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Dave Stencil was puzzled when he noticed his Amazon sales spiking in mid-May.

d AVE模板时,他发现他的亚马逊销售月中旬扣球感到困惑。

The San Diego-based carpenter had been selling his handmade cutting boards and coasters on Amazon since 2015. That’s when Amazon recruited him and other Etsy sellers for the launch of its Amazon Handmade business. Since then, a small number of orders had trickled in each month, usually fewer than 10. But suddenly, business was booming. Stencil says he made more sales in May alone than he did in the whole year prior.

自2015年以来,这名总部位于圣地亚哥的木匠一直在亚马逊上出售他的手工切菜板和杯垫 。那时,亚马逊招募了他和其他Etsy卖家来开展其Amazon Handmade业务。 从那以后,每个月都有少量的订单流失,通常少于10个。但是突然,生意兴隆。 Stencil说,仅在五月份,他的销售额就比去年同期多。

It was Stencil’s wife who figured out why: Amid the global pandemic, with news about local businesses struggling to stay afloat prominent in headlines, Amazon created a new “local shopping” feature on its homepage. It highlighted Handmade sellers, grouping them by region and state — Stencil’s listings could be found under California.

是Stencil 的妻子弄清楚了原因:在全球大流行中,关于本地企业在头条新闻上挣扎求生的消息,亚马逊在其主页上创建了一个新的“本地购物”功能。 它突出显示了手工卖家,按地区和州对它们进行了分组-可以在加利福尼亚州找到Stencil的列表。

Other Amazon Handmade sellers were experiencing a similar bump. Jodi Kostelnik, who sells screen-printed food-themed gifts under the brand The Neighborgoods, says the month she was featured prominently in the regional promotion, she had to reorder packing supplies three or four times, selling out of several items. “We just packed orders all day long for a month straight,” she says. “I was grateful.”

其他Amazon Handmade卖家也遇到了类似的情况。 乔迪·科斯特尔尼克(Jodi Kostelnik)以“邻居商品”(Neighborgoods)品牌销售以食品为主题的丝网印刷礼物,她说,在该地区的促销活动中,当月她的名字很突出,她不得不重新订购三到四次包装用品,售完了好几件。 她说:“我们整天整整一个月都打包订单,” “我很感激。”

The promotion, which featured a handful of sellers with Amazon-commissioned photography — and hundreds of others within region-specific product lists — ran prominently on Amazon homepages for about a month. The sudden boost in sales showed what Amazon could do for businesses it decides to put in the spotlight. But for sellers who weren’t featured, Handmade was operating as normal: They were competing, without special placement, against Amazon’s vast database of mass-produced merchandise.

这项促销活动以亚马逊委托的摄影作品为特色的少数卖家以及特定地区产品清单中的数百名卖家在亚马逊首页上显着地进行了大约一个月。 突然的销售增长表明,亚马逊可以为决定要引起人们注意的企业做些什么。 但是对于那些没有特色的卖家,Handmade照常运作:他们在没有特殊安置的情况下与亚马逊庞大的大量生产商品数据库竞争。

Though Amazon promotes its Handmade category as a haven for small businesses, sellers say that in reality, they must navigate the company’s opaque system more or less like those selling factory-made products.


Amazon has consistently promoted its Handmade category as a separate section of its platform that allows small sellers to play by different rules. At launch, it positioned the brand in contrast to Etsy, which in 2013 began allowing manufactured items to be sold on its site. “You can think of [Amazon Handmade] as a factory-free zone, a mass-produced-free zone,” an Amazon executive told the New York Times. He added that the new Amazon Handmade section would have a totally different look and feel from the rest of the Amazon empire.

亚马逊一直在推广其手工制作类别,作为其平台的一个独立部分,允许小卖家按照不同的规则进行游戏。 在推出时,它与Etsy形成了鲜明的对比,后者于2013年开始允许在其网站上出售制成品 。 一位亚马逊高管告诉《纽约时报 》:“您可以将[亚马逊手工制造]视为无工厂区,无大量生产区。” 他补充说,新的亚马逊手工制作部分的外观将与亚马逊帝国的其他部分完全不同。

Highlighting itself as friendly to independent, crafty businesses made sense for Amazon when Handmade launched in 2015. Evidence was mounting that consumers valued the cachet of buying artisanal items, and Etsy’s IPO filing that year had revealed that annual revenue from sales of handmade-branded goods on the platform had reached $108.7 million. Amazon was, meanwhile, fighting its image as a destroyer of small local businesses, including a call from local booksellers to investigate Amazon for anti-competitive practices. For the Amazon Handmade launch, Amazon sent photographers to a handful of its new sellers’ workspaces to take photos for the homepage and press materials.

