The Princess and the Pea

                        Dodo 17/6/11(Sun)

  Price Andra wanted a bride that is truly aprincess, but no one ever was. The queen let her servants put one little peaunder 27 mattresses, if the princess woke up feeling good, the girl was not aprincess, but if she didn’t sleep well, she had skin like a princess. But everygirl felt great. One day……

  It was rainy, the queen was cleaning herface. The doorbell rang, ‘‘Who could that be?’’ Asked the doorman. When he openedthe door, he gasped. ‘‘A girl!’’ The queen ran over. The girl was wet, her longgolden hair wet on her two shoulders, and her lovely blue eyes flashing.

  ‘‘What are you doing here?’’The girl stammered: ‘‘I was about to givesome chocolate cookies I had made for my grandmother, and I neededstrawberries, and I got lost. Can I stay here for one night?’’The queen nodded.The girl was really really beautiful, andthe queen had a little hope for her son, Andra.

  The queen took the girl into a room. ‘‘It’shuge!’’ Said the girl. She stared in wonder at the high bed with 27 mattresses.As she climbed on the bed, the queen smiled as she drank a cup of tea.

  The next morning, the girl with the whitedress came into the ballroom. Where the king, the queen, and prince Andra werewaiting. ‘‘Do you have a good night?’’ Said the old king, eyes shimmering withgold light. ‘‘Umm……’’ Every one kept there breath.

  ‘‘I didn’t.’’ Said the girl, ‘‘There wassome small thing under the mattresses, they made me feel very hard to sleep! Inearly had a good night!’’

  ‘‘You are A PRINCESS!’’ The queen shouted: ‘‘Wefinally find a wife for Andra!!!’’

  The girl and Andra were married, and theylived happily ever after with the old king and the queen, and the girl’sgrandmother. (The family love to eat the girl’s home-made chocolate strawberrycookies. YUMMY YUMMY!)

The Princess and the Pea_第1张图片

The Princess and the Pea_第2张图片

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