Unity UI 优化建议,对官方文档的理解性翻译 (三)

4.Fill-rate, Canvases and input - 填充率,切分Canvas和输入


This chapter discusses broader issues with structuring Unity UIs.


Remediating fill-rate issues - 解决填充率问题

There are two courses of action that can be taken to reduce the stress on the GPU’s fragment pipeline:

  • Reducing the complexity of fragment shaders. See the “UI shaders and low-spec devices” section for more details.
  • Reducing the number of pixels that must be sampled.


  1. 降低片元着色器的复杂度。有关更多细节,请参阅““UI shaders and low-spec devices”一节。(改Shader)
  2. 减少必须采样的像素数量。


As the UI shader is generally standardized, the most common problem is simply excessive fill-rate usage. This is most commonly due to a large number of overlapping UI elements and/or having multiple UI elements that occupy significant portions of the screen. Both of these problems can lead to extremely high levels of overdraw.



In order to alleviate fill-rate overutilization and reduce overdraw, consider the following possible remediations.



Eliminating invisible UI - 去掉看不见的UI


The method that requires the least redesigning of existing UI elements is to simply disable elements that are not visible to the player. The most common case where this is applicable is opening full-screen UIs with opaque backgrounds. In this case, any UI elements placed beneath the full-screen UI can be disabled.



The simplest way to do this is to disable the root GameObject or GameObjects containing the invisible UI elements. For an alternate solution, see the Disabling Canvases section.

最简单的方法是禁用根GameObject或包含不可见UI元素的GameObjects。有关替代解决方案,请参阅 Disabling Canvases一节。


Finally, make sure that no UI elements are hidden by setting their alpha to 0, as the element will still be sent to the GPU and may take precious rendering time. If a UI element doesn’t need a Graphic component, you can simply remove it and raycasting will still work.



Simplify UI structure - 简化UI结构

To reduce the time required to rebuild and render the UI, it is important to keep the number of UI objects as low as possible. Try to bake things as much as you can. For example, don’t use a blended GameObject just to change the hue to an element, do this via material properties instead. Also, don’t create game objects acting like folders and having no other purpose than organizing your Scenes.




Disabling invisible camera output - 关掉看不见东西的相机


If a full-screen UI with an opaque background is opened, the world-space camera will still render the standard 3D scene behind the UI. The renderer is not aware that the full-screen Unity UI will obscure the entire 3D scene.

如果打开一个背景不透明的全屏UI, world-space相机仍然会渲染UI背后的3D场景。这种渲染完全是浪费的。


Therefore, if a completely full-screen UI is opened, disabling any and all of the obscured world-space cameras will help reduce GPU stress by simply eliminating the useless work of rendering the 3D world.



If the UI doesn’t cover the whole 3D scene, you may want to render the scene to a texture once and use it instead of continuously render it. You will lose the possibility to see animated content in the 3D scene, but that should be acceptable most of the time.

Note: If a Canvas is set as “Screen Space – Overlay”, then it will be drawn irrespective of the number of cameras active in the scene.


注意:如果一个Canvas被设置为“Screen Space – Overlay”,那么不管场景里有几个相机,Canvas都会被绘制。


Majority-obscured cameras - 能看见一点的相机

Many “full-screen” UIs do not actually obscure the entire 3D world, but leave a small portion of the world visible. In these cases, it may be more optimal to capture just the portions of the world that are visible into a render texture. If the visible portion of the world is “cached” in a render texture, then the actual world-space camera can be disabled, and the cached render texture can be drawn behind the UI screen to provide an impostor version of the 3D world.

许多“全屏”ui实际上并没有覆盖整个3D世界,而是让世界的一小部分可见。在这些情况下,更理想的方法就是将这部分捕捉到一张render texture上。如果世界的可见部分被“缓存”在render texture中,那么实际的相机可以被禁用,缓存的render texture可以被绘制到UI屏幕后面,以提供3D世界的视点。


Composition-based UIs - 基于组合的UI

It is very common for designers to create UIs via composition – combining and layering standard backgrounds and elements to create the final UI. While this is relatively simple to do, and very friendly to iteration, it is non-performant due to Unity UI’s use of the transparent rendering queue.



Consider a simple UI with a background, a button and some text on the button. Because objects in the transparent queue are sorted from back to front, in the case that a pixel falls within a text glyph, the GPU must sample the background’s texture, then the button’s texture, and finally the text atlas’ texture, for a total of three samples. As the complexity of the UI grows, and more decorative elements are layered onto the background, the number of samples can rise rapidly.



