ALM / QC 64-bit Patch 12 S-Chinese

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ALM / QC 64-bit Patch 12 S-Chinese

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Quality Center










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TD4QC 11

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windows: 2003-x64 2008-x64


ABORT 184682
OTHER: Change Request QCCR1J16090
OTHER: Change Request QCCR1J19547
ABORT: Change Request 98072
HANG: Change Request: 97617


QCCR1J25187 / QCCR1J29180 - Spaces in a
defect description that contain Korean
characters were replaced by carriage
return (new line) characters when
exported to Microsoft Excel. QCCR1J27722
- Filtering defects using the
[CurrentUser] value did not work
properly if the user name was
capitalized and Oracle was the DBMS of
the project. QCCR1J27845 - Adding new
text and table structure to the Comments
field of a defect distorted the
comment's content. QCCR1J28015 - The
"Field requires a value from the
corresponding list" error was displayed
when changing the value of a field that
is linked to a list in a newly-created

QCCR1J27421 - Filtering a large
requirements tree view while maintaining
a hierarchical structure was slower than
expected. QCCR1J28429 - The addition of
columns to the Traced to Requirements
tab in the Traceability Matrix view were
not saved as part of the Favorite
filter. QCCR1J28442 - Importing business
models under certain condition caused an
exception and the following error was
displayed: "Failed to Import Model Post
Process; Unexpected failure in
getValuePostProcess;..." QCCR1J28727 -
When creating a copy of a project that
has images in the rich text portion of
the requirements, the images were not
retained in the copied entities.
QCCR1J28687 - Requirements copied from a
particular project and pasted into
another project resulted in the Target
Release and Target Cycle fields being
updated with default values. Tests
Module QCCR1J27773 - Retrieving the
entire result set of the Runs view under
Test Instance Details using the
"Retrieve all  results" link did not
show the expected full result set.
QCCR1J27810 - Adding a large number of
tests (over 2,000) to a test set at once
was not possible. QCCR1J27899 - Tests
could not be imported using the
Microsoft Excel add-in in HP ALM 11
projects that were upgraded from Quality
Center 10.00. QCCR1J27950 - When
creating a new design step, the focus
was on the Step Name field instead of
the Description. QCCR1J28529 - When
creating child folders to a folder
already assigned to a cycle in the Test
Lab module, only the first child folder
inherited the cycle assignment.
QCCR1J28695 - The modification of the
Actual field of test step were not kept
if the filter of the steps was modified
while the cursor was kept in the Actual
field. QCCR1J28696 - Changes to the
Requirement Coverage on tests were not
retained if the project is managed by
version control. QCCR1J28771 - Text of a
design step that was formatted using
automatic numbering or bullets was not
displayed properly in the Step Details
of the Last Run Report. QCCR1J28833 -
Pasting large test sets in
version-controlled projects using Oracle
took a considerable amount of time to
complete. QCCR1J27301 - The re-ordering
of tests in Execution Flow tab of the
Test Lab module was not visible in the
Execution Grid in the Automatic Runner.
QCCR1J27831 - Test memo fields' values
were displayed improperly when accessing
ALM using the Korean Windows XP SP3
operating system. QCCR1J28073 - User
could not move test set folders, even if
the users had permission to do so.

QCCR1J29337 - An error occurred for some
projects having large number of tests
when adding components to tests.
QCCR1J28892 - The Iterations window
could not be opened when group of
components are specified in a test
script having many iterations.
QCCR1J24481- The reference to a test
case flow was not properly pasted or
imported after copying or exporting a
business process test case that makes
use of flows. QCCR1J28728 - The
component name was reset with a default
one after requesting a component in the
Test Plan module and then adding steps
and parameters before submitting.
QCCR1J29361 - Saving the modified value
of business process tests by pressing
the  key displayed an error.
QCCR1J27480 - The test coverage
indication in the requirements view was
incorrect after the criterion of the
test coverage was modified. QCCR1J28150
- An application area could not be
opened by pressing the Launch QTP
button, namely when a new application
area was created that uses the .Net, WPF
and Web add-ins. QCCR1J28512 - The
output parameter values of a business
process test, whose execution lingers,
were not kept. QCCR1J28945 - Library
synchronization failed when components
were deleted in both the Export and
Import sides.

QCCR1J27507 - An exception occurred when
executing Load Runner 11.04 from ALM.

QCCR1J28041 / QCCR1J28225 - The
srunner.ocx component issued an
exception after running VAPI-XP tests in

QCCR1J29211 - Memory consumption was not
properly cleared when traversing the
Test Set module using API. QCCR1J28207 -
In specific cases of integrating
Executive Scorecard (XS) 9.30 and HP ALM
11.00 over Oracle, the API call result
returned an ORA-01795 error. QCCR1J28454
- In a newly-created test set, the Type
system field did not get a value when
the test set was added using API. As a
result the test set could not be opened.

QCCR1J27309 - The renaming of folders
was not synchronized properly from
baselines. QCCR1J28568 - The Import of
libraries failed for specific projects
created in ALM Chinese edition.
QCCR1J28569 - Requirements were not
synchronized between projects if the
requirements were added to a library
individually and not within a folder.
QCCR1J28332 - Synchronizing libraries
between projects using baselines failed
with an error. QCCR1J28953 -
Synchronization resulted in an error
after deleting a folder and all its
subentities in a target project, while
in the source project addition and
deletion took place under the same

QCCR1J28517 - Accessing very complex
QuickTest Professional tests caused
QuickTest Professional to stop
responding. QCCR1J29103 - Loading tests
into QuickTest Professional took a
considerable amount of time, especially
when opening tests with calls to
external actions using relative paths.
Install the QTP_00990 QuickTest
Professional hotfix.

QCCR1J29119 - The ALM
client did not respond after switching
to the Execution Flow tab of a test plan
of a QuickTest Professional test that
was run with multiple iterations.

QCCR1J28815 - Defect fields that are
hidden using the data-hiding filter were
not accessible for read and write
actions using workflow script.
QCCR1J17786 - Removing a Host from the
Host Manager using the RemoveHost API
method resulted in an error.
Installation QCCR1J26685 - The
MMerge.exe and
QCClient.PerformanceMonitor.UI.exe files
failed to download when installing the
client from Internet Explorer. Reports
QCCR1J28358 - In version-controlled
projects, when creating a test lab
report using the Document Generator, the
version-related information was not
included in the resulting document.

QCCR1J29222 - The ALM client could not
connect over a Forefront Threat
Management Gateway server. QCCR1J29655 -
The ALM login page could not be reached
when trying to access it through Citrix
Netscaler over HTTPS. QCCR1J24647 -
Import of a release from a template
failed due to the attempt to employ an
additional connection to the template.
QCCR1J26731 - Customization information
that is cached on the client side did
not affect the login time. Now the
cached information is properly used and
the login time is reduced. QCCR1J27055 -
The Replace option used in a test plan
view that is filtered by date field
replaced all tests regardless of the set
filter. QCCR1J27759 - The name of
customized module was not displayed as
expected. Module name is set by default
to the Module ID. You can explicitly set
the Module display name by adding the
following tag to the config file:
 QCCR1J27988 - The
dialog box that is displayed in the
Verify/Apply project template process
showed a Cancel button instead of a
Close button. QCCR1J28612 - ALM did not
display user-defined lists of type "user
list" as a condition criterion in the
Automail section of project
customization. QCCR1J28999 - The custom
properties of a Microsoft Word document
that utilizes the HP ALM Word Add-in
were cleared after saving the document.
QCCR1J28571 - The User Name and Domain
fields of the Auto Restart Setting
dialog box of the ALM System Test Agent
were read-only when executed on a
Windows 7 64bit operating system.
QCCR1J29483 - Slow response was observed
in large projects having BP hiding
filters. QCCR1J24976 - Business Process
Modeling import issues occurred with
QualiWare Lifecycle Manager (QLM), a
business process modeling tool.
QCCR1J24642 - Tests that are linked to a
test set were not displayed as linked
upon changing the test coverage of a
version-controlled project. QCCR1J29811
- Upgrade issues were encountered in
previous patches in cases where ALM
11.00 was installed as "copy and
upgrade" for Quality Center 9.20 /
Quality Center 10.00. QCCR1J28902 -
Choosing the "Do not show this dialog
box again" option in the Choose Client
Certificate dialog box resulted in the
inability of the ALM client to connect
to the ALM server.

QCCR1J21211- An error occurred when
generating a project report for
requirements using a cross-filter.

QCCR1J26941 - Ancestors of requirement
records were not displayed in a project
report even if the Keep Hierarchy option
was checked in cases where the filter
being used related to a parent field.

QCCR1J27120 - Reports were not printed
properly when HP ALM was running on a
Windows 7 64-bit operating system using
Internet Explorer 9.

QCCR1J28518 - The progress graph
displayed data for entities that are
missing their historical information.
Now the progress is based only on
entities with historical information
(i.e., Audit log).

QCCR1J27230 - Migration of Performance
Center projects (with more than 1000
tests) using the PC migration tool
failed. Either the project tests were
not migrated or the migration failed to
complete, because of a deadlock.

QCCR1J26772 - User-defined fields added
to the Releases module using an OTA
based tool in HP Quality Center 10.00
were missing after the project was
upgraded to HP ALM 11.00.

QCCR1J27330 - An error occurred when
viewing the coverage analysis of
requirements for which tests were
automatically generated.

QCCR1J27126 - An error was encountered
during library synchronization of an ALM
project. A deleted resource caused a
NullPointerException that in turn led to
a library synchronization failure.
Business Process Testing QCCR1J28023 -
When running a business process test or
flow with UFT, a redundant call was made
to the server.

QCCR1J27395 - Check-in and check-out of
business process tests did not work
properly due to an internal query block.

QCCR1J26709 - A user that is assigned to
a group that is permitted to create and
update design steps could not create a
new design step by means of copy/paste,
and could not use the renumbering
functionality. To have this fix take
effect, follow these steps: 1. Add the
following line to the
"verify_tasks_deep.xml" file that is
located under
conf" folder:  2. Add the following line to the
"repair_tasks.xml" file that is located
in the same folder as the above file:
 3. Restart the ALM server. 4. Run
the Project Repair tool.

For the full instruction please refer to
/document/KM00209162. QCCR1J27319 - The
search criteria for tests were not
retained after selecting a test from the
search output, adding requirements to
it, and returning back to the search
result view. QCCR1J26969 - After
deleting one step out of many in a test
script, the first step became the
current record in the list instead of
the step that preceded the deleted one.
QCCR1J26912 - The drop down option of
the Search field in the Test plan module
that keeps the previous searches was
populated with redundant empty lines for
every component one navigated to after a
given search. QCCR1J27554 - An error
occurred when switching to the
Application Area tab of a test resource
after a library was imported into the

QCCR1J26871 - In Test Lab, selected CC
recipients for email notifications were
not saved. QCCR1J27426 - In a version
controlled project, the mark of a used
parameter was not properly removed after
a design step using the parameter was
deleted. QCCR1J27163 - The test
parameter field TP_DEFAULT_VALUE could
not be modified by all the custom groups
that have permission to modify it.
QCCR1J27210 - When adding tests to a
test set using a filter, tests not
included in the filter were added to the
test set when a user clicks the Subject
(root) folder while adding tests from
the filtered Test Plan tree. QCCR1J26902
- Actual values of a test configuration
were not saved after setting these
values using the Copy Default Values
option. QCCR1J27002 - When Smart
Repository was enabled, copying a test
with run results resulted in orphan
records in the
QCCR1J27334 - User could not delete a
test Instance in cases where the Delete
Test Instance and Delete Run permissions
were set to "By owner only" even if the
same user was the owner of those
entities. 198613 - The Planned Host Name
field in the Test Lab -> Test Set
Execution Grid does not provide a
dropdown arrow for choosing the name.
QCCR1J26931 - QuickTest Professional was
unable to connect to HP ALM through HP
Partner Reverse (Web) Proxy. QCCR1J26249
- Sprinter could not connect to HP ALM
through a reverse proxy with digital
certificate authentication. QCCR1J26055
- An HP ALM deployment integrated with
SiteMinder for authorization resulted in
an occasional "Invalid Server Response"
error message a few hours after initial

QCCR1J26782 - Cancelling the
_FieldCanChange function in a workflow
did not restore the old value of the
corresponding field. This defect was
encountered when using ALM Explorer and
advancing to a field other than the
validated field.

QCCR1J26804 - An error occurred when
refreshing a subfolder in the Test Plan
module using a workflow script.

QCCR1J27422 - Values of
TestSetTest_Field of a workflow were not
retrieved consistently when running a
manual test run.

QCCR1J27193 - In a Test Lab workflow
script, the value of the step's Test ID
field (i.e.,
returned the test name instead of the
test ID. Version Control QCCR1J23015 -
When editing a lookup-list field for a
checked-in entity, the checkout worked
as expected but the modified value was
not kept. Site Administration
QCCR1J27385 - In shared mode
installation, the client files used by
Site Administration were stored under
the user's profile location instead of
under a shared location. QCCR1J27634 -
An error occurred when importing users
from LDAP by keyword and the result of
the LDAP query was empty. QCCR1J27529 -
When deleting a user from the Site
Administration console while the user
entry is locked in the Project User list
of project customization, the user
record is kept in the project users list
though not displayed in the Site
Administration users list. Microsoft
Word Add-in QCCR1J28062 - An error was
encountered when requirements were
imported into HP ALM using the MS Word
add-in and the number of imported
requirements exceeded 32,000.

QCCR1J27830 - A redundant warning
message of "Removing a field may result
in data loss" appeared when performing
cross project customization and clicking
the Verify button. QCCRIJ24904 - An
error occurred when viewing the history
of an entity after a user-defined field,
that initially had its History option
enabled, had the History option removed
and then the user-defined field was
deleted entirely. Now, upon deleting a
user-defined field, its
previously-recorded history is also

QCCR1J25185 - If Korean characters were
typed in the body of a mail, space
characters were replaced by new line
characters when the mail is received.

QCCR1J27115 - The display of the
progress bar indicating the progress of
uploading or downloading an attachment
did not reflect the actual progress.
QCCR1J25852 - Download of attachments
that are larger than 2GB was not
possible. QCCR1J26493 - In certain
scenarios, the message "Invalid Server
Response" was issued repeatedly by the
HP ALM client. QCCR1J26789 - An error
was encountered when a project was
created by copying data from an existing
project and all project content options
were selected. QCCR1J26818 - Read-only
memo fields that are displayed in a grid
were missing the drop down option to
expand their content for full viewing.
The drop down option is not available in
the following grids that are entirely
read-only: * Tests grid in Business
Models module > Linkage tab * Business
Model Linkage in Requirements module *
Graphs' drill down results

QCCR1J26790 - Hiding the indication
columns in grid views was not kept
persistent for consecutive sessions.

QCCR1J27189 - Non-English diacritics
(e.g., umlaut) in defect data were not
exported properly to a Word file.

QCCR1J27973 - HP ALM server installed
with the Performance Center extension
reached an out-of-memory state in case a
folder had over 4 million files.

QCCRIJ27463 - ALM Explorer running on
Windows XP SP3 having Internet Explorer
6 installed and using a proxy server did
not perform properly.

QCCRIJ27494 - After reaching the high
limit of the Smart Repository, user
cannot create components and attachments
and receives an error.

QCCRIJ27100 - MSI Installation - Running
a generated MSI installation with Shared
Deployment mode failed when no network
connection was available.

QCCR1J27389 - The SQL statement used for
Test Set queries did not bind literal
values causing each individual statement
to be parsed and cached individually.
Now binding is used to consolidate many
individual statements into a single

QCCR1J27197 - A memory leak was found in
the utilization of Spider.

QCCR1J25555 - New entities could not be
created in a newly-created project whose
Customization data was copied from a
different project.

QCCR1J26864 - Updates to the summary
field of a defect were kept only on a
consecutive update when the update was
made in grid view.

QCCR1J25628 - An "Out of context"
warning message was displayed while
selecting attached files in the New
Defect dialog window.

QCCR1J24516 - The filter of coverage analysis
view did not work as expected and the Test
Coverage chart displayed incorrect data.
QCCR1J24952 - When generating Excel reports,
some superfluous newline and carriage return
characters were added.

QCCR1J27074 - Graph output was inconsistent
when generated for three or more projects.

QCCR1J24949 - Excel reports containing memo
fields caused inconsistent exceptions.

QCCR1J26045 - Project reports with a Design
Steps section and a Design Step Attachments
subsection failed due to an unexpected server

QCCR1J25491 - ALM tables that are used by
Excel reports were locked upon generating the

QCCR1J26561 - Numeric user-defined fields
(UDFs) that were used in Excel reports' Post
Processing scripts were handled as strings.
This caused post processing to fail.

QCCR1J25537 - In some cases, where the ALM
client runs on a Windows 7 operating system
with Office 2010 installed, generating Excel
reports resulted in an error.

QCCR1J26169 - The configuration of a graph
defined for requirements did not show the
Name field as the X-Axis field. This resulted
in upgraded reports that showed no X-Axis

QCCR1J24892 - The Coverage analysis view in
the Requirements module showed empty results
when the analysis type was set to Execution,
the filter was set to a specific cycle, and a
cross filter was defined for test

QCCR1J24516 - The test coverage pie chart did
not follow the module's filter settings.

QCCR1J24964 - The Drill-Down option of
Analysis Graphs did not display newly-linked

QCCR1J25857 - Doc Generator failed to
complete when executed for QTP tests having
function calls.

QCCR1J25856 - Custom Memo fields applied from
template were not included in Doc Generator
reports with "Full Page" Layout.

QCCR1J25850 - Silent installation of ALM
failed when a deployment path other than the
default was used.

QCCR1J15127 - Users assigned to a group with
"Change Comment" permission only were able to
move requirements between folders by means of
drag and drop.

QCCR1J25358 - Traceability matrix did not
work when a data hiding filter was defined.
QCCR1J24582 - Updating multiple, selected
requirements with Target Release and Target
Cycle required a validation confirmation for
each requirement folder. Now, the validation
confirmation is required only once.
QCCR1J25905 - An error was displayed when
changing the type of a requirement in the
Details pane. This error occurred only when a
workflow was defined to change the order of
the fields using the Req_MoveTo procedure.

QCCR1J25236 - Selecting a large number of
requirements in the Requirements Tree view
took a longer time than selecting the same in
Grid View.

QCCR1J25028 - Generating a graph using the
Graph Wizard showed data from all tests even
though only one test was selected.

QCCR1J24697 - Importing of baselines failed
when the baselines contained deleted tests as
part of their content.

QCCR1J24631 - Baseline comparison failed for
certain projects.

QCCR1J25606 - Baseline synchronization
between projects failed to complete.

QCCR1J25532 - An error occurred when adding
the same component twice to a business
process test.

QCCR1J24968 - Run iteration data was
incorrectly generated for business process
tests with a single iteration.

QCCR1J26305 - An error occurred when several
instances of components where added to a
business process test.

QCCR1J26517 - It was possible to create input
and output flow parameters with duplicate

QCCR1J24325 - Business process tests failed
to run in some projects that were imported
from an earlier path if the business
components had some parameters defined.

QCCR1J25490 - Copying a specific project from
SQL2005 to SQL2008 or to Oracle 11 failed.

QCCR1J26511 - Changes made to design steps in
a test plan were not committed after the view
is refreshed. For example, modifications made
to a pasted design step were lost after a
consecutive paste action.

QCCR1J25752 - If a parameter had a value
longer than 4000 characters, an error
appeared upon switching to the Parameters tab
in the Test Plan module.

QCCR1J26213 - For tests having a large number
of test instances, the Go to Test in Test Set
action in the Test Plan module produced an
error message and failed.

QCCR1J26479 - Changes made to the test
description were not kept when moving from
the Details tab to the Steps tab in the Test
Plan module. Note: This fix will be available
in OTA in a future release.

QCCR1J25845 - Inserting a new step to a test
plan with a long list of steps did not keep
the view focus on the newly-added step.

QCCR1J25268 - The description field in the
Test Details dialog box that is opened from
the Manual Runner became modifiable after
switching to the Comments tab.

QCCR1J18710 - The Back to Caller Test button
was missing from the view of a called test in
the Test Plan module.

QCCR1J24865 - An error was displayed after
running a test set in the Test Lab module if
that test set contained a test having a
user-defined field of memo type.

QCCR1J25368 - A test configuration parameter
contained incorrect values in cases where
another test instance had the same ID and
parameter name. Note: Test configurations
that had been added before this fix will
still contain incorrect test parameter
values. In such cases, delete and recreate
the test configuration that has the incorrect
test parameter values.

QCCR1J25215 - A new design step added to a
business process test was saved even though
the Cancel button was eventually clicked.

QCCR1J19919 - When multiple Automatic Runner
windows were opened, closing the first window
that was opened resulted in closure of all
other windows.

QCCR1J18938 - Test sets with around 30,000
test cases each failed to run.

QCCR1J20975 - Empty folders were hidden when
a sort was set in Test view or Test Set view
and data hiding filter was set, even though
these folders did not fall under the data
hiding filter criteria.

QCCR1J26083 - The result of running a test
set that consisted of different
configurations of the same VAPI XP was not
saved properly.

QCCR1J24157 - Applying favorites\filters in
the Test Lab module did not show the expected
result. Also, the layout of the Execution
Grid was not refreshed according to the
applied favorite\filter.

QCCR1J26492 - The view of the Execution
Settings tab of a test instance that was
created from a business process test having
hundreds of parameters took along very long

QCCR1J26010 - Error messages were displayed
incorrectly after canceling the execution of
the Manual Runner for tests defined with
required fields.

QCCR1J25966 - A significant delay was
experienced when re-ordering items in the
Execution Flow tab in the Test Lab module.

QCCR1J23848 - An error was displayed when a
user attempted to add a host to a host group
after that host was renamed.

