利用结构体录入学生的所有数据(学号,姓名,三门课程成绩,生日),选择性输出 包括(所有学生平均分,查看排名,生日,查询学生信息)四个选项

#define N 5  //定义5个学生

struct Student
	int num;//学号
	char name[20];//姓名
	double score[3];//三门成绩
	double aver;//平均数
	int year;//年
	int month;//月
	int day;//日

int main()
	void input(struct Student stu[]);   //输入数据 
	void average(struct Student stu[]); //平均值
	void sort(struct Student stu[]);//降序输出
	int days(struct Student student);//计算
	struct Student stu[N], * p = stu;

	int choice;
    int m;
     printf("Input each students's information\n");	
	while (1)
		printf("===============the Score Processing System============================\n");
		printf("1,print each student's average\n");
		printf("2,order the students by student's average decreasingly\n");
		printf("3,printf brithday of student\n");
		printf("Please choose (1~3):\n");
		switch (choice)
	     	case 1:
			       average(p); break;
		    case 2:
		    	   sort(p); break;  
			case 3:
		           scanf("%d", &m);
			       printf("该同学的学号:%d ,名字:%s 生日 :%d年%d月%d日,本年第%d天\n", stu[m-1].num, stu[m-1].name, stu[m-1].year, stu[m-1].month, stu[m-1].day, days(stu[m-1]));	                  


	return 0;
void input(struct Student stu[])
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
		printf("学号 姓名 3门课成绩  生日\t");
		scanf("%d %s %lf %lf %lf\n %d %d %d", &stu[i].num, stu[i].name, &stu[i].score[0], &stu[i].score[1], &stu[i].score[2], &stu[i].year, &stu[i].month, &stu[i].day);
		stu[i].aver = (stu[i].score[0] + stu[i].score[1] + stu[i].score[2]) / 3.0;


void average(struct Student stu[])//计算平均数
	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
		stu[i].aver = (stu[i].score[0] + stu[i].score[1] + stu[i].score[2]) / 3.0;
		printf("学号:%d   姓名: %s   平均成绩:%4.2lf", stu[i].num, stu[i].name, stu[i].aver);

void sort(struct Student stu[])//降序输出
	struct Student temp;
	int i, j, k;
	for (i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)//选择排序法
		k = i;
		for (j = i + 1; j < N; j++)
			if (stu[i].aver < stu[j].aver)
				k = j;
			temp = stu[k];
			stu[k] = stu[i];
			stu[i] = temp;

	for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
		printf("学号:%d   姓名: %s   三门课的成绩分别为: %4.2lf %4.2lf %4.2lf  平均成绩:%4.2lf\n", stu[i].num, stu[i].name, stu[i].score[0], stu[i].score[1], stu[i].score[2], stu[i].aver);
int days(struct Student student)
                                       if(student.month == 1)
					                         return student.day;
			                           else if(student.month == 2)
		                                    return student.day+31;									
										else if(student.month == 3)
	                                       return student.day+60;										
										else if(student.month == 4)
						                  return student.day+91;
										else if(student.month == 5)
					                      return student.day+121;	 
										else if(student.month == 6)
											     return student.day+152;
										else if(student.month == 7)
				                          return student.day+182;
										else if(student.month == 8)
                                          return student.day+213;
										else if(student.month == 9)
		                                      return student.day+244;
										else if(student.month == 10)
											      return student.day+274;
										else if(student.month == 11)
			                                     return student.day+305;
										else if(student.month == 12)
                                                   return student.day+335;							
	                                    if(student.month == 1)
											   return student.day;
										else if(student.month == 2)
		                                      return student.day+30;									
										else if(student.month == 3)
	                                          return student.day+59;										
										else if(student.month == 4)
						                  return student.day+90;
										else if(student.month == 5)
					                      return student.day+120;	 
										else if(student.month == 6)
											     return student.day+151;
										else if(student.month == 7)
				                                   return student.day+181;
										else if(student.month == 8)
                                                   return student.day+212;
										else if(student.month == 9)
		                                           return student.day+243;
										else if(student.month == 10)
											      return student.day+273;
										else if(student.month == 11)
			                                    return student.day+304;
										else if(student.month == 12)
                                             return student.day+334;							

