的话调用ErosaConnection中GTID对应方法dump数据 if (isGTIDMode()) { erosaConnection.dump(MysqlGTIDSet.parse(startPosition.getGtid()), sinkHandler); } else { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(startPosition.getJournalName()) && startPosition.getTimestamp() != null) { erosaConnection.dump(startPosition.getTimestamp(), sinkHandler); } else { erosaConnection.dump(startPosition.getJournalName(), startPosition.getPosition(), sinkHandler); } } } catch (TableIdNotFoundException e) { exception = e; // 特殊处理TableIdNotFound异常,出现这样的异常,一种可能就是起始的position是一个事务当中,导致tablemap // Event时间没解析过 needTransactionPosition.compareAndSet(false, true); logger.error(String.format("dump address %s has an error, retrying. caused by ", runningInfo.getAddress().toString()), e); } catch (Throwable e) { processDumpError(e); exception = e; if (!running) { if (!(e instanceof java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException || e.getCause() instanceof java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException)) { throw new CanalParseException(String.format("dump address %s has an error, retrying. ", runningInfo.getAddress().toString()), e); } } else { logger.error(String.format("dump address %s has an error, retrying. caused by ", runningInfo.getAddress().toString()), e); sendAlarm(destination, ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(e)); } } finally { // 重新置为中断状态 Thread.interrupted(); // 关闭一下链接 afterDump(erosaConnection); try { if (erosaConnection != null) { erosaConnection.disconnect(); } } catch (IOException e1) { if (!running) { throw new CanalParseException(String.format("disconnect address %s has an error, retrying. ", runningInfo.getAddress().toString()), e1); } else { logger.error("disconnect address {} has an error, retrying., caused by ", runningInfo.getAddress().toString(), e1); } } } // 出异常了,退出sink消费,释放一下状态 eventSink.interrupt(); transactionBuffer.reset();// 重置一下缓冲队列,重新记录数据 binlogParser.reset();// 重新置位 if (running) { // sleep一段时间再进行重试 try { Thread.sleep(10000 + RandomUtils.nextInt(10000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } MDC.remove("destination"); } }); parseThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(handler); parseThread.setName(String.format("destination = %s , address = %s , EventParser", destination, runningInfo == null ? null : runningInfo.getAddress())); parseThread.start(); }
// 1. 构造Erosa连接 erosaConnection = buildErosaConnection();
private MysqlConnection buildMysqlConnection(AuthenticationInfo runningInfo) { MysqlConnection connection = new MysqlConnection(runningInfo.getAddress(), runningInfo.getUsername(), runningInfo.getPassword(), connectionCharsetNumber, runningInfo.getDefaultDatabaseName()); connection.getConnector().setReceiveBufferSize(receiveBufferSize); connection.getConnector().setSendBufferSize(sendBufferSize); connection.getConnector().setSoTimeout(defaultConnectionTimeoutInSeconds * 1000); connection.setCharset(connectionCharset); // 随机生成slaveId if (this.slaveId <= 0) { this.slaveId = generateUniqueServerId(); } connection.setSlaveId(this.slaveId); return connection; }
返回一个mysqlconnection实体bean(user,password,url scheme),并把验证信息set里
2、启动一个线程做心跳(默认3秒 把type设置为hearbeat放到enty里 ,采用timer定时任务,)
// 2. 启动一个心跳线程 startHeartBeat(erosaConnection);
protected void startHeartBeat(ErosaConnection connection) { lastEntryTime = 0L; // 初始化 if (timer == null) {// lazy初始化一下 String name = String.format("destination = %s , address = %s , HeartBeatTimeTask", destination, runningInfo == null ? null : runningInfo.getAddress().toString()); synchronized (AbstractEventParser.class) { // synchronized (MysqlEventParser.class) { // why use MysqlEventParser.class, u know, MysqlEventParser is // the child class 4 AbstractEventParser, // do this is ... if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer(name, true); } } } if (heartBeatTimerTask == null) {// fixed issue #56,避免重复创建heartbeat线程 heartBeatTimerTask = buildHeartBeatTimeTask(connection); Integer interval = detectingIntervalInSeconds; timer.schedule(heartBeatTimerTask, interval * 1000L, interval * 1000L); logger.info("start heart beat.... "); } }
