

1. 八数码问题

2. 状态图搜索

3. A算法
(2)估价函数: f ( x ) = g ( x ) + h ( x ) f(x)=g(x)+h(x) f(x)=g(x)+h(x); 其中 g ( x ) g(x) g(x)是代价函数, h ( x ) h(x) h(x)是启发函数。 或定义为: f ( x ) = d ( x ) + h ( x ) f(x)=d(x)+h(x) f(x)=d(x)+h(x); d ( x ) d(x) d(x) x x x的深度

S t e p 1 Step1 Step1:将S0加入OPEN表
S t e p 2 Step2 Step2:若OPEN表为空,则搜索失败,退出
S t e p 3 Step3 Step3:从OPEN表中将第一个结点N移入CLOSED表中
S t e p 4 Step4 Step4:如果N是目标结点,则搜索成功
S t e p 5 Step5 Step5:若不可扩展,转 S t e p 2 Step2 Step2
S t e p 6 Step6 Step6:对扩展的字结点做相应处理:
②修改父节点指针,其余子节点加入OPEN中,OPEN表排序,转 S t e p 2 Step2 Step2


1. 要求

(1) 定义代价函数 G ( x ) G(x) G(x)和启发函数 H ( X ) H(X) H(X),以A算法进行求解。
(2) 输入初始状态和目标状态。
(3) 输出从初始状态到目标状态的路线。

2. 代码清单

using namespace std;
#define MAXNUM 100
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
int ss0[9] = {
      0 };  // 初始结点,待输入
int ssg[9] = {
      0 };  // 目标节点,待输入
class Table; 

class Node
       // 节点类
	Node();  // 默认构造函数
	Node(int s[]);  // 用数组初始化的构造函数
	Node &operator=(const Node ss); //运算符重载,用于赋值
	void showStatus();	// 显示结点状态
	bool operator==(Node &N); // 运算符重载,用于判断是否相等
	int Ancestors(Node ss);			// 先辈结点
	int gx();		// 代价函数
	int hx();		// 启发函数
	int fx();		// 估价函数
	int expand( Node kid[]);	// 扩展子节点
	friend class Table;				// 友元类Table
	friend int A(Node S0, Node Sg);   // 友元函数A算法

	int *status = new int[9]; // 结点状态
	int steps;  // 节点深度
	int f;		// 结点fx值 ֵ
	Node *father; // ָ父节点指针
Node deleted;	// 表示被删除的结点,用于比较与赋值
Node::Node()	// 默认构造函数
	for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		status[i] = 0;
	f = steps = 0;
	father = NULL;
Node::Node(int s[])// 用数组初始化的构造函数
	for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		status[i] = s[i];
	steps = 0;
	f = fx();
	father = NULL;
Node& Node::operator=(const Node ss)//运算符重载,用于赋值
	for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		status[i] = ss.status[i];
	steps = ss.steps;
	f = ss.f;
	father = ss.father;
	return *this;
void Node::showStatus()// 显示结点状态
	cout << "┏━━━━━━━━━━┓" << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		cout << "┃";
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			if (status[i * 3 + j] == 0) {
				cout << "   ";
			else {
				cout << "  " << status[i * 3 + j];
		cout << " ┃" << endl;
	cout << "┗━━━━━━━━━━┛" << endl;
bool Node::operator==(Node &N)
	for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		if (status[i] != N.status[i]) {
			return false;
	return true;
int Node::Ancestors(Node ss)	// 查找ss是否为先辈结点,是则返回高的辈数
	int generation = 1; 
	Node *p = father;
	while (p != NULL) {
		if (*p == ss) {
			return generation;
		p = p->father;
	return 0;
int Node::gx()
	return steps;// 代价函数值即结点深度
int Node::hx()
	int h = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		if (status[i] != ssg[i]) {
			h++;	// 每有一位与目标节点不一致,启发函数值加一
	return h;
int Node::fx()
	return (gx() + hx());
int Node::expand(Node kid[])
	int point, i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		if (status[i] == 0) {
			point = i;
	i = 0;
	if (point - 3 >= 0) {
      // 防止向上扩展越界
		for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
			kid[i].status[j] = status[j];
		swap(kid[i].status[point], kid[i].status[point - 3]);
		kid[i].steps = steps + 1;
		kid[i].f = kid[i].fx();
	if (point + 3 <= 8) {
      // 防止向下扩展越界
		for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
			kid[i].status[j] = status[j];
		swap(kid[i].status[point], kid[i].status[point + 3]);
		kid[i].steps = steps + 1;
		kid[i].f = kid[i].fx();
	if (point % 3 != 0) {
      // 防止向左扩展越界
		for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
			kid[i].status[j] = status[j];
		swap(kid[i].status[point], kid[i].status[point - 1]);
		kid[i].steps = steps + 1;
		kid[i].f = kid[i].fx();
	if ((point + 1) % 3 != 0) {
      // 防止向右扩展越界
		for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
			kid[i].status[j] = status[j];
		swap(kid[i].status[point], kid[i].status[point + 1]);
		kid[i].steps = steps + 1;
		kid[i].f = kid[i].fx();
	if (i == 0) {
		return ERROR;
	else {
		return i; 

