
1. 变量前加var;

2. console.log()用作输出显示;

3. 每一个语句后加“‘;’;

4. 关于slice

var donuts = ["glazed", "chocolate frosted", "Boston creme", "glazed cruller"];
donuts.splice(1, 1, "chocolate cruller", "creme de leche"); // removes "chocolate frosted" at index 1 and adds "chocolate cruller" and "creme de leche" starting at index 1

Returns: ["chocolate frosted"]
donuts array: ["glazed", "chocolate cruller", "creme de leche", "Boston creme", "glazed cruller"]

The first argument represents the starting index from where you want to change the array, the second argument represents the numbers of elements you want to remove, and the remaining arguments represent the elements you want to add.




Normal function declaration can not provide the data privacy? The varibles inside the function can be accessed by the outside?