当2015年手工制造(Handmade)上市时,亚马逊强调对独立,狡猾的企业友好是有道理的。越来越多的证据表明,消费者重视购买手工产品的声誉 ,当年Etsy的IPO档案显示,手工品牌商品的年销售收入平台上的收入已达1.087亿美元。 同时,亚马逊正在努力捍卫自己的形象,破坏当地小型企业的形象,其中包括当地书商发出的呼吁,要求调查亚马逊的反竞争行为。 在亚马逊手工制作发布会上,亚马逊将摄影师派往少数几个新卖家的工作区,以拍摄首页和新闻材料的照片。

Five years later, Handmade sellers say that Amazon’s catering doesn’t go much further than occasional spotlight campaigns.


Though Amazon promotes its Handmade category as a haven for small businesses, often pointing to sellers in promotional campaigns, sellers say that in reality, they must navigate the company’s opaque system of search algorithms, sponsored search results, and fulfillment fees more or less like those selling factory-made products. Amazon customers who purchase from their stores, they say, often don’t realize they’ve shopped on a part of Amazon reserved for Handmade sellers and have the same expectations for quick shipping, unquestioned returns, and invariable products as they do for any Amazon product.

尽管亚马逊将其手工制作类别推广为小型企业的避风港,通常在促销活动中指向卖家,但卖家表示,实际上,他们必须浏览公司不透明的搜索算法,赞助搜索结果和履行费用的系统,销售工厂制造的产品。 他们说,从商店购买商品的亚马逊客户通常不会意识到自己是在为手工卖家预留的一部分亚马逊上购物的,他们对快速发货,毫无疑问的退货和不变的产品的期望与任何亚马逊一样产品。

To become an Amazon Handmade seller, individuals or businesses apply and are sometimes asked to submit photos of their workspaces or works in progress. (The application page insists that Handmade is “Artisan only” and that the company will audit sellers to “ensure we’re building a shop of genuinely handcrafted goods.”) Once approved, sellers pay Amazon a 15% commission fee on each sale, which is comparable to the 8% to 15% commission Amazon typically takes from third-party vendors. For sellers in the Handmade category, Amazon also waives the $39.99 monthly fee it charges professional sellers. Amazon did not respond on the record to a question about how many sellers have registered for its Handmade category.

要成为Amazon Handmade卖家,个人或企业都必须提出申请,有时还会被要求提交其工作区或进行中的作品的照片。 ( 申请页面坚持认为Handmade是“仅限工匠”,并且公司将审核卖方,以确保“我们正在建造一家真正的手工商品商店。”)一旦获得批准,卖方将向每笔交易向亚马逊支付15%的佣金,这相当于亚马逊通常从第三方供应商那里收取的8%至15%的佣金。 对于手工类别的卖家,亚马逊还免除了向专业卖家收取的39.99美元月费 。 关于记录有多少卖家注册其手工类别的问题,亚马逊未作回应。

“Functionally, vetting does not really make any difference because in Amazon search, handmade sellers compete head to head with mass-produced items,” says MaryAnn Montour, who has been selling her one-of-a-kind handmade jewelry since 2008 and says she joined Amazon Handmade in 2015.

“从功能上讲,审核并没有真正起任何作用,因为在亚马逊搜索中,手工卖家与大量生产的商品进行正面竞争。”自2008年以来一直销售一种同类手工珠宝的 MaryAnn Montour说,她于2015年加入Amazon Handmade。

Despite Amazon using Handmade as a promotional opportunity, Handmade products are difficult to find or identify on the site. Amazon shoppers who wish to search specifically for handmade items can start their search at, manually navigate to the “Handmade” section by choosing from a list of 40 options in the menu button nested at the top-left of, or add a “Handmade” filter to their search. Montour says that in her experience, few do. “Do you ever use the filters when you shop on Amazon for anything?” she asks. “I never do.”

