而血型也在一定程度上反映了性格。日本一位名叫古川敬二的教授发表了一篇论文,声称个人血型(A、B、AB和O)反映了拥有这些血型的人的性格,现在经常把这个理论成为“ketsueki-gata 血型分类说”。
01 Type A
Type A only has A antigens on red cells andB antibodies in the plasma; if you have type A blood, you can donate red bloodcells to types A and AB.
The makeup of a person’s antigenson red blood cells can determine how much of a certain hormone gets released.
If you have type A blood, you're more likely to have higher levels of thestress hormone cortisol in your body, according the National Institutes ofHealth. There are a number of health risks that are associated with type Ablood, such as a 20 percent higher chance of developing stomach cancer comparedto types O and B, and a 5 percent increased risk for heart disease compared tothose with type O.
In addition, if you have type A blood, youare at higher risk for several types of cancer, such as some forms ofpancreatic cancer and leukemia; according to the BBC, you are also more proneto smallpox infections and severe malaria.
Ironically, those with type A alsohave been found to be less magnetic to mosquitoes — so there'sreason to rejoice!
According to ketsueki-gata, if you haveblood type A, you have some great traits. You are earnest, creative, sensible,reserved, patient and responsible (even if you are also stubborn and tense).
根据“日本血型分类说”,如果你是A型血,你有一些很好的性格特点。你认真、有创造力、理智、有耐心、责任感强 (虽然你同时也较固执,容易紧张)。
02 Type B
If you have type B blood, you only have theB antigens on red cells and A antibodies in the plasma; you can donate redblood cells to those with types B and AB blood.
Those with type B have an 11 percentincrease in risk of heart disease over those with type O. A study at HarvardUniversity found that women with AB or B blood have a raised risk of developingovarian cancer, but if you have type B, it’s not all bad news.
Those with type B blood have up to 50,000 times the number of strains offriendly bacteria than people with either type A or O blood, which means allkinds of good things.
And in terms of ketsueki-gata? You can beproud of your passion, active nature, creativity and strength. On the otherhand, you’re also selfish, irresponsible, unforgiving and erratic.
03 Type AB
Those with AB blood have both A and Bantigens on red cells, but neither A nor B antibody in the plasma. If you haveAB positive blood, you are universal plasma donor.
People with type AB have been found to havea 23 percent increased risk of heart disease over those with type O blood.Having AB blood may double the liklihood that a pregnant mother will sufferfrom the blood pressure condition called pre-eclampsia.
One intriguing blood type study publishedin the journal Neurology found that those with type AB blood were 82 percentmore likely to have cognitive difficulties — specifically inareas like memory recall, language and attention — than people withother blood types.
When it comes to ketsueki-gata, if you havetype AB blood you're cool, controlled, rational and adaptable … andcritical, indecisive, forgetful and irresponsible.
04 Type O
If youfall into the O blood group, you have neither A nor B antigens on your redcells, but both A and B antibodies in your plasma. O positive is the mostcommon blood type; O negative is the universal donor type, meaning those withthis blood type can donate red blood cells to anybody.
Forthose with type O, it’s a mixed bag. If you have type O, you are more likely to get ulcers— and believe it or not, to rupture your Achilles tendons. You arealso at higher risk of cholera.
The good news is that people with type O bloodare at a lower risk for pancreatic cancer and face a lower risk of dying frommalaria than people with other blood groups; that said, if you have type O, youare twice as likely to be a mosquito magnet than those with type A blood.
If youhave type O blood, ketsueki-gata suggests that you are confident,self-determined, strong-willed and intuitive; unfortunately, you are alsoself-centered, cold, unpredictable and potentially a workaholic.