class Table
	Table();  // 构造函数
	int Add(Node S);   // 向表中添加结点
	int Delete(int i);     // 删除节点
	bool isEmpty();      // 判断表空
	int Search(Node NS);    // 在表中查找NS结点
	int Sort();				// 将表按fx升序排序
	void showNode();	// 打印表
	friend int A(Node S0, Node Sg); // A算法

	Node node[MAXNUM];  // 表中结点
	int length;   // 表长
     // 构造函数
	for (int i = 0; i < MAXNUM; i++) {
      // 初始化表长为0
		length = 0;
int Table::Add(Node S)
	if (length < MAXNUM) {
      // 判断是否已满
		node[length] = S;
		return OK;
	else {
		return ERROR;
int Table::Delete(int i)
	if (i > 0 && i < length) {
       // 判断是否表空
		for (int j = i - 1; j < length - 1; j++) {
			node[j] = node[j + 1];
		return OK;
	else if (i == length)
		node[i - 1]=deleted;
		return OK;
	else {
     	// 错误提示
		cout << "Input illegal in delete function!" << endl;
		return ERROR;
bool Table::isEmpty()
	if (length > 0) {
      // 非空
		return false;
	else {
     // 为空
		return true;
int Table::Search(Node NS)
	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		if (NS == node[i]) {
			return i + 1; // 返回NS在表中序号
	return 0;
int Table::Sort()
      // 按fx升序排序
	if (isEmpty()) {
		return ERROR;
	else {
		Node temp;
		for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < length - 1 - i; j++) {
				if (node[j].f > node[j + 1].f) {
					temp = node[j];
					node[j]=node[j + 1];
					node[j + 1] = temp;
		return OK;
void Table::showNode()
      // 打印表
	if (length == 0) {
		cout << "Empty!" << endl;
	else {
		for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++)
			cout << "     ↓     " << endl;
		node[length - 1].showStatus();
Table Path; // 记录求解路径

int inversions(int S[])	// 计算s数组的逆序数
	int i = 0, point;
	int ss[8] = {
      0 };
	int s_inversions = 0;	//逆序数
	for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		if (S[i]==0){
			point = S[i];
		else {
			ss[i] = S[i];
	for (i = point; i < 9; i++) {
		ss[point] = S[point + 1];
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		for (int j = i; j < 8; j++)
			if (ss[i] > ss[j])
	return s_inversions;
int A(Node S0, Node Sg)
     	// A算法
	if ((inversions(S0.status) + inversions(Sg.status)) % 2 != 0) {
		return ERROR;
	int &m = OPEN.length;		// OPEN表长别名
	int &n = CLOSED.length;	// CLOSED表长别名
	int time = 0;						
	Node *kid = new Node[4];
	cout << "Original status: " << endl; 
	cout << "Goal status: " << endl;
	cout << endl << "========================" << endl;
	OPEN.Add(S0);					//  Step1:将S0加入OPEN表
	while (true) {
		if (OPEN.isEmpty()) {
     		// Step2:若OPEN表为空,则搜索失败,退出
			return ERROR;
		CLOSED.Add(OPEN.node[0]);	// Step3:从OPEN表中将第一个结点N移入CLOSED表中
		Node &N = CLOSED.node[n - 1];	// 