QCCR1J23848 - Group permission for
adding/removing hosts from host groups was

QCCR1J25270 - A Test Runs linked to a defect
could not be displayed when the associated
defect in the Test Runs view was located
after the first 500 records of the Test Runs

QCCR1J25285 - The date notation in the
automatically generated name of a Fast Run
(i.e. directly modifying the Test Run status
field) was wrong.

QCCR1J22280 - In case of a Fast Run, the
Tester field was not automatically updated to
the current user name.

QCCR1J27200 - Two executable files were
unnecessarily downloaded when QuickTest
Professional connected to ALM for the first

QCCR1J25553 - Two Automatic Runners could not
simultaneously run test sets from a single
test host.

QCCR1J25474 - An error message was
occasionally displayed when a user set a
data-hiding filter on a test set or test and
expanded a folder with more than 30

QCCR1J26005 - Default sort of Runs list in
test instance details was from oldest test to
the latest. Now the default sort shows the
latest run on top.

QCCR1J26553 - The Designer field in the New
Test dialog box did show the correct letter
case of the user name.

QCCR1J26324 - When copying a test instance
having parameters of the same name from
different called tests, the values of the
parameters were not copied properly.

QCCR1J27054 - In version-controlled projects,
check-in failed after removing all parameters
of a test.

QCCR1J25116 - The Subject field of a defect
that was submitted from the Manual Runner was
not automatically updated.

QCCR1J26200 - In some cases, test
configuration status was not updated with the
latest status.

QCCR1J25427 - Test Configuration values were
not restored properly from baselines.

QCCR1J25074 - The LoadRunner Controller could
not find the service test scripts when saved
on ALM.

QCCR1J23512 - The ALI extension file was not
added to the MSI package.

QCCR1J25750 - System memory was not properly
released in a specific utilization of the OTA

QCCR1J25687 - "Invalid Command Line..." error
when trying to launch Sprinter Results Viewer
from ALM/QC inertface with user which ALM/QC
user name contains spaces

QCCR1J19376 - When creating a defect from a
test run the Detected in Cycle field was not
properly updated.

QCCR1J18961 - The modification of a defect
made by one user was not visible to a
different user as the latter user tried to
update the defect.

QCCR1J15789 - The Subject field of a new
defect was not updated automatically when
that defect was created from the Manual

QCCR1J26201 - The "Required Defect Fields"
dialog window was not refreshed when
additional fields became required after
updating some of the required fields in the
dialog window.

QCCR1J24876 - In setting the visible columns
of a grid view, columns that were moved from
Visible Columns back to Available Columns
were not positioned in alphabetical order.

QCCR1J24937 - An exception occurred when
attaching a file to a test folder with more
than 1000 attached files.

QCCR1J25663 - The Find option in filter
selection trees always returned an empty

QCCR1J19014 - The .NET Custom Test Type
Developer Guide was missing from the
documentation library.

QCCR1J25635 - An open Help window was
unintentionally closed when a Defect ID link
was activated from the Alert dialog box.

QCCR1J23028 - Filters of Quality Center 10.00
projects were not upgraded as favorites in
ALM 11.00.

QCCR1J25101 -  + # keyboard
combination using a Finish language
deployment changed the active page, just like
the + # keyboard combination.

QCCR1J24734 - Uppercase Email addresses added
to the Send E-mail dialog box produced an

QCCR1J26494 - Incorrect embedding of a
license caused an error to be thrown whenever
the Thesaurus utility was accessed.

QCCR1J22435 - When copying text into the memo
field, the font size and font could not be
modified in the Memo field.

QCCR1J26659 - URL attachments with Danish
characters could not be opened.

QCCR1J20807 - Pasting a cell from Microsoft
Excel into a rich text description failed and
produced an error.

QCCR1J24579 - The SQL statement used for
session login did not bind literal values
causing each individual statement to be
parsed and cached individually. Now binding
is used to consolidate many individual
statements into a single structure.

QCCR1J24794 - In some cases, comparing or
synchronizing entities failed repeatedly.

QCCR1J25146 - Attachment rename action was
not invoked as expected after two consecutive

QCCR1J25429 - OTA based application stopped
working after consecutive runs on a
multi-core Windows operating system.

QCCR1J26855 - A dialog window requesting
registration was displayed on running

QCCR1J27929 - Spell Checker and Thesaurus
utilities failed to run when invoked without
leaving the edited field.

QCCR1J25444 - The Run_MoveTo method returned
an incorrect run ID.

QCCR1J25659 - When a button was added through
workflow, the Action Name field got shortened

QCCR1J25906 - A specific workflow intended to
hide fields produced an error when executed.

QCCR1J26022 - The Cancel All button in
Required Field form reverted only the data
changes. The cancel operation did not revert
changes to the field properties that were
made by a workflow.

QCCR1J26234 - The VBScript Home Page link
under the Help menu in the Workflow Script
Editor window did not work.

QCCR1J18725 - In upgraded projects, the
GetDetailsPageName event was not triggered in
all required scenarios.

QCCR1J26932 - The workflow action SendMail
used the wrong email address in the From

QCCR1J23698 - Disabling the "Continue Manual
Run" button from a workflow caused the
ManualRunner.Run_MoveTo() subroutine to
remain disabled.

QCCR1J24602 - The Release_FieldChange and
Cycle_FieldChangeRelease workflow subroutines
were not triggered after rescheduling a
Release or a Cycle.

QCCR1J22723 - Users of the Viewer group were
able to check in and check out entities.

QCCR1J25609 - Entitles in projects using a
binary collation database in SQL Server could
not be checked out.

QCCR1J25042 - Generating Excel reports via
workflow could not be executed properly.

QCCR1J26282 - An "Export Finished
Successfully" message was displayed after the
export of a project failed due to the fact
that the project was undergoing migration at
the same time.

QCCR1J25748 - Export of a project that was
created prior to SP3 failed due to missing
column SRPF_GC_DETECTED_TIME. Now, prior to
export, the missing column is added.

QCCR1J26185 - Logging into an ALM running on
Solaris server with more than 6GB heap size
caused a FileNotFound Java exception.

QCCR1J26552 - A unique constraint error was
thrown while upgrading a project from Quality
Center 9.20 to ALM 11.00.

QCCR1J24889 - After a successful repair,
upgrade fails due to problems in the

QCCR1J26499 - An exception occurred when
upgrading from Quality Center 10.00 to ALM
11.00. The problem was related to the
bp_iter_param table.

QCCR1J26583 - Attachments added to a test
plan folder remain locked after updating
their description.

QCCR1J24131 - The Attachment icon did not
appear in Manual Runner steps.

QCCR1J25926 - The Site Administration API
method DisconnectUser did not disconnect the
user and returned an error message.

QCCR1J25904 - Users were not able to log into
Site Administration if the language format
was set to Ecuador.

QCCR1J25745 - The Site Administrator could
remove a project after a failed restore.

QCCR1J23174 - The last digits of login time
columns were hidden in the Site Connection

QCCR1J26510 - A user belonging to the Viewer
group only could not browse the whole
Description field text due to the scrollbar
being locked.

QCCR1J25977 - Non-administrator users could
not start Site Administration when using ALM

QCCR1J19863 - The Site Analysis graph of
license utilization showed inconsistent data
between weekly and monthly reports.

QCCR1J25808 - When deleting a project in Site
Administration with a few web servers in Load
Balance, the deleted project remained on the
other servers in inactive state.

QCCR1J27238 - Garbage Collection (GC) job of
the smart repository did not update its last
run indication if it could not connect to the
project DB schema.

QCCR1J24688 - When setting LDAP import
processes, the error message relating to the
record limit value was incorrect.

QCCR1J24816 - When using Internet Explorer 7
to run ALM client, and closing Internet
Explorer 7 using the Close Window button,
Internet Explorer 7 becomes unresponsive.

QCCR1J27394 - In specific cases, some
database queries resulted in an overall
blocking of the ALM database.

QCCR1J25581 - New-line characters disappeared
when defects were exported to Excel in
projects upgraded from Quality Center 9.20.

QCCR1J25075 - The Status field of a test
instance in the Execution Grid could not be
updated when working with ALM Explorer.

QCCR1J22751 - When using ALM Explorer, the
Reset Password link now properly triggers ALM
Explorer to open rather than Microsoft
Internet Explorer.

QCCR1J25220 - Updating a user list field with
an empty string did not nullify the field.

QCCR1J20809 - The ability of changing the ALM
logo with custom branding (customer's own
logo) was not available.

QCCR1J25834 - Default values for the same
entity from two different modules where saved
per module instead of having the default
values shared across modules.

QCCR1J24863 - Changing the LOCK_TIMEOUT site
administration configuration parameter
resulted in a poor performance when editing
Memo fields.

QCCR1J25380 - Renaming defect\defects strings
in the Defect Module did not work properly.

QCCR1J25757 - The Set Default Values option
produced an error when performed for a field
using a multi value lookup list.

QCCR1J21921 - It was possible to modify Memo
fields in the Defects module concurrently by
different users, having one overriding the
modifications of the other.

QCCR1J25751 - Tabs for Memo fields were
ordered by their database name rather than
the user label.

QCCR1J24225 - The New Test button in the Test
Plan module screen remained enabled when the
Unattached folder was selected.

QCCR1J26558 - The Replace function inside
Memo type fields did not work properly.

QCCR1J24845 - The Filter dialog box for a
test set did not provide the pre-defined
values for the Planned Host Name field.

QCCR1J26258 - In Customization's Project
Users grid, you could search for users only
by user name. Now you can click the Full Name
column, and type a full name. The first user
whose full name matches what was typed is

QCCR1J26828 - In some specific cases an error
message was displayed when switching between
modules and entities in Customization mode.

Change Request: QCCR1J23893 Problem:
When a test configuration on a
version-controlled project has Passed
status test coverage, the status remains
Not completed Limitation: QCCR1J24642:
Fix does not work for projects that are
already corrupted.

Change Request: QCCR1J23027 Problem: In
the Requirements module for ALM 11 Patch
6, the coverage analysis shows false
results for test configuration results.

Change Request: QCCR1J24699 Problem:
Copy to Clipboard in the Coverage
Analysis dialog box is missing content.
Solution: The problem is fixed

Change Request: QCCR1J23545 Problem: A
Failed to Get Coverage error is
displayed when trying to access test
coverage using the Status filters and
when the test coverage has a coverage
status of N/A.

Change Request: QCCR1J23885 Problem: The
Modified (RQ_VTS) field is not displayed
in the Requirement Detail page.

Change Request: QCQR1J23310 Problem:
Only the last child requirements test
configuration is displayed when its
parent requirement is selected in Full
Coverage Mode.

Change Request: QCCR1J22861 Problem:
The confirmation message is hidden
behind the Update Selected progress
bar if updating a requirement with
children. Change Request: QCCR1J23530
Problem: After deleting a trace from
or trace to requirement, if the row
was not entirely selected when adding
new one, the error Index was out of
range.... is displayed all the time for
the same operation.

Change Request: QCCR1J25084 Problem: You
should not be able to add the Req: Rich
Text column in the Traceability/
Relationships tab. The Req: Rich Text
column in no longer available in the
Select Columns dialog of the
Traceability/ Relationships tab. If this
column was previously added in a project
with Service Pack 3 that was later
updated to patch 9, the column stays in
the grid but is not available in the
Select Columns dialog box. Moreover, it
disis displayed from the grid the next
time the user opens the Select Columns
dialog box and clicks OK. Limitation:
When the column is still visible in the
grid, the user is not able to see images
in this field.

Change Request: QCCR1J23703 Problem:
Single and double quotes in a
requirements rich text area convert to
scrambled characters when upgraded from
Quality Center 10.00 to ALM 11.00.
Limitation: This solution fixes future
rich text conversions. To fix
already-converted rich text, a rollback
is needed.

Change Request: QCCR1J25105, QCCR1J24821
Problem: The quick search for subfolders
in Requirements tree does not work.
Limitation: This solution fixes future
rich text conversions. To fix
already-converted rich text, a rollback
is needed.

Change Request: [internal]190976
Problem: Only the last child
requirement's test configuration
displayed when a parent requirement is
selected in Full Coverage mode.

Change Request: QCCR1J23672 Problem:
When using data-hiding for a group and
the Defect Field Customization, the
error Invalid field Name isthrown.

Change Request: QCCR1J18662 Problem:
Tests with parameters exported from
Microsoft Excel are corrupted and
subsequent use of this test causes

Change Request: QCCR1J24463 Problem:
User sets up filter to find a defect and
adds comments by clicking the Add
Comment button. When the add is
completed, user clear the filtering and
all modifications appear to be lost.
Limitation: This fix is applicable only
to the Defects module.

Change Request: QCCR1J24951 Problem: An
exception is displayed when resizing
columns in an empty Defects module grid,
and then logging out and logging in.
Limitation: This fix is applicable only
to the Defects module. Test Plan

Change Request: QCCR1J23734 Problem: The
following error is displayed in the Test
Script Tab in the Test Plan module:
Error while updating views Retrieving
the COM class factory for component with
failed due to the following error

Change Request: QCCR1J22349 Problem:
When performing a replace operation in
Descriptions fields in the Test Plan
module, formatting is erased and the
text is displayed as plain text.

Change Request: QCCR1J23846 Problem: The
scroll bar on Select Output Parameter
dialog box is not displayed properly and
does not work properly.

Change Request: QCCR1J20811 Problem:
Exporting Test Plan grid data to Excel
after applying a filter fails with the
error Not enough storage is available
to complete this operation.

Change Request: QCCR1J24316 Problem: The
'Insert Parameter' button is incorrectly
enabled for 'Call to Test' design steps.

Change Request: QCCR1J23810 Problem:
Hotkey selection (the ability to
select by typing in the first letters)
is not functional in the Test Plan

Change Request: QCCR1J23246 Problem:
When test steps are copied from one test
and pasted into another, control buttons
(such as edit, renumber, delete test
step) are not enabled.

Change Request: QCCR1J20241 Problem: The
Cannot display test. Make sure the test
exists in the database error is
displayed when opening the Test Script
tab, and you cannot open tests from
QuickTest Professional in some projects.

Change Request: QCCR1J24812 Problem: A
parameter`s Default/Actual values are
not substituted in the steps when using
Manual Runner if the parameter name
contains spaces. Limitation: Only single
spaces are fixed only. Parameter names
with multiple spaces are still

Change Request: QCCR1J20179 Problem: An
access violation occurs while running or
viewing corrupted tests in Quality
Center/ALM. Solution: Informative
message with details on how to solve the
problem is shown whenever such a test is
viewed or run.

Change Request: QCCR1J23542 Problem:
Deleting a versioned test may cause data

Change Request: QCCR1J23645 Problem:
Errors item does not exist and
Controllers of data type handle only
one type of entity per instance are
displayed all the time while creating
new tests after deleting an already-run
test that contains linked tests.

Change Request: QCQR1J24646 Problem: The
ALT + N shortcuts in the Parameters and
Design Steps tabs do not behave as

Change Request: QCQR1J24384 Problem:
Requirement is locked for the user that
has checked the entity out.

Change Request: QCCR1J24282 Problem:
LoadRunner scenarios fail to run from

Change Request: QCQR1J23442 Problem:
Unnecessary folders are displayed in the
Select Test tree in the Execution Grid
when applying a cross-filter.

Change Request: QCQR1J17857 Problem: The
Object reference not set to an instance
of an object error message is displayed
when clicking the Runs button in the
Test Instance Details dialog box opened
from the Live Analysis Drill Down
analysis window.

Change Request: QCCR1J21464 Problem: The
Automatic Runner does not switch to
other hosts in a host group when the
current tested host is busy with another

Change Request: QCCR1J23540 Problem: The
Unspecified error error message is
displayed when running business process
test whose name exceeds 180 chars.

Change Request: QCCR1J23627 Problem: The
Failed to PasteData error message is
displayed when copying a test set after
deleting a test configuration in a
version-controlled project.

Change Request: QCCR1J24683 Problem:
Test runs are not copied during a copy
existing project operation, if all
checkboxes are checked.

Change Request: QCCR1J23616 Problem: The
test instance order is incorrect when
Order by Name is used and the backend is

Change Request: 190980 Problem: Clicking
on a grouping row in the test grid
throws an exception.

Change Request: QCCR1J21100 Problem:
User-defined field for test sets do not
have support for Multiple Value.

Change Request: QCCR1J18751 Problem:
Users cannot log in when the Format and
Input Language regional settings are
different. by the vendor.

Change Request: QCCR1J23341 Problem:
When logging in to project upgraded from
Quality Center 10.00, not all lists are

Change Request: QCQR1J23158, QCCR1J24673
Problem: ALM fails to load the login
screen when using reverse proxy with
form authentication.

Change Request: QCQR1J24117 Problem:
Spell-checking Comments fields does not
advance the user to the next misspelled

Change Request: QCCR1J25195 Problem: a
Thesaurus.Model Error is displayed when
users click the Thesaurus button.

Change Request: QCCR1J22427 Problem:
Users needed the OTA API to convert
filter XML to filter text, in order to
be able to use favorite's filter, which
is saved in an XML format. by adding a
new API: IFavoriteFactory2.Convert. This
method gets a filter in an XML format,
and converts it to filter text format,
usable an ordinary OTA API. Limitation:
OTA API should be consumed by running
the HP ALM Client registration add-in.
The API is not available in isolated

Change Request: QCCR1J23882 Problem:
Image scaling is corrupted after rich
text conversion from Quality Center
10.00 to ALM 11.00.

Change Request: QCCR1J24871 Problem:
Database connection starvation occurs
when CProjectCacheCleanerJob is run on
environments with hundreds of projects.
Solution: The problem is solved.

Change Request: QCCR1J22554 Problem:
Unable to deploy the ALM 11.00 Client on
some machines with Internet Exporer 7 or
8 when the connection to server requires
SSL. Solution: The problem is solved.

Change Request: QCCR1J22900 Problem:
Special characters (such as left and
right arrows) inputted in the
Description field are not displayed

Change Request: QCCR1J23998 Problem:
User name casing based on Login screen
spelling and not on the Users table
causes issues in ALM 11.00.

Change Request: QCCR1J24598 Problem:
Objects remain locked after the
LOCK_TIMEOUT is expired when the Quality
Center client session is ended by
inactivity after the
Any locks that exist before this fix is
applied should be manually deleted from
the databases.

Change Request: QCCR1J23844 Problem:
When a user is deleted, all public
Favorites created by the user are

Change Request: QCCR1J23675 Problem: It
may take some time to display error

Change Request: [internal]186838
Problem: Renaming a favorite to an
existing favorites name does not behave
as expected. Solution: Roll back the
favorite name if the rename did not

Change Request: QCCR1J24820 Problem: The
JDBC driver getting table metadata is
inefficient in the Oracle database.
Solution: The problem is fixed

Change Request: [internal]188172
Problem: Using Field Replacement
functionality does not work correctly.

Change Request: [internal]188188
Problem: Field Replacement form should
not load the old value when the field
type is a memo field.

Change Request: [internal]190982
Problem: Field Replacement functionality
reports the wrong number of replaced

Change Request: QCCR1J23544 Problem: Too
many database queries are sent
frequently when empty domains exist.

Change Request: QCCR1J24579 Problem: DB
shared pool has a lot of queries of the
(-6602446/(24*60*60*1000)) from dual) ,
dual) WHERE LS_ID = :v0 Solution: The
query now uses a bind parameter, and
there should be one per project in the
database shared pool.

Change Request: QCCR1J24194,
QCCR1J24091 Problem: Sometimes the ALM
Server hangs when the PC extension is

Change Request: QCCR1J17300 Problem:
Incorrect casting manual input
(including empty string) to date format.
Solution: Set correct parsing manual
input (including empty string) to date

Change Request: [internal]189597
Problem: Permitting the creation or
update of folder entities in the Groups
and Permissions category requires
permissions for creating or updating
contained entities.

Change Request: QCCR1J18526 Problem:
Each letter typed causes the addition of
extras space when entering comments
using the Korean keyboard.

Change Request: QCCR1J25145 Problem:
Prevent loading of customization during
connect and disconnect from a project
for the internal system user.

Change Request: QCCR1J24527 Problem: The
ALM Server crashed due to a request for
all run steps. Requests are prevented
from trying to get all run steps by
introducing a fuse.

Change Request: QCCR1J15251 Problem: It
is impossible to open a QuickTest test
in QuickTest Professional on Windows 7
64-bit. An error is displayed while
saving the test to ALM (QuickTest
Professional 10.00 and ALM 11.00).

Change Request: QCCR1J24166 Problem:
Populating a database tables metadata
is slow and the process takes a lot of
space in the database shared pool.
Solution: The query was optimized.
Database shared pool space was freed.

Change Request: [internal]189184
Problem: In some cases, the Rich Text
combo box does not show the correct font

Change Request: QCCR1J24496 Problem:
Authentication error occurs when
accessing QC Sense configuration in Site
Administration when the Site
Administrator user name contains two

Change Request: QCCR1J23739
Problem: Sessions are incorrectly
calculated when QC Sense is used.
Solution: The problem is fixed

Change Request: QCCR1J23431 Problem: The
copy/paste of business process test
performance can be improved by reducing
an obsolete calculation during the
copy/paste. Limitation: Performance
improvement is not very significant
unless the copy/paste includes business
process test and components.

Change Request: QCCR1J23857 Problem:
Test configurations are not reflected in
baselines. for static configurations.
Limitation: This fix only deals with
static configurations, not dynamic.

Change Request: QCCR1J24815 Problem:
Failed to generate a test Instance XML
error when running business process
tests after Patch 6 for ALM 11.00.
Solution: The original problem is fixed.

Change Request: QCCR1J24114 Problem:
Screenshots in the Results Viewer are
rewritten by the next business component
run. Solution: fixed

Change Request: [internal] 184503
Problem: Double-clicking a business
component or library does not trigger
the workflow event.

Change Request: [internal]186222
Problem: The Delete step button is
enabled and the user can delete a step
in keyword-driven automation. Solution:
Permissions were added.

