Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe. This book tells the story of Robinson Crusoe who fights with disasters bravely and brilliantly.

Robinson Crusoe, born in Britain, is crazy about the sea voyage, which is against the wishes of parents. At first, his ship is wrecked in a violent storm, but he is so fond of voyage that he sets out to sea again. Unfortunately, his ship is controlled by the Sale pirates, thus Robinson becoming a slave of a Moor. Afterwards, he escapes with a boy named Xury who is later sold by Robinson to a captain. Years pass and Robinson decides to bring slaves from Africa. However, the shipwreck happens and nobody survives except Robinson. He is despair but has very strong will  of surviving, trapped on an isolated island. Making full use of the possible materials, he makes himself a habitat near a cave and hunts for enough food. He thinks himself as the only human on the isolated island until he happens to see the scene that some primitive men are killing and eating some other humans. Shocked as he is, Robinson understands that those people are just so innocent and rude that they commit the unconscious crimes. Anyway, Robinson determines to save some innocent victims. There is a slave called Friday that stays and helps Robinson as a company and assistance. Afterwards, they leave the island together and Robinson returns to  Britain.

After reading this book, I am really impressed with the bravery and adamancy of Robinson for what he has done to survive. This will for surviving is so touching and striking. It occurs to me that some people meet with great sufferings and torturing but remain strong enough to cope with that. For example, tortured by a series of wars and conflicts, the people in the turbulent areas still fill with hope. For them, everything is beautiful as the blessing of God, as long as they live, as long as they have their family with them. This is the very power of living, the exact will for surviving, the only flower bed of a better life.

The social status of black slaves are very low as well. The black slaves have gone through so much torturing but still remain the outsiders of the modern and civilized society. In this book, Xury was sold by Robinson and Friday was almost killed and eaten by some primitive men. Even today, black people are discriminated by the white people and they do not share the same rights as the white people. For example, they do not have the equal right to enjoy the healthcare services. Where there are humans, there are injustice. (To some extent) At the same time, what black people show is mercy, kindness and forgiveness. It is kind of like a paradox.

Men are willing to take challenges. Like Robinson who is crazy about going for a sea voyage, many people like to go outside for adventures. Such character promotes the widespread of economic and political influence, obviously. And such experience makes the boy a well-rounded grown-up. As we can see, Robison becomes more responsible and mature after his return.

I think of a poor cat who lost one back leg in a accident. The owner thought the dog must have been so disappointed that it refused to move at all. To his surprise, it was as active as before, walking along the corridors, scrambling the oak tree and even running in the yard. It stayed as energetic and gay as possible. Although it passed away after a few years, anyway, the happiness that it brought about was so unforgettable that the dog owner built a beautiful statue to memorize the unique dog.

That is out of the awe for life, I suppose. Thank God for the fate in which men and women have the opportunity to live their lives once.

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