包装entry ,发送到sink ,其实里面为心跳数据
protected TimerTask buildHeartBeatTimeTask(ErosaConnection connection) { return new TimerTask() { public void run() { try { if (exception == null || lastEntryTime > 0) { // 如果未出现异常,或者有第一条正常数据 long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long inteval = (now - lastEntryTime) / 1000; if (inteval >= detectingIntervalInSeconds) { Header.Builder headerBuilder = Header.newBuilder(); headerBuilder.setExecuteTime(now); Entry.Builder entryBuilder = Entry.newBuilder(); entryBuilder.setHeader(headerBuilder.build()); entryBuilder.setEntryType(EntryType.HEARTBEAT); Entry entry = entryBuilder.build(); // 提交到sink中,目前不会提交到store中,会在sink中进行忽略 consumeTheEventAndProfilingIfNecessary(Arrays.asList(entry)); } } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warn("heartBeat run failed ", e); } } }; }
protected boolean consumeTheEventAndProfilingIfNecessary(Listentrys) throws CanalSinkException, InterruptedException { long startTs = -1; boolean enabled = getProfilingEnabled(); if (enabled) { startTs = System.currentTimeMillis(); } boolean result = eventSink.sink(entrys, (runningInfo == null) ? null : runningInfo.getAddress(), destination); if (enabled) { this.processingInterval = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTs; } if (consumedEventCount.incrementAndGet() < 0) { consumedEventCount.set(0); } return result; }
3、执行前dump工作 数据库连接是否正常
// 3. 执行dump前的准备工作 preDump(erosaConnection);
protected void preDump(ErosaConnection connection) { if (!(connection instanceof MysqlConnection)) { throw new CanalParseException("Unsupported connection type : " + connection.getClass().getSimpleName()); } if (binlogParser != null && binlogParser instanceof LogEventConvert) { metaConnection = (MysqlConnection) connection.fork(); try { metaConnection.connect(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CanalParseException(e); } if (supportBinlogFormats != null && supportBinlogFormats.length > 0) { BinlogFormat format = ((MysqlConnection) metaConnection).getBinlogFormat(); boolean found = false; for (BinlogFormat supportFormat : supportBinlogFormats) { if (supportFormat != null && format == supportFormat) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { throw new CanalParseException("Unsupported BinlogFormat " + format); } } if (supportBinlogImages != null && supportBinlogImages.length > 0) { BinlogImage image = ((MysqlConnection) metaConnection).getBinlogImage(); boolean found = false; for (BinlogImage supportImage : supportBinlogImages) { if (supportImage != null && image == supportImage) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { throw new CanalParseException("Unsupported BinlogImage " + image); } } if (tableMetaTSDB != null && tableMetaTSDB instanceof DatabaseTableMeta) { ((DatabaseTableMeta) tableMetaTSDB).setConnection(metaConnection); ((DatabaseTableMeta) tableMetaTSDB).setFilter(eventFilter); ((DatabaseTableMeta) tableMetaTSDB).setBlackFilter(eventBlackFilter); } tableMetaCache = new TableMetaCache(metaConnection, tableMetaTSDB); ((LogEventConvert) binlogParser).setTableMetaCache(tableMetaCache); } }
binlog image进行过滤,默认是FULL,变更前后的数据,为minimal,变更后的值。
4、获取binlog位置信息 ,启动时候,只做初始化,然后就结束了(当数据流过才会有,加载配置,监听等)现在来解析一下findstartposition()方法
// 4. 获取最后的位置信息 EntryPosition position = findStartPosition(erosaConnection);
进入方法:看下里面怎么判断最后位置的 gtid判断,
