C# 基于消息发布订阅模型的示例(上)



   ///   Enables loosely-coupled publication of and subscription to events.
   public interface IEventAggregator
       ///   Gets or sets the default publication thread marshaller.
       ///   The default publication thread marshaller.
       Action PublicationThreadMarshaller { get; set; }
       ///   Subscribes an instance to all events declared through implementations of 
       /// The instance to subscribe for event publication.
       void Subscribe(object instance);
       ///   Unsubscribes the instance from all events.
       /// The instance to unsubscribe.
       void Unsubscribe(object instance);
       ///   Publishes a message.
       /// The message instance.
       ///   Uses the default thread marshaller during publication.
       void Publish(object message);
       ///   Publishes a message.
       /// The message instance.
       /// Allows the publisher to provide a custom thread marshaller for the message publication.
       void Publish(object message, Action marshal);


    ///   Enables loosely-coupled publication of and subscription to events.
    public class EventAggregator : IEventAggregator
        ///   The default thread marshaller used for publication;
        public static Action DefaultPublicationThreadMarshaller = action => action();
        readonly List handlers = new List();
        ///   Initializes a new instance of the  class.
        public EventAggregator()
            PublicationThreadMarshaller = DefaultPublicationThreadMarshaller;
        ///   Gets or sets the default publication thread marshaller.
        ///   The default publication thread marshaller.
        public Action PublicationThreadMarshaller { get; set; }
        ///   Subscribes an instance to all events declared through implementations of 
        /// The instance to subscribe for event publication.
        public virtual void Subscribe(object instance)
                if (handlers.Any(x => x.Matches(instance)))
                handlers.Add(new Handler(instance));
        ///   Unsubscribes the instance from all events.
        /// The instance to unsubscribe.
        public virtual void Unsubscribe(object instance)
                var found = handlers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Matches(instance));
                if (found != null)
        ///   Publishes a message.
        /// The message instance.
        ///   Does not marshall the the publication to any special thread by default.
        public virtual void Publish(object message)
            Publish(message, PublicationThreadMarshaller);
        ///   Publishes a message.
        /// The message instance.
        /// Allows the publisher to provide a custom thread marshaller for the message publication.
        public virtual void Publish(object message, Action marshal)
            Handler[] toNotify;
            lock (handlers)
                toNotify = handlers.ToArray();
            marshal(() =>
                var messageType = message.GetType();
                var dead = toNotify
                    .Where(handler => !handler.Handle(messageType, message))
                        foreach(var handler in dead)
        protected class Handler
            readonly WeakReference reference;
            readonly Dictionary supportedHandlers = new Dictionary();
            public Handler(object handler)
                reference = new WeakReference(handler);
                var interfaces = handler.GetType().GetInterfaces()
                    .Where(x => typeof(IHandle).IsAssignableFrom(x) && x.IsGenericType);
                foreach(var @interface in interfaces)
                    var type = @interface.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                    var method = @interface.GetMethod("Handle");
                    supportedHandlers[type] = method;
            public bool Matches(object instance)
                return reference.Target == instance;
            public bool Handle(Type messageType, object message)
                var target = reference.Target;
                if(target == null)
                    return false;
                foreach(var pair in supportedHandlers)
                        pair.Value.Invoke(target, new[] { message });
                        return true;
                return true;



public interface IHandle {}
///   Denotes a class which can handle a particular type of message.
/// The type of message to handle.
public interface IHandle : IHandle
    ///   Handles the message.
    /// The message.
    void Handle(TMessage message);


        ///   Publishes a message.
        /// The message instance.
        /// Allows the publisher to provide a custom thread marshaller for the message publication.
        public virtual void Publish(object message, Action marshal)
            Handler[] toNotify;
            lock (handlers)
                toNotify = handlers.ToArray();
            marshal(() =>
                var messageType = message.GetType();
                var dead = toNotify
                    .Where(handler => !handler.Handle(messageType, message))
                        foreach(var handler in dead)




  1 所有消息订阅的对象必须实现统一的接口IHandle,并实现里面的Handel方法。

  2 整个EventAggregator必须是单实例或者是静态的,这样才能够在统一的集合中去实现上述的各种操作。


以上就是C# 基于消息发布订阅模型的示例(上)的详细内容,更多关于c# 发布订阅模型的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!

你可能感兴趣的:(C# 基于消息发布订阅模型的示例(上))