Change Request: QCCR1J23700 Problem: The
Component Details dialog box opens

Change Request: QCCR1J22820 Problem: The
Add Comment Button should be disabled,
but is enabled until the next login to
the Business Components module.

Change Request: QCCR1J23990 Problem:
Business process tests or flows are not
running in Wrapper Test mode if the test
contains a component with an empty value

Change Request: QCCR1J23786 Problem:
Upgrade fails when upgrading project
from Quality Center 9.2 to ALM 11.00 if
multiple extensions are enabled.

Change Request: QCCR1J24223 Problem:
Modifying a license takes 8-12 hours.

Change Request: QCCR1J23747 Problem: The
can be set to a negative value, in which
case the drill down does not work. In
case a negative value is set, the
default (35,000) is used.

Change Request: [internal]184970
Problem: Verification of some projects
upgraded from Quality Center 10.00 to
ALM 11.00 may fail.

Change Request: QCCR1J24104 Problem: A
runtime error is displayed when using
the RunQuery and TestConnection methods
of the SiteAdmin API.

Change Request: QCCR1J23911 Problem: A
runtime error is displayed when using
the RunQuery and TestConnection methods
of the SiteAdmin API.

Change Request: QCCR1J17097 Problem: It
is impossible to hide some actions in
Releases, Libraries, and other modules
via workflow.

Change Request: QCCR1J23350 Problem:
Workflow fails to access the
ActPassSelected action when running
business process test in the Manual

Change Request: QCCR1J24476, QCCR1J24477
Problem: Defect_Bug_MoveTo and
Bug_MoveTo actions are not called when
focusing on a defect in dashboard drill
down view.

Change Request: QCCR1J15124 Problem:
Action RenameAct is not triggered when
renaming a folder by double click, but
it is triggered when renaming by F2 or
context menu. Limitation: Single click
is handled by MouseUp event inside
EntityTree and does not trigger the
workflow event.

Change Request: [internal]185176
Problem: The workflow event Req_New is
triggered when creating a requirement

Change Request: [internal]186042
Problem: The workflow event
ActionCanExecute is not called when
clicking on the toolbar buttons
_Generate_, Query Builder etc.

Change Request: [internal]103612
Problem: Test execution status is not
refreshed in workflow.

Change Request: QCCR1J23376 Problem:
Actions to Block Requirements to
Traceability does not work as expected.
Solution: Added two new events,
Req_CanAddReqTraces and
Req_CanDeleteReqTrace. These events can
be used to query the requirements about
version control. Limitation: Event
Req_CanAddReqTraces is not fired when
creating a new trace with By ID (Trace
From) or By ID (Trace To) dropdown menu

Change Request: QCCR1J23373 Problem:
Field attributes values set by workflow
may be lost when switching between views
in the Requirements Module.

Change Request: [internal]185134
Problem: When moving between two test
parameters, the MoveTo workflow event
occurs twice.

Change Request: [internal]185056
Problem: Some of the old format test lab
tree workflow events are not thrown
(such as AddTSinTreeAct,
DeleteInTreeAct, etc.)

Change Request: [internal]185457
Problem: ActionCanExecute workflow event
does not work on customized buttons in
the New Defect dialog box from an
external tool such as Sprinter.

Change Request: QCCR1J23467 Problem: The
Document Generator shows HTML tags in
RichText fields for requirements when
the RichText field value is blank.

Change Request: QCCR1J24304 Problem:
When creating a graph with a
user-defined field of type multi value
in the x-axis, the graph result is empty
with warnings.

Change Request: [internal]190977
Problem: When generating graphs in a
Dashboard page or Live Analysis, initial
graph size is small and is updated only
after all graph are generated.

Change Request: QCCR1J23940 Problem:
Splitter on Quality and Progress tabs is
not movable for Cycles and Releases.

Change Request: QCCR1J25557 Problem:
Excel hangs when exporting a test case
with the same parent and child folder

Change Request: QCCR1J20254 Problem:
Memory leak on login and logout
operations when using OTA scripts.

Change Request: QCCR1J23890 Problem:
Sometimes the JDBC driver throws an

Change Request: QCCR1J23398 Problem:
Sometimes ALM Explorer takes more than
30 seconds to close after clicking the
x button.

Change Request: QCCR1J24300 Problem: The
Failed to compare entities error is
displayed when comparing baselines on
some projects.

Change Request: QCCR1J25790
Problem: ALM uses an older version of
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 than the
QuickTest Professional Plug-in. Apply
the QuickTest Professional plug-in
hotfix QTPQC_00012.

Change Request: QCCR1J24614 Problem: It
is impossible to consume Quality Center
in common mode for a non-administrator
user using the function
DownloadComponents. An error is
displayed that there are insufficient
permissions. This happens even though
Quality Center was already deployed in
common mode by an administrator.

Change Request: QCCR1J24609 Problem:
Sprinter cannot connect to ALM 11
Starter Edition.

Change Request: [internal] 94960
Problem: Sprinter cannot upload
resources in the ALM Resources module
when the resources contain required
user-defined fields.

Change Request: [internal]188951
Problem: When creating an attachment
over REST API, if the attachment name
contains the character '/', the server

Change Request: QCCR1J23787 Problem:
Some projects with BPTEE, CIT, APM, and
EI extensions are enabled cannot be
upgraded from Quality Center 9.2 to ALM
11.00. Solution: Instructions for how to
upgrade those projects are provided.

Change Request: QCCR1J21450 Problem: ALM 11 SP2: Test
Plan > Test > Design Step tab: The column size is
not retained.

Change Request: QCCR1J22062 Problem: Called Test
Parameters is yielding a No Parameters Found
error message.

Change Request: QCCR1J23116 Problem: The Test
Configurations tab does not display a green
content indicator in Test Plan.

Change Request: QCCR1J22744 Problem: When test cases
are exported from excel to ALM, an error message
in design steps is displayed on IE7 and on ALM
explorer (where IE 7 is installed).

Change Request: 179315 [Internal] Problem: Cannot view
design step UDF fields even after selecting them
in the columns selection.

Change Request: 178680 [Internal] Problem: Test
Parameters Actual Value disappears after a

Change Request: 180101 [Internal] Problem: Missing
shortcut key (Alt-N) for new test operation.

Change Request: 179972 [Internal] Problem: Changing the
coverage mode of a requirement from Selected to
All does not automatically refresh the Test
Configuration tab.

Change Request: QCCR1J22884 Problem: The user is able
to delete ALL test configurations in a VC project.

Change Request: 178706 [Internal] Problem: A step is
posted to the server immediately when changing a
step field (before moving to another step).

Change Request: 180112 [Internal] Problem: The error
message Index was out of range. Must be
non-negative and less than the size of the
collection. is displayed when going to a called
test case in another test folder which is not in
the Filter.

Change Request: 182277 [Internal] Problem: The Delete
Step action cannot be disabled with the Workflow
when first opening a test/step.

Change Request: 178887 [Internal] Problem: The Workflow
does not affect the Design Step.

Change Request: 179981 [Internal] Problem: Internal
fields are displayed in the Test Plan Grid. Defect
ID: 180329 [Internal] Problem: The error message
Duplicate entity test is misleading. An error
message like Test with name ... already exists
in the folder is more user-friendly.

Change Request: 180456 [Internal] Problem: In the
second level folder under the root folder, when
the root folder is selected, the cut and paste
actions do not work with the hot keys or the Cut
and Paste buttons.

Change Request: 182926 [Internal] Problem: After
removing the last Test Configuration, the Remove
Selected button is still enabled.

Change Request: 180302 [Internal] Problem: Design steps
that have been deleted from Manual Runner still
appear in Test Plan.

Change Request: QCCR1J21997 Problem: The Insert
Parameter option is disabled when right-clicking
the Design Steps.

Change Request: 89936 [Internal] Problem: The error
message that appears when text search is disabled
is different from the one that appeared in QC

Change Request: 178478 [Internal] Problem: Generate
script causes error - Users do not have the
required permissions to execute this action.

Change Request: 179567 [Internal] Problem: The value
cannot be NULL. An error message appears when
focusing on a test that has been changed.

Change Request: 185265 [Internal] Problem: Unable to
delete Test Configurations due to a non-functional
Delete button.

Change Request: 179119 [Internal] Problem: When copying
test steps to another test, the following buttons
remain disabled: Test name, Edit test, Renumbering
steps, and Delete steps.

Change Request: 180085 [Internal] Problem: The Parallel
Execution feature for Automatic Runner is not

Change Request: 178910 [Internal] Problem: When the
template test is not part of the filter and you
click the call to test link, an error message

Change Request: 179984 [Internal] Problem: Erasing text
from a required field in the Test Set Details tab
causes an Object Reference error.

Change Request: 178865 [Internal] Problem: There is no
automatic refresh when you delete a test instance
in the execution grid.

Change Request: QCCR1J20569 Problem: Activating Call
To Test from Design Steps for a test redirects
the user to the called test - a green arrow in the
top left corner that returns the user to the
initial test should be present.

Change Request: 87705 [Internal] Problem: Requirements
coverage performance is slow, especially Select

Change Request: 92397 [Internal] Problem: It is
impossible to move over tests Data table in the
Test script tab using the keyword keys up,
down, left, and right.

Change Request: 94721 [Internal] Problem: There is a
missing capability (from QC10.00) to delete a step
from the design step editor.

Change Request: 103637 [Internal] Problem: When
focusing on an unattached folder in Test Plan, you
get a Failed to Get Test Value error message.

Change Request: 103736 [Internal] Problem:
Test Plan grid view - when entering into a grid
view, an object reference error message appears.
Change Request: 179020 [Internal] Problem: When adding
the parameter in the parameters tab message, the
scroll jumps in the lower pane.

Change Request: 179065 [Internal] Problem: When trying
to add a step after deleting the other steps
without refreshing, the error message Index was
out of range ...appears. Change Request: 179088
[Internal] Problem: An object reference error
message appears when focusing on a test and
clicking the CTRL button on the keyboard.

Change Request: 179186 [Internal] Problem: Folders are
pasted without descriptions.

Change Request: 179251 [Internal] Problem: An Object
Reference error message appears when trying to
find empty field values in the Case Sensitive Find

Change Request: 179287 [Internal] Problem: Right to
Left - Decrease Indent does not work properly when
using the Right to Left option.

Change Request: 179498 [Internal] Problem: Splitter
dots are cut in the Test Configuration View.

Change Request: 179533 [Internal] Problem: Index was
out of range... error message appears after
creating the second step in Test Details ? Design

Change Request: 180075 [Internal] Problem: Permissions
- When disabling update description you are able
to insert text, but when focusing on another
field, an error message appears saying that you do
not have permission to modify.

Change Request: 180079 [Internal] Problem: Permissions
UI Issue - When disabling update description you
are able to insert text, but in the Edit step the
screen becomes black.

Change Request: 180086 [Internal] Problem: Permissions
- Delete button is enabled although it should be

Change Request: 180314 [Internal] Problem: Data hiding
- When defining just one field for the Test Plan
columns and then logging in/out from ALM, an
Object Reference error message appears.

Change Request: 180315 [Internal] Problem: Failed to
get a value when going to a test in the test plan

Change Request: 180336 [Internal] Problem: The test
configuration opens while clicking on the arrow in
the scrollbar.

Change Request: 180384 [Internal] Problem: Failed to
get simple entity when trying to filter value by
<= / >= for UDF.

Change Request: 182282 [Internal] Problem: Only TD
Admin group members can view Test Plan/Lab.

Change Request: 183244 [Internal] Problem: The Test
Script Tab does not show Test flow (without

Change Request: 183255 [Internal] Problem: When
refreshing the Test Plan screen, hidden fields are
visible after check-in or check-out. SP2 (CPE
Incident: 20677/)

Change Request: 183418 [Internal] Problem: [Default
Values] There is a type cast error in the Test
Configuration dialog box.

Change Request: QCCR1J22816 Problem: Compact Manual
runner incorrectly warns testers that changes
cannot be made to a called test.

Change Request: QCCR1J22634 Problem: There are too many
unrelated entries related to test lab in the audit
log tables in the database.

Change Request: QCCR1J22615 Problem: When copying a
Test Set after deleting a Test Configuration, the
error message Failed to Paste Data is displayed.
for non Versioned projects only. Limitation:
[QCCR1J23627]: When copying a Test Set after
deleting a Test Configuration in a VC project, the
error message Failed to Paste Data is displayed.

Change Request: 178851 [Internal] Problem: Reset test
set does not automatic refresh.

Change Request: QCCR1J22587 Problem: There are
conflicting expected behavior-prompts regarding
test parameters.

Change Request: 179621 [Internal] Problem: Ordered test
instances in the execution flow create an
unnecessary dependency between test instances.

Change Request: QCCR1J22482 Problem: Doing a fast run
in the execution grid of a test needs a refresh
before viewing the information in the Test
Instance Details dialog box.

Change Request: 180107 [Internal] Problem: Host Manager
- When a user creates a host group, which name is
(the symbol) , an incorrect error message
appears: Failed to post simple key entity
instead of an error message or a warning with the
appropriate message.

Change Request: 180295 [Internal] Problem: Host Manager
When a user renames a host in the Host Manager
to a name that already exists, the host is renamed
and the message Failed to Post Simple Key Entity

Change Request: 178957 [Internal] Problem: After
clicking Continue Manual runner on a BPT test that
was not run, the error message Object Reference
not set to an instance of an object appears in
the execution grid.

Change Request: 179626 [Internal] Problem: Disabling
the Delete button, while selecting a couple of
test instances with Ctrl and Left Mouse Click, did
not work. It stayed active.

Change Request: 179443 [Internal] Problem: While
attaching to step to a required field in Manual
Runner, an error message collection was modified;
enumeration operation may not execute appears.

Change Request: 184635 [Internal] Problem: Disabling
the Delete button, while selecting a couple of
test instances with Ctrl and Left Mouse Click
while the filter is selected in execution grid,
did not work. It stayed active.

Change Request: 179135 [Internal] Problem: Users cannot
delete Host Group (button is disabled) when there
is an empty tab of hosts (or when they are not
focusing on hosts) in Host Manager.

Change Request: 180213 [Internal] Problem: While doing
go to test set and open details options, the
content of the error message does not display user
friendly information.

Change Request: 179631 [Internal] Problem: When you run
test instances that are deleted from the test set
details and then try adding a new step, the error
message Failed to Post Run appears. Solution: A
warning message appears saying No runs exist,
cannot continue.

Change Request: 180351 [Internal] Problem: [Refresh]
There is no automatic refresh when going to the
test runs tab, however, if the test instance is
deleted and no run for the deleted test instance
is present, the details button on the existing run
causes an error message: Item of type ,
with Id  does not exist to be displayed.
Solution: Automatic refresh has been added and
updated to be the same as the error message
indicated. Change Request: 179606 [Internal] Problem:
Execution Grid - ALM client is stuck with a
Failed to Post message when the user who is
trying to continue already deleted the test run.
Solution: We have added a message box with the
correct message and the ability to close the
manual runner.

Change Request: 180308 [Internal] Problem: The list of
statuses is cut in the Test Runs tab and
everywhere else where it is visible. Solution:
Scroll arrows were added. Change Request: 179664
[Internal] Problem: It is impossible to cut and
paste folders directly under the Root folder.

Change Request: 178706 [Internal] Problem: Manual
Runner - Performance - Step is posted to server
immediately after changing a step field (before
moving to another step).

Change Request: 178765 [Internal] Problem: Fast Run
does not display the Last Run report without
refreshing in Test Lab Execution grid. Change Request:
178865 [Internal] Problem: Execution Flow - There
is no automatic refresh when you delete a test
instance in the execution grid. When doing an
execution flow, automatic refresh does not happen
like in QC 10.00. Change Request: 178966 [Internal]
Problem: Execution Grid - Tests under specific
folders in the test plan filter from Test Lab
cannot be found. Change Request: 179030 [Internal]
Problem: Execution Grid - Filter test by name from
the Test Plan Tree Tab from the Execution grid
does not work for all test types. Change Request:
179341 [Internal] Problem: Manual Runner: Test Lab
- Manual Runner is stuck while running test sets
and updating tests upon exit. Change Request: 179984
[Internal] Problem: Test Set Details tab - when
erasing text from a required field, an Object
Reference error message appears. Change Request:
180012 [Internal] Problem: Selected columns are
not saved in Test instance details - run tab.
Change Request: 180014 [Internal] Problem: When you
select ts2 test set, you always get the error
message the key was already present in the
dictionary, and then get a red X. Change Request:
180024 [Internal] Problem: An Object Reference
exception appears (and then process needs to be
killed) when refreshing in Runs View. Change Request:
180311 [Internal] Problem: There is an error
message item of type test with id does not
exist, when you delete a test in Test Plan and
try to run it in Test Lab. Change Request: 180456
[Internal] Problem: Cut-paste of second child
folder to root folder does not work with hot keys
or the buttons Cut - paste, however, by moving the
mouse and dragging it, it works fine.

Change Request: 181101 [Internal] Problem: When running
test instances that were deleted from Test Set
Details, and then trying to add new steps, the
Failed to Post Run error message appears. Defect
ID: 183184 [Internal] Problem: Step_FieldCanChange
is not triggered when pressing pass/fail buttons
from a manual runner compact view.

Change Request: 183480 [Internal] Problem: Host Manager
- When you rename a host in the Host Manager to a
name that already exists in a group, the host is
renamed in the list but not in the group.

Change Request: 184767 [Internal] Problem: A user with
a QA Tester role can only select the first defect
in the Linked Defects tab of a Test Set. Defect
ID: 185791 [Internal] Problem: An exception
appears in the root folder when the user tries to
open raw or session results from Analysis. Defect
ID: QCCR1J23131 Problem: Error accessing newly
created project with the following conditions:
The project was created in ALM 11.00 SP2 or
later, and then used in an ALM 11.00 patch which
is prior to SP2.

Change Request: QCCR1J22523 Problem: After moving to
smart repositories, attachments are not recorded
in the audit_log table.

Change Request: 97814 [Internal] Problem: Wrong order
in the tool bar on a version project.

Change Request: QCCR1J20332 Problem: The Find function
is not working as expected with the Case
Sensitive option.

Change Request: QCCR1J20124 Problem: Value to Find
disappears when switching between find in folder
and find in subtype

Change Request: QCCR1J21957 Problem: If a field begins
with two or more equal-signs, an Excel Export
error message is displayed.

Change Request: QCCR1J22938 Problem: If you do not
enter the recipients email address, the email
composed is lost after an error message.

Change Request: QCCR1J20278 Problem: Cannot move
Favorites between Private and Public folders.
Limitation: Delete by owner is not implemented.

Change Request: QCCR1J21225 Problem: In ALM 11.00, the
memo fields Requirement Description and
Requirement Comments do not display their own
windows when moving the mouse over the fields.

Change Request: QCCR1J22290 Problem: Selecting multiple
releases in RQ_TARGET_REL and setting the sort
order based on this field causes errors.

Change Request: QCCR1J22704 Problem: Errors appears in
the UI after Move to Bottom when the Requirement
Traceability tab is selected.

Change Request: QCCR1J22355 Problem: Generating a
traceability matrix with Office 2007 German,
France, Russian UI results in errors.

Change Request: 85295 [Internal] Problem: Rich Content:
The bullets should have the same color as the

Change Request: 90281 [Internal] Problem: The cells
size is not saved after saving it in the Rich Text
tab when the cell contains long text.

Change Request: 182991 [Internal] Problem: Rich Text:
The column in the table cannot be cut and pasted.
Cut cells do not disappear.

Change Request: 183095 [Internal] Problem: The Replace
functionality in the Rich Text does not replace
correctly when replacing a single character.

Change Request: 183767 [Internal] Problem: An error
message appears when data-hiding is defined for

Change Request: 184142 [Internal] Problem: Pop up
messages in cases of SQL failure do not display
failed SQLs.

Change Request: 184682 [Internal] Problem: Upgrading
test configuration crashes.

Change Request: 184047 [Internal] Problem: The verify
tool crashes in one of its verifications.

Change Request: 184589 [Internal] Problem: Upgrading
BPT components crashes.

Change Request: 184905 [Internal] Problem: Verification
of ORACLE schema elements ownership is wrong.

Change Request: QCCR1J22620 Problem: Module Access is
not consistent when upgrading projects.

Change Request: QCCR1J22954 Problem: After upgrading
from QC 10.00 to ALM 11.00, the test plan is

Change Request: QCCR1J22290 Problem: The QC 10.00
server is reaching max heap memory size and not
releasing it. This causes the application to crash
several times a week.

Change Request: 186443/ QCCR1J20179 Problem: Access
Violation during Test Case Execution.

Change Request: QCCR1J22138 Problem: When a BPT Report
does not contain Component Details when running
with a Wrapper Test, the following error message
is displayed: ERROR:
BPExecAgent.AddStepsForWrapperTestRun raised OLE
error 8004051B

Change Request: QCCR1J22237 Problem: There are some
problems with the TEST_CRITERIA_IX2 index in
Oracle after upgrading a project to ALM 11.00.

Change Request: QCCR1J22643 Problem: Sharing: after
importing a library, which consists of BPT and
Flow tests, some of Flow tests are empty.

Change Request: 18535/QCCR1J22360 Problem: After
upgrading to ALM 11.00, the component input
parameters that were defined as Boolean cannot be
executed. Note: In ALM 11.00, Business Component
parameters can no longer be defined with types. We
added a support for backward compatibility so
parameters that were defined as Boolean/Number in
QC10.00 will be able to run. Limitation: A number
parameter has an upper limit of 32767.

Change Request: 186574 /QCCR1J23542 Problem: ALM 11
SP2: Versioning - deleting a versioned test may
cause data corruption.

Change Request: 185941 [Internal] Problem: Copy-Paste
of a test folder containing Business Process Tests
and Flows, where the Flow ID is smaller than the
Business Process Test ID, might cause the Flow to
be corrupt.