If a large UI is discovered to be fill-rate bound, the best recourse is to create specialized UI sprites that merge as many of the decorative/invariant elements of the UI into its background texture. This reduces the number of elements that must be layered atop one another to achieve the desired design, but is labor-intensive and increases the size of the project’s texture atlases.

如果发现一个大型UI的填充率达到瓶颈,最好的办法是创建专门的UI sprites,将UI所有的装饰/不变元素合并到它的背景纹理中。这样就减少了必须层叠在一起才能实现设计的元素,但这个工作量很大,而且也增加了项目图集的大小。


This principle of condensing the number of layered elements necessary to create a given UI onto specialized UI sprites can also be used for sub-elements. Consider a store UI with a scrolling pane of products. Each product UI element has a border, a background, and some icons to denote price, name and other information.



The store UI will need a background, but because its products scroll across the background, the product elements cannot be merged onto the store UI’s background texture. However, the border, price, name and other elements of the product’s UI element could be merged onto the product’s background. Depending on the size and number of icons, the fill-rate savings can be considerable.



There are several drawbacks to combining layered elements. Specialized elements can no longer be reused, and require additional artist resources to create. The addition of large new textures may significantly increase the amount of memory needed to hold the UI textures, particularly if the UI textures are not loaded and unloaded on demand.



UI shaders and low-spec devices- UI着色器(shader)和低端设备

The built-in shader used by Unity UI incorporates support for masking, clipping and numerous other complex operations. Because of this added complexity, the UI shader performs poorly compared to the simpler Unity 2D shader on low-end devices such as the iPhone 4.

Unity UI使用的内置着色器包含了对遮罩、裁剪和许多其他复杂操作的支持。由于增加了复杂性,UI着色器在低端设备(如iPhone 4)上的性能表现不如简单的Unity 2D着色器。


If masking, clipping and other “fancy” features are unneeded for an application targeted at low-end devices, it is possible to create a custom shader that omits the unused operations, such as this minimal UI shader:


Shader "UI/Fast-Default" { 
Properties {
_MainTex ("Sprite Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
 _Color ("Tint", Color) = (1,1,1,1)

    Cull Off
    Lighting Off
    ZWrite Off
    ZTest [unity_GUIZTestMode]
    Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha

        #pragma vertex vert
        #pragma fragment frag

        #include "UnityCG.cginc"
        #include "UnityUI.cginc"

        struct appdata_t
            float4 vertex   : POSITION;
            float4 color    : COLOR;
            float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;

        struct v2f
            float4 vertex   : SV_POSITION;
            fixed4 color    : COLOR;
            half2 texcoord  : TEXCOORD0;
            float4 worldPosition : TEXCOORD1;

        fixed4 _Color;
        fixed4 _TextureSampleAdd;
        v2f vert(appdata_t IN)
            v2f OUT;
            OUT.worldPosition = IN.vertex;
            OUT.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, OUT.worldPosition);

            OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;

            #ifdef UNITY_HALF_TEXEL_OFFSET
            OUT.vertex.xy += (_ScreenParams.zw-1.0)*float2(-1,1);

            OUT.color = IN.color * _Color;
            return OUT;

        sampler2D _MainTex;
        fixed4 frag(v2f IN) : SV_Target
            return (tex2D(_MainTex, IN.texcoord) + _TextureSampleAdd) * IN.color;

UI Canvas rebuilds - Canvas 重绘

To display any UI, the UI system must construct geometry for each UI component represented on-screen. This includes running dynamic layout code, generating polygons to represent characters in UI text strings, and merging as much geometry as possible into single meshes in order to minimize draw calls. This is a multi-step process and is described in detail in the Fundamentals section at the beginning of this guide.

要显示任何UI, UI系统必须为屏幕上表示的每个UI组件构造图形。这包括运行动态布局代码,生成多边形来表示UI文本字符串中的字符,并将尽可能多的图形合并到单个网格中以最小化draw calls。这是一个多步骤的过程,在本指南开头的基础部分有详细的描述。


Canvas rebuilds can become performance problems for two primary reasons:

  • If the number of drawable UI elements on a Canvas is large, then calculating the batch itself becomes very expensive. This is because the cost of sorting and analyzing the elements grows more-than-linearly to the number of drawable UI elements on the Canvas.
  • If the Canvas is dirtied frequently, then excessive time may be spent refreshing a Canvas that has relatively few changes.