尽管亚马逊将Handmade用作促销机会,但在网站上很难找到或标识Handmade产品。 希望专门搜索手工商品的亚马逊购物者可以从开始搜索,通过从嵌套在亚马逊左上方的菜单按钮的40个选项列表中进行选择,手动导航至“手工”部分。 com,或在搜索中添加“手工制作”过滤器。 蒙图说,根据她的经验,几乎没有。 “您在亚马逊购物时是否使用过过滤器?” 她问。 “我从来没有做。”

Shoppers who navigate to the Handmade homepage can search exclusively for Handmade items. But unlike Amazon’s Whole Foods, Fresh, and Basics categories, Handmade generally does not appear at the top navigation bar of the Amazon website or iOS app — though its branding sometimes appears as an ad on the company’s homepage.

导航到手工制作主页的购物者可以专门搜索手工制作的物品。 但是与Amazon的Whole Foods,Fresh和Basics类别不同,Handmade通常不会出现在Amazon网站或iOS应用的顶部导航栏中,尽管其品牌有时会作为广告显示在公司的主页上。

Other than a “Handmade” logo in the upper left corner, a small profile picture below the “add to cart” button, and a decal showing in which state the item is made, the listings look like any other product page. The product’s star rating is shown at the top of the product description, and ads for other products are served above and below the listing. In some cases, there is a logo to indicate that the item offers Prime shipping and free returns.

除了左上角的“手工制作”徽标,“添加到购物车”按钮下方的小档案图片以及显示商品处于哪种状态的贴花纸之外,商品清单看起来与其他任何产品页面一样。 产品星级评定显示在产品说明的顶部,其他产品的广告则显示在列表的上方和下方。 在某些情况下,会有徽标指示该商品提供Prime运输和免费退货。

“Do you ever use the filters when you shop on Amazon for anything? I never do.”

“在亚马逊购物时,您是否曾经使用过过滤器? 我从来没有做。”

“I feel like not many customers know about Amazon Handmade,” says Courtney Hamill, who sells porcelain vases made in her backyard since shutting down her Atlanta studio due to the Covid-19 crisis. “People buy stuff and don’t realize they shopped on a different part of Amazon.”

“我觉得没有多少顾客了解亚马逊手工制造公司,”考特尼·哈米尔(Courtney Hamill)说。她因Covid-19危机而关闭了亚特兰大工作室后,在自己的后院出售瓷器花瓶 。 “人们买东西,却没有意识到他们在亚马逊的另一部分购物。”

A New York-based crocheter who sells through Handmade told OneZero, “I don’t necessarily feel different or set apart from other sellers on Amazon,” adding that Amazon customers often have the same expectations of convenience for her made-to-order items as they do with mass-produced items elsewhere on the site.

一位通过Handmade销售商品的纽约钩编者对OneZero表示 :“我不一定会与其他卖家在亚马逊上有所不同或与众不同”,并补充说,亚马逊客户通常对定制商品的便利性期望相同就像他们在网站上其他地方批量生产的产品一样。

“They expect very easy returns,” she said.


Ranking in Amazon’s search algorithms can be difficult for even the largest of businesses (like Google, Amazon sells vendors sponsored listings that put them at the top of results). One Amazon Handmade seller said that, at times, she cannot find her own store using Amazon’s search feature. Montour says that artisanal, one-of-a-kind vendors are put at a particular disadvantage by the search feature since it is impossible to get a good ranking on Amazon for items that don’t have repeated sales. “When buyers go to Amazon, they may know they want to buy a pearl necklace, but they don’t necessarily have it nailed down that they want a handcrafted, one-of-a-kind pearl necklace,” she says. “They will be presented with all of the pearl necklaces that sell over and over and probably will never see the one-of-a-kind necklaces.”