Change Request: 184226 [Internal] Problem: It is
possible to create a Flow input parameter with the
same name as an existing Flow output parameter.
Change Request: 180666 [Internal] Problem: You cannot
run a Business Process Test in debug mode if it
contains the same Flow twice, and this Flow
contains a group.

Change Request: 181252 [Internal] Problem: Iteration
dialog box: Iterations are deleted if you close
the confirmation message by clicking Close.

Change Request: 181341 [Internal] Problem: In the
Convert To Component dialog box, the Go to Entity
ID button in the Select Destination Folder dialog
box is redundant. Solution: The button was

Change Request: 180061 [Internal] Problem: When
selecting a field of a requested component and
trying to drag it out to a regular folder, an
error message is displayed.

Change Request: 181359 [Internal] Problem: By using Go
to component on an obsolete Business Component,
it is possible to edit the component.

Change Request: 181337 [Internal] Problem: When
clicking on Find Text in the Component Steps tab
in Business Components module, the error message
Object reference not set to an instance of an
object is displayed.

Change Request: 94377 [Internal] Problem: Group name is
reset to default name (e.g. Group1) after a
Copy-Paste operation.

Change Request: 179529 [Internal] Problem: Business
Process Test instance configuration changes from
Modified to Configuration Based in some cases.

Change Request: 181347 [Internal] Problem: Output
parameter asterisk does not appear after promoting
a Business Component parameter to a Flow level.

Change Request: 183088 [Internal] Problem: Ordinal
numbers of manual steps are cut if they exceed 99
steps ( > 2 digits).

Change Request: 179639 [Internal] Problem: An error
message appears if you focus on an iteration value
in the Iterations dialog box and close it using
the X button.

Change Request: 183573 [Internal] Problem: Backward
compatible workflow subroutines are not triggered
in the Sprinters New Defect dialog box (for
example Defects_GetNewBugPageName).

Change Request: 183574 [Internal] Problem: The workflow
function CanLogin is triggered in Sprinter.

Change Request: 183572 [Internal] Problem: Using
ActiveModule in workflow subroutines results in an
error when triggered from Sprinter.

Change Request: 184337 [Internal] Problem: Actions in
the Details dialog box cannot be disabled from the
workflow subroutine dialog box.

Change Request: 92218 [Internal] Problem: Setting
Visible property to false from workflow
subroutines does not affect the field visibility
in the manual runner compact view.

Change Request: 179395 [Internal] Problem: The workflow
function GetDetailsPageName is not triggered when
using the arrow buttons to navigate between
defects in the Details dialog box.

Change Request: 183184 [Internal] Problem: The workflow
function FieldCanChange is not triggered when
clicking Pass and Fail in the manual runner
compact view.

Change Request: QCCR1J18308 Problem: The workflow
subroutine Run_MoveTo cannot hide buttons in the
Test Runs view. Limitation: QCCR1J23698 Once the
Continue Manual Run button is disabled in the
workflow ManualRunner.Run_MoveTo() subroutine, it
cannot be enabled again.

Change Request: QCCR1J22106 Problem: The TestSet_Field
object is empty when re-entering the Test Lab

Change Request: 182930 [Internal] Problem: Impossible
to hide the BG_BUG_id.

Change Request: 185528 [Internal] Problem: When setting
all the fields of a defect to be visibly false on
MoveTo, an Object Reference error message is

Change Request: 183034 [Internal] Problem: If the
workflow function Run_MoveTo is defined in both
Manual Runner and Test Lab, then the Test Lab
instance is ignored. Solution: Run_MoveTo is
removed from the Manual Runner module (unless the
customer already has it defined in the module) to
avoid the recurrence of this scenario. Also, a
warning message is added in the Script Editor when
this duplication is detected. Limitation: For
customers that already have this duplication, the
Manual Runner instance will still be ignored.

Change Request: 75335 [Internal] Problem: The QC client
does not react to workflow events
Template_Attachment_* in the Release module for
linked projects.

Change Request: 104014 [Internal] Problem: The
reschedule cycle does not call the canChange or
Change functions.

Change Request: QCCR1J21282 Problem: If the
Bug_FieldCanChange validation fails, the old value
is not restored. Limitation: If the
Bug_FieldCanChange validation fails, the old value
is restored if you press the ESC key.

Change Request: QCCR1J20006 Problem: Workflow cannot
change the default Req Type.

Change Request: QCCR1J22105 Problem: Clicking Add
Comments from the Defects grid view, does not
cause an action.

Change Request: QCCR1J20738 Problem: The Add Comment
button in Defect Module does not trigger the
FieldComments.AddComment action.

Change Request: QCCR1J20432 Problem: Assigning a new
list based on another list value, does not display
the braches in the tree (sub items).

Change Request: 95293 [Internal] Problem: The URL of an
ALM entity contains in the address in
any mail sent from the project, even when Site
Administer opens locally first, after starting the
server on Windows.

Change Request: QCCR1J21537 Problem: When filtering in
Defects module, the TTDRecord.AddItem dialog box

Change Request: 182510 [Internal] Problem: SP1_E2E -
Impossible to edit the Link Comment field when
there is only one linked defect in the grid.

Change Request: 180411 [Internal] Problem: When the
Data-Hiding Filter is enabled while creating an
entity that does not match the filter, the error
message: Item of type  with ID does not
exist is displayed, instead of Create and hide
this entity.

Change Request: 81629 [Internal] Problem: The

Change Request: QCCR1J22346 Problem: Week should
start with Monday instead of Sunday based on the
regional settings.

Limitation: JVM takes the locale from the user
running it. Change Request: QCCR1J22589 Problem:
Problems with the IGNORE_TEMPLATE_LIST in QC

Change Request: QCCR1J22655 Problem: Removing Defect
module access removes the ability to add content
to a Library.

Change Request: QCCR1J22824 Problem: When the data
hiding filter is generated from a template, an
error message is displayed.

Change Request: QCCR1J22794/4635001933 Problem: You
cannot change the memo field style and font in the
project reports.

Change Request: QCCR1J20639 Problem: When trying to
change the DB CONNECTION String, there is an
access violation at the address 05BE966F in

Change Request: QCCR1J22249 Problem: You can request to
have ALM-PC 11.00 Lab Management available through
ALM Explorer.

Change Request: QCCR1J22439 Problem: There are missing
images when Document Generator report is opened
from a different machine. Limitation: This fix is
applied to Document Generator only.

Change Request: QCCR1J22548 Problem: The option Test:
Type for X-Axis in the summary graph in Live
Analysis is not available in ALM 11.00.
Limitation: This fix is applied to Document
Generator only.

Change Request: QCCR1J22946 Problem: Drilling down into
Live Analysis freezes the UI.

Change Request: QCCR1J22251 Problem: Users list is
visible in web gate logs.

Change Request: QCCR1J21459 Problem: Legacy OTA - When
trying to send several extension entities, a
problem-mail is sent.

Change Request: QCCR1J21297 Problem:
PolicyStatus.Administrators returns incorrect

Change Request: QCCR1J19457 Problem: Accessing the ALM
login page when the Protected mode is turned on
gives a strange error message which has no logical

Change Request: QCCR1J22974 Problem: QC Client loading
fails via RevProxy with InvalidServerResponse.

Change Request: QCCR1J22449 Problem: QTP Automation:
QuickTest.Application.Test.SaveAs fails in the QC

Change Request: QCCR1J23650 Problem: When importing
tests using the Excel Add-in (on patch 7), the
process hangs.

Change Request: QCCR1J20742 Problem: The
Subject field is blank in the execution
grid in ALM 11.0 SP2.

Change Request: QCCR1J21094 Problem:
Test Plan behavior change within Test
Plan Folders: When you rename a folder,
the new name should be updated under
Filter/Sort -> Subject.

Change Request: QCCR1J21093 Problem:
Attachments that were attached to the
steps during a manual run do not get
saved to the Test Plan after clicking
Yes when prompted.

Change Request: QCCR1J21504 Problem:
Expanding Test Plan Folders has a
performance issue.

Change Request: QCCR1J21861 Problem:
Design steps disappear after check-in of
multiple tests.

Change Request: QCCR1J21910 Problem:
Expanding the Test Plan Subject folder
is extremely slow (aprox. 2 minutes)
when having many first level subfolders
and entering the Test Plan module
positioned on the root Subject Folder.

Change Request: QCCR1J20788 Problem:
Error: Object reference not set to an
instance of an object. when trying to
add iterations to a group of components
in existing tests.

Change Request: QCCR1J21928 Problem:
When a flow output parameter has no
source component output parameter, it is
impossible to run the test. Limitation:
If the flow output parameter is linked
to a component input parameter, it is
still impossible to run the test. (In
this case, you must remove existing
linkage or just link the flow output
parameter to a component output

Change Request: QCCR1J21181 Problem:
Accessing the Help on this page option
in ALM 11 results in JIT errors.

Change Request: QCCR1J22028 Problem:
When there are a lot of test
configurations that cause the window to
have a vertical scroll bar, there is an
issue with the scroll bar: When clicking
the arrows for the scroll bar quickly,
it causes the highlighted record to

Change Request: QCCR1J20846 Problem:
Cannot convert a Manual Test to QTP in a
VC-enabled ALM project if the test has
an attachment.

Change Request: QCCR1J20983 Problem:
Text changes are lost from the
Description tab when switching test
cases in Test Plan.

Change Request: 179703 [Internal]
Problem: An object reference error
message appears when clicking the OK
button in the parameters dialog box.

Change Request: QCCR1J20520 Problem:
When creating a defect with all of the
info entered via the manual runner and
then cancelling it, the information is
kept when a new defect is created from
the Defect module. Limitation: If we
open New Defect Form for Manual Runner,
we clear all stored data, thus, stored
data in Defects Module New Defect form
is lost.

Change Request: QCCR1J20977 Problem:
Test details are not populated to the
Defects description when generating a
defect via the Manual runner.

Change Request: QCCR1J21954 Problem: Run
conditions are corrupted. All the run
conditions from QC 9.2 became corrupted
in ALM 11.0 and need to be reset

Change Request: QCCR1J20380 Problem:
There was a wrong implementation of the
HasIndicator property for the
TestConfiguration view. Limitation:
Every test contains at least one
configuration, we show an indicator if a
test has two or more configurations.

Change Request: QCCR1J20204 Problem: Pop
up warning message appears when running
a manual test in compact view, rather
than when editing the description and
expected result of a step. Limitation:
If a user starts to edit Run Step
(Actual field, for example) then he can
edit all other fields without warnings.
The proper info message appears when the
user tries to save the run.

Change Request: QCCR1J21101 Problem:
Automated execution from Test Lab does
not run all of the iterations selected.

Change Request: QCCR1J22025 Problem:
Test Instance Details > Execution
Settings > Automated tab > Parameters
have duplicate characters in ALM.

Change Request: QCCR1J21389 Problem: The
Version Status fields are not visible in
QC 10 projects upgraded to ALM 11.
Limitation: Fix does not include these
flows: a) Import ALM11 project from qcp
of previous ALM11 Patches b) Restore
ALM11 project from previous ALM11

Change Request: QCCR1J19890 Problem:
ALM-Client possible memory leak when
using manual runner.

Change Request: QCCR1J18479 Problem:
While moving the test set folder to
another destination, the confirmation
dialog box Are you sure you want to
move... does not pop up.

Change Request: QCCR1J20978 Problem: SQL
injection vulnerability through search
in UI - Test Lab.

Change Request: QCCR1J20977 Problem:
Test details are not populated to the
Defects description when generating a
defect via the Manual runner.

Change Request: QCCR1J22362 Problem:
Trying to attach something to a default
test set (Root -Unattached-default)
results in a non-visible attachment.

Change Request: 178501 [internal]
Problem: The error message Unable to
cast object of type
UnattachedTestSetFolderCore to type
apteeProvider appears when using
refresh under the Unattached folder in
Test Lab.

Change Request: 179984 [Internal]
Problem: Test Set Details tab: when we
erase text from a required field, an
Object Reference error message appears.

Change Request: 180085 [Internal]
Problem: Automatic Runner - Parallel
Execution feature is not supported in
ALM11 but is displayed in the UI and can
be selected by the user.

Change Request: 180308 [Internal]
Problem: The list of statuses is cut in
the Test Runs tab and also everywhere
else where it is visible.

Change Request: 180412 [Internal]
Problem: While staying on a default test
set and doing Logout and Login to the
same project, an error message appears:
failed to get test set value.

Change Request: QCCR1J21691 Problem:
attachment.filesize returning 0 inside
Attachment_New event in all modules in
ALM 11.

Change Request: QCCR1J22331 Problem:
After installing Patch 06 on ALM 11,
performance on Win7 x64 is slow.

Change Request: 179259 [Internal]
Problem: when trying to access ALM
server with SSL and IIS and with no
credentials provided, loading the login
page is needs five minutes to get

Change Request: QCCR1J20266 Problem:
When typing the Korean characters in the
Quality Center fields, each syllable is
displayed only after next syllable is

Change Request: QCCR1J21422 Problem:
When new custom memo fields are created
in a project connected to a template,
they have field names that are taken
from the template.

Change Request: QCCR1J22900 Problem:
When special characters (Left and Right
Arrows etc.) are inserted in the
description field, it causes text in the
editor to overlap.

Change Request: QCCR1J20293 Problem:
When using Korean Characters to search
for users, it takes more than 30 seconds
for it to return the result. On a
user-list field, select the field and
enter a character to search.

Change Request: QCCR1J20542 Problem: The
text indent functions (both increase and
decrease) do not work in the description
field. Limitation: : While
doing Increase indent and then
Numbering or Bullets, the position
of the text is not saved.

Change Request: QCCR1J21009 Problem:
Users belonging to groups with
permission to modify defects and
requirements comments only by the
owner, cannot modify the comments even
if they are the actual owners (the user
Assigned To) of the entities.

Change Request: QCCR1J20463 Problem:
When a user inserts the character \ on
a German keyboard using Alt-GR, no
warning is directly given for forbidden

Change Request: QCCR1J20987 Problem:
Error message Unexpected File Format
is returned by QuickTest when trying to
open a baseline from most of the tests
of a specific ALM project.

Change Request: QCCR1J21127 Problem:
Cannot run test with Sprinter inside
ALM11.0 using ALM Explorer (when using
port 80).

Change Request: QCCR1J20714 Problem: Run
with Sprinter action is not triggered
after user logs off.

Change Request: QCCR1J20867 Problem:
QuickTest cannot submit defects

Change Request: QCCR1J21461 Problem: QC
Sense Causes high memory usage and
eventual hang of process - QC consumes
between 500MB to 1000MB of memory under
heavy load when QC sense is turned on.
Limitation: Measures will be taken for
first 500 requests; the rest will appear
in a merged measure. This number can be
change with the configuration tool.

Change Request: 184017 [Internal]
Problem: Defect Execution Report runs
display the latest run first.

Change Request: QCCR1J19792 Problem:
Excel export reformats dates.

Change Request: 183095 [Internal]
Problem: The Replace functionality in
the RichText does not do the replace
correctly when the value to replace is a
single character.

Change Request: QCCR1J20952 Problem: An
error message is received when clicking
Edit -> Clear Alerts from the Grid
View in Requirements Module. Limitation:
If we click Clear alerts in grid view
- all alerts will be cleared.

Change Request: QCCR1J20601 Problem: The
view order tab is missing from select

Change Request: QCCR1J14392 Problem:
when double clicking on a requirement,
the action actReqDetails is not

Change Request: QCCR1J21562 Problem:
Cannot select multiple requirements and
assign them to the same test.

Change Request: QCCR1J21013 Problem:
Cross Filter: Requirements Trace To
and Trace from do not work.

Change Request: QCCR1J22254 Problem:
Clicking on requirements traceability in
requirement details invokes an error
Unable to cast object of type
MultiValueLis`1[System.String] to type

Change Request: QCCR1J20954 Problem:
Moving or coping requirements into
another folder rearranges/re-sorts them
if no filter/sort condition is applied.

Change Request: QCCR1J20576 Problem:
Requirement coverage and Test coverage
tabs with custom execution values show
incorrect status of the Test Instance
Run. Limitation: Wrong statuses remain
the same until the new run.

Change Request: QCCR1J17147 Problem:
Copy\Paste between servers is not
working right: When you copy\paste a req
with a rich text image, the image in
rich text is not saved.

Change Request: QCCR1J20007 Problem:
Target Release and Target Cycle are
unavailable for update in Update
selected in Requirements Grid view.

Change Request: QCCR1J22354 Problem: If
the user selects a requirement of
Functional type and a Rich text field
and then activates the refresh button,
an Object reference... error message

Change Request: QCCR1J21680 Problem:
Coverage chart shows the template image
instead of the real test statuses while
standing on the root requirement folder
in the requirements module.

Change Request: QCCR1J22484 Problem: The
generate traceability matrix button is
disabled in Traceability Matrix view in
Requirements Module with office 2010.

Change Request: 183791 [Internal]
Problem: In the New Library window under
the content tab, the wrong tab names are

Change Request: QCCR1J22552 Problem:
Sharing: after importing the library,
which consists of BPT and Flow tests,
some of Flow tests are Empty.

Change Request: QCCR1J21951 Problem:
Upgrading QC 10.00 Project to ALM 11.00
-- [SQL Command failed]: in the stage
Upgrade BPT component instance
iterations and iterations parameters.

Change Request: QCCR1J21746 Problem:
When upgrading to ALM 11, there is a
step to update requirements rich text
fields to the new ALM 11 format. This
step can be done in the ALM 11 site
admin. This request has a way to
programmatically trigger that step (site
admin API interface), so that it can be
fully automated. We added additional API
to SAClient.

Change Request: QCCR1J22123 Problem:
Error when upgrading QC project with BPT
test assets.

Change Request: QCCR1J21780, QCCR1J21503
Problem: After upgrading QC10 to ALM11,
cannot check out BPT application area or
access existing test sets.

Change Request: QCCR1J21371 Problem: ALM
11: EI 2.6 - Unable to upgrade EI 2.5
enabled QC 10 project to ALM 11 when
using Oracle 11g.

Change Request: QCCR1J21081 Problem:
Sometimes upgrade fails when a project
contains standard reports with
ComponentFolder /Step / Param.

Change Request: QCCR1J19963 Problem:
When two automatic runner windows
attempt to run/schedule multiple BPT
tests on same automation node at the
same time, they open multiple instances
of the Business Process Execution Agent

Change Request: QCCR1J20271 Problem: If
a component is removed from a test in
Test Plan, the component parameters from
the Parameters tab are removed.

Change Request: QCCR1J21409 Problem: The
UI response is slow while expanding
certain folders in the test plan tree,
as well as selecting test instances in
the test lab.

Change Request: QCCR1J19064 Problem: The
BPT Parameter Description is missing if
the symbols < and > are used.

Change Request: QCCR1J21451 Problem: An
invalid URL error is returned while
connected to ALM 11.0 via proxy server
(use automatic configuration script).

Change Request: QCCR1J19848 Problem:
Misleading message appears when UAC is
set to Always notify and the Internet
Explorer is not run as the

Change Request: QCCR1J22537 Problem:
Export from Test lab takes a long time
when the filter is used and the excel
data generated contains extra records.

Change Request: QCCR1J21797 Problem:
When making the field BG_DEV_COMMENTS
property .IsReadOnly = True, it disables
the Add Comment button. When
BG_DEV_COMMENTS .IsReadOnly = False and
the Add Comment button is enabled,
clicking the button does not run the
ActionCanExecute where the ActionName
can be evalutated.

Change Request: QCCR1J20083 Problem:
ActiveDialogName does not return dialog
names with all active dialog boxes.

Change Request: QCCR1J21568 Problem:
When defining additional toolbar buttons
via workflow and the region format is
set to some languages, for example
Turkish, the buttons are not added.
(This is not reproduced when the format
is set to English.)

Change Request: QCCR1J21708 Problem: ALM
11.0 SP2 introduces conflicts on
existing customization where two action
names are triggered for certain user
actions. The Administrator needs to add
the parameter
the DATA_CONST table for any project
where the old events should not be run.

Change Request: QCCR1J21160 Problem: The
Workflow does not include the

Change Request: QCCR1J22430 Problem:
TestSetFolder workflow bug in patch 6:
The object does not support the property
or method: aTestLabFolder.Move.

Change Request: QCCR1J21302 Problem:
After making changes using the script
generator, the Mail Option in the
Assigned To and in the Detected By
fields, does not work.

Change Request: 180856 [Internal]
Problem: Workflow subroutine
Run_MoveTo() cannot hide any button, but
only on the first time entering a view.

Change Request: QCCR1J21491 Problem: An
error message keeps appearing when
trying to write in a Description field
that is defined as Required, after all
of its text was deleted.

Change Request: QCCR1J21539 Problem:
TTDRecord.AddItem Dialog box opens when
filtering in the Defects module.

Change Request: QCCR1J21135 Problem:
After setting the Subject (BG_SUBJECT)
field to Required, you cannot change
the value any more.

Change Request: QCCR1J21843 Problem:
When a user creates a new defect and
there is a data hiding filter preventing
this user from seeing this bug after
creation is completed, the error message
Item of type , with Id<#> does not
exist appears.

Change Request: QCCR1J21076 Problem: ALM
11 SP2: ALT-G in the Defect module opens
in a separate Defect Window.

Change Request: QCCR1J20133 Problem: MSI
Generator fails when ALM 11.0 is
installed on Linux Suse OS.

Change Request: QCCR1J19243 Problem: On
ALM11 with Service Test management
installed, the MSI generator fails to
generate the MSI file. Error: Failed to
create ALM Client.

Change Request: QCCR1J22224 Problem: The
error message object reference not set
to an instance of an object appears in
the Dashboard Analysis view.

Change Request: QCCR1J20534 Problem: The
editing subfolder name is not saved in
the Analysis Module.

