20 years

There are twenty years to go 
and twenty ways to know
who will wear
who will wear the hat

There are twenty years to go
the best of all i hope
enjoy the ride
the medicine show

Thems the breaks
for we designer fakes
we need to concentrate on more than meets the eye

There are twenty years to go
the faithful and the low
the best of starts
the broken heart,the stone

There are twenty years to go
the punch drunk and the blow
the worst of starts
the mercy part,the phone

Thems the breaks
for we designer fakes
we need to concentrate on more than meets the eye

Thems the breaks
for we designer fakes
but it`s you i take 'cause you´re the truth, not I

There are twenty years to go
a golden age i know
but all will pass
will end too fast,you know

There are twenty years to go
and many friends i hope
though some may hold the rose
some hold the rope

that´s the end and that´s the start of it
that´s the whole and that´s the part of it
that´s the high and that´s the heart of it
that´s the long and that´s the short of it
that´s the best and that´s the test in it
that´s the doubt,the doubt,the trust in it
that´s the sight and that´s the sound of it
that´s the gift and that´s the trick in it

you´re the truth,not i
you´re the truth,not i

这是英国乐队Placebo的一首歌《20 Years》,第一次听到这首歌是在2005年的Live 8上。那是1985年的Live Aid非洲赈灾义演之后的第20年,
又一场旨在消除非洲大陆贫困的全球义演。与20年前的Live Aid相比,2005年这场音乐会场面更加宏大,数百名全球一流的乐队、歌手,

从1985到2005,20年间更换了一代人,可是"Make Poverty History"这句口号没有改变。无论多少个20年,无论更换几代人,
人们总还是憧憬和平和自由的生活,这种理想是不会因时间的流逝而被淡忘。就像Live 8,如果贫穷和压迫还在继续,我们就应该行动,
Live 8就会永远的进行下去;同样的道理,只要黑暗还在继续,我们就该去做我们该做的事情,为了我们自己也为了我们后代。