  1. 如果Canvas上可绘制UI元素的数量很大,那么计算合批本身就非常消耗性能。这是因为对元素进行排序和分析的成本与Canvas上可绘制UI元素的数量成正比。
  2. 如果画布经常被标记为dirty(经常变化),那么可能会花费过多的时间因为一点点改动而刷新整个Canvas。


Both of these problems tend to become acute as the number of elements on a Canvas increases.

Important reminder: Whenever any drawable UI element on a given Canvas changes, the Canvas must re-run the batch building process. This process re-analyzes every drawable UI element on the Canvas, regardless of whether it has changed or not. Note that a “change” is any change which affects a UI object’s appearance, including the sprite assigned to a sprite renderer, transform position & scale, the text contained in a text mesh, etc.




Child order - 子物体的排序


Unity UIs are constructed back-to-front, with objects’ order in the hierarchy determining their sort order. Objects earlier in the hierarchy are considered behind objects later in the hierarchy. Batches are built by walking the hierarchy top-to-bottom and collecting all objects which use the same material, the same texture and do not have intermediate layers. An “intermediate layer” is a graphical object with a different material, whose bounding box overlaps two otherwise-batchable objects and is placed in the hierarchy between the two batchable objects. Intermediate layers force batches to be broken.



As discussed in the Unity UI Profiling Tools step, the UI profiler and frame debugger can be used to inspect a UI for intermediate layers. This is the situation where one drawable object interposes itself between two other drawable objects that are otherwise batchable.

正如在 Unity UI Profiling Tools章节中所讨论的,UI profiler和 frame debugger可用于检查UI界面中的“中间层”。在这种情况下,一个可绘制对象将自己置于另外两个可绘制对象之间,而这两个可绘制对象在其他情况下是可以合批的。


This problem most commonly occurs when text and sprites are located near one another: the text’s bounding box can invisibly overlap nearby sprites, because much of a text glyph’s polygon is transparent. This can be solved in two ways:

  • Reorder the drawables so that the batchable objects are not interposed by the non-batchable object; that is, move the non-batchable object above or below the batchable objects.
  • Tweak the positions of the objects to eliminate invisible overlapping space.


这个问题通常发生在text 和sprites组合的时候:text 的边界框可以在不可见的情况下重叠在精灵附近,因为大多数文本字形的多边形是透明的。这可以通过两种方式解决:

  1. 重新排列可绘制对象,使可合批对象不受不可合批对象的干扰;也就是说,将不可合批的对象移动到可合批对象的上面或下面。
  2. 调整对象的位置以消除不可见的重叠空间。


Both of these operations can be carried out in the Unity Editor with the Unity Frame Debugger open and enabled. By simply observing the number of draw calls visible in the Unity Frame Debugger, it is possible to find an order and position that minimizes the number of draw calls wasted due to overlapping UI elements.

这两个操作都可以在Unity编辑器中执行,打开并启用Frame Debugger。通过观察Frame Debugger中可见的drawcalls的数量,就可以找到一个顺序和位置来最小化由于重叠UI元素而浪费的drawcalls。


Splitting Canvases - 拆分Canvas

In all but the most trivial cases, it is generally a good idea to split up a Canvas, either by moving elements to a Sub-canvas or to a sibling Canvas.

Sibling Canvases are best used in cases where certain portions of a UI must have their draw depth controlled separately from the rest of the UI, to be always above or below other layers (e.g. tutorial arrows).

In most other cases, Sub-canvases are more convenient as they inherit their display settings from their parent Canvas.

While it may seem at first glance that it is a best practice to subdivide a UI into many Sub-canvases, remember that the Canvas system also does not combine batches across separate Canvases. Performant UI design requires a balance between minimizing the cost of rebuilds and minimizing wasted draw calls.






General guidelines - 常见指导方针

Because a Canvas rebatches any time any of its constituent drawable components changes, it is generally best to split any non-trivial Canvas into at least two parts. Further, it is best to try to co-locate elements on the same Canvas if the elements are expected to change simultaneously. An example might be a progress bar and a countdown timer. These both rely on the same underlying data and therefore will require updates at the same time, and so they should be placed on the same Canvas.

On one Canvas, place all elements that are static and unchanging, such as backgrounds and labels. These will batch once, when the Canvas is first displayed, and then will no longer need to rebatch afterwards.