Change Request: QCCR1J19434 Problem:
Intermittently, Dashboard Module Graphs
do not generate.

Change Request: QCCR1J22116 Problem:
Special chars (*, , and \) are allowed
while renaming items/folders in the tree
view of the Analysis and Dashboard

Change Request: QCCR1J17097 Problem:
Disable actions in the Management module
do not work.

Change Request: QCCR1J19960 Problem:
Some imported Xpdl model diagrams that
are very complex do not show the
exhaustive paths possible. Limitation:
We do not allow paths that pass an edge
more than once.

Change Request: QCCR1J21146 Problem:
ARIS business model import - support for
System Function (Target).

Change Request: QCCR1J20791 Problem: IE
8 crashes after logging out of Site
Admin and navigating to a different URL.

Change Request: QCCR1J22022 Problem:
When a file prior to 1/1/1970 is in the
repository, create project and/or copy
project fail.

Change Request: QCCR1J22122 Problem: The
ALM server goes down with memory errors
whenever trying to use a report that
contains millions of test instances. Use
the parameter MAX_TEST_INSTANCES in site
configuration with the appropriate

Change Request: QCCR1J21398 Problem:
After installing patch 6, there was some
performance degradation while working
with the ALI and PC extensions

Change Request: QCCR1J21085 Problem: QC
Service crashes with an out-of-memory
message when building very large graphs.
Change Request: QCCR1J21933, QCCR1J22315
Problem: There is no possibility to add
a filter for data-hiding, Auto mail, or
project planning and tracking in

Change Request: QCCR1J13899 Problem:
Cross Project Customization stop button
does not work.

Change Request: QCCR1J19866 Problem: On
QC 10 Cross Project Customization: Very
slow performance when applying
customization and viewing the project
list from a Template project.

Change Request: QCCR1J22921 Problem:
Compare baselines: A renamed
TestSetFolder does not show up as

Change Request: QCCR1J17537 Problem:
Comparing VAPI-XP test entities fail in
the Libraries module.

Change Request: QCCR1J22042 Problem:
While doing login or refresh, the error
message Failed to get test set value
appears after you pin the test set to
the baseline in the Unattached folder.

Change Request: QCCR1J20575 Problem: STM
on ALM11: On the Drill-Down Result
window for Analysis Graphs, some of the
icons are missing.

Change Request: QCCR1J20268 Problem: If
the Business Process Modeling module is
hidden, the BPM link views (in the
Requirement and Test Plan modules) are
also hidden.

Change Request: QCCR1J21492 Problem:
When the page size is big, you cannot
retrieve audit data through REST .

Change Request: QCCR1J21493 Problem:
Retrieving audit data through REST does
not return the log ID and therefor there
is no way to know the audit order.

Change Request: QCCR1J22766 Problem:
REST API - adds visible property for
customization field resource.

Change Request: QCCR1J22454 Problem:
Access violation... error message
appears while defining the Subject
filed for the defects posted from the HP
Run Viewer Result (QTP11 report).

Defect ID: QCCR1J19929 Problem: .Net
Framework error on the login page.

Defect ID: QCCR1J19259 QCCR1J18246
Problem: The user interface does not
allow the characters \ / : " ? < > | *
%. However the User Guide only forbids
the characters \  * , therefore the
characters / : " ? < > | % are not
accepted by the user interface. Note:
The characters \  * are still forbidden
as they were in past releases.

Defect ID: QCCR1J19136 Problem: Not all
fields in the new Requirement dialog box
are accessible from workflow's Run_New.

Defect ID: QCCR1J19185 Problem:
Requirements report with Trace to Sub
reports is not working as expected.

Defect ID: QCCR1J19128 Problem: Status
values are displayed instead of Test
Plan folders when using the 'Generate
Tests' option from Requirements.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18877 Problem: When
selecting the "Risk Assessment" tab, the
user encounters "Object reference not
set to an instance of an object" or
"index was outside the bounds of the
array" when the selected Requirement is
of the 'Assessment' type (not the
Analysis type).

Defect ID: QCCR1J18143 Problem: After
changing a filter in the test coverage
view (requirement module), the chart (in
the bottom part of the view) continues
to display a summary of all entities..

Defect ID: QCCR1J20369 Problem: After
changing a filter in the test coverage
view (requirement module), the chart (in
the bottom part of the view) continues
to display a summary of all entities.

Defect ID: QCCR1J19091 Problem: Only
part of the EnterModule subroutine runs
the first time the specified module is
entered. Limitation: If any action was
unhandled, then no exception will

Defect ID: QCCR1J19528 Problem:
Customization of Comments button is not
available when using Workflow.
Limitation: In order to hide the "Add
Comment" button in the Defects Details
Dialog, there is a need to add code
toTools -> Customize -> Workflow ->
Script Editor -> Project Scripts ->
Defects Module Script -> BUG_MoveTo ->

Sub BUG_MoveTo
").Visible=False End Sub.

Defect ID: QCCR1J19619 Problem: Problem
with workflow methods isVisible and

Defect ID: QCCR1J18278 Problem: Changing
field names through mouse click does not
trigger FieldCanChange and FieldChange

Defect ID: QCCR1J18116 Problem: All
graphics disappear from the Rich Text
tab after synchronization with another
library baseline.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18204 Problem: Progress
graphs with the value "Sum of" in the
"Y-axis" option display empty graphs.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18909 Problem: Run-time
iteration data is lost when iteration
status is Configuration Based.

Defect ID: QCCR1J21015 Problem: Error:
"Failed to get simple key entity"
Milestone Master plan scope Items can
only have max 30 per release.

Defect ID: QCCR1J19561 Problem: When
adding iterations and switching between
Single and Multiple iteration view,
receive this error: "Index was out of
range. Must be non-negative and less
than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index"

Defect ID: QCCR1J19122 Problem: Text
Search Failed when trying to search for
a valid word in the "Design Steps.
Limitation: There is a need to perform
the following steps in order to fix the
problem in the corrupted project: 1. In
site admin open project. 2. Open
SYSTEM_FIELD table, run SQL statement:
select SF_IS_SEARCHABLE from
3. If at least one returned record is
set to 'N', run SQL statement: update
SF_COLUMN_TYPE = 'memo' 4. 4.1 In
"Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio"
connect to the SQL server , then open
the DB. Right click td.DESSTEPS table,
select "Full-text Index" , "Define
Full-text index" select these memo
fields. 4.2. There is a need to restart
QC Server once you apply SQL statements
to the project on Oracle DB. If the
issue is still reproducible on Oracle
Project: a) Export Oracle project to QCP
file (corrupted project). b) Delete
corrupted project from Site Admin. c)
Import QCP File to Site Admin on MSSQL
DB. d) Run SQL Statements described
above (apply fix for this project) e)
Export fixed project to QCP file. f)
Delete fixed project from Site Admin. g)
Import fixed project from QCP file on
Oracle DB.

Defect ID: QCCR1J20849 Problem: Test
Plan screen redraw showing hidden fields
after check-in or check-out an entity.
Defect ID: QCCR1J20720 Problem: Deleting
parameters that have already been used
in a Test Step are not being
deleted/renamed correctly Defect ID:
QCCR1J19192 Problem: Test Instance
Details does not remember Run Columns.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18908 Problem:
Run_MoveTo is not fired on changing view
to Runs.

Defect ID: QCCR1J19380 Problem:
"Exception from HRESULT: 0x800400CF" is
displayed when cancelling a Run from
Manual Runner. This problem arises only
when Data Hiding is activated.

Defect ID: QCCR1J17898 Problem: The
'Show full path' check box is invisible
when the X-Axis is set to 'Test Set:

Defect ID: QCCR1J19356 Problem: When a
TimeDependency item has only time
specified, it does not behave as

Defect ID: QCCR1J19592 Problem: Test set
instance values are not reset to 'No
Run' after copying them from existing

Defect ID: QCCR1J19138 Problem:
Parameter Order is random when running
Tests in ALM 11.0.

Defect ID: QCCR1J19302 Problem: When
using a user defined step status -
"Conditional Pass, once the run is
complete the status is "Not completed.
The runs Status should display as
"Conditional Pass".

Defect ID: QCCR1J20974 Problem:
Parameter 'actual' values are not
displayed when running a test.

Defect ID: QCCR1J20973 Problem: Adding
multiple test cases to test lab that
contain parameters does not correctly

Defect ID: QCCR1J19072 QCCR1J13899
Problem: No informative label on the
Form. Defect ID: QCCR1J18906 Problem:
Failed to upgrade Quality Center 9.2 to
ALM 11.0 11 with Java exception "Stack:
". FavoriteDataUpgradeHelper throws an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during
the upgrade process if corrupted
favorites are present.

Defect ID: QCCR1J16047 Problem:
Threading issue in ALM Patch 1.

Defect ID: QCCR1J19266 Problem: After
the Quality Center 9.2 project became
ALM 11.00-, sub reports did not copy

Defect ID: QCCR1J19190 Problem:
AuditRecord object's Time property shows
only the data.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18901 Problem: Font and
its size is not editable in the Defect
description. Limitation: There are
several formats that aren't supported
(I.e. strike). 1) Font and Size are not
ignored if we select some text before
paste. 2) By pressing "del" at the end
of text line - text changes its font and
size. (Reproduces only if the dialog is
selected and is not moved to another

Defect ID: QCCR1J20934 Problem:
Attachments is showing a size of 0kb and
date of 1/02/1970 12:00:00 AM

Defect ID: QCCR1J15384 Problem: Defects
last 'Modified' date gets updated even
when you click the 'Cancel' button.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18229 Problem: The
"detected in cycle" field is not
automatically filled when reporting a
defect from the execution of a test.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18826 Problem: The
Execution report does not contain proper
information in the case where the user
runs whole test sets.

Defect ID: QCCR1J21317 Problem: ALM
server goes into MUTED mode and to
restart the ALM service. Issue is
related to AutoMailing. Limitation:
Corruptions in DB are not fixed with
this CR. Note: Added
MAIL_RESEND_ON_ERROR parameter to avoid
re-sending of failed mail notifications.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18436 Problem: When the
user got error messages trying to login
to QC saying his licenses ran out, a
quick check on the Licenses tab actually
showed that the licenses were all used,
however when looking at the Connections
tab, the number of connected users was
way below the license limit.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18472 Problem: There
were 2 different ways of password
encryption for LDAP settings saving.
Both of them applied to the server, but
not to the UI.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18321 Problem: Error
HRESULT E_Fail when selecting a keyword
driven component.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18206 Problem: When the
user edits the component step entities
through the grid and moves to another
component entity, the last changes made
in the grid are not saved to the edited

Defect ID: QCCR1J19038 Problem: The
Output parameter value is not passed to
the Flow Input parameter.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18779 Problem: After
removing the link between the test
parameter and the bp iteration
parameter, the value in the bp iteration
parameter stays and QC still thinks the
link exists.

Defect ID: QCCR1J19404 Problem: BPT -
Email to designer function regression.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18727 Problem: Unable
to ungroup components after upgrade to
ALM 11.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18741 Problem:
BPTWrapper Defect - Error: "Failed to
Generate Test Instance XML" in the
Automation Runner window.

Defect ID: QCCR1J20667 Problem: QC BPT
is having a problem with Dates and
anything that contains dashes.

Defect ID: QCCR1J17822 Problem: Last
Modified date value gets set immediately
before the user can hit the Ok button on
the Defect Details dialog box. If you
modify a field within an already created
Defect, Modified date gets set right
away. Once this update is made, clicking
on the Cancel button does not undo the
changes, and the Defect record gets
updated with this timestamp.

Defect ID: QCCR1J18684 Problem: The move
to workflow event was not called from
sprinter when opening the defect dialog
box from sprinter.

Change Request: QCCR1J17553 Problem:
QC/ARIS/business process modeling issues

Change Request: QCCR1J16181 Problem: Creating a
new project by copying another drop Business Model

Change Request: QCCR1J16357 Problem: Unable to
copy design steps in some test cases. TS_STEPS
field getting reset to 0 even though test steps

Change Request: QCCR1J18664 Problem: When creating
a test prameter and the name contains spaces, the
parameter gets duplicated after it is added to the
design step.

Change Request: QCCR1J17570 Problem: Selected text
in DesignStep disappears when clicked

Change Request: QCCR1J19110 Problem: Components in
Test Flows lost when copying a BP test type

Change Request: 91977 [Internal] Problem: The test
configuration data relation is not listed in the
tests dependencies Using list.

Change Request: 96303 [Internal] Problem: The
wrong help item is displayed for the Data Resource
Settings dialog box.

Change Request: 97631 [Internal] Problem: In
version controlled projects, an unclear message is
displayed when adding a new test configuration
that was never checked in to a test set.

Change Request: 97682 [Internal] Problem: When you
copy and paste an instance of a test or a test
test that contains the max title length (255
symbols), ALM shortens the name to 6 symbols +
the word Copy.

Change Request: 97717 [internal] Problem: In a
version-control enabled project, after a test is
checked out/in, the green indicator star on the
Linked Defects tab of a test with linked defects
is not displayed.

Change Request: 103473,103472, 80989, 97202
[Internal] Problem: Pressing CTRL + TAB in the
Test Plan module changes the view and switches to
the Management module.

Change Request: 97369 [Internal] Problem: It is
impossible to edit a link comment field if there
is only one linked defect in a test.

Change Request: 96680 [Internal] Problem: If you
switch to the grid view after updating an entity
in the tree view, the wrong details may display in
the grid view.

Change Request: 97666 [Internal] Problem: The
Close button in the New Component dialog box is
not translated in localized versions.

Change Request: 92318 [Internal] Problem: Design
steps rows may not resize correctly.

Change Request: 92632 [Internal] Problem: Only the
upper half of the text in design steps is visible.

Change Request: 67468 [Internal] Problem: In the
Test Plan module, attachments with long file names
are attached with zero size or are not attached at

Change Request: 103720 [Internal] Problem: When
exporting data from the test plan grid to a text
file, the Subject column length does not match
the actual data size. This also occurs when
exporting grid data with a field that references
another entity.

Change Request: 96428 [Internal] Problem: When
working in the Test Plan module, if you leave ALM
idle for 10-15 minutes, when you next try to move
between steps, a large cross appears in the Design
Steps tab with an error message.

Change Request: 95264 [Internal] Problem: In the
Design Steps tab, when pointing the cursor at the
Name column of a Call to Test link, the cursor
switches from pointer to arrow.

Change Request: 103940 [Internal] Problem: When
moving between a manual test to a test that cannot
be converted to a component (for example,
VAPI-XP-TEST), the Convert to Component button
remains disabled according to the previous
selected test.

Change Request: 98308 [Internal] Problem: On the
Linked Defects toolbar, the Link Type list is
missing a label and tooltip.

Change Request: 96170 [Internal] Problem: BPT:
Error is displayed when importing values from a
CSV file in the Iterations dialog box

Change Request: 94394 [Internal] Problem: The
Run/Debug button is disabled in some cases

Change Request: 98028 [Internal] Problem:
Iteration selection is not available in the Test
Script tab

Change Request: 104027 [Internal] Problem: Buttons
are incorrectly enabled in the Automation tab when
opening a component from the Test Plan module

Change Request: 96511[Internal] Problem: Test
content is changed when copy and pasting a test
with flows

Change Request: 96945 [Internal] Problem: Cannot
Go to Component when the component is in the
Obsolete folder

Change Request: 178750 [Internal] Problem: The
Create Test Parameter feature does not work on
the first iteration

Change Request: 95597 [Internal] Problem: Unneeded
underlines appear in the From and To fields when
selecting a separation.

Change Request: QCCR1J17085 Problem: Execution
time is not correct if the test run passed the

Change Request: QCCR1J14809 Problem: Regression-
No popbox when a adding a test with parameters to
a testset

Change Request: QCCR1J19109 Problem: Grid Filter
box removed at Top of Column in Test Lab

Change Request: 178324 [Internal] Problem: The
navigation panel in Live Analysis of Test Lab is
cut if the graph has more than 10 pages.

Change Request: 91892 [Internal] Problem: In a
pinned test set, it is impossible run a test
instance of a test that has been deleted even
though the test instance exists.

Change Request: 97044 [Internal] Problem: In
version controlled projects, generating a new test
configuration incorrectly performs a check in

Change Request: 97946 [Internal] Problem: When
searching for a test set folder, clicking the Go
To button in the Search Results dialog box does
not navigate to the test set folder.

Change Request: 95351 [Internal] Problem: A child
test set folder cannot be assigned to a cycle
different from the cycle to which the parent test
set folder is assigned. However, the child of the
child can be assigned to a different cycle. It
should not be possible.

Change Request: 97627 [Internal] Problem: If a
user list user defined field is added to the Test
Set entity, the Send E-mail button is displayed in
the field, even though you cannot mail test sets.

Change Request: 97166 [Internal] Problem: The
context menu in the Test Lab tree becomes
unresponsive when navigating between menu items.

Change Request: 103567 [Internal] Problem: The
Previous/Next step buttons in the Manual Runner
for Business Process Testing do not function as

Change Request: 97501[Internal] Problem: Sprinter
fails to run some business process tests

Change Request: 97677 [Internal] Problem: An
incorrect error is displayed when trying to run a
business process test that accesses a dynamic data
test configuration on a Sprinter machine that does
not have Excel installed

Change Request: 94200 [Internal] Problem: An error
is displayed when launching a scripted component
from a baseline

Change Request: 95008 [Internal] Problem: After
running a business process test/flow, the results
report is not opened.

Change Request: 103775 [Internal] Problem: The
following non-translated message appears on the
login page: Failed to Connect to Project The
message will appear in English.

Change Request: 103601[Internal] Problem: The
login button in lab management was not translated
in non-English versions.

Change Request: 90935 [Internal] Problem: Pressing
CTRL + TAB in the login page opens the Forgot
Password page.

Change Request: 98013 [Internal] Problem: When
resizing the ALM login window, no scroll bar

Change Request: QCCR1J16090 Problem: QC crashes
whenever running the Verify on a cross-project

Change Request: 103640 [Internal] Problem: An
error is displayed when trying to propagate shared
customization changes between template and linked
project s, and there is a KPI Type in the template
project with the same name as a KPI Type in the
linked project but with a different Entity Type

Change Request: QCCR1J16773 Problem: Display
membership list in alphabetical order.

Change Request: QCCR1J15382 Problem: Failed to
commit customization changes when adding user
fields to requirements in Template project.

Change Request: 98046 [internal] Problem: In
project customization, when renaming a UDF by
changing the case only (for example, status to
Status) the changes are not saved.

Change Request: 99004 [internal] Problem: In the
Project Planning and Tracking customization page,
in the General tab, the items of the KPI is
better when values are dropdown list are not
translated to the current language.

Change Request: 103381[internal] Problem: Last
Verification date and Last Applied Customization
date display label2, label3.

Change Request: 96684 [internal] Problem: After
making changes in the Cross Project Customization
page, the Confirm dialog box for saving or
canceling the last changes is not displayed, and
changes are saved.

Change Request: 103635 [internal] Problem: The
Project Customization user interface stops
responding after the following user actions are
performed: navigating to the Cross Project
Customization page, navigating to another page and
then back to the Cross Project Customization page,
and clicking on one of the report links.

Change Request: 178370 [internal] Problem: Several
non-customizable Test Configuration fields are
displayed in Project Customization.

Change Request: 103717 [internal] Problem: After
renaming a user group and changing a character
from lower case to upper case, the error message
Failed to commit customization changes displays.

Change Request: 97575 [internal] Problem: In the
Cross Project Customization report, the name of a
newly added list is displayed in the Value
column, with no value in the Name column. The
newly added list name is now displayed in the
Name column with the value [New List].

Change Request: 178712 [internal] Problem: When
you run the Verification process before applying
cross project customization, the process fails and
the error no such interface supported displays.
A large report resulting in a large SQL query may
exceed the default query size limit of 1000000.

Change Request: 78734 [internal] Problem: The
Verification and Applied Customization reports do
not record the change of an icon associated with a
requirement type.

Change Request: 97538 [internal] Problem: When the
verification process completes, a message that
verification completed successfully displays,
although the verification report may contain a

Change Request: 94989 [internal] Problem: The
Project Customization navigation panel cannot be

Change Request: 97389 [internal] Problem: An error
message appears when trying to save changes in
RBQM category Functional Complexity tab in
Customize module. Change Request: 96126 [internal]
Problem: After verification or propagation, the
selection in a grid always moves to the first
linked project.

Change Request: 98702 [internal] Problem: For
localized ALM 11 versions, module names are not
translated at the Workflow Customization, Toolbar
Button Editor module selection list.

Change Request: 95737 [internal] Problem: The
Administration section contains several actions
with unuser friendly names.

Change Request: 97583 [internal] Problem:
Customization permissions actions are not

Change Request: 96699 [internal] Problem: The
Libraries section contains duplicate actions for
capture / create baseline.

Change Request: 98268[internal] Problem: Cannot
enable history in Customization for user defined
fields of projects that were upgraded to HP ALM

Change Request: 103601[internal] Problem: The
Login button in Lab Management was not translated
when using a non English version.

Change Request: 97956 [internal] Problem: An
information dialog box is shown instead of a
warning dialog box when deleting a group

Change Request: 95438 [internal] Problem: Project
List sub-items my reappear after being deleted.

Change Request: 97598 [internal] Problem: Removing
all permissions from Design Steps causes all
permissions to be automatically reselected.

Change Request: 93354 [internal] Problem: In
Requirement Types customization, it is possible to
mark a user-defined field as not in type and also
required at the same time.

Change Request: 94994 [internal] Problem:
Formatting of comments field in Cross Project
Customization category is sometimes lost (the text
changes to plain text).

Change Request: 95384 [internal] Problem:
Sometimes when opening the help window in
Customization, an error appears.

Change Request: 96436 [internal] Problem: It is
not possible to create more than 5 user defined
memo fields per entity.

