
// headerRetriever is used by the unconfirmed block set to verify whether a previously
// mined block is part of the canonical chain or not.
type headerRetriever interface {
	// GetHeaderByNumber retrieves the canonical header associated with a block number.
	GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *types.Header
// unconfirmedBlock is a small collection of metadata about a locally mined block
// that is placed into a unconfirmed set for canonical chain inclusion tracking.
type unconfirmedBlock struct {
	index uint64
	hash  common.Hash

// unconfirmedBlocks implements a data structure to maintain locally mined blocks
// have have not yet reached enough maturity to guarantee chain inclusion. It is
// used by the miner to provide logs to the user when a previously mined block
// has a high enough guarantee to not be reorged out of the canonical chain.
// 它用来给矿工提供信息,以便他们了解他们之前挖到的区块是否被包含进入了规范的区块链。
type unconfirmedBlocks struct {
	chain  headerRetriever // Blockchain to verify canonical status through需要验证的区块链 用这个接口来获取当前的规范的区块头信息
	depth  uint            // Depth after which to discard previous blocks 经过多少个区块之后丢弃之前的区块
	blocks *ring.Ring      // Block infos to allow canonical chain cross checks 区块信息,以允许规范链交叉检查
	lock   sync.RWMutex    // Protects the fields from concurrent access
// newUnconfirmedBlocks returns new data structure to track currently unconfirmed blocks.
func newUnconfirmedBlocks(chain headerRetriever, depth uint) *unconfirmedBlocks {
	return &unconfirmedBlocks{
		chain: chain,
		depth: depth,
//插入跟踪区块, 当矿工挖到一个区块的时候调用, index是区块的高度, hash是区块的hash值。
// Insert adds a new block to the set of unconfirmed ones.
func (set *unconfirmedBlocks) Insert(index uint64, hash common.Hash) {
	// If a new block was mined locally, shift out any old enough blocks

	// Create the new item as its own ring
	// 循环队列的操作
	item := ring.New(1)
	item.Value = &unconfirmedBlock{
		index: index,
		hash:  hash,
	// Set as the initial ring or append to the end
	defer set.lock.Unlock()

	if set.blocks == nil {
		set.blocks = item
	} else {
	// Display a log for the user to notify of a new mined block unconfirmed