因为Canvas 在其组成的可绘制组件发生任何更改时都会重绘,所以通常最好将重要的Canvas至少分割为两部分。此外,如果有很多元素都需要频繁修改,那么把他们放到同一个Canvas就好了,例如进度条和倒计时条。



On the second Canvas, place all of the “dynamic” elements – the ones that change frequently. This will ensure that this Canvas is rebatching primarily dirty elements. If the number of dynamic elements grows very large, it may be necessary to further subdivide the dynamic elements into a set of elements that are constantly changing (e.g. progress bars, timer readouts, anything animated) and a set of elements that change only occasionally.

This is actually rather difficult in practice, especially when encapsulating UI controls into prefabs. Many UIs instead elect to subdivide a Canvas by splitting out the costlier controls onto a Sub-canvas.




Unity 5.2 and Optimized Batching - Unity 5.2 优化合批

In Unity 5.2, the batching code was substantially rewritten, and is considerably more performant compared to Unity 4.6, 5.0 and 5.1. Further, on devices with more than 1 core, the Unity UI system will move most of the processing to worker threads. In general, Unity 5.2 reduces the need for aggressively splitting a UI into dozens of Sub-canvases. Many UIs on mobile devices can now be made performant with as few as two or three Canvases.

More information on the optimizations in Unity 5.2 can be found in this blog post.

在Unity 5.2中,合批代码被大量重写,与Unity 4.6、5.0和5.1相比,它的性能要高得多。此外,在拥有1个以上内核的设备上,Unity UI系统将把大部分处理工作转移到子线程。一般来说,Unity 5.2减少了将UI划分成许多Sub-canvas的需求。许多移动设备上的ui现在只需两三个 Canvase就可以实现性能。

更多关于Unity 5.2优化的信息可以在 this blog post中找到。


Input and raycasting in Unity UI - 输入和射线

By default, Unity UI uses the Graphic Raycaster component to handle input events, such as touch events and pointer-hover events. This is generally handled by the Standalone Input Manager component. Despite the name, the Standalone Input Manager is meant to be a “universal” input manager system, and will handle both pointers and touches.

默认情况下,Unity UI使用Graphic Raycaster组件来处理输入事件,比如触摸事件和鼠标悬停事件。这通常由Standalone Input Manager组件处理。尽管叫这个名字(Standalone多指电脑),但它是一个“通用”的输入管理器系统,可以处理指针和触摸。


Erroneous mouse input detection on mobile (5.3) - 移动端鼠标输入检测错误(5.3)

Prior to Unity 5.4, each active Canvas with a Graphic Raycaster attached will run a raycast once per frame to check the position of the pointer so long as there is currently no touch input available. This will occur regardless of platform; iOS and Android devices without mice will still query the mouse’s position and attempt to discover which UI elements are beneath that position to determine if any hover events need to be sent.

This is a waste of CPU time, and has been witnessed consuming 5% or more of a Unity application’s CPU frame time.

在Unity 5.4之前,每一个带有Raycaster的Canvas会在每一帧运行一次raycast来检查指针的位置,即使当前没有可用的触摸输入。所有平台上都是这样;没有鼠标的iOS和Android设备仍然会查询鼠标的位置,并试图发现哪些UI元素位于该位置之下,以确定是否需要发送悬停事件。



This issue is resolved in Unity 5.4. From 5.4 onward, devices without mice will not query for the mouse position and will not perform unnecessary raycasts.

If using a version of Unity older than 5.4, it is strongly recommended that mobile developers create their own Input Manager class. This can be as simple as copying Unity’s Standard Input Manager from the Unity UI source and commenting out the ProcessMouseEvent method as well as all calls to that method.

就是说5.4之后解决了,如果还在用旧版本请自己实现一个Input Manager类。


Raycast optimization - 射线优化

The Graphic Raycaster is a relatively straightforward implementation that iterates over all Graphic components that have the ‘Raycast Target’ setting set to true. For each Raycast Target, the Raycaster performs a set of tests. If a Raycast Target passes all of its tests, then it is added to the list of hits.

Graphic Raycaster是一个相对简单的实现,它遍历所有将' Raycast Target '设置为true的Graphic组件。每一个Raycast Target都会被进行测试。如果一个Raycast Target通过了所有的测试,那么它就会被添加到“被命中”列表中。


Raycast implementation details - 射线实现细节

The tests are:

  • If the Raycast Target is active, enabled and is drawn (i.e. has geometry)
  • If the input point lies within the RectTransform to which the Raycast Target is attached
  • If the Raycast Target has, or is a child (at any depth) of, any ICanvasRaycastFilter component, and that Raycast Filter component permits the Raycast.