Change Request: 97370 [internal] Problem: When
adding a button in the Workflow page, and
selecting one of the last 7 icons (from 329-336),
it is added without an icon - a red cross is seen

Change Request: 178316 [internal] Problem: When
adding a button in the Workflow page, and
selecting the first icon (folder icon), it is
added without an icon - a red cross is seen

Change Request: 95603 [internal] Problem: Cannot
create a new Lookup list from within the Project
Entities category in Customization.

Change Request: 97957 [internal] Problem: The
Groups and Permissions category in Customization
shows the incorrect group name after renaming the
group and choosing not to save when prompted.

Change Request: 97161 [internal] Problem: The
Filter dialog in the Data Hiding part of
Customization might show a list of fields which is
different than the list of visible fields that
were defined in the Visible Fields part. Change
Request: 97043 [internal] Problem: The label of a
newly defined UDF is reset when choosing another
UDF type. Change Request: 97276 [internal]
Problem: Error message might appear when
customizing the Is required check box of UDFs
that participate in a Requirement subtype. Change
Request: 97503 [internal] Problem: The The
specified RBQM Customization question does not
exist error message appears when clicking Return
in Customization and then cancelling the save.
Change Request: 97031 [internal] Problem: Renaming
an item in the Project List category in
Customization to an existing name shows warning
message instead of error.. Change Request: 97634
[internal] Problem: An Incorrect folder icon
appears after adding and removing a sub-item to a
lookup list in Project List category in

Change Request: QCCR1J15213 Problem: Alerts
triggered when updating requirement through the
Excel add-in

Change Request: QCCR1J19122 Problem: Failed to
Text Search when trying to search for a valid
word in the Design Steps

Change Request: QCCR1J18685 Problem: When
selecting the thesaurus option, Quaity Center
throws an error.

Change Request: 97117 [internal] Problem: Dragging
and dropping filters produces an error message.

Change Request: 97391, 97203 [internal] Problem:
Some fields may not render correctly when logging
into the system in a 64-bit operating system.

Change Request: 97965 [internal] Problem: The grid
might not show changes done by other users after
being refreshed.

Change Request: 81279, 92745, 94821 [internal]
Problem: Copying selected text in tree may select
the entity instead.

Change Request: 91511 [internal] Problem: Help on
this page in the help menu, might not show the
help page in certain scenarios.

Change Request: 95303 [internal] Problem: Spell
check dialog box does not respond when double
clicking on the suggested word.

Change Request: 96882,96881 [internal] Problem:
Trying to refresh an entity tree or grid after
deleting an entity might cause an infinite loop.

Change Request: 96590 [internal] Problem: The
favorites form could be resized to a size where
nothing was visible.

Change Request: 97613 [internal] Problem: When
clearing alerts, the warning message had an extra
line break.

Change Request: 97873 [internal] Problem:
Inconsistent coloring when copying and pasting an

Change Request: 97715 [internal] Problem: When
saving an attachment, the world uploading might
appear instead of Downloading.

Change Request: 97711 [internal] Problem: When
Update was selected, it required a refresh to
show the changes.

Change Request: 95753 [internal] Problem: The
Attachments tab did not turn bold after adding
an attachment to a newly created entity.

Change Request: 97627 [internal] Problem: Send
mail functionality will send mail upon pressing
the enter key even if the cancel button is focused

Change Request: 97627 [internal] Problem: The
Send mail functionality will send a mail when
pressing the enter key, even if the cancel button
is in focus.

Change Request: 97522, 97238 [internal] Problem:
Tree selectors do not update when changing the
main module tree (e.g. when opening a dropdown
selector of the parent requirement in requirements
filter dialog box or when selecting a requirement
for the Req Coverage in Test Plan module).

Change Request: 98600 [internal] Problem: While in
grid view, when setting the group filter, standing
on an entity that is not in the filter and
clicking refresh does not refresh the bottom
information pane.

Change Request: 90701 [internal] Problem: During
the first deployment of an ALM 11 Client, if
Internet Explorer was not maximized, it was
possible that the user installation became cropped
and not fully visible.

Change Request: 103972 [internal] Problem:
Filtering on Modified field did not work. Either
it failed with error, or it returned an empty
result when it should not have.

Change Request: 90119 [internal] Problem: When
adding an attachment to a test, the row with the
columns is being duplicated for few seconds. The
progress bar was moved to the bottom of the view.

Change Request: 98274 [internal] Problem: Hovering
over user name does not give its full data (in
details view). Change Request: 54822 [internal]
Problem: Filters Syntax mistakes were displayed as
warnings instead of as error messages. Change
Request: 97487, 96047 [internal] Problem: When
sorting a user list by clicking the lists column
header, the lists scrollbar becomes misaligned.

Change Request: 69103 [internal] Problem: When
displaying entity details, field names containing
long strings of text are cut from the left.

Change Request: 97656 [internal] Problem: When
displaying a tree with lengthy fields, a tiny
overflow icon is displayed to the right of the
fields value.

Change Request: 97604 [internal] Problem: When
grouping user lists by clicking the lists view
by group checkbox, search operations do not
automatically expand and focus on matching

Change Request: 97561 [internal] Problem:
Dropdowns lack persistency of their last resize

Change Request: 97559 [internal] Problem: Ctrl + A
does not work in filter dialog box, Filter
condition column cells.

Change Request: 97818, 97961 [internal] Problem:
Lower details pane in entity details view is not
properly refreshed.

Change Request: 97556 [internal] Problem: Search
box borders vanish when typing a search value in
the selected tree.

Change Request: 98342, 97361[internal] Problem:
Lookup list values are only accepted on second
attempt when using ALM Explorer. Change Request:
97553 [internal] Problem: Up/Down Arrows do not
work in the Go to Entity dialog box.

Change Request: 97640 [internal] Problem: It is
possible to drag entities from selected trees into
trees other than the designated target trees.

Change Request: 97551[internal] Problem: Ctrl + Z
and Ctrl + A do not work in Go to Entity dialog

Change Request: 94915 [internal] Problem: New line
characters are not saved after upgrade in memo
fields (they are replaced by small squares

Change Request: 95572 [internal] Problem: Adding
blank spaces to a value before or after semi
colons, in multi-value lookup lists, might cause
that value to be removed when the dropdown for the
lookup list is reopened.

Change Request: 103825, 93235 [internal] Problem:
The Go to Entity operation, using ALT+G, takes a
long time.

Change Request: 97845 [internal] Problem: Some
checkbox strings in the Send by e-mail window
are cut when using non English locale.

Change Request: 95414 [internal] Problem: A
floating text box remains inside the entity tree
after changing the focus from an entry which
contains an invalid value.

Change Request: 88065 [internal] Problem: Toolbar
shortcuts do not work when the toolbar is in a tab
that is not focused.

Change Request: 98630 [internal] Problem: Spelling
correction of duplicate words doesnt work.

Change Request: 87373 [internal] Problem: When
entering a number that exceeds the valid range of
numeric values in a numeric field, no proper error
is displayed.

Change Request: 96448, 97371 [internal] Problem:
Selecting the last row in a list, while in a grid
view that is not fully visible, will scroll to and
highlight an incorrect row.

Change Request: 97390 [internal] Problem: An
Object reference error message occurs when
editing a value in the grid view and then resizing
the window.

Change Request: 97333 [internal] Problem: After
entering an invalid value into a grid cell, an
Endless error message will be displayed if you
adjust the window size using a splitter.

Change Request: 97637 [internal] Problem: The
Update Selected option prompts an Object
reference not set to an instance of an object
error message when no entity is selected, for
example when the group, but no actual record, is

Change Request: 90507 [internal] Problem: In the
filter dialog box - the check box Show test with
alerts does not affect the result.

Change Request: 90296 [internal] Problem: Using
the Replace function in the grid view updates an
incorrect row.

Change Request: 103396 [internal] Problem: Multi
selection in a grid remains multiple, even when a
single row is clicked.

Change Request: 94031 [internal] Problem: When the
workflow script changes, while adding a new
entity, the field value of the changed field
appears at the bottom of the Edit dialog box,
but, in the New Entity dialog box, this field
appears on top of the other fields, shifting all
other fields down.

Change Request: 90836 [internal] Problem: When an
external module would initiate an external Help
page, trying to open a help page would display a
white page.

Change Request: 86180, 98161 [internal] Problem:
When setting the Description and summary
fields to be isReadOnly=true, by a Workflow
script, they were still editable. Note: the Add
comment button is enabled but does not edit the

Change Request: 90105 [internal] Problem: An
entity can be posted by logging out, without
filling in all the required fields. Change
Request: 97558 [internal] Problem: Missing Find
Next ability in list/users/entities selection
drop down editors. Change Request: 97348
[internal] Problem: Clicking Enter when renaming
an attachment opens it rather than saving the
name. Change Request: 178723 [internal] Problem:
Remove linked entity button might be disabled
even though there is a linked defect. Change
Request: 178303 [internal] Problem: The Status bar
shows an incorrect number of entities in the grid
view, after performing Go to entity to an entity
which was not in the filter. Change Request: 97083
[internal] Problem: Error while renaming
attachments of type Clipboard. Change Request:
84384 [internal] Problem: Insufficient space and
text cut-off for fields labels in the Details
tab. Change Request: 87017 [internal] Problem:
Ctrl + A does not select all text in field editors.
Change Request: 87017 [internal] Problem: Error
message appears when switching from tree view to
grid view after creating an entity which is not
included in the defined filter. Change Request:
97560 [internal] Problem: Some drop downs of field
editors are not resizable. Change Request: 97372
[internal] Problem: Text cut-off in the 
 successfully added message in the bottom of
new entity dialog boxes. Change Request: 97852
[internal] Problem: Incorrect error message when
trying to jump (by a link) to an entity in a
module which was set as hidden (in Customization,
for the group of the logged in user type).
Change Request: 97540 [internal] Problem:
Thesaurus dialog might get stuck when typing a
word in the Look up combo box editor. Change
Request: 97802 [internal] Problem: Cannot perform
Go to folder-type entities from the Find results
dialog box. Change Request: 95406 [internal]
Problem: Snapshot-type attachments do not have an
ALM_ name prefix.

Change Request: 98744, 81609 [internal] Problem:
There is no tooltip for the Search for field, in
the Text Search toolbar. Change Request: 88835
[internal] Problem: The height of the QC Welcome
page should be bigger to avoid the scrollbar.
Change Request: QCCR1J15318 Problem: Error
returned when trying to setup mail over SSL/TLS.

Change Request: QCCR1J17612 Problem: QC Mail
formatting is not OK when using Notes 8.5.1

Change Request: QCCR1J14899 Problem: Emails to
Groups in QC 11 does not work as expected - only
the first user is selected

Change Request: 178762 [internal] Problem: Trying
to send a newly created entity via e-mail before
saving it causes an error.

Change Request: 88943 [internal] Problem: The
Search Text area may cut off a labels text in
some languages. Change Request: 93896 [internal]
Problem: Clicking a linked defect immediately
after adding the defect may display the wrong
links in the Linked Defects view.

Change Request: 97670 [internal] Problem:
Sometimes you cannot send a test mail when
configuring the SMTP server.

Change Request: 98328 [internal] Problem: You
cannot send an email when selecting the Forgot
Password link on the ALM login page.

Change Request: 179216 [internal] Problem: QC
client is not loaded from shared deployment folder
in ALM Explorer using IIS web server. Description:
When working with ALM Explorer, a colon is added
to the URL address even if it is not necessary. A
problem may occur if a workstation is running the
ALM client and the common mode of the same ALM
server. Workaround: The ALM URL address should
include a colon and a port number. For example,
instead of http://server/qcbin use
http://server:80/qcbin Version Control

Change Request: 178508 [internal] Problem:
Workflow may change a value of an entity even when
not checked out.

Change Request: 97805 [internal] Problem: New user
defined memo fields may be created as
non-versioned on a version controlled project.

Change Request: 96695 [internal] Problem: When
drilling down to a different project in a cross
project graph, the last user who logged on to the
project is displayed, and not the user who
performed the drill down.

Change Request: 74277 [internal] Problem: This
limitation occurs when we have a user-defined
field with the same name, on the same entity, but
with the different types (one is User_List, and
the other is String) in two projects. In such
cases, if we create a cross-project summary graph
with these two projects, the user-defined field
will be available in the X-Axis field list and the
Group-By field list. In this case, the
user-defined field should not appear in the
available field list.

Change Request: 55869/57115 [internal] Problem:
This limitation occurs when we create a summary
graph with a field that can have identical display
values and different IDs. For example, we can give
the same name to two different test sets, when
theyre not under the same parent folder. So when
we create a test set summary graph, with test set
name specified as the X-Axis field, we will find
those two test sets are regarded as one test set
in the graph generation. So the graph result is
incorrect. in the summary graph and the age graph
only. Limitation: The problem still exists in the
progress graph and the trend graph.

Change Request: 82903 [internal] Problem: This
limitation occurs when we create a graph with a
field which has multi-values. In the graph result,
we can see the multi-value is shown as a single
value, instead of the split values. For example,
if we have a user-defined field which allows
multi-values, and one entity has the value 1;2
and another entity has the value 1. Actually in
the graph were expecting two entities with value
1 and one with value 2. However we get one
entity with value 1;2 and one with 1.

Change Request: 96655 [internal] Problem: When
coping/pasting project reports between projects,
if there is a type mismatch between the project
templates of the source and target projects, a
generic Failed to Post Data error message is
displayed. Solution: The following, detailed error
message is displayed: The {project report
name} project report cannot be copied to the
current project: A report template type in the
current project does not match the corresponding
report template type in the source project.

Change Request: 94802 [internal] Problem: If you
log in and go to the Analysis View without
permission to modify, and try to change a reports
description, the No permission to remove an item
error message appears.

Change Request: 77494 [internal] Problem: Deleting
an analysis item\folder should be possible with
the Delete key, as it is in all other modules. It
is possible only the with Ctrl + Delete keys.

Change Request: 80124 [internal] Problem: The
Dashboard modules shortcut for creating a new
folder is different from similar shortcuts in
other .Net modules. Ctrl + Alt+F - creates a new
folder in the Dashboard module. Ctrl + N creates a
new folder in other .Net modules (such as
Management and Test Resource).

Change Request: 80204 [internal] Problem: The
Select Projects window for graphs is missing a
Close( X ) button and a Maximize button.

Change Request: 178719 [internal] Problem: An
exception occurs when trying to generate an excel

Change Request: 178513 [internal] Problem: After
renaming a folder, the Test Plan Standard Report
displays the old folder name.

Change Request: 98733, 98685 [internal] Problem:
Standard Reports: The PrintAll option does not
work. PrintAll prints empty pages or does not
print at all.

Change Request: 82168 [internal] Problem: Excel
reports: String fields that contain number strings
are converted into cells formatted as numbers.

Change Request: 71332 [internal] Problem: When you
create a defect report with Source Execution Test
as a sub report, the filter is ignored and all
entities are displayed.

Change Request: 178490 [internal] Problem:
Workflow: You cannot add customization buttons to
the Dashboard module.

Change Request: 103721 [internal] Problem: Create
a scorecard graph in Analysis Module , create a
dashboard page , add the scorecard graph to the
page, click regenerate button in view tab ? Crash.

Change Request: 97699 [internal] Problem: Big gaps
appear between text and tables in a report when
text and tables were both added to the
requirements Description field. To reproduce,
create a requirement, change the description field
text, and place a table under the text.

Change Request: 94254 [internal] Problem: Excel
Reports: The run-time error 1004 message message
is displayed during Excel report generation when
post processing is selected but no data is
returned by a query (the query result has no rows)

Change Request: 93346 [internal] Problem: Graph
Wizard images (example images of graphs that
appear in the graph wizard) for Test Instances,
Runs and Requirements are not consistent with
existing fields, and display non-existing fields.

Change Request: 92351 [internal] Problem: Standard
Reports: Item Per Page = 1 Printing does not work.
Each item should start on a separate page, yet
there is no page break.

Change Request: 87299 [internal] Problem: Missing
shortcuts in Excel Query builder

Change Request: 84098 [internal] Problem: Standard
Report : Current filter of Test Set tree is not
applied in the Cross Test Set with Tests report in
the Test Plan module . No matter what filter is
set , all the tests are displayed.

Change Request: 83680 [internal] Problem: Excel
Reports: String fields that contain a date value
(Aug-09) are formatted into Date cells instead of
remaining string cells.

Change Request: 81428 [internal] Problem: Sorting
by subject in Test Plan standard reports doesnt
work as expected , because the reports are not
sorted by subject name. Instead, they are sorted
by subject ID.

Change Request: 80278 [internal] Problem: The
Paste option from the menu is not disabled in the
Query tab of Configuration tab of an Excel Report
when the user does not have permission to modify
Excel Reports.

Change Request: 79516 [internal] Problem: If the
xsl template of a standard report is invalid, no
more reports can be generated until restarting ALM

Change Request: 76941 [internal] Problem: Excel
Reports: Clicking the Hide button in the Query
Builder the first time does not do anything.

Change Request: 77324 [internal] Problem: Two Save
buttons appear in the Report Selected dialog box,
each performing a different action.

Change Request: 96484 [internal] Problem: There is
an inconsistency in behavior for system fields and
user-defined fields in a project report when
fields are defined as hidden.

Change Request: 96754 [internal] Problem: In the
project report Document Output Options dialog box,
HTML and PDF should be uppercase.

Change Request: 97181 [internal] Problem: When a
graph is copied in monochrome mode, the label for
each data point or section is shown incorrectly.
Instead of the value of the data point or section,
the same label text was shown.

Change Request: 97264 [internal] Problem: Resizing
the configuration tab in the dashboard module
doesnt work properly and yields an error message.

Change Request: 97345 [internal] Problem: Add an
export to Excel button in the tool bar in the
analysis drill down view.

Change Request: 97710 [internal] Problem: Test
Configuration is missing from list in the wizard
when creating new graphs.

Change Request: 98483 [internal] Problem:
Generating or previewing project reports with
history fields sometimes failes.

Change Request: 90064 [internal] Problem: Users
who cannot create private Analysis folders in the
Dashboard module can create private Analysis
folders by going into another module (for example,
Defects), selecting the Analysis menu, selecting a
report, and then saving the report as a New

Change Request: 96597 [internal] Problem: Test
graphs that are grouped by test configurations
execution status do not display correct data.

Change Request: 97515 [internal] Problem: When
generating a project report, the Project Reports
Progress dialog box opens to display the report
generation progress. It goes through 4 steps
(Generating, Downloading, Rendering and Saving).
In steps 1 and 2 the progress bar does not run and
stays a blank rectangle. In step 3 it runs and
fills up the rectangle. In step 4 it does not run
and instead turns into a rectangle full of blue

Change Request: 96621[internal] Problem: Selecting
Analysis > Reports > Report Selected when no
entity is selected yields an Index out of range
error message.

Change Request: 96921[internal] Problem: In
Project Reports Configuration tab, the Auto
Update Table of Contents (This option increases
generation time) label was cut in a Japanese

Change Request: 97121[internal] Problem: A Blank
page instead of help appears for Document
Generator when F1 key is pressed

Change Request: 95330 [internal] Problem: Clicking
links to external sites in a standard report opens
inside the standard report view tab.

Change Request: 95314 [internal] Problem: When
viewing a graph in the Analysis module, the time
stated in the Last Generated label may differ
from the time stated in the Server Time label.
This is because the Last Generated label
indicates the time of the local machine while the
Server Time label indicates the time of the Site
Administration machine which may be in a different
time zone.

Change Request: 97396 [internal] Problem: When
creating two KPI Over Time Graphs one after the
other, you receive the followingmessage: Graph
cannot be generated because not all fields were
configured.. This message appearif the first
graphs configuration is not complete when
creating the second graph.

Change Request: 97374 [internal] Problem: In the
Post-processing tab for Excel reports, clicking on
the Help button opens the Help for the New Query
Parameter dialog, rather than for the
Post-processing tab,

Change Request: 103929 [internal] Problem: When
using Select Columns in the drill-down window, all
the records are erased from the drill-down grid.

Change Request: 87926 [internal] Problem: The Thin
client 3D pie graphs look very different from how
they look in ALM (the shape is elongated and the
side is not darker than the top of the pie).

Change Request: 83373 [internal] Problem: In Thin
client 3D line graphs there are thick gray axis
lines (the ones separating the floor/left wall
with the chart).

Change Request: 98889 [internal] Problem: When
pasting a requirements filter copied from the
requirements model into the requirements section
of the Document Generator, the report fails to
generate with the error Invalid procedure call or
argument 5.

Change Request: 97752 [internal] Problem: The
Template Creators Word Add-In tab is not
translated when Client Culture is switched to a
Foreign Language.

Change Request: QCCR1J16899 Problem: report causes
out of memory

Change Request: QCCR1J16040 Problem: Public
Analysis Favorites to be available in Analysis
menu like in QC9.0

Change Request: QCCR1J17852 Problem: Could not
generate excel with more than 65535

Change Request: 180010 [internal] Problem: 1.
Unable to generate Excel reports when the user has
only generate permission. An error message appears
when the Generate button is clicked. 2. There is
no permission to remove Excel reports.

Change Request: QCCR1J18026 Problem: Only for
projects with Hebrew support enabled and
Right-To_Left selected. When starting to edit a
memo editor, an Object reference not set to an
instance of an object. error is displayed.

Change Request: 98033 [internal] Problem: You
cannot export defects to MS Excel.

Change Request: 97151[internal] Problem: An
incorrect list of invalid characters is displayed
in the Detected in Cycle filter.

Change Request: 95765 [internal] Problem: The text
cursor becomes invisible after entering an invalid
filter in the defects grid header.

Change Request: 98256 [internal] Problem: When
working in a grid with two level groups applied,
an error occurs and a red cross displays.

Change Request: 103195 [internal] Problem: When
clicking Cancel in the Required Defect Fields
dialog box, the defect Summary is deleted.

