FileCoin 挖矿教程(二)挖矿的架构


本节提供Filecoin Storage采矿设置的示例,希望可以帮助和指导其他挖矿者在获取和设置其采矿基础设施时进行计划和做出正确的选择。 请注意,任何存储挖掘设置必须满足最低硬件要求。


Hardware unit CPU model GPU RAM Disk Processes Notes
Storage miner + Node AMD Epyc 7402 (24 cores) Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000 128-256GB Unspecified 1x lotus 1x lotus-miner The miner delegates sealing functions to the workers below.
PC1 workers AMD Epyc 7F32 DP/UP (8 cores) - 128-256GiB 6 x 1-2TiB SSD scratch disk 6x lotus-worker Runs 6 Lotus seal workers in parallel for PreCommit1 phase only.
PC2, Commit workers AMD Epyc 7402 (24 cores) 2 x Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000 256GiB 2-4TiB SSD scratch disk(s) 1x lotus-worker (PC2) 1x lotus-worker (Commit) One worker dedicated to PreCommit2 and another to the Commit phase
