(2)拖拽 or 照片App-->多选后 文件-->导出-->导出x张照片:
EXIF(Exchangeable Image File format)是可交换图像文件的缩写,是专门为数码相机的照片设定的,可以记录数码照片的属性信息和拍摄数据。 EXIF可以附加于JPEG、TIFF、RIFF、RAW等文件之中,为其增加有关数码相机拍摄信息的内容和索引图或图像处理软件的版本信息
这种情况下,我们选择使用Jhead工具,Jhead是没有图形界面的命令行软件,需要使用终端(Mac)or 命令提示符(Windows)运行它并键入指定参数。
Exif Jpeg header manipulation tool
Things jhead can modify in an exif jpeg file
Up-right images according to rotation tag using jpegtran
Set or relative adjust internal exif timestamps
* Fix date / time offsets in large batches of images
Re-name or date stamp files according to exif timestamp
Transfer exif headers between images
Replace thumbnails inside Exif headers
Edit jpeg comments (but not the Exif comments)
Delete exif or comment sections from jpeg images
Create new minimal exif header containing date and thumbnail
下载对应的系统版本,像我选择下载OS-X Intel可执行版本的 jhead,将其放到你需要批量修改的照片所在的文件夹中
利用cd命令载入到照片所在文件夹(可用Tab键补全 or 显示子目录)
jhead -ft “你的文件名”即可,例如我就是
jhead -ft 10.jpg
ft Sets the Exif timestamp to the file's timestamp. Requires an Exif header to pre-exist. Use -mkexif option to create one if needed.
这是对单一文件进行修改,对于当前目录下所有文件的修改,就是用 * 符号
jhead -ft *
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
brew install jhead
] This option causes files to be renamed and/or moved according to the Exif header "DateTimeOriginal" field. If the file is not an Exif file, or the DateTimeOriginal does not contain a valid value, the file date is used.
If the name includes '/' or '\' (under windows), this is interpreted as a new path for the file. If the new path does not exist, the path will be created.
If the [fmt-string] is omitted, the file will be renamed to MMDD-HHMMSS.
If a [fmt-string] is provided, the fmt-string will be passed to the strftime function for formatting. In addition, if the format string contains '%f', this will substitute the original name of the file (minus extension).
A sequence number may also be included by including '%i' in the format string. Leading zeros can be specified. '%03i' for example will pad the numbers to '001', '002'... this works just like printf in C, but with '%i' instead of '%d'.
If the target name already exists, the name will be appended with "a", "b", "c", etc, unless the name ends with a letter, in which case it will be appended with "0", "1", "2", etc.
This feature is especially useful if more than one digital camera was used to take pictures of an event. By renaming them to a scheme according to date, they will automatically appear in order of taking when viewed with some sort of viewer like Xnview or AcdSee, and sorted by name. Or you could use the -ft option and view the images sorted by date. Typically, one of the camera's date will be set not quite right, in which case you may have to use the -ta or -da options on those files first.
Some of the more useful arguments for strftime are:
%d Day of month as decimal number (01 – 31)
%HHour in 24-hour format (00 – 23)
%jDay of year as decimal number (001 – 366)
%mMonth as decimal number (01 – 12)
%MMinute as decimal number (00 – 59)
%SSecond as decimal number (00 – 59)
%UWeek of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 – 53)
%wWeekday as decimal number (0 – 6; Sunday is 0)
%yYear without century, as decimal number (00 – 99)
%YYear with century, as decimal number
jhead -n%Y%m%d-%H%M%S *.jpg
This will rename files matched by *.jpg according to YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS
Note to Windows batch file users: '%' is used to deliminate macros in Windows batch files. You must use %% to get one % passed to the program. So from a batch file, you would have to write "jhead -n%%Y%%m%%d-%%H%%M%%S *.jpg"
For a full listing of strftime arguments, look up the strftime function. Note that some arguments to the strftime function (not listed here) produce strings with characters such as '/' and ':' that may not be valid as part of a filename on various systems.
后来才发现可以指定命名文件的日期格式,最好的还是举例子的 %Y%m%d-%H%M%S 参数啦,精确到秒,年月日俱全
jhead -n%Y%m%d-%H%M%S *
ls --> dir;
cd --> cd;
使用日期命名功能,需要注意%在windows中表示宏,要改用 jhead -n%%Y%%m%%d-%%H%%M%%S
即% -->%%