protected EntryPosition findStartPosition(ErosaConnection connection) throws IOException { if (isGTIDMode()) { // GTID模式下,CanalLogPositionManager里取最后的gtid,没有则取instanc配置中的 LogPosition logPosition = getLogPositionManager().getLatestIndexBy(destination); if (logPosition != null) { return logPosition.getPostion(); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(masterPosition.getGtid())) { return masterPosition; } } EntryPosition startPosition = findStartPositionInternal(connection); if (needTransactionPosition.get()) { logger.warn("prepare to find last position : {}", startPosition.toString()); Long preTransactionStartPosition = findTransactionBeginPosition(connection, startPosition); if (!preTransactionStartPosition.equals(startPosition.getPosition())) { logger.warn("find new start Transaction Position , old : {} , new : {}", startPosition.getPosition(), preTransactionStartPosition); startPosition.setPosition(preTransactionStartPosition); } needTransactionPosition.compareAndSet(true, false); } return startPosition; }
从缓存 中区 logpostion,若没有,去数据库执行,show maser status,然后是对binlog文件名字 时间戳的一些校验
protected EntryPosition findStartPositionInternal(ErosaConnection connection) { MysqlConnection mysqlConnection = (MysqlConnection) connection; LogPosition logPosition = logPositionManager.getLatestIndexBy(destination); if (logPosition == null) {// 找不到历史成功记录 EntryPosition entryPosition = null; if (masterInfo != null && mysqlConnection.getConnector().getAddress().equals(masterInfo.getAddress())) { entryPosition = masterPosition; } else if (standbyInfo != null && mysqlConnection.getConnector().getAddress().equals(standbyInfo.getAddress())) { entryPosition = standbyPosition; } if (entryPosition == null) { entryPosition = findEndPositionWithMasterIdAndTimestamp(mysqlConnection); // 默认从当前最后一个位置进行消费 } // 判断一下是否需要按时间订阅 if (StringUtils.isEmpty(entryPosition.getJournalName())) { // 如果没有指定binlogName,尝试按照timestamp进行查找 if (entryPosition.getTimestamp() != null && entryPosition.getTimestamp() > 0L) { logger.warn("prepare to find start position {}:{}:{}", new Object[] { "", "", entryPosition.getTimestamp() }); return findByStartTimeStamp(mysqlConnection, entryPosition.getTimestamp()); } else { logger.warn("prepare to find start position just show master status"); return findEndPositionWithMasterIdAndTimestamp(mysqlConnection); // 默认从当前最后一个位置进行消费 } } else { if (entryPosition.getPosition() != null && entryPosition.getPosition() > 0L) { // 如果指定binlogName + offest,直接返回 entryPosition = findPositionWithMasterIdAndTimestamp(mysqlConnection, entryPosition); logger.warn("prepare to find start position {}:{}:{}", new Object[] { entryPosition.getJournalName(), entryPosition.getPosition(), entryPosition.getTimestamp() }); return entryPosition; } else { EntryPosition specificLogFilePosition = null; if (entryPosition.getTimestamp() != null && entryPosition.getTimestamp() > 0L) { // 如果指定binlogName + // timestamp,但没有指定对应的offest,尝试根据时间找一下offest EntryPosition endPosition = findEndPosition(mysqlConnection); if (endPosition != null) { logger.warn("prepare to find start position {}:{}:{}", new Object[] { entryPosition.getJournalName(), "", entryPosition.getTimestamp() }); specificLogFilePosition = findAsPerTimestampInSpecificLogFile(mysqlConnection, entryPosition.getTimestamp(), endPosition, entryPosition.getJournalName(), true); } } if (specificLogFilePosition == null) { // position不存在,从文件头开始 entryPosition.setPosition(BINLOG_START_OFFEST); return entryPosition; } else { return specificLogFilePosition; } } } } else { if (logPosition.getIdentity().getSourceAddress().equals(mysqlConnection.getConnector().getAddress())) { if (dumpErrorCountThreshold >= 0 && dumpErrorCount > dumpErrorCountThreshold) { // binlog定位位点失败,可能有两个原因: // 1. binlog位点被删除 // 2.vip模式的mysql,发生了主备切换,判断一下serverId是否变化,针对这种模式可以发起一次基于时间戳查找合适的binlog位点 boolean case2 = (standbyInfo == null || standbyInfo.getAddress() == null) && logPosition.getPostion().getServerId() != null && !logPosition.getPostion().getServerId().equals(findServerId(mysqlConnection)); if (case2) { long timestamp = logPosition.getPostion().getTimestamp(); long