

Algorithms 4th edition exercise answers.

1.2.13 Transaction.java transaction data type
1.2.16 Rational.java rational number data type
1.2.19 Date.java date data type
1.3.1 FixedCapacityStackOfStrings.java add isFull() method to stack
1.3.4 Parentheses.java balanced parentheses
1.3.7 Stack.java add peek() method to stack
1.3.10 InfixToPostfix.java infix-to-postfix conversion
1.3.11 EvaluatePostfix.java evaluate a postfix expression
1.3.14 ResizingArrayQueue.java resizing array queue
1.3.37 Josephus.java Josephus problem
1.4.14 FourSum.java brute-force 4-sum
1.5.7 QuickUnionUF.java quick union
1.5.7 QuickFindUF.java quick find
1.5.17 ErdosRenyi.java Erdos-Renyi simulation
2.1.1 TraceSelection.java trace of selection sort
2.1.4 TraceInsertion.java trace of insertion sort
2.1.9 TraceShell.java trace of shellsort
2.1.21 Transaction.java add natural order to Transaction
2.1.22 SortTransactions.java sort transactions
2.1.23 InsertionX.java insertion sort with sentinel
2.1.24 InsertionX.java insertion sort with half exchanges
2.2.2 TraceMerge.java mergesort trace
2.2.3 TraceMergeBU.java bottom-up mergesort trace
2.2.9 Merge.java mergesort without static array
2.2.11 MergeX.java improved mergesort
2.2.19 Inversions.java count number of inversions
2.2.20 Merge.java index sort
2.3.1 TracePartition.java partition trace
2.3.2 TraceQuick.java quicksort trace
2.3.5 Sort2distinct.java sort array with 2 distinct keys
2.3.12 TraceQuick3way.java 3-way quicksort trace
2.3.16 QuickBest.java best-case for quicksort
2.3.22 QuickX.java Bentley-McIlroy 3-way quicksort
2.4.3 OrderedArrayMaxPQ.java ordered array priority queue
2.4.3 UnorderedArrayMaxPQ.java unordered array priority queue
2.4.15 MaxPQ.java check if an array is heap-ordered
2.4.25 CubeSum.java find a^3 + b^3 = c^3 + d^3
2.4.33 IndexMaxPQ.java index priority queue
2.5.8 Frequency.java count word frequencies
2.5.12 SPT.java shortest processing time first rule
2.5.13 LPT.java longest processing time first rule
2.5.14 Domain.java sort by reverse domain name
2.5.16 California.java 2003 California gubernatorial election order
2.5.19 KendallTau.java Kendall Tau distance
2.5.24 StableMinPQ.java stable priority queue
2.5.25 Point2D.java point comparators
2.5.27 Insertion.java index sort
2.5.28 FileSorter.java sort files by name
3.1.1 GPA.java compute GPA
3.1.2 ArrayST.java unordered-array symbol table
3.1.5 SequentialSearchST.java add size(), delete(), and keys()
3.1.16 BinarySearchST.java add delete()
3.1.17 BinarySearchST.java add floor()
3.1.29 TestBinarySearchST.java test client
3.1.30 BinarySearchST.java check internal invariants
3.2.6 BST.java add height() method
3.2.10 TestBST.java test client
3.2.13 NonrecursiveBST.java nonrecursive BST
3.2.24 PerfectBalance.java perfectly balanced BST
3.2.32 BST.java order check
3.2.33 BST.java rank/select check
4.1.3 Graph.java add copy constructor
4.1.13 BreadthFirstPaths.java add distTo() method
4.1.23 BaconHistogram.java histogram of Bacon numbers
4.1.26 DegreesOfSeparationDFS.java degrees of separation with DFS
4.1.27 MemoryOfGraph.java memory of Graph data type
4.1.36 Bridge.java find bridges
4.2.3 Digraph.java add copy constructor
4.2.21 MemoryOfDigraph.java memory of Digraph data type
4.2.23 DirectedEulerianCycle.java directed Eulerian cycle
4.2.31 TopologicalQueue.java queue-based topologial sort
4.2.39 WebCrawler.java web crawler
4.3.9 EdgeWeightedGraph.java edge-weighted graph constructor
4.3.11 MemoryOfEdgeWeightedGraph.java memory of edge-weighted graph
4.3.17 EdgeWeightedGraph.java add toString() to EdgeWeightedGraph
4.3.21 PrimMST.java add edges() to PrimMST
4.3.22 PrimMST.java minimum spanning forrest
4.3.22 KruskalMST.java minimum spanning forrest
4.3.33 KruskalMST.java MST certification
4.3.43 BoruvkaMST.java Boruvka's algorithm
4.4.2 EdgeWeightedDigraph.java add toString() method
4.4.11 MemoryOfEdgeWeightedDigraph.java memory of EdgeWeightedDigraph data type
4.4.12 Topological.java topological sort in edge-weighted digraphs
4.4.12 EdgeWeightedDirectedCycle.java directed cycle in edge-weighted digraphs
4.4.28 AcyclicLP.java longest paths in DAGs
4.4.35 LazyDijkstraSP.java lazy implementation of Dijkstra
