
感悟:对于讲the Feedback Loop 的这部分有比较深刻的印象。看了这部分就觉得我们做事情的时候我们总是习惯性地去想他的结果是怎样的,如果是不好的,我们就会be anxious,,想做得更好,万一没有做好,我们就又会get angry about ourselves and feel guilty。就是觉得有点杞人忧天的感觉,我们几乎不会去想如果我们失败了,我们能从中获得什么,失败了就会变得比较悲观,并将这种负面的情绪无限放大,我们都懂得塞翁失马焉知非福这个道理,但做起来就没那么容易了。自己是一个感性的人,很容易被情绪影响,若能及时处理好这些情绪,及时处理来自各方面的心里压力,也许就可以把事情做得更好了。


1. His success proved we shouldn't only focus on success, what is success and failure is not a simple failure, maybe it is a success. We should face who we really are.

2. It lasers in on what you perceive your personal shortcomings and failures to already be, and then emphasizes them for you.


EMBODY:① (VERB) 表现,体现,代表(思想或品质)To embody an idea or quality means to be a symbol or expression of that idea or quality.

② (VERB) 包含;包括 If something is embodied in a particular thing, the second thing contains or consists of the first.

ornament:① (N-COUNT) (家中或花园里的)装饰物,装饰品,点缀品 An ornament is an attractive object that you display in your home or in your garden.

② (N-COUNT) 首饰;饰物 Pieces of jewellery are sometimes referred to as ornaments

③ (N-UNCOUNT) (建筑或家具的)装饰物,装饰图案 Decorations and patterns on a building or a piece of furniture can be referred to as ornament .

get pissed off:火冒三丈 (同义词:fly into a rage; burst into a fury; fire ... with fury; flare up into a fury) angry生气的程度相对较轻

be bombarded with: 被…..轰炸

          Via the media, we are constantly bombarded with suggestions to be slim, do exercise feel fit.