Change Request: 93263 [internal] Problem: When
opening a new defect, if there is a workflow
handler for the Move_To event that effects the
UI, when clicking Submit, the UI structure of the
Move_To event displays for a moment.

Change Request: 97970 [internal] Problem: While a
defect details dialog box is open, if you run a
Go to Defect command, the selected defect should
open within the same dialog box, rather than
opening another dialog box.

Change Request: 98743, 68194 [internal] Problem:
The OK button of the Target Cycle/Release drop
down should be enabled only when the correct type
is selected.

Change Request: 94847 [internal] Problem: The ALM
Client does not support NTLM authentication by Web
Server or Proxy.

Change Request: 95482 [internal] Problem: The ALM
Explorer does not work under Reverse Proxy with
NTLM authentication configuration.

Change Request: 95681[internal] Problem: Internet
Explorer crashes when trying to login to Site
Administration with McAfee SiteAdvisor enabled.

Change Request: 178203 [internal] Problem: The
following message is received during an MSI
installation when UAC is ON:Cant find .NET 3.5
instead of Non admin user of UAC is ON cant
continue installation.

Change Request: 95487 [internal] Problem: ALM
Explorer does not work under Web Server NTLM

Change Request: 94558 [internal] Problem: The
Progress bar is not shown during isolated
deployment on machine running on Microsoft Windows
XP after a common mode deployment.

Change Request: 95600 [internal] Problem: When
working with an ALM client and platform that
require Basic Authentication, the Welcome Page and
Help pages requires entering user credentials.

Change Request: 79519 [internal] Problem: When you
drag and drop or press the assign arrow of a
test folder onto a coverage of a requirement,
sometimes when the test folder contains a huge
amount of tests, then the assign operation will
have a very long duration and sometimes even a
timeout error message would appear.

Change Request: QCCR1J18992 Problem: When
performing a Find/Replace function in the
Requirements module it causes the browser to

Change Request: 96992 [internal] Problem: When
assigning a requirement folder to several release
cycles, in a case where the folder contains a
large amount of requirements and alerts are
enabled for requirement changes, the operation
performance is slow.

Change Request: 95021 [internal] Problem: When
cutting an entity, the cut entity remains in
italics even if the paste operation is canceled.

Change Request: 178396 [internal] Problem: When
clicking the Reschedule button to reschedule a
release, cycle, or milestone, the Reschedule
dialog box opens twice.

Change Request: 103590 [internal] Problem: In the
Releases module, when opening the Scorecard tab
for a release and drilling down to a KPI cell,
part of the KPI Drill Down Result window is

Change Request: 97644 [internal] Problem: When
trying to reschedule a release in the Master Plan
tab, the Object reference not set to an instance
of an object error may display.

Change Request: 99015 [internal] Problem: In the
Progress and Quality tabs, some changes to the
release, such as rescheduling a child cycle, are
not updated in the view until the Refresh button
is clicked.

Change Request: 103968 [internal] Problem: After
creating a new release folder, the Delete and Cut
buttons remain disabled.

Change Request: 97971 [internal] Problem: In the
graph of the Releases module Progress tab,
cycles are sorted by name while they should be
sorted by start date.

Change Request: 97507 [internal] Problem: When
renaming a cycle, if the new name already exists,
a message displays indicating that this is a
duplicate name. After closing the message, the
name should be restored to the previous name.

Change Request: 94270 [internal] Problem: When
adding new traceability to a requirement, the
green indicator star in the tab does not display.

Change Request: 97664 [internal] Problem: In the
Requirement Coverage tab, the Full Coverage
option is not working correctly with
configurations. If two child requirements have
test coverage with different configurations, only
one of the child requirements is displayed when
viewed from the parent requirement. In addition,
the status displayed reflects only this one

Change Request: 97262 [internal] Problem: In the
Release Details dialog box, when clicking the
Requirements assigned to release link, the
previous filter in the Requirements module is not
reset. This could cause some requirements assigned
to the release not to be displayed.

Change Request: 79519 [internal] Problem: When
adding test coverage to a requirement, if the test
folder contains a very large amount of tests, the
operation will take a very long time and can
timeout, and a timeout error message displays.

Change Request: 97673 [internal] Problem: The
workflow event GetDetailsPageName is not
triggered in the Requirements module.

Change Request: 97810 [internal] Problem:
Displaying a requirement in the Requirement
Traceability Matrix pane while the requirement is
open in details mode will cause the requirement to
lose all unsaved changes.

Change Request: 103765 [internal] Problem: The
dropdown for requirement types may not show all
text of long type names.

Limitation: The initial size of the dropdown is
the same but it may be resized after opening.
Change Request: 97884 [internal] Problem:
Selecting a group in the send mail user list
selects only the first user in the group.

Change Request: 178504 [internal] Problem: When
performing Move Up or Move Down operations on
a requirement, the two surrounding requirements
are moved too.

Change Request: 93716 [internal] Problem: Values
in the requirement tree name column are not fully
visible when the name column is narrow.

Change Request: 89263 [internal] Problem: In the
Requirements module, in the Rich Text tab, after
converting a hyperlink to text, the text
formatting is lost.

Change Request: 98298 [internal] Problem: When
setting a filter that returns no records while
zoomed in to a tree portion, you cannot refresh
the tree, go back to the previous filter, or zoom
out to view the whole tree.

Change Request: 97639 [internal] Problem: If you
select a requirement, add coverage to it in the
Test Plan module, then navigate back to the same
requirement, the lower pane of the coverage chart
is empty.

Change Request: 94903 [internal] Problem: While
viewing the Design Steps tab in the Test Plan
module, the DesignStep_MoveTo workflow event is
not triggered when clicking Refresh.

Change Request: 98973 [internal] Problem: In the
Requirements Grid view, the Go To Requirement in
Requirements Tree button is not visible after
filtering by groups.

Change Request: 98596 [internal] Problem: When
creating a report from the analysis menu in the
Requirements module, and there is an image in the
rich text of a requirements which is included in
the report, the image is not displayed.

Change Request: 178641 [internal] Problem: When
exporting the traceability matrix to Microsoft
Excel, it is limited to 250 linked entities.

Change Request: 97426 [internal] Problem: The font
size of rich text cannot be changed manually.

Change Request: 98629 [internal] Problem: When
creating requirements from different subtypes,
with a defined rich text template, the template is
not updated according to sub-type.

Change Request: 95085 [internal] Problem: When
creating a requirement and changing its type from
a type with a defined rich text template to a
non-rich text defined, the rich text indicator is
updated incorrectly.

Change Request: 98566 [internal] Problem: In the
traceability matrix, the column remains collapsed
after selecting the full path option.

Change Request: 98987 [internal] Problem: Favorite
views fail to load in the Requirements module.

Change Request: 103475 [internal] Problem: After
configuring a traceability matrix, the requirement
information (for example, description) is not

Change Request: 178320 [internal] Problem: The
Creation Date and Creation Time fields are not
displayed in the details dialog box.

Change Request: 178325 [internal] Problem: In the
Requirement Traceability tab, the Req:
Requirement Type field remains empty although the
requirement type is defined.

Change Request: 94940 [internal] Problem: In the
Risk Analysis View tab, the Ctrl + A, Ctrl + P, and
Ctrl + G shortcut keys do not work properly.

Change Request: 97340 [internal] Problem: The
Requirements Grid shows only the root requirement
in some navigation scenarios.

Change Request: 84372 [internal] Problem: A
warning is not displayed before you select the
Expand All option.

Change Request: 95389 [internal] Problem: Fails to
access a called test in the Traceability Matrix.

Change Request: 98902 [internal] Problem: In the
Comparison Settings window, text strings are split
to multiple lines.

Change Request: 89243 [internal] Problem: In the
Rich Text view, a new line character is displayed
as part of the hyperlink link.

Change Request: 89509 [internal] Problem: In the
Rich Text view, an unclear error message is
displayed after selecting a very large font size.

Change Request: 92618 [internal] Problem: In the
Rich Text view, when adding text without a
corresponding URL, the OK button is still enabled.

Change Request: 97804 [internal] Problem: The
warning message for deleting a baseline is
formatted incorrectly.

Change Request: 91066 [internal] Problem: Some
strings in the Risk Assessment tab are not

Change Request: 98902 [internal] Problem: In the
Comparison Settings dialog box, a few text strings
are displayed incorrectly.

Change Request: 98401 [internal] Problem: A rich
text document that contains special characters may
also contain unknown symbols ?EUR.

Change Request: 95641 [internal] Problem: When
creating a cross-filter to display requirements
with alerts, an exception error may occur.

Change Request: 79510 [internal] Problem: After
customizing the Business requirement type to
support test coverage and setting coverage for
such requirements, the Direct Cover Status field
is not updated.

Change Request: 67131 [internal] Problem: The
GetChildrenList method returns only the first

Change Request: 97312 [internal] Problem: Users
without permission to delete requirement
traceability links can still delete them.

Change Request: 96148 [internal] Problem: A
requirement type name cannot contain only numbers.

Change Request: 80386 [internal] Problem: When
setting RQ_TARGET_REL or RQ_TARGET_RCYC ] to a
non-existent ID, an error message is not

Change Request: 97039 [internal] Problem: A
refresh problem occurs when selecting a
requirement that at the same time another user is
attempting to delete.

Change Request: 98058 [internal] Problem: Unable
to resize the Details tab in Requirements module.

Change Request: 178828 [internal] Problem: The
following limitation occurs after you add a new
Direct Cover Status value in project
customization, and then you assign the new value
to your requirements. In the Requirements Grid
view, the Direct Cover Status icon of this new
value is not displayed in the grid.

Change Request: 97280 [internal] Problem: The
Show full path string is displayed incorrectly
in the Traceability matrix.

Change Request: 97229 [internal] Problem: In the
Requirement Traceability view of the Requirement
Details dialog box, the Select Columns option
works incorrectly in the Relationships tab.

Change Request: 97229 [internal] Problem: This
problem occurs when adding the subsection Trace
To or Trace From to a standard report in the
Analysis Module. An exception error occurs when
filtering on the Req: Requirement Type field.

Change Request: 97661 Problem: Unable to filter by
group items in the Test Coverage tab. [internal]

Change Request: 98581 [internal] Problem: After
saving changes in the Rich Text tab, the green
indicator (*) remains visible.

Change Request: 91777 [internal] Problem: The Copy
option is removed from the Requirements Grid view.

Change Request: 96385 [internal] Problem: A
problem with the clickable arrow in the
Requirement Name column.

Change Request: 95023 [internal] Problem: After
changing the requirement type, test coverage works

Change Request: 103556 [internal] Problem: The
Reviewed (RQ_REQ_REVIEWED) field is not
available in Groups and Permissions >
Permissions page.

Change Request: 98008 [internal] Problem:
SmartRep: Aligner can run while files are added to
smart repository - and delete files which are in
the middle of being added.

Change Request: QCCR1J17128 Problem: QC 11 Failed
to compare two elements in an array when
importing a library. Change Request: 94724
[internal] Problem: When comparing rich text
between requirements, the text is not fully shown.

Change Request: 103235 [internal] Problem: The
description in the first step of the Import
Library Wizard has a disabled toolbar.

Change Request: 96498 [internal] Problem: The
Libraries synchronization process opens many QC
connections which are not closed at the end of the
synchronization process.

Change Request: 97517 [internal] Problem: When
viewing the details of a test from a baseline, the
parameters, linked defects and covered
requirements sections are marked as empty even if
these sections are not empty.

Change Request: 75354 [internal] Problem: When a
test calls another test, the name of the called
test in appears in the Design Steps tab, in the
description of appropriate design step. The name
of the called test is surrounded by < and >
symbols. The name of the called test should be
displayed both in the regular tests view and in
the Compare Entities view (in a case of tests
comparison).In a case where a test is inside a
library and calls another test which is outside
the library, and where the library is imported
into another project, and user then compares the
tests from the libraries, using the imported
library as the current library, then the name of
the called test is not displayed.

Change Request: 97273 [internal] Problem: The
Select Baseline step of the Import wizard fails
when there are more than 50 roots in the library.

Change Request: 96663 [internal] Problem: The user
interface string in the Compare Baselines Tool
window is cut in the Chinese version

Change Request: 98684 [internal] Problem: The user
interface string in the Comparison Settings window
for baselines is cut in the Russian version.

Change Request: 97184 [internal] Problem: In the
Comparison Settings dialog box there is a cut
string in the Test tab Change Request: 96717
[internal] Problem: When comparing between two
versions, memo fields which are not versioned are
not marked as such by the 

Change Request: 97321 [internal] Problem: The
Toolbar in the Compare Libraries Tool dialog box
can be hidden and cannot be shown until comparing

Change Request: 89694 [internal] Problem: The
tab order in the in the Compare Test Entities
dialog box is not the same as in the details form.

Change Request: 98067 [internal] Problem: The
Compare Selected Baseline option is allowed while
the library is unstable.

Change Request: 97344 [internal] Problem: The
description in step 3 on the Import Library wizard
is not editable.

Change Request: 97516 [internal] Problem: The
Export Comparison Result to an Excel report has
syntactic error if the word Items.

Change Request: 103198 [internal] Problem: Text is
cut in the RBQM description and in the Import
Library verification report when the machines
Locale is set to Hebrew.

Change Request: 97614 [internal] Problem: The
Import verification results presents the wrong
number of entities that will be imported when
there is a hiding filter.

Change Request: 97440 [internal] Problem: Cannot
import the Library due to a Fields Intersection
failure. This might happen when trying to import
between two projects with different versions.

Change Request: 77170 [internal] Problem: There is
a problem with import and sync when there are
differences in requirement types between the

Change Request: 98061 [internal] Problem:
Importing requirements fails if the requirement
target parent type is illegal. There is a
possibility to import the library and create a
requirement type folder as a child of requirement
type business (does not support folder child
requirements). This means that while requirement
import will fail, other library root types (for
example, TEST) will be imported successfully.

Change Request: 98326 [internal] Problem: Creating
a baseline that contains more than 50 roots will
fail with the following error message: Attempted
to read or write protected memory.

Change Request: 93279 [internal] Problem: In the
Configuration dialog box, whenever the filter is
long and a scroll bar appears in the filter
control, the end of the filter is displayed and
the user has to scroll up when first opening the
configuration dialog. Also, whenever the filter
control is disabled the text should be gray and
not black.

Change Request: 98184 [internal] Problem: The Show
Full Path label is cut in the Traced from
Requirements tab.

Change Request: 97285 [internal] Problem: After
creating a configuration for traceability matrix,
navigating to requirement tree and using the
Back functionality to return to the matrix, a
different configuration is loaded.

Change Request: 96879 [internal] Problem: The
Generate Traceability Matrix button is enabled
even when Excel is not installed on the machine.
Change Request: 97689 [internal] Problem: When a
favorite is deleted, its name is still displayed
within the module

Change Request: 98506 [internal] Problem: When
creating a project by copying from an existing
project, and choosing to copy only customization &
private favorites, you cannot open or create
favorite views in the project.

Change Request: 97123 [internal] Problem: Memo
fields: The toolbar only appears when the editor
is in focus.

Change Request: 96884 [internal] Problem: Memo
fields: The first letters in every row are not
visible. This happens on a right-to-left locale.

Change Request: 98580 [internal] Problem: When
spell checking and there are no spelling mistakes,
the spelling dialog flickers .

Change Request: 178595 [internal] Problem: Cannot
upload attachment via HP ALM 11 REST API in
version controlled project for non-version
controlled entities (for example: cannot upload
attachment for defect in versioned controlled

Change Request: 178784 [internal] Problem: Rich
text hidden attachments cant be downloaded via HP

Change Request: 178685 [internal] Problem: Cannot
filter according to the date in the Modified

Change Request: QCCR1J19247 Problem: Document
Generator is returning an error when embedding
Office (2003/2007) attachment files.

Change Request: 96148 [internal] Problem:
Requirement is created as new added requirement
type when trying to create requirement folder
Limitation: A numeric requirement type name is not

Change Request: 179097 [internal] Problem: The
shared Customization (cross project customization)
can work only between template and linked projects
which have the same extension Solution: If a
project or template project is linked, the user
should enable the same extensions on it.
Limitation: The extension enablement is
irreversible. In order to continue working with
the shared customization, the user should pay
attention that before enabling the customization
that no project or template is linked to it.

Change Request: QCCR1J17685 Problem: Public
Favorite Views option is unavailable to copy when
copy project to create new one

Change Request: QCCR1J17172 Problem: Repair tool
does not affect items in the VC tables

Change Request: QCCR1J16972 Problem: Italian
language settings error for SiteAdmin hh:mm:ss is
not a valid time

Change Request: QCCR1J18395 Problem: Failed to
Test Connection window does not appear while
testing invalid connection string.

Change Request: 103960 [internal] Problem: When
deleting a project, an unclear error appears. The
scenario occurs when defining a DB server in Site
Administration with a user that does not have
sufficient privileges to delete a project

Change Request: 98218 [internal] Problem: When
changing the Security Communication passphrase
value from site admin to site configuration, you
are required to restart HP ALM 11.

Change Request: 103559 [internal] Problem: The
OutOfMemory error appears when Import LDAP Users
by Keyword function returns too many users.

Change Request: 97744 [internal] Problem: Opening
the License History dialog box produces an error
of the license contains an unknown license type.

Change Request: 97460 [internal] Problem: Full
License and Additional ... licenses are not
displayed after applying a filter with cleared

Change Request: 94393 [internal] Problem: If you
generating a graph and select Additional
license, the graph contains a legend with
incorrect labels.

Change Request: 98777 [internal] Problem: Extra
records appear in the License History dialog if
Domain Pool was enabled.

Change Request: 94389 [internal] Problem: When
selecting the Full Licenses option, the License
Usage graph shows all data for all licenses

Change Request: 94534 [internal] Problem:
Additional Host, Topology and Timeslots columns
appear inside the License History tab.

Change Request: QCCR1J19548 Problem: Multiple
licenses are consumed when the same user connects
from the same client machine

Change Request: QCCR1J18053 Problem: There is no
ability to select xlsx or docx formats when
exporting from data grid view or reports to Excel
and Word

Change Request: 98781 [internal] Problem: Cannot
add the ? character using the right ALT + L
shortcut anywhere in ALM. Change Request: 97193
[internal] Problem: When creating a new release
that does not respond to Data Hiding, and then
trying to create a new cycle under it, the
following error message appears: The object was

Change Request: 95976 [internal] Problem: When
working with Performance Center, the fields in the
Filter dialog box in the Timeslots view are sorted
in the wrong order.

Change Request: QCCR1J15182 Problem: Problem with
events on refresh

Change Request: QCCR1J17831 Problem: Sub Bug_New
not always triggered correctly when working with
manual Business Component.

Change Request: QCCR1J16598 Problem:
TestFolder_MoveTo event and no way to know what
folder is selected

Change Request: QCCR1J17670 Problem: Cannot Get
select Requirement ID during Requirement Coverage

Change Request: 178327 [internal] Problem: In the
Test Lab module Execution Grid, you cannot
enable/disable the Select Tests, Run, and Run
Test Set toolbar buttons using workflow script.
Limitation: Run and Selected Tests toolbar
buttons cannot be disabled after the first time a
user enters the Execution Grid after login.
Entering the Execution Grid for the first time
after login will always display the Run and
Selected Tests toolbar buttons as enabled,
regardless of the workflow script. Moving to
another test set or test instance will
successfully change the Run and Selected Tests
according to the workflow script.

Change Request: 82901 [internal] Problem: When
adding a user-defined field for the Run entity, it
does not display in the Manual Runner dialog box.
Therefore, you cannot set user-defined fields for
the Run entity as Required in the Project
Entities page or through workflow.

Change Request: 89843 [internal] Problem: In the
Script Editor, navigating between new events in
the Common script node generates a warning

Change Request: 97388, 178404 [internal] Problem:
After setting a certain list / values for a field
of an entity through workflow, these values will
appear for the field in the filter dialog which is
opened when this entity is selected in a grid /
tree. The values that should appear are those set
originally in the customization for the field, in
order to allow for filter modifications.

Change Request: 98469, 98475, 98509, 98512, 178193
[internal] Problem: Events with the event name
format used before ALM 11 are not triggered in new
projects or projects created from upgraded

Change Request: 103617 [internal] Problem: Buttons
created in the Toolbar Button Editor for the
Manual Runner dialog box are not displayed in the
Manual Runner.

Change Request: 178199 [internal] Problem: The
Analysis Item entity is not accessible in the
Script Editor.

Change Request: 178252, 103517 [internal] Problem:
Buttons created in the Toolbar Button Editor are
not displayed in the Releases, Dashboard, and
Libraries modules.

Change Request: 178339 [internal] Problem: When
setting child requirements to inherit the Target
Release and Target Cycle of the parent requirement
via Workflow, an error message appears.

Change Request: 178491 [internal] Problem: When
opening a New Entity or Entity Details dialog box
of a different module, toolbar buttons of the
current module are displayed.

Change Request: 103529 [internal] Problem:
TestFolder_Fields and TestSetFolder_Fields are
not accessible in the Script Editor.

Change Request: QCCR1J15336 Problem: Parameters in
Call to test not version compared.

Change Request: QCCR1J17170 Problem: VC checks out
process performance problems with a large amount
of attachment history.

Change Request: 99058 [internal] Problem: In the
Update Selected dialog box, the legend for
non-versioned fields should have space between the

Change Request: 99057 [internal] Problem: In the
Replace dialog box, there should be a legend for
the asterisk (*) for non-versioned fields.

Change Request: 83015 [internal] Problem: If the
Site Administrator disables versioning for a
project, and then enables versioning for that
project, any attachment that was checked out
before is no longer there.

Change Request: 78094 [internal] Problem: When
undoing a check out on the Requirements module,
alerts are triggered.

Change Request: 97748 [internal] Problem: When
checking out a previous version of a test
resource, user-defined fields are not restored to
their previous values.

