Recognizing that I was stretchedwouldn’t by itself be enough to slow the flow of things coming at me,especially in the investment area at what proved to be a time of historicturbulence.
Because too often I had beenpainfully surprised by different types of events that hadn’t happened to mebefore but happened in other times or other places—like the currencydevaluation of 1971, or the debt crisis in the early 1980s—I’d developed oureconomic and market principles to be timeless and universal. In other words, Iknew that we needed to understand all important economic and market movements,not just those that happened to me, and to make sure the principles we wereusing to position ourselves would have worked in all past times and all othercountries.
As a result, back in the early2000s, we had included a “depression gauge” in our systems that specified theactions we should take if a certain configuration of events began to play outin a way indicating a heightened risk of a debt crisis and depression. In 2007,this gauge indicated that a bubble of debt was nearing its bursting pointbecause the costs of debt service were outpacing projected cash flows. Becauseinterest rates were so close to 0 percent, I knew that central banks could notease monetary policy enough to reverse the downturn the way they had in priorrecessions. This was the exactconfigurationthat had led to past depressions.
My mind and gut flashed back tomy 1979–82 experience. I was now both thirty years more knowledgeable and awhole lot less confident. While the dynamic in the economy seemed clear to me,I was much less sure I was right. I remembered how clearly it had seemed to methat the debt bust I’d been expecting in 1982 would sink the economy—and howpainfully wrong I had turned out to be.
That experience also drove me tolearn a lot more about debt crises and their effects on the markets, and Iresearched and traded through a number of them, including the Latin Americandebt crisis in the 1980s, the Japanese debt crisis of the 1990s, the blowup ofLong-Term Capital Management in 1998, the bursting ofthe dot-com bubblein 2000, and the falloutfrom the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in 2001. With the helpof my teammates at Bridgewater, I took history books and old newspapers andwent day by day through the Great Depression and the Weimar Republic, comparingwhat happened then with what was happening in the present. The exercise onlyconfirmed my worst fears: It seemed inevitable to me that large numbers ofindividuals, companies, and banks were about to have serious debt problems andthat the Federal Reserve couldn’t lower interest rates to cushion the blow, aswas the case in 1930–32.
My fear of being wrong pushed me
to seek out other smart folks to poke holes in my view. I also wanted to walk
key policymakers through my thinking, both to stress-test it and to make them
aware of the situation as I saw it, so I went to Washington to speak with
people in both the U.S. Treasury and the White House.Though they were polite, what I was presenting seemed too far-fetched to them,especially when by all outward indications the economy seemed to be booming. Mostof them didn’t go very deep into our reasoning or calculations before theydismissed them, with one exception: Ramsen Betfarhad, Vice President DickCheney’s deputy assistant of domestic policy. He worked through all our numbersand was concerned by them.
Because everything wesaw lined up and we couldn’t find anyone who could refute our views, weprepared our clients’ portfolios by balancing our positions in a way that therewould be considerable upside and limited downside in the portfolios if we wereright and putting in a backup plan in case we were wrong. Though we thought wewere well prepared, we were as worried about being right as we were about beingwrong. The prospect of the world economy going over a waterfall was scary toall of us because of what it might mean to those who weren’t protected.
As in 1982, whenconditions deteriorated and circumstances increasingly transpired as we’dpredicted, policymakers began to pay more attention to us. Betfarhad had mecome to the White House to meet with him. Tim Geithner, president of the NewYork Fed, asked to see me as well. I brought Bob, Greg, and a young analystnamed Bob Elliott to a lunch meeting with Geithner. We walked him through thenumbers and he literally turned white. When he asked me where we’d gotten themfrom, I told him they were publicly available. We’d just put them together andlooked at them in a different way.
Two days after ourmeeting with Geithner, Bear Stearns collapsed. That didn’t trigger much worryfor most people or for the markets, though it was a sign of what was to come.It wasn’t until six months later in September, when Lehman Brothers collapsed,that everyone else connected the dots. At that point the dominoes fell fast,and though they couldn’t contain all the damage, policymakers, most importantlyFed chairman Ben Bernanke, reacted brilliantly to create “a beautifuldeleverageing” (i.e., away of lowering debt burdens while keeping economic growth positive andinflation low).8
To make this longstory short, we navigated this period well for our clients, anticipating marketmoves and avoiding losses. Our flagship fund made over 14 percent in 2008, ayear when many other investors recorded losses of more than 30 percent. We wouldhave done even better had we not feared being wrong, which led us to balanceour bets instead ofarrogantlyand foolishly putting more chips at stake. But I had no regrets because I hadlearned that it wasn’t smart to bet that way. While in this case we would havemade more money if we were less balanced, we certainly wouldn’t have survivedand succeeded long enough to be in such a position if we’d approached ourinvestments in that way.
The 2008 debt crisiswas another one of those like the one in 1982, which were both like many morebefore them and many more that will come. I enjoyed reflecting back on mypainful mistakes and the value of the principles they gave me. When the nextbig one comes along in twenty-five years or so, or who knows when, it will probablycome as a surprise and cause a lot of pain unless those principles are properlyencoded in algorithms put into our computers.
因为太多时候我会被突然而来的以前没发生在我身上而可能在其他人那里发生地事情痛苦惊讶,就像1971年的大衰败,或者1980年代早期的债务危机—我已经有了我们自己的一套经济和市场原则接近无时限和通用型。另一方面讲 我知道我们需要理解所有中药店经济和市场活动,不仅仅是那些发生在我身上的,并确认我们在用的这些原则能准确定位我们过去的工作和生活。
结果是在2000年早期,我们已经有了自己的一套“经济萧条测计量表”当某些特定的动作发生时我们应当采取的特定的组合活动开始运作了,当高度风险的债务危机和2007年的经济萧条已经出现预兆,这个计量表显示了债务的泡沫接近破裂点inwei债务成本的增长速速超过了现金流。因为利息接近于0,我知道中央银行在自己优先撤出的反转下降趋势前 不会实行轻松的货币政策。这正是造成过去经济萧条的结构。