
Reading  response

After reading this speech,  a lot of ideas occurred  in my heart. What touched me most was to find what he love and work hard for it forever. If you don't find it, you don't have to be discouraged, what you should do is not  to give up, but go on looking for it. The other one that impressed me was his  courage. He dared to change, be brave in innovation, so  eventually succeed. I'll always remember  that  he said “stay  hungry,stay  foolish”

读完乔布斯的这篇演讲稿后,我内心有很多想法。其中最打动我的是要找到自己爱的东西,并为此不段努力。如果没有找到也不必气馁 ,应该做的不是放弃,而是继续寻找。另一个让我觉得印象深刻的是乔布斯的勇气,他敢于改变,勇于创新,最终获得成功。我也将一直记得他所说的,求知如饥,虚心若愚