The list of hit Raycast Targets is then sorted by depth, filtered for reversed targets, and filtered to ensure that elements rendered behind the camera (i.e. not visible in the screen) are removed.

The Graphic Raycaster also may cast a ray into the 3D or 2D physics system if the respective flag is set on the Graphic Raycaster’s “Blocking Objects” property. (From script, the property is named blockingObjects.)

If 2D or 3D blocking objects are enabled, then any Raycast Targets that draw beneath a 2D or 3D object on a raycast-blocking Physics Layer will also be eliminated from the list of hits.

The final list of hits is then returned.


  1. 如果Raycast Target是激活状态(active)并且是启用(enabled)的,并且是绘制的(即具有图形)
  2. 如果输入点位于附加了Raycast Target的对象的RectTransform内
  3. 如果Raycast Target对象或者它的子对象中包含ICanvasRaycastFilter组件,且该Raycast Filter组件允许进行Raycast。

被命中的Raycast Target列表根据深度排序,并进行过滤,以确保在相机后面的元素(即在屏幕上不可见)的被删除掉。

如果将Graphic Raycaster的“Blocking Objects”属性打开,Graphic Raycaster就可以将射线投射到3D或2D物理系统中。(在脚本中,属性名为blockingObjects。)



Raycasting optimization tips - 射线优化技巧

Given that all Raycast Targets must be tested by the Graphic Raycaster, it is a best practice to only enable the ‘Raycast Target’ setting on UI components that must receive pointer events. The smaller the list of Raycast Targets, and the shallower the hierarchy that must be traversed, the faster each Raycast test will be.

For composite UI controls that have multiple drawable UI objects that must respond to pointer events, such as a button that wishes to have its background and text both change colors, it is generally better to place a single Raycast Target at the root of the composite UI control. When that single Raycast Target receives a pointer event, it can then forward the event to each interested component within the composite control.


考虑到所有的Raycast Targets都必须经过Graphic Raycaster的测试,最好的做法是只在必须接收指针事件的UI组件上启用“Raycast Targets”设置。Raycast目标的列表越小,必须遍历的层次越浅,每个Raycast测试的速度就越快。

对于具有多个可绘制UI对象的复合UI控件,这些对象必须响应指针事件,例如希望点击按钮背景和文字都发生变化,通常最好将单个Raycast Target放在复合UI控件的根节点下。当单个Raycast Target 接收到指针事件时,它可以影响所有符合组件。(比如说新建个Button,Image和Text都是开着“Raycast Targets”的,其实Text的应该关上)


Hierarchy depth and raycast filters - 层次深度和射线过滤器

Each Graphic Raycast traverses the Transform hierarchy all the way to the root when searching for raycast filters. The cost of this operation grows linearly in proportion to the depth of the hierarchy. All components found attached to each Transform in the hierarchy must be tested to see if they implement ICanvasRaycastFilter, so this is not a cheap operation.

There are several standard Unity UI components that make use of ICanvasRaycastFilter, such as CanvasGroup, Image, Mask and RectMask2D, so this traversal cannot be eliminated trivially.

在搜索Raycast过滤器时,每个Graphic Raycast遍历层次结构(hierarchy面板)直到根节点。此操作的成本与层次结构的深度成正比线性增长。在层次结构中,所有包含Transform的对象都必须进行测试,以确定它们是否实现了ICanvasRaycastFilter,因此这个操作消耗不小。

有几个标准的Unity UI组件使用了ICanvasRaycastFilter,比如CanvasGroup、Image、Mask和RectMask2D,因此这种遍历不能被简单地去掉。


Sub-canvases and the OverrideSorting property - Sub-canvas和OverrideSorting

The overrideSorting property on a Sub-canvas will cause a Graphic Raycast test to stop climbing the transform hierarchy. If it can be enabled without causing sorting or raycast detection issues, then it should be used to decrease the cost of raycast hierarchy traversals.

Sub-canvas上的overrideSorting属性将导致Graphic Raycast测试停止继续向根节点遍历。如果它不需要射线相关功能 的话,那么可以通过这个方式来降低遍历到根节点的性能消耗。