		if (N==Sg) {
     		// Step4:如果N是目标结点,则搜索成功
			cout << "Find succeed!" << endl;
			cout <<  "========================" << endl;
			return OK;
		int kid_num = N.expand(kid);
		int flag = 4;
		for (int i = 0; i < kid_num; i++) {
			if ((OPEN.Search(kid[i]) != 0) || (CLOSED.Search(kid[i]) != 0))
		if (flag == ERROR) {
      // Step5:若不可扩展,转Step2
		for (int i = 0; i < kid_num; i++) {
			int exOPEN = OPEN.Search(kid[i]);// 生成子结点中是否有OPEN表中已存在的点
			int exCLOSED = CLOSED.Search(kid[i]);// 生成子结点中是否有CLOSED表中已存在的点
			if (exOPEN > 0) {
				if (N.Ancestors(kid[i])) {
     // 若有则再考虑其中有无N的先辈结点,有则删除
					kid[i] = deleted;
				else {
       // 对于其余结点也删除之,修改其f(x)值
					if (OPEN.node[exOPEN - 1].f > kid[i].f) {
						OPEN.node[exOPEN - 1].father = &N;
						OPEN.node[exOPEN - 1].f = kid[i].f;
					kid[i] = deleted;
			}	// if exOPEN>0
			else if (exCLOSED>0) {
				if (N.Ancestors(kid[i])!=0) {
     // 若有则再考虑其中有无N的先辈结点,有则删除
					kid[i] = deleted;
				else {
       // 对于其余结点也删除之,修改其f(x)值
					if (CLOSED.node[exCLOSED - 1].f > kid[i].f) {
						CLOSED.node[exCLOSED - 1].father = &N;
						CLOSED.node[exCLOSED - 1].f = kid[i].f;
					kid[i] = deleted;
			}	// else if
			else {
				kid[i].father = &N; // 修改父节点指针
			if (!(kid[i] == deleted))
				OPEN.Add(kid[i]);	// 其余子节点加入OPEN中
		OPEN.Sort();  //OPEN表排序
		if ((Path.node[Path.length - 1] == *OPEN.node[0].father)&&!OPEN.isEmpty()) {
		cout << "==========open============" << endl;
		cout << endl;
		cout << "==========closed==========" << endl;
		cout << endl;
		cout << "==========path============" << endl;
		cout << endl;
	}// while
	delete kid;
	return ERROR;

int main()
	cout << "Input the original status: ";	// 输入初始状态
	for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		cin >> ss0[i];
	Node S0(ss0);
	cout << "Input the goal status:     ";// 输入目标状态
	for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		cin >> ssg[i];
	Node Sg(ssg);
	cout << endl;
	if (A(S0, Sg) == OK) {
		cout << endl << endl;
		cout << "The find process is: " << endl;
		Path.showNode();// 打印求解路径
	else {
     	// 提示搜索失败
		cout << "Search failed! This status have no solution!" << endl;
	return 0;

3. 运行结果

(1) 手动输入初始状态和目标状态
(3) 按下回车刷新界面,第二次子节点扩展:
(4) 搜寻成功,打印搜寻路径


本次实验中,我直接按照课本(人工智能技术导论(第三版) 十一五
廉师友 / 2018-11 / 西安电子科技大学出版社)上的流程编写程序,Step6中,先判断在生成子结点中是否有OPEN表或CLOSED表中已存在的点;若有则再考虑其中有无N的先辈结点,有则删除;对于其余结点也删除之,修改其f(x)值,在这里我删除的是生成的子节点二并对CLOSED表进行修改,CLOSED表中并无重复结点,但由于未将这些节点加入OPEN表中重新扩充,导致在步数较多的情况下依然发生死循环,此外,与某位同学讨论得知,设置巧妙的启发函数可以提高查找效率,此处依然可以修改。
