react jsx 循环_如何在React JSX内部循环

react jsx 循环

If you have a set of elements you need to loop upon to generate a JSX partial, you can create a loop, and then add JSX to an array:


const elements = [] //..some array
const items = []

for ( const [ index , value ] of elements . entries ()) {
  items . push ( < Element key = { index } /> )

Now when rendering the JSX you can embed the items array by wrapping it in curly braces:


render () {
  const elements = [ 'one' , 'two' , 'three' ];

  const items = []

  for ( const [ index , value ] of elements . entries ()) {
    items . push ( < li key = { index } > { value } < /li>)

  return (
    < div >
      { items }
    < /div>

You can do the same directly in the JSX, using map instead of a for-of loop:


render : function () {
  const elements = [ 'one' , 'two' , 'three' ];
  return (
    < ul >
      { elements . map (( value , index ) => {
        return < li key = { index } > { value } < /li>
    < /ul>


react jsx 循环
