
1.jolt: to cause (something or someone) to move in a quick and sudden way

2.berserk : one whose actions are recklessly defiant

3.inflict: to cause someone to experience or be affected by (something unpleasant or harmful)

4.grotesque: very strange or ugly in a way that is not normal or natural

5.exempt: not required to do something that others are required to do

6.refrain: to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do

7.reminisce: to talk, think, or write about things that happened in the past

8.falter: to stop being strong or successful : to begin to fail or weaken

9.singe: to burn (something) slightly

10.bramble: a rough bush or vine that usually has sharp thorns on its branches

11.almond: a nut that has a sweet flavor ; also : the tree that produces almonds

12.notch: a slightly higher or lower level in a series of levels that measure something

13.plinth: a block of stone or wood that is used as the base for a pillar, statue, etc.

14.navel: the small, hollow or raised area in the middle of your stomach