newStartTimestamp = timestamp - fallbackIntervalInSeconds * 1000; logger.warn("prepare to find start position by last position {}:{}:{}", new Object[] { "", "", logPosition.getPostion().getTimestamp() }); EntryPosition findPosition = findByStartTimeStamp(mysqlConnection, newStartTimestamp); // 重新置为一下 dumpErrorCount = 0; return findPosition; } } // 其余情况 logger.warn("prepare to find start position just last position\n {}", JsonUtils.marshalToString(logPosition)); return logPosition.getPostion(); } else { // 针对切换的情况,考虑回退时间 long newStartTimestamp = logPosition.getPostion().getTimestamp() - fallbackIntervalInSeconds * 1000; logger.warn("prepare to find start position by switch {}:{}:{}", new Object[] { "", "", logPosition.getPostion().getTimestamp() }); return findByStartTimeStamp(mysqlConnection, newStartTimestamp); } } }
public LogPosition getLatestIndexBy(String destination) { LogPosition logPosition = primary.getLatestIndexBy(destination); if (logPosition != null) { return logPosition; } return secondary.getLatestIndexBy(destination); }
public LogPosition getLatestIndexBy(String destination) { return positions.get(destination); }
从内存positons这个map里获取destination ,若获取不到进入下面这个方法
public LogPosition getLatestIndexBy(String destination) { ListclientIdentities = metaManager.listAllSubscribeInfo(destination); LogPosition result = null; if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(clientIdentities)) { // 尝试找到一个最小的logPosition for (ClientIdentity clientIdentity : clientIdentities) { LogPosition position = (LogPosition) metaManager.getCursor(clientIdentity); if (position == null) { continue; } if (result == null) { result = position; } else { result = CanalEventUtils.min(result, position); } } } return result; }
size = 1
protected EntryPosition findEndPositionWithMasterIdAndTimestamp(MysqlConnection connection) { MysqlConnection mysqlConnection = (MysqlConnection) connection; final EntryPosition endPosition = findEndPosition(mysqlConnection); if (tableMetaTSDB != null) { long startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); return findAsPerTimestampInSpecificLogFile(mysqlConnection, startTimestamp, endPosition, endPosition.getJournalName(), true); } else { return endPosition; } }
然后去数据库执行show master status
/** * 根据给定的时间戳,在指定的binlog中找到最接近于该时间戳(必须是小于时间戳)的一个事务起始位置。 * 针对最后一个binlog会给定endPosition,避免无尽的查询 */ private EntryPosition findAsPerTimestampInSpecificLogFile(MysqlConnection mysqlConnection, final Long startTimestamp, final EntryPosition endPosition, final String searchBinlogFile, final Boolean justForPositionTimestamp) { final LogPosition logPosition = new LogPosition(); try { mysqlConnection.reconnect(); // 开始遍历文件 mysqlConnection.seek(searchBinlogFile, 4L, new SinkFunction开始解析二进制,header body,转换,怎么转换的,下一篇开始() { private LogPosition lastPosition; public boolean sink(LogEvent event) { EntryPosition entryPosition = null; try { CanalEntry.Entry entry = parseAndProfilingIfNecessary(event, true); if (justForPositionTimestamp && logPosition.getPostion() == null && event.getWhen() > 0) { // 初始位点 entryPosition = new EntryPosition(searchBinlogFile, event.getLogPos(), event.getWhen() * 1000, event.getServerId()); logPosition.setPostion(entryPosition); } if (entry == null) { return true; } String logfilename = entry.getHeader().getLogfileName(); Long logfileoffset = entry.getHeader().getLogfileOffset(); Long logposTimestamp = entry.getHeader().getExecuteTime(); Long serverId = entry.getHeader().getServerId(); if (CanalEntry.EntryType.TRANSACTIONBEGIN.equals(entry.getEntryType()) || CanalEntry.EntryType.TRANSACTIONEND.equals(entry.getEntryType())) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("compare exit condition:{},{},{}, startTimestamp={}...", new Object[] { logfilename, logfileoffset, logposTimestamp, startTimestamp }); } // 事务头和尾寻找第一条记录时间戳,如果最小的一条记录都不满足条件,可直接退出 if (logposTimestamp >= startTimestamp) { return false; } } if (StringUtils.equals(endPosition.getJournalName(), logfilename) && endPosition.getPosition() < logfileoffset) { return false; } // 记录一下上一个事务结束的位置,即下一个事务的position // position = current + // data.length,代表该事务的下一条offest,避免多余的事务重复 if (CanalEntry.EntryType.TRANSACTIONEND.equals(entry.getEntryType())) { entryPosition = new EntryPosition(logfilename, logfileoffset, logposTimestamp, serverId); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("set {} to be pending start position before finding another proper one...", entryPosition); } logPosition.setPostion(entryPosition); } else if (CanalEntry.EntryType.TRANSACTIONBEGIN.equals(entry.getEntryType())) { // 当前事务开始位点 entryPosition = new EntryPosition(logfilename, logfileoffset, logposTimestamp, serverId); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("set {} to be pending start position before finding another proper one...", entryPosition); } logPosition.setPostion(entryPosition); } lastPosition = buildLastPosition(entry); } catch (Throwable e) { processSinkError(e, lastPosition, searchBinlogFile, 4L); } return running; } }); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("ERROR ## findAsPerTimestampInSpecificLogFile has an error", e); } if (logPosition.getPostion() != null) { return logPosition.getPostion(); } else { return null; } }
protected void afterStartEventParser(CanalEventParser eventParser) { // 读取一下历史订阅的filter信息 ListclientIdentitys = metaManager.listAllSubscribeInfo(destination); for (ClientIdentity clientIdentity : clientIdentitys) { subscribeChange(clientIdentity); } }
public void register(String destination, InstanceAction action) { if (action != null) { actions.put(destination, action); } else { actions.put(destination, defaultAction); } }
全局变量,定时扫描配置的任务 5秒
if (autoScan) { instanceConfigMonitors.get(globalInstanceConfig.getMode()).start(); for (InstanceConfigMonitor monitor : instanceConfigMonitors.values()) { if (!monitor.isStart()) { monitor.start(); } } }
1.7 通信方面了,数据开始流转的地方
// 启动网络接口 canalServer.start();
1.8netty 相关
public void start() { super.start(); if (!embeddedServer.isStart()) { embeddedServer.start(); } this.bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(new NioServerSocketChannelFactory(Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), Executors.newCachedThreadPool())); /* * enable keep-alive mechanism, handle abnormal network connection * scenarios on OS level. the threshold parameters are depended on OS. * e.g. On Linux: net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 300 * net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 2 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 30 */ bootstrap.setOption("child.keepAlive", true); /* * optional parameter. */ bootstrap.setOption("child.tcpNoDelay", true); // 构造对应的pipeline bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(new ChannelPipelineFactory() { public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception { ChannelPipeline pipelines = Channels.pipeline(); pipelines.addLast(FixedHeaderFrameDecoder.class.getName(), new FixedHeaderFrameDecoder()); // support to maintain child socket channel. pipelines.addLast(HandshakeInitializationHandler.class.getName(), new HandshakeInitializationHandler(childGroups)); pipelines.addLast(ClientAuthenticationHandler.class.getName(), new ClientAuthenticationHandler(embeddedServer)); SessionHandler sessionHandler = new SessionHandler(embeddedServer); pipelines.addLast(SessionHandler.class.getName(), sessionHandler); return pipelines; } }); // 启动 if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ip)) { this.serverChannel = bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(this.ip, this.port)); } else { this.serverChannel = bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(this.port)); } }这里采用的是netty 4.0 版本,