asymmetric cryptography
公钥加密具有更大的密钥空间(或密钥的可能值范围),因此不大容易受到对每个可能密钥都进行尝试的穷举攻击。由于不必保护公钥,因此它易于分发。公钥算法可用于创建数字签名以验证数据发送方的身份。但是,公钥算法非常慢(与私钥算法相比),不适合用来加密大量数据。公钥算法仅对传输很少量的数据有用。公钥加密通常用于加密一个私钥算法将要使用的密钥和 IV。传输密钥和 IV 后,会话的其余部分将使用私钥加密。
RSA系统是诸多此类算法中最著名、最多使用的一种。RSA公开密钥密码系统是由R.Rivest、A.Shamir和L.Adleman俊教授于1977年提出的。RSA的取名就是来自于这三位发明者的姓的第一个字母RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)算法是基于大数不可能被质因数分解假设的公钥体系。简单地说就是找两个很大的质数。一个对外公开的为“公钥”(Prblic key) ,另一个不告诉任何人,称为"私钥”(Private key)。这两个密钥是互补的,也就是说用公钥加密的密文可以用私钥解密,反过来也一样。
1) A随机产生一个大整数a,然后计算Ka=ga mod n(a需要保密)
2) B随机产生一个大整数b,然后计算Kb=gb mod n(b需要保密)
3) A把Ka发送给B,B把Kb发送给A
4) A计算K=Kba mod n
5) B计算K=Kab mod n
由于Kba mod n= (gb mod n)a mod n= (ga mod n)b mod n,因此可以保证双方得到的K是相同的,K即是共享的密钥。可以参考JCE文档中的DH 3 party的例子。
通过抽象基类 (System.Security.Crytography.AsymmetricAlgorithm) 提供下列非对称(公钥/私钥)加密算法:
• DSACryptoServiceProvider
• RSACryptoServiceProvider
.NET Framework 提供以下实现数字签名算法的类:
CA证书 Public Key Certificates(参考这里)
A public key certificate provides a safe way for an entity to pass on its public key to be used in asymmetric cryptography. The public key certificate avoids the following situation: if Charlie creates his own public key and private key, he can claim that he is Alice and send his public key to Bob. Bob will be able to communicate with Charlie, but Bob will think that he is sending his data to Alice.
A public key certificate can be thought of as the digital equivalