写作|request cooperation

(碎碎念:关于复盘    精读班和举起被子相继结束,要好好消化下,不打算整理书面复盘材料,趁周末仔细听精读落下的博学奖音频、翻看Letters To A Young Poet 的notes)

Part One    讲解笔记

1. in that case   假使那样,在那时候,如果是那样的话

In that case, let's eat in rather rather than go out for dinner. 那样子的话,我们晚餐就在家里吃,不要出去吃了。

In that case, those scoring high in psychopathy psychopathy had a lesser reaction. 在这种情况下,得分高的精神病患反应较小。

=by this chance, in that situation, if so��

2. new words:

>doable 可行的 (within one's power and is feasible)the task is doable

>sales-pitch  推销口号        pitch  宣传用语

>what do you think of launching it on April 21st? 


If a company launches a new product, it makes it available to the public.

>training objectives, the group of learners it caters to, the syllabus 教学大纲

3. To make that goal possible, we probably need to put out a detailed course design by next Monday, April 10th?  学习衔接,“为了达成某事,···”

4. I am happy to coordinate any assistance you might need to complete the task in three short days. Just let me know. 表达愿意随时协助对方的诚恳态度   背下来

5.  Just trying to check in with you regarding where we are on (where we are,真的就是很地道的描述“我们做到哪一步了”的地道英语说法) that project Jany left to us last week. Quite a big load to sort out ··· before this Friday, isn’t it?(表示和对方同一阵线,这工作确实难做)Had to put aside some client files to get this thing done. Anyway, I have gone through the first half of the cluster and attached it here for your review. Also I am thinking(I am thinking比I think会更柔和,更有商量的意味)it will be good to leave two days’ time for revision before turning it over to Jany, just in case the integration of our works calls for some major overhaul.(细雨无声地低调建议“早完成以防拖延带来的各种来不及”的这样一个做事角度)That means, I better start merging the two parts this evening(把对别人的要求转化成对自己的要求的角度来提,同时也激励对方来考虑你的情形,帮助你,而不是被你催的不得不交作业--两种完全不同的心理状态), so do you think you would be able to send me your piece and your comments on mine by 5 pm today? I might just bring the work home(又回到自己的苦上了,这样能够tone down你刚才的强势要求,同时也让对方更愿意出于不拖你后腿的目的而重视这件事).

6. dumb down

降低…的理解难度;减少…的专业内容;(尤指对教科书加以)简化 If you dumb down something, you make it easier for people to understand, especially when this spoils it.

No one favored dumbing down the magazine. 没有人赞成降低杂志的专业水准。

My God, I thought, they're trying to dumb down the curriculum even further! 我的老天啊,我心里说,他们还在设法让课程变得更简单。

7. 安妮的回答

>Q: 师太你一般都从哪些角度来思考邮件写什么内容的呢?A:摆在对方的位置上想我的信件的效果,然后又努力梳理清楚我究竟要达到什么目的

>挖掘你真心感激之处。Always dig internally for the specific truth. Truth is the easiest thing to put forward and will achieve the best effect.

>商业邮件有个小原则就是不要问那些寒暄的问题,人家还得回个邮件专门说 I am doing good ...thank you

8.“以你的时间为主”  I am happy to go with any opening in your schedule.

9. 写给投资人的follow-up emails

Dear Mr.Finn,

Hope this email finds you well.

I am the co-founder of ABC company offering website design and hosting services to SMEs*. We met a few days ago discussing how our team can introduce the service to a larger number of users and I really appreciate your advice and tips on this.

We are ready to put your suggestions into practice and I am wondering if we could meet again in a month or two, at a time that works the best for you or any openings in your schedule checking the progress of our new strategy. 这一段态度诚恳 衔接自然

Thank you again for your time and guidance. We look forward to seeing you next time.

Best regards,

Alex Jiang

*SMEs: Small and Medium Enterprises

10. 催促信句型

> I am pretty sure that you forgot to ···

> We can meet up at any time that works the best for you.

> Also,if you need any help, I am happy to be at your service. 很乐意为您效劳

11. 催促信范文

Dear Janet,

Thanks for your recommendation of reviewing all plants’ total costs, which optimize the audit plan as a whole. Besides, with the data analyst is tool provided by KPMG, reviewing process should be much easier. Here’s the thing, as we’ve reached the agreement of the plan, what do you think April 12th be the day to complete initial evaluation? Then we can come up with writing report, discussion with management and handover draft to Daisy on April 20 th as memo required. However it would be greater if we could sent the draft 3 days earlier, which will leave her sometime for asking and revising. Hence,the earlier initial evaluation can be done , the better. (这里的建议棒,不满足于截止日期前完成任务,“我们交稿时间越提前、那么预留给上级审阅的时间约充足”,不仅递进了一层调动收信人积极性,而且把催促的理由说明白了)

Should you have any question, please feel free to let me know.

Based on our previous smoothly cooperation, hopefully we can achieve awesome result one more time. (祝愿合作愉快 背下来)



Part Two    Composition

Dear Joseph,

How have you been ?

Just trying to check in with you regarding where we are on that display board Henry left us last week. It is an urgent order that required on April 17th. To make that goal possible, we probably need to deliver the electronic version file to our advertising agency before April 15th. The earlier the board can be printed, the better. Hence, I am wondering if you could send me the proposed photos tomorrow. In that case, I would work out the layout in time.

Also, I am happy to coordinate any assistance you might need.



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