Real-Time Pedestrian Detection With Deep Network Cascades

BMVC 2015 实时行人检测 Cascades + CNN

本文主要是参考文献【4】中采用 soft-cascade ,并结合不同复杂度的CNN网络得到即快又准的行人检测系统。

在 Cascades 前面我们使用下面的小网络:
Real-Time Pedestrian Detection With Deep Network Cascades_第1张图片

在 Cascades 后面我们使用下面的大网络:
Real-Time Pedestrian Detection With Deep Network Cascades_第2张图片

we employ the soft-cascade from Benenson et al. [4] to evaluate all patches in an image and reject the easy ones. The VeryFast cascade quickly starts to reduce recall with each stage, and, although fast, produces a high average miss rate in the end [6]. Our goal is to be able to eliminate many patches and at the same time keep the recall high. For that purpose we used only 10% of the stages in that cascade. Specifically, we use a cascade of only 200 stages, instead of the 2000 used in the original work.

3.2 Runtime
我们机器配置: a standard NVIDIA K20 Tesla GPU

soft-cascade 步骤大约用时 7ms, 每幅图像大约 1400 个图像块通过 fast cascade阶段。 cascade 第一阶段对每一批量128用时0.67ms,所以1400个图像块大约用时7.3ms。 cascade 第二阶段(baseline classifier)大约用时53ms,对于 640*480图像,整体用时大约67ms,即每秒15帧。文献【25】中也采用了 HOG+CNN,其处理速度为 1.5秒 在 GPU上。


Real-Time Pedestrian Detection With Deep Network Cascades_第3张图片

Real-Time Pedestrian Detection With Deep Network Cascades_第4张图片