效果图利用结构体录入学生的所有数据(学号,姓名,三门课程成绩,生日),选择性输出 包括(所有学生平均分,查看排名,生日,查询学生信息)四个选项_第1张图片

#define N 5  //定义5个学生

struct Student
	int num;//学号
	char name[20];//姓名
	double score[3];//三门成绩
	double aver;//平均数
	int year;//年
	int month;//月
	int day;//日

int main()
	void input(struct Student stu[]);   //输入数据 
	void average(struct Student stu[]); //输出各个平均分 
	void sort(struct Student stu[]);    //输出名次
	void search(struct Student stu[], int n);  //寻找学生 
	int searchStudentnum(struct Student stu[], int m);//寻找对应编号的学生 
	int days(struct Student student);   //计算
	struct Student stu[N], * p = stu;

	int choice, m, n, c;
     printf("Input each students's information\n");
	printf("===============the Score Processing System============================\n");
	printf("1,print each student's average\n");
	printf("2,order the students by student's average decreasingly\n");
	printf("3,printf brithday of student\n");
	printf("4,search student according to your searched num\n");
	while (1)
		printf("Please choose (1~4):\n");
		switch (choice)
	     	case 1:
			       average(p); break;
		    case 2:
		    	   sort(p); break;  
			case 3:
		           scanf("%d", &m);//输入编号 
	               c = searchStudentnum(p,m);
			       printf("该同学的学号:%d   名字:%s     生日 :%d年%d月%d日,本年第%d天\n", stu[c].num, stu[c].name, stu[c].year, stu[c].month, stu[c].day, days(stu[c]));break;
			case 4:
				   scanf("%d", &n);


	return 0;
void input(struct Student stu[])//记录学生信息 
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
		printf("学号 姓名 3门课成绩  生日\t");
		scanf("%d %s %lf %lf %lf\n %d %d %d", &stu[i].num, stu[i].name, &stu[i].score[0], &stu[i].score[1], &stu[i].score[2], &stu[i].year, &stu[i].month, &stu[i].day);
		stu[i].aver = (stu[i].score[0] + stu[i].score[1] + stu[i].score[2]) / 3.0;


void average(struct Student stu[])//计算平均数
	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
		stu[i].aver = (stu[i].score[0] + stu[i].score[1] + stu[i].score[2]) / 3.0;
		printf("学号:%d   姓名: %s   平均成绩:%4.2lf", stu[i].num, stu[i].name, stu[i].aver);

void sort(struct Student stu[])//排序名次 
    int index[N] = {
     0}; //初始化索引数组 
	int i, j, k, temp;
	for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
		index[i] = i;  //放入对应的序号 
	for (i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)//选择排序法
		k = i;
		for (j = i + 1; j < N; j++)
		       if (stu[index[k]].aver < stu[index[j]].aver)
		            k = j;   
		temp = index[k];
		index[k] = index[i];
		index[i] = temp;
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
		printf("学号:%d   姓名: %s   三门课的成绩分别为: %4.2lf %4.2lf %4.2lf  平均成绩:%4.2lf\n", stu[index[i]].num, stu[index[i]].name, stu[index[i]].score[0], stu[index[i]].score[1], stu[index[i]].score[2], stu[index[i]].aver);

int days(struct Student student)//生日 
                                       if(student.month == 1)
					                         return student.day;
			                           else if(student.month == 2)
		                                    return student.day+31;									
										else if(student.month == 3)
	                                       return student.day+60;										
										else if(student.month == 4)
						                  return student.day+91;
										else if(student.month == 5)
					                      return student.day+121;	 
										else if(student.month == 6)
											     return student.day+152;
										else if(student.month == 7)
				                          return student.day+182;
										else if(student.month == 8)
                                          return student.day+213;
										else if(student.month == 9)
		                                      return student.day+244;
										else if(student.month == 10)
											      return student.day+274;
										else if(student.month == 11)
			                                     return student.day+305;
										else if(student.month == 12)
                                                   return student.day+335;							
	                                    if(student.month == 1)
											   return student.day;
										else if(student.month == 2)
		                                      return student.day+30;									
										else if(student.month == 3)
	                                          return student.day+59;										
										else if(student.month == 4)
						                  return student.day+90;
										else if(student.month == 5)
					                      return student.day+120;	 
										else if(student.month == 6)
											     return student.day+151;
										else if(student.month == 7)
				                                   return student.day+181;
										else if(student.month == 8)
                                                   return student.day+212;
										else if(student.month == 9)
		                                           return student.day+243;
										else if(student.month == 10)
											      return student.day+273;
										else if(student.month == 11)
			                                    return student.day+304;
										else if(student.month == 12)
                                             return student.day+334;							

void search(struct Student stu[], int n)//寻找学生 
		   for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                 if(stu[i].num == n)
 					 printf("学号:%d   姓名: %s   三门课的成绩分别为: %4.2lf %4.2lf %4.2lf  平均成绩:%4.2lf\n", stu[i].num, stu[i].name, stu[i].score[0], stu[i].score[1], stu[i].score[2], stu[i].aver);

int searchStudentnum(struct Student stu[],int m)
        for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
			if(stu[i].num == m)
			     return i;	