即使对于最大的企业(例如Google,Amazon出售供应商赞助的商品也将其放在搜索结果的首位),很难在Amazon搜索算法中进行排名。 一位Amazon Handmade卖家表示,有时她无法使用Amazon的搜索功能找到自己的商店。 蒙图尔说,搜索功能使手工的唯一供应商处于特别不利的地位,因为不可能在亚马逊上获得没有重复销售的商品的良好排名。 她说:“当买家去亚马逊时,他们可能知道他们想购买一条珍珠项链,但不一定要购买一条手工制作的同类珍珠项链。” “将为他们展示所有反复出售的珍珠项链,而且可能永远不会看到这种独一无二的项链。”

Sheila MacMullen, who sells hand-knit hats and scarves on Amazon Handmade, pays Amazon to fulfill her orders, which gives her listing a “Prime” designation that she believes makes them more competitive in search rankings. She usually pays around $2.50 to have Amazon ship one of her $29 hats to the customer, plus fees for storage in Amazon’s warehouse and about a $4.50 sales commission. In order to surface in search, she buys Amazon ads. “The fees do add up, but it’s still great [sales] volume,” she says.

Sheila MacMullen在Amazon Handmade上销售手工编织的帽子和围巾 ,她付钱给Amazon以履行她的订单,这使她在公司列表中获得“ Prime”称号,她认为这会使它们在搜索排名中更具竞争力。 她通常要支付约2.50美元才能让亚马逊将其29美元的帽子之一运送给客户,再加上在亚马逊仓库中存储的费用和约4.50美元的销售佣金。 为了浮出水面,她购买了亚马逊广告。 她说:“这些费用的确增加了,但数量仍然很大。”

Even shoppers who do intentionally navigate to the Amazon Handmade homepage or use the Handmade search filter will find that the marketplace is not the “factory-free zone” Amazon promoted at launch. That’s because Amazon surfaces promoted listings from non-Handmade sellers next to Handmade products. In a recent search of Amazon Handmade for the term “necklace,” for instance, the first result was a $14.99 necklace from the jewelry brand Pavoi. The brand’s founders in a Forbes article described flying overseas and hunting “for factories and suppliers who would work with them at the right price” in order to charge competitive prices. Under Stencil’s listing for handmade coasters, which he makes from reclaimed lumber to look like books and sells for $19.90 each, I was served an ad for a set of six silicone coasters that sell for $16.99. Under a listing for Kostelnik’s kitchen tea towels, $18 a piece, I was served an ad for a pack of 10 “sweedish dish towels” for $19.

即使是故意导航到Amazon Handmade主页或使用Handmade搜索过滤器的购物者,也会发现该市场不是Amazon推出时提倡的“无工厂区”。 这是因为亚马逊在非手工产品旁边显示了来自非手工卖家的促销商品。 例如,在最近对Amazon Handmade的“项链”一词的搜索中,第一个结果是来自珠宝品牌Pavoi的价值14.99美元的项链。 该品牌的创始人在《福布斯》(Forbes)文章中描述了飞往海外并“寻找能够以合理价格与他们合作的工厂和供应商”以收取具有竞争力的价格。 在Stencil的手工制作过山车清单上,他用回收木材制成书籍,每本售价为19.90美元,当时我收到了一则广告,内容是一套六只硅胶过山车,售价为16.99美元。 在Kostelnik的厨房茶巾( 每条 18美元)的清单下,我收到了一则广告,内容是一包10条“ 瑞典洗碗巾 ”的价格为19美元。

While the distinction between Amazon Handmade sellers and Amazon sellers may not be very significant in practice, Amazon has repeatedly highlighted its Handmade offering in its own communications and advertising campaigns. In addition to the coronavirus campaign, Amazon has featured Handmade sellers in physical holiday pop-up shops in Bryant Park and Rockefeller Center and in a 2015 collaboration with Martha Stewart.

尽管在实践中亚马逊手工卖家与亚马逊卖家之间的区别可能并不十分明显,但亚马逊已在自己的传播和广告活动中反复强调了其手工产品。 除了冠状病毒活动外,亚马逊还在布莱恩特公园和洛克菲勒中心的实体度假快闪店以及2015年与玛莎·斯图尔特(Martha Stewart)的合作中邀请了手工制作的卖家。

In 2018, Amazon announced it had created a “storefront” section where users could search specifically for products from small and medium businesses and view profiles and videos of their owners, placing Amazon Handmade sellers in the new site’s “artisan” subcategory. To support the effort, the company said it would run “its first-ever national TV commercial featuring real businesses that sell on Amazon.” The star of that commercial, Little Flower Soap Co., was an Amazon Handmade seller. Amazon later published a blog post about the commercial, noting that “small- and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of Amazon’s stores … Amazon’s national ad recognizes that reality and celebrates business owners like Rutt and her husband Justin, living their own version of the American Dream.” But as with Amazon Handmade, the only way Amazon shoppers would encounter the “storefront” section — other than being linked to it from an article or press release about the feature — is by specifically choosing the small and mid-sized business category from a long list on Amazon’s homepage.

