TCL双引号 花括号 中括号



set b "\[set y {This is a string within braces within quotes}]"  ;#y值有更新

puts $b

输出。。[set y {This is a string within braces within quotes}]

set z {[set x {This is a string within quotes within braces}]} ;#x值有更新

puts $z

输出。。[set x {This is a string within quotes within braces}]


在双引号中的内容在替换步骤中,执行替换。。例如, puts "The current stock value is $varName"  中的varName将会被替换为varName的值。

大多在反斜杠后的内容表示不被替换。。如 \",但有一些反斜杠后的内容表示要被替换,如下表中内容。。但是如果一个反斜杠在行尾,表示下一行的内容和这行的内容是同一行,tcl将会用一个空格替换行尾的反斜杠。。

String Output Hex Value
\a Audible Bell 0x07
\b Backspace 0x08
\f Form Feed (clear screen) 0x0c
\n New Line 0x0a
\r Carriage Return 0x0d
\t Tab 0x09
\v Vertical Tab 0x0b
\0dd Octal Value d is a digit from 0-7
\uHHHH H is a hex digit 0-9,A-F,a-f. This represents a 16-bit Unicode character.
\xHH.... Hex Value H is a hex digit 0-9,A-F,a-f. Note that the \x substitution "keeps going" as long as it has hex digits, and only uses the last two, meaning that \xaa and \xaaaa are equal, and that \xaaAnd anyway will "eat" the A of "And". Using the \u notation is probably a better idea.
花括号中的内容将不被替换,除了行尾的反斜杠。。但,据参考链接表示。expr后跟花括号,执行速度更快。i.e. expr {$i*10} 比expr $i*10快


set Z Albany
set Z_LABEL "The Capitol of New York is: "

puts "$Z_LABEL {$Z}"
puts {Who said, "What this country needs is a good $0.05 cigar!"?}
第一行输出。。The Capitol of New York is: {Albany}。。(引号已经起了组织一个参数的作用,故花括号不再起这种作用,作为普通字符)

第二行输出。。Who said, "What this country needs is a good $0.05 cigar!"?