Change Request: 97464 [internal] Problem: When
importing a model in the Business Models module,
the import status in the Import window is not
translated to the current language.

Change Request: 95587 [internal] Problem: There is
an untranslated duplicate folder dialog box in
the Business Models module.

Change Request: 178390 [internal] Problem: When
working in the Business Models module in the
Linkage tab, clicking the Select Test button
does not display the Test Plan Tree pane.

Change Request: 87081 [internal] Problem: When
importing a specific ProVision model, the text on
the diagram is overwritten and does not display
clearly. Limitation: A minor issue with Horizontal
Lane names still exists.

Change Request: QCCR1J15274 Problem: Unable to
change order of data iterations in BPT data

Change Request: QCCR1J15199 Problem: BPT Parameter
display order is different in test configuration
than what appears in component details

Change Request: QCCR1J17130 Problem: SAP R&D]
Execute Testset via OTA API

Change Request: QCCR1J16825 Problem: Test
parameter issue with ALM 11.00 (patch 1) with BPT

Change Request: QCCR1J15751 Problem: ALM 11 SP1:
Unable to add design / manual steps to a component
after automating it to scripted

Change Request: QCCR1J19074 Problem: A BPT remote
agent is opened for each business process executed
in a test set

Change Request: 179024 [internal] Problem:
Creating a user memo field for Business Components
causes an error.

Change Request: 95571 [internal] Problem: When a
user imports a business model for the first time,
the new Business Models folder in the
Requirements module is not translated. The
translation problem also appears when comparing
different baselines containing the Business
Models folder.

Change Request: 97004 [internal] Problem: Pasting
a folder/component into the root folder
Components in the Business Components Module is
not possible

Change Request: 97188 [internal] Problem:
Parameter default value is not saved when saving
using the Enter key

Change Request: 97403 [internal] Problem: Field
layout in Components Details dialog box is

Change Request: 96599 [internal] Problem: Version
Control: When trying to clear unused components
including components checked out by others, an
unclear message is displayed

Change Request: 94404 [internal] Problem: Cannot
select root components folder as a destination for
Convert Manual Test to Component

Change Request: 91682 [internal] Problem: Unneeded
version-related fields are visible for components.

Change Request: 97077 [internal] Problem: An
unclear message is displayed when deleting a
component folder

Change Request: 84105 [internal] Problem: Version
Control: Redundant check-out request is displayed
when trying to copy component steps in a versioned

Change Request: 98280 [internal] Problem: Moving
an entity with ID X to folder with ID X is not

Change Request: 98458 [internal] Problem: Find is
not working correctly in the Components module

Change Request: 96169 [internal] Problem:
Impossible to view the Automation tab of a locked

Change Request: 88880 [internal] Problem: The view
of an old version of a scripted/keyword-driven
component should be in read only mode

Change Request: 103487 [internal] Problem: Version
Control : An error is displayed when two users
work on a requested component at the same time

Change Request: 97942 [internal] Problem: Allow
editing of manual component steps after automating
to a scripted component

Change Request: 85199 [internal] Problem: It is
possible to open the BusinessComponentTemplate10
as a regular business component and modify it from
within QuickTest Professional.

Change Request: 97170 [internal] Problem: It is
possible to create a new parameter in the history

Change Request: 178581 [internal] Problem: Version
Control : Requested components versioning status
is not refreshed after creation

Change Request: 178716 [internal] Problem: Error
is displayed when trying to change component
status to Not Implemented

Change Request: 98350 [internal] Problem: When
running the Extension Deployment Tool on a UNIX
operating system without the silent parameter,
and without setting the DISPLAY environment
variable, an unclear error message displays.

Change Request: 97751 [internal] Problem: In
localized ALM versions, in the Server
Configuration Wizard, the browse button in the
license panel may not display well.

Change Request: 97880 [internal] Problem: When
running the Extension Deployment Tool to undeploy
an extension and canceling during the actual
undeployment, the user cannot undeploy the same
extension afterwards.

Change Request: 97392 [internal] Problem: When
trying to use text search on a filtered module, an
error message displays.

Change Request: 94431 [internal] Problem: Project
Planning and Tracking (PPT) customization: An
error is displayed when creating a new KPI type
with the same name as a KPI that was just deleted.

Change Request: 86721 [internal] Problem: In
Project Planning and Tracking (PPT), the Alt+G
shortcut key for generating graph does not work.
with a limitation. Limitation: If the focus is
outside ALM (for example, if the user has clicked
the Internet Explorer address bar) the shortcut
key only works if the user restores the focus to
ALM by clicking the scorecard panel (the white
area) or the scorecard title area.

Change Request: 86724 [internal] Problem: In
Project Planning and Tracking (PPT), the Alt+D
shortcut key for setting the Release Scorecard
Table Layout does not work. with a limitation.
Limitation: If the focus is outside ALM (for
example, if the user has clicked the Internet
Explorer address bar) the shortcut key only works
if the user restores the focus to ALM by clicking
the scorecard panel (the white area) or the
scorecard title area.

Change Request: 97201 [internal] Problem: When
users that are not part of an Admin or Project
Manager group enter the Releases Module, they
cannot set a filter or set selected columns
because the buttons for these functionalities
appear disabled.

Change Request: 97377 & 97422 [internal] Problem:
In the drop-down menu of the breakdown field in
the configuration tab of a Covered Requirements
KPI breakdown graph, the text of two menu items:
Uncovered Requirements by Priority and
Uncovered Requirements by Author are cut
yielding two items that seem the same (Uncovered
Requirements by)

Change Request: 94658 [internal] Problem:
Sometimes the PPT calculation fails causing Null
Pointer Exception error to appear in the server
logs. This happens when the scope created for the
KPI analysis does not include any test instances.

Change Request: 98319 [internal] Problem: When
deleting a newly created KPI type before saving,
an error message displays. In addition, you cannot
delete a KPI Type if it is renamed but not yet

Change Request: 103771 [internal] Problem: Using
the operator >= in a KPI filter for a Date type
user-defined field results in an incorrect

Change Request: 103979 [internal] Problem When
trying to remove a scope item right after it is
added to a milestone, the action does not succeed.

Change Request: 178328 [internal] Problem: In the
Release Scope tab, when creating a new scope
item for a release, the sub tabs of the scope item
content are not displayed until closing and
reopening the card.

Change Request: 103497 [internal] Problem: When
trying to enable calculation for Project Planning
and Tracking, if it is already enabled in Site
Administration (for example from another instance
of Site Administration), an unclear error message

Change Request: 97871 [internal] Problem: When a
user that has been removed from the project tries
to reconnect, an unclear error message appears.

Change Request: 97499 [internal] Problem: In rare
cases, a message indicating that the user was
disconnected is displayed before receiving the
session reconnect dialog box.

Change Request: 98294 [internal] Problem: In the
Defects module, the error message Your session
has been disconnected sometimes displays, and the
Defects module displays a red X.

Change Request: 97706 [internal] Problem: You
cannot copy files using FTP if the folder name is
the same as the domain name

Change Request: 97638 [internal] Problem: You
cannot upload more than 14,000 files using the
extended storage API Note: The new limit is
100,000 files.

Change Request: 97777 [internal] Problem: When
aligning a project and uploading files at the same
time through the repository explorer, a file
corruption might occur.

Change Request: 98278 [internal] Problem: When
working with Oracle, you cannot add attachments to
already created defects or run manual test with

Change Request: QCCR1J15996 Problem: Pin to
baseline does not take baselines req test
coverage into account Logic to cover those errors
was added to the Library-Sync mechanism.

Change Request: QCCR1J17547 Problem: QTP script
that using OTA failed on for each cycle

Change Request: 99086 [internal] Problem: When
using the AlertManager.AlertList(ALL) OTA API,
ALM closes unexpectedly.

Change Request: 98716 [internal] Problem: The
ISupportCopyPaste and ISupportCopyPaste2 OTA API
interfaces cannot not be used via a scripting
language (for example, vbscript).

Change Request: 98463 [internal] Problem: When
copying on a UNIX machine, the Workflow and
Components folders as well as repository files are
not copied.

Change Request: 98471 [internal] Problem: When
copying a project, some lists are not copied.

Change Request: 92839 [internal] Problem: When
copying an active project, a problem may occur.

Change Request: QCCR1J15144 Problem: Problem with
Grouping and Sorting when Filtering in QC 10.00

Change Request: 95528 [internal] Problem: When
entering a manual filter in a module when filter
was not in the correct format, the module closes

Change Request: 98487 [internal] Problem:
Sometimes the upgrade project process fails.

Change Request: QCCR1J18317 Problem: Call lock
host before having any call to its remote agent
and unlock it after all the calls

Change Request: 91290 [internal] Problem: QC Sense
reports do not have sorting functionality.

Change Request: 94356 [internal] Problem: The
filters in the QC Sense Server Configuration
window are case sensitive, while they should not
be case sensitive.

Change Request: 97245 [internal] Problem:
Insertion of illegal credentials in the QC Sense
Server Configuration window causes an unhelpful
error message to display.

Change Request: 96770 [internal] Problem: Loading
the default configuration in the QC Sense Server
Configuration window deletes the database storage

Limitation: QCCR1J17260 Problem: User must delete
an isolated deployment folder to be able use the
ALM client in the shared mode.

Limitation: QCCR1J19243 Problem: On ALM11 with
Service Test management installed, MSI generator
fails to generate the MSI file. error: Failed to
create ALM Client

Limitation: 179481 [Internal] Problem: STM11.1:
Generate Component Wizard doesnt work with ALM11

Limitation: 180022 [Internal] Problem: Center - if
defect has a filter with group by, the paste is

Limitation: 180020 [Internal] Problem: Creating a
new folder in APM throws an error.

Limitation: 179677 [Internal] Problem: Automation
tab is opened in read-only for Business Component
after viewing it from Test Script tab.

Limitation: 180077 [Internal] Problem: When adding
a test with parameters and configurations to a
test set, a Key not Found error occurs, and the
UI is corrupted

Limitation: 180109 [Internal] Problem: When User
clicks on the refresh button while an indicator
column is selected and filter is in grouping mode
an error message will occur.

Limitation: 179638 [Internal]
Problem: Customers that are sharing BPT assets
and work with Flow test type should contact
support before installing this patch

Change Request: QCCR1J19547
Problem: Multiple licenses are consumed when same
user connects from same client machine

SR (service requests)



QCCR1J20785 A new site parameter,
ATTACH_TOTAL_MAX_SIZE, limits the size
of attachments for a specifric entity.

QCCR1J27589 - Performance has been
improved for ALM connected over a
reverse proxy server.

As of patch 12, HP ALM 11.00 is
certified for Performance Center 11.00
Patch 7.

Service Test is certified
on MS SQL 2008 SP3
Service Test is certified
on Red Hat 5.8 64-bit as a server operating system

QCCR1J24345 - You can now create cross filters
in the Test Lab module's tree by Responsible Tester.

QCCR1J18384 - A warning message, that is displayed
when editing a called test's steps while the called
test is running, was repeatedly displayed for every
step. Now this message is displayed only once.

QCCR1J25867 - In the Test Plan module, the state
and position of the Test Configurations bottom
pane under the test selection tree is now
persistent for each user.

QCCR1J20958 - Release scope items are defined
by including requirements, tests, test sets,
and defects.
Now you can also filter which defects to include.

In the Releases module > Release Scope tab,
you can include one of the following:
*	Defects that match certain criteria.
*	Defects that are linked to certain
requirements, tests, and test sets.
Note: Links between defects and test sets
also include indirect links to: Test
instances, Runs and Steps.
KPIs related to defects (such as Severe
Defects) are calculated accordingly on scorecards,
providing a greater measure of accuracy.

QCCR1J25593 - MSI Generator now supports
combinations of Registered and Shared files
in the same locations.

QCCR1J25594 - MSI packages now support
deployment of multiple ALM servers.

QCCR1J25296 - Silent installation is
now available for SystemTest Agent.
Note: The silent installation of
SystemTest agent cannot be executed
on Windows Vista and Windows 7 when
User Account Control is enabled.

Login to ALM over HTTPS with client
certificates is now supported.

As of patch 10, HP ALM 11.00 is certified
for the following servers, databases, and tools:
*	Oracle
*	MS SQL 2008 SP3
*	Windows 7 SP1 32Bit as Client OS
*	Red Hat 5.7 64bit as Server OS
*	Red Hat 5.8 64bit as Server OS
*	PC 11.00 Patch 6

The following are some limitations
relating to the new certifications:
*	STM, ST are not certified on
Oracle, MS SQL 2008 SP3
*	STM, ST are not certified on
Windows 7 SP1 32 bit as client OS
*	STM, ST are not certified on
Red Hat 5.7 64bit, Red Hat 5.8 64bit as server OS
For an overall description of certified environments
see the System Requirements section below.

Performance and stability improvements

The patch includes various performances
and stability fixes. This patch is a
critical and mandatory patch.

The performance improvements include:
Improvements on the server cache
mechanism Memory utilization
improvements due to background job
changes Improvements to SQL queries

The stability items include: Fixes of
server deadlocks that resulted in
sporadic crashes Fixes in the PC
extension that caused server crashes

Controlling the size of the attachments

Description: A new parameter enables you
to control the size of attachments.
Solution: The site parameter
been added. It controls the size of
attachments added using OTA and in the
User Interface. It does not control the
size of attachments in integration

DEP compliance Description: ALM can work
on operating systems with DEP turned on.

New environment certified: See the
details in the System Requirements
section below.

Certification limitations: STM is not
certified on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 as a
client STM is not certified on SUSE 10
SP4 x64 as server OS STM is not
certified for MS SQL 2005 SP4 STM is not
certified for ESXi 5.0 189583 BPT QTP
Exec: In order to execute remotely a
business process test on Win 2008 R2 -
need to install "Com+Network access"
application server role as part of QTP
installation 190669 User which is not
administrator cant run business process
test on Windows 2008R2SP1 24320
Impossible to create new map for export
by excel add-in export wizard on Windows
2008 R2 Server SP1 for non admin users
24082 When snapshot window is up
additional IE window is displayed on
Win2008R2 Server SP1 with side by side
clients. (IE 8 only) 24140 Incorrect
sysinfo on Windows 2008 and Windows 7

Data Awareness  Drop-down list in the Resource
Parameter Name column which contains all the
resource (Excel) headers.  Auto-mapping via the
Map Parameters dialog box.  Data-table resource
preview according to the predefined filter in the
Test Configuration tab.

Mail Support in Test Lab The user can send a test
instance including details, history, attachments,
run summary, and last run steps from Test Lab.

Default Values Creating new entities, such as
tests, test configurations, and defects, sometimes
requires entering a large number of fields. Often
the values for these fields are the same, and it
is repetitive and time consuming to enter the
values. For example, each time a QA engineer adds
a new defect for the same environment in the same
testing cycle, the values for the following defect
fields are likely to be the same: Project,
Detected in Cycle, Detected in Release, and Target

Enhancement ID: QCCR1J15578. The second parameter,
send from, from the Send Mail API has the
ability to be specified in the script. Enhancement
ID: QCCR1J12285. You can select multiple
tests/requirements and include them simultaneously
to the coverage analysis feature. Enhancement ID:
QCCR1J22088. There is a horizontal bar in the Test

Site Administration  Both administrators and
non-administrators can start Site Administration.
Instances of Quality Center 10.00 Site
Administration can be opened side-by-side with
instances of ALM 11.00 Site Administration.  3rd
party tools can integrate Site Administration
operations into their scripts by registering the
Site Administration client component. For details,
see the HP ALM Client Registration add-in on the
HP ALM Add-ins page. Client MSI Generator The
generated MSI package can now be installed on
client machines with User Account Control enabled.

Certifications BPT/BPTEE was certified for
Win2008R2SP1, Oracle11.2.0.2, and VistaSP2x32. ST
11.2 was certified for Win2008R2SP1, and

New environment certified: See the details in the
System Requirements section below. Certification
limitations: BPT, BPT4SAP, ST and STM are not
certified on MS SQL 2008 R2 SP1. BPT, BPT4SAP, ST
and STM are not certified on Windows Server 2008
SP2 32 bit as a client OS.

CIT 2.6 support will be provided with this patch.

Mobile App - Introducing the HP ALM Defect Management Mini
Application for Mobile Devices
Enterprise Collaboration - ALM 11.0 can be integrated with
Enterprise Collaboration (EC).

Enhancement ID: 57375 [internal]
Summary: A non-versioned field
option was added to Project Customization, which
is used to define whether or not to save
versioning information for a field. When updating
fields that are non-versioned for multi-entities
using the Replace or Update selected options,
if this option is selected, no check out dialog
box displays. When viewing previous versions of an
entity, fields that are not versioned are labeled
as non-versioned. Enhancement ID: 63111
[internal] Summary: In Project Customization, in
the Cross Project Customization page, you can now
select whether to view all linked projects or only
active ones.

Project Planning and Tracking
Enhancement ID: 57372 [internal]
Summary: A drill down option was
added to the Scorecard view in the Releases
module. The option shows all the entities that
create the scorecard KPI value. There is also an
option to drill down by numerator or denominator.

Business Planning Modeling
Enhancement ID: 57393 [internal]
Summary: Support was added for EPC
Row/Column ARIS notations. Certification
Enhancement ID: 178894 [internal] Summary: Windows
Server 2008 R2 is now supported

Enhancement ID: 57375 [internal]
Summary: A non-versioned field
option was added to Project Customization, which
is used to define whether or not to save
versioning information for a field. When updating
fields that are non-versioned for multi-entities
using the Replace or Update selected options,
if this option is selected, no check out dialog
box displays. When viewing previous versions of an
entity, fields that are not versioned are labeled
as non-versioned. Enhancement ID: 63111
[internal] Summary: In Project Customization, in
the Cross Project Customization page, you can now
select whether to view all linked projects or only
active ones.

Project Planning and Tracking
Enhancement ID: 57372 [internal]
Summary: A drill down option was
added to the Scorecard view in the Releases
module. The option shows all the entities that
create the scorecard KPI value. There is also an
option to drill down by numerator or denominator.

Business Planning Modeling
Enhancement ID: 57393 [internal]
Summary: Support was added for EPC
Row/Column ARIS notations. Certification
Enhancement ID: 178894 [internal] Summary: Windows
Server 2008 R2 is now supported

You can find all enhancements details inside the readme:

ALM 11.00 is certified on Microsoft Office 2010

Business Process Testing - Add the BPTEE
functionality to the core BPT product.
It is recommended to perform the project
upgrade after installing this patch

You can find all enhancements details inside the readme.

Change Request: 53509
NTLM support both for proxy and web authentication, to
enable it for all configurations without the need in
configuring the web gate.

Note:  To use ALM Explorer with NTLM, you use the new
version from the Add-ins page.

Change Request: 93580
In ALM 11 the requirements rich text feature was changed.
Before ALM 11 it was MS Word document, shown in the ALM UI.
The new rich text is stored as HTML page.  Rich text,
created before ALM 11, should be converted from the MS Word
documents into HTML.

For more information on Rich Text Conversion, see HP
Software Self-solve knowledge base article KM1031602

Window 2008 R2 Server
Windows 7 64 bit Client

You can find all enhancments details inside the readme:
Client Side by Side
Data-hiding filter for the Releases module
Session Reconnect
Automail for Repository Migration Status
Performance improvements
and more...

Equivalent Patch


Installation Information

Patch dependencies


Hardware dependencies


Other dependencies


Patch conflicts


Automatic reboot


Installation instructions

Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard
SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms
and conditions for precautions, scope of license,
restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties,
before installing this patch.
1. Back up your system before installing a patch.

2. Extract files from

3. Follow the installation instructions from the
   readme file

Special installation instructions

Readme includes detailed instructions and limitations.
Check system specifications for exact OS releases.

ALM Consolidated (QC + PC) Installations
ALM 11.0 patch 10 is certified only with PC 11.0 patch 06.


Service Pack 3 fixes defects in the upgrade. If
you are planning to upgrade to ALM 11.00, please
follow this upgrade path: Install ALM GA/early
patch ? Install SP3 ? Upgrade

Client Certification

Software packages are using code signing to create a digital
"shrink-wrap" for code and content to protect software
publishers and users.  Digital signatures authenticate the
source (individual, organization or software vendor) and
verify the integrity of content.

The digital signature is renewed periodically (usually every
several years).  The digital signature is a digital "hand
shake" between the installed package and the target
computer.  When the computer is connected to the Internet or
regular updates are applied, the computer side is updated

HP Software recently renewed its digital certification with
VeriSign.  VeriSign root certificate used to validate HP
files was updated in order ensure the highest level of
security, this might affects ALM Patch 7 version and above.

If you face the following issue when trying to load the
client:  "Initialization has failed.  Contact your system
admin.  For Details, see the Loader file."  This is because
you are missing the new root certificate on the client

For more up-to-date information please go to the following
VeriSign KBs:

Code signing 2048-bit Root Migration

How to install the 2048-bit Code Signing root and
intermediate CA certificates?

Workflow Setting any entitys Name field to be
invisible using a workflow script does not affect
the entitys Details dialog box. In QC 10.00, the
message Field hidden by admin was displayed
instead of the Name field.

Customization Specifying less than 2,500
characters in userdefined fields (such as
Description and Expected Results) in the Design
steps tab or the Design Step Details dialog box
can improve performance.

Test Plan When exporting tests from Excel using
the Excel add-in, if you try to export a test
located in a hierarchy in the Test Plan Tree where
the folder directly under the root Subject folder
is also named Subject, an error message is
displayed. Workaround: Rename the folder named
Subject that is located directly under the root
to a temporary name, perform the export from
Excel, and then restore the original name of the

Sprinter To enable opening and running tests with
HP ALM 11.00 Service Pack 3, HP Sprinter 11.00
Patch 9 must be installed. To install this patch,
see the Sprinter Add-in page, Help > Add-ins Page
> HP Sprinter.

Patch contents





Patch files


What(1) output


Sum output

