【CET 口语 套路】

Part 1 

(1) self-introduction(一定要熟练)

My name is WuRuijia and my major is food science and engineering. I like reading and doing exercise. Football is my favorite sports as it helps me to strengthen physical fitness and cultivate teamwork spirit. In a word, reading can polish my mind and football can make me strong.



I usually ..., because it is more[形容词]

[形容词-积极]:cheaper; convenient; effective; efficient; environmentally friendly; fluent; time-saving; active; energetic; healthy; easy; optimistic, independent

[形容词-消极]:indifferent; unfriendly; self-centered; greedy; not sensible/ irrational/ not reasonable; lack of consciousness;   poor awareness of the law


This phenomenon/issue may derive from xxx, xxx and xxx. For one thing, ...

For another....


cause + n.

lead to + n.

give rise to + n.

result in + n.

produce + n.


serious consequences

serious results

If people don't attach importance to/ take no account of the problem, it will lead to serious consequences.



This tendency is rather worrying.If we neglect the magnitude of this phenomenon/do not interfere in this situation, it will trigger/give rise to a series of / a considerable number of serious/grave consequences.

For instance, ...


It is known to everyone that xxx plays an increasingly important role in contemporary society.Xxx can broaden our horizon, enhance the efficiency of work and provide a convenient lifestyle.

give us the courage to overcome obstacles, fill us hope and passion, lead us to the path we want to follow and make us achieve the seemingly impossible.

fueled with the power of dreams, they take risks, meet challenges and finally achieve. For example, it was the Wright Brothers’ dream of flying that led them to invent the airplane.

Part 2


【第1、2句 说明事情的背景与严重性】

XXX has always been a severe issue in our country. The most common problem in XXX is the lack of knowledge about XXX and XXX. 

【第3、4、5句 说明原因与后果并举例 】

This phenomenon/issue may derive from xxx, xxx and xxx.

If people don't attach importance to/ take no account of the problem, it will lead to serious consequences.

For example,...

As for me, I suffered from heavy pressures from the outside the world, such as peer pressure, parents' expectations and worries about the uncertain future.

【第6句 措施】


As a college student, it is our responsibility to modify our behavior accordingly..

As a civilized individual,we are supposed to take the initiative to..

As a college student, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to..in a rational way. Thus, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends, classmates/colleagues, acquaintances to。。


To ensure the problem, I think the government plays the most important role.

Related departments are supposed to strengthen legislation and management to prevent the further deterioration(of this situation). At the same time, to punish those who violate the law of food safety is another way to address this problem.

【第7句 总结】

On the basis of the analysis above, we can generalize a conclusion that...


【第1,2句 问候与引入话题】

Hi,can you hear me?  Let's talk about this issue.

As the society is developing at a fast pace, people are tending to ..

【第3句 提出问题】

XXX plays an important role in our modern life. It has merits and and demerits influencing your work and study. So could you cite an example about how the XXX affects our life.

【第4句 接住问题】

Well, what you said is reasonale. XXX really has a huge impact on our daily life. Could you take some measurea to tackle this problem?


Actually, the answer might be yes or no, depending on your circumstances. 

Every thing has two sides, and XXX is not an exception. 

For one thing, it has some benifits in favor of your work and study.

For another, Overdone is worse than undone. If it exceed the limit, it will give rise to serious consequences.

Therefore, it is wise to do it in a rational way.

Part3(最后再回答一个问题 45s)


因为 = for the sake of = because of;

尽管 = in spite of = despite;

有利于  = in favor of = be good for =  be conducive to = sth. be beneficial = benefit = help;

有害于 n. = be detrimental to = be harmful (to) = be injurious to = hurt sth.= do harm to poison = damage to = be bad for 

有意义 = sth. is meaningful = make sense

不客气 = not at all = no worries = put (it) bluntly

过奖了 =  Thank you, I'm flattered = You flatter me=Thank you for your compliment, but you are exaggerating =  Thank you for your compliment, but you think too highly of me.

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