




本篇课程首发于2018年11月13日,选自 The Economist Espresso APP



Navigating thoughts: spatial maps

① Humans navigate the world by creating mental maps.

② "Place" cells in the hippocampus pinpoint where we are; symmetrically-firing "grid" cells in the neighbouring entorhinal cortex give us spatial context.

③ In this week's Science, researchers hypothesise that the same system guides us through the process of thinking, too.

④ The brain organises information into cognitive spaces: large cats by their ferocity and size, say.

⑤ Studies show the system of place and grid cells is also active when it encodes new information.

⑥ Perhaps, then, this is how we navigate the knowledge stored in our minds.

⑦ Place cells mark how and where information is placed, grid cells code how close ideas are to one another.

⑧ In our cognitive space for animals, for example, jaguars will be closer to panthers than to elephants.

⑨ As the researchers used their own mental maps to conclude this, you're now thinking about thinking about thinking.

⑩ A little meta-cognition to start the weekend.

▍grid cells 被激活时的照片



1. Creating mental maps includes the action of place cells and grid cells.

2. Place cells pinpoint where we are.

3. Grid cells give us spatial context.

4. Maybe we are using the same mental map system to guide our thoughts.


navigate /ˈnævɪɡeɪt/: vt. 引导;导航

spatial /ˈspeɪʃəl/: adj. 空间的

place cell: 位置细胞

hippocampus /ˌhɪpəˈkæmpəs/: n. 海马体

pinpoint /ˈpɪnpɔɪnt/: vt. 准确指出/确定 (位置或时间)

grid cell: 网格细胞

entorhinal cortex /ˌentəˈraɪnəl/ /ˈkɔːteks, ˈkɔːrteks/: 内嗅皮层/皮质

context /ˈkɒntekst, ˈkɑːntekst/: n. 环境;背景

hypothesise /haɪˈpɒθəsaɪz, haɪˈpɑːθəsaɪz/: vt. 假设;假定

cognitive /ˈkɒɡnətɪv, ˈkɑːɡnətɪv/: adj. 认知的;感知的

ferocity /fəˈrɒsəti, fəˈrɑːsəti/: n. 凶残;猛烈

jaguar /ˈdʒæɡjuə, ˈdʒæɡwɑːr/: n. 美洲豹

panther /ˈpænθə, ˈpænθər/: n. 黑豹

meta-cognition /ˌmetəkɒɡˈnɪʃən, ˌmetəkɑːɡˈnɪʃən/: n. 元认知