亚马逊于2018年宣布创建了一个“店面”部分 ,用户可以在其中专门搜索中小企业的产品,并查看其所有者的个人资料和视频,并将亚马逊手工制造商置于新站点的“工匠”子类别中。 为了支持这项工作,该公司表示将运行“其首个全国电视广告,其中包括在亚马逊上销售的真实业务。” 那个商业广告的明星,Little Flower Soap Co.,是亚马逊手工制作的卖家。 亚马逊后来发表了一篇关于该商业广告的博客文章,指出“中小企业是亚马逊商店的骨干……亚马逊的全国广告承认这种现实,并庆祝Rutt和她的丈夫Justin这样的企业主活着他们自己的版本。美国梦。” 但是,与Amazon Handmade一样,亚马逊购物者遇到“店面”部分的唯一方法(不是从有关该功能的文章或新闻发布中链接到该店面)是通过从长条中特别选择中小型企业类别亚马逊首页上的列表。

In 2019, Amazon again cited Handmade while announcing its annual small business impact report, this time counting it among the “billions of dollars every year [Amazon spends] to help small and medium-sized businesses around the globe succeed in Amazon’s stores.” And in 2020, Amazon issued a press release linking to its latest version of the report that highlighted the best-selling Handmade categories and top locations of Handmade sellers. “At Amazon Handmade, we obsess over customers and their desire for unique handcrafted goods, which is why we are so proud of our incredible Makers and the products they sell in our store,” said Katie Harnetiaux, head of Amazon Handmade, said in the statement. “The flourishing craft community selling with Amazon Handmade spans from coast-to-coast, with Makers from every corner of the U.S. building successful businesses and reaching new customers.”

在2019年,亚马逊在宣布其年度小型企业影响报告时再次引用了Handmade,这次将其列为“每年[亚马逊花费]数十亿美元,以帮助全球中小型企业在亚马逊商店中取得成功。” 2020年,亚马逊发布了一份新闻稿,链接到其最新版本的报告,其中重点介绍了最畅销的手工制品类别和手工卖方的主要位置。 亚马逊手工制造业务负责人凯蒂·哈内蒂奥(Katie Harnetiaux)在接受采访时说:“在亚马逊手工制造公司,我们着迷于客户及其对独特手工产品的渴望,这就是为什么我们为我们令人难以置信的制造商以及他们在商店中出售的产品感到自豪的原因。”声明。 “借助Amazon Handmade进行销售的蓬勃发展的手Craft.io品社区涵盖了从海岸到海岸的整个过程,美国各地的制造商都在建立成功的业务并吸引新客户。”

Amazon may not be the craft-haven it advertises, but small sellers seeking a friendly online platform for selling handmade items have few alternatives.


Messages like these run counter to criticisms of Amazon as a monopoly hostile to local businesses, which have increased significantly since Handmade launched. The EU is reportedly planning to announce antitrust charges over Amazon’s treatment of third-party sellers, and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said last month that he will testify to the U.S. Congress as part of a yearlong antitrust probe into Amazon and other tech companies. In a 2019 survey of 1,000 independent businesses by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance — a nonprofit that works to fight “corporate control in all of its forms” (including and especially that of Amazon) — 53% said that Amazon had a significant negative impact on their revenue. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told CNBC last year that Amazon “destroyed the retail industry across the United States.”

诸如此类的消息与对亚马逊对当地企业的敌意垄断的批评背道而驰,自从Handmade推出以来,批评已大大增加。 据报道 ,欧盟计划宣布针对亚马逊对待第三方卖方的反托拉斯指控,亚马逊首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯上个月表示,他将向美国国会作证,作为对亚马逊和其他科技公司进行的为期一年的反托拉斯调查的一部分。 在本地自力更生研究所(Institute for Local Self-Reliance)于2019年进行的一项调查中 ,该非营利组织致力于与“各种形式的企业控制”( 包括尤其是亚马逊的企业控制)作斗争-53%的人表示,亚马逊的负面影响很大影响他们的收入。 财政部长史蒂芬·姆努钦( Steven Mnuchin)去年对CNBC说,亚马逊“摧毁了整个美国的零售业。”

Amazon may not be the craft-haven it advertises, but small sellers seeking a friendly online platform for selling handmade items have few alternatives. In a successful effort to become more profitable, Etsy has become more Amazon-like, allowing for the sale of manufactured items, selling sponsored listings to its sellers, and, last year, telling sellers it would prioritize those who offered free shipping on orders of $35 or more. Even small independent online stores are being sucked into giant global marketplaces. Earlier this month, Walmart announced a new integration with the e-commerce site builder Shopify. With a few clicks, businesses that built their sites on Shopify can copy product listings to the value superstore’s third-party marketplace, which typically charges an 8% to 20% commission.

亚马逊可能不是它宣传的手Craft.io品,但是寻求一个友好的在线平台来出售手工商品的小卖家几乎没有其他选择。 为了成功赚钱,Etsy已变得更像亚马逊 ,允许出售制成品,向其卖家出售赞助商品,并在去年告诉卖家 ,它将优先考虑那些为订单提供免费送货的人。 $ 35或更多。 甚至小型的独立在线商店也被吸引到巨大的全球市场中。 本月初,沃尔玛宣布与电子商务网站构建商Shopify进行新整合 。 只需单击几下,在Shopify上建立站点的企业就可以将产品列表复制到价值超市的第三方市场,该市场通常收取8%至20%的佣金。

Lela Barker, who runs a consulting business for small creative brands, says her clients are often drawn to Amazon Handmade because of Amazon’s huge customer base. “So many searches now start and end on Amazon — people are using it almost like a search directory, similar to what they would do with Google,” she says. “The sales volume that happens on Amazon is just mind-blowingly impressive.”

经营小型创意品牌咨询业务的莱拉·巴克(Lela Barker)说,由于亚马逊庞大的客户群,她的客户经常被亚马逊手工制作公司吸引。 她说:“现在在亚马逊上开始和结束了很多搜索,人们几乎像在搜索目录一样使用它,就像他们在Google上一样。” “在亚马逊上发生的销售量令人难以置信。”

But, she says, it is difficult to build long-term relationships with customers there — especially because Amazon does not share customer email addresses with sellers (one seller said Amazon even redacted an email address that a customer tried to share within a message) — and Amazon is often associated with commodity goods. Some brick-and-mortar stores that might buy handmade products wholesale will not work with businesses that are also selling on Amazon. Faire, a marketplace boutique that owners use to buy wholesale handmade items, offers a “not on Amazon” search filter.

但是,她说,很难与那里的客户建立长期关系-特别是因为亚马逊不与卖家共享客户的电子邮件地址(一位卖家说,亚马逊甚至编辑了客户试图在消息中分享的电子邮件地址)-亚马逊通常与商品相关。 一些可能批发批发购买手工产品的实体商店将与也在亚马逊上出售商品的企业不兼容。 Faire是业主用来购买批发手工产品的市场精品店,提供“不在亚马逊上”搜索过滤器。

Plenty of Handmade sellers are happy to sell on Amazon nonetheless. In addition, many of them sell on Etsy and their own sites. To them, access to Amazon’s large stream of shoppers is a boon, even if those shoppers aren’t necessarily looking for handmade items.

尽管如此,许多手工制作的卖家还是乐于在亚马逊上出售。 此外,其中许多在Etsy和自己的网站上出售。 对他们来说,吸引大量亚马逊购物者是一个福音,即使这些购物者不一定在寻找手工商品。

“The handmade industry is growing up a little bit,” says Hamil. “It’s moving on from twee, which is what Etsy felt like in the early aughts to 2010. I’ve been doing it for almost a decade now, and I have employees and I have a business plan. … It’s not that important to me that Amazon 100% eat, breathe, and sleep the passion of why people do handmade. My passion propels my company. All I need is avenues to sell.”

“手工工业正在增长一点,”哈米尔说。 “这是从twee开始的,这是Etsy在早期经历到2010年的感觉。我已经这样做了近十年了,我有员工并且有商业计划。 ……对我而言,亚马逊100%吃,呼吸和睡觉的热情对人们手工制作的热情并不重要。 我的热情推动了我的公司。 我所需要的只是销售渠道。”


