英语流利说 Level5 Unit1 Part3 -Arranging an Appointment

Arranging an Appointment安排一个约会

Ace Industries, may I help you?埃斯工业公司,我能为您效劳吗?

This is Sue Mitchell speaking.我是苏·米切尔。

Hi, Sue, This is Ben Wang, of job link.嗨,苏,我是job link公司的王本。

Oh, hi Ben, how are you.嗨,本,你好吗?

I've been expecting your call.我一直在等你的电话。

I'm sorry to be late.对不起,我迟到了。

I'vebeen traveling.我一直在旅行。

It seems like everyone is traveling these days.这些天似乎每个人都在旅行。

That's for sure.这是肯定的。

I'm a way more than I'm here.我远比在这里重要。

Anyway I'm callingto seeif wecan arrangea meeting.不管怎样,我打电话来是想看看我们能否安排一个会议。


There are severalmattersI'dliketo discuss with you.有几件事我想和你谈谈。

Sure, would later this week be possible?当然,这周晚些时候可以吗?

Let me see.让我看看。

According to my schedule, I'll have sometime Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.根据我的日程安排,我星期四下午和星期五上午有空。

How long do you think we'll need?你认为我们需要多长时间?

I think an hour should be enough.我想一个小时应该足够了。

That should be fine.那应该没问题。

Would Thursday at 3:30 work for you?星期四3点半你方便吗?

Yes, that's fine.是的,这很好。(是的,可以的)

How much time did she think they will need? She thinks an hour should be enough time.她认为他们需要多少时间?她认为一小时应该足够了。

OK, I'm looking forward to seeing you at 3:30 on Thursday.好的,我期待着周四3:30见到你。

Right, see you then, and thanks.好的,到时候见,谢谢。

You are welcome Ben.不客气,本。

Take care.照顾。(礼貌回答类似take care yourself)

He suggests that they meet later this week.他建议他们本周晚些时候见面。

Hi Sue, I'm sorry, but something urgent has come up. So I'd like to change the time for our meeting on Thursday.嗨,苏,对不起,我有急事。所以我想更改一下我们星期四开会的时间。

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.哦,听到这个消息我很难过。

What about Friday morning?星期五上午怎么样?

That should work.这应该工作。

How early?多早?

I'm usually here by 9:00.我通常九点以前到。

Could you be here by then?那时你能来吗?

Yes, that shouldn't be a problem.是的,这应该不成问题。

OK, Friday at 9:00.好的,星期五9点。

Once again, sorry for the last minute change.再次为最后一分钟的改变道歉。

What reason does he give for changing the meeting time?Something urgent has come up.他为什么要更改会议时间?发生了急事。

What time did she suggest for the meeting? Friday at 9:00.她建议什么时间开会?周五9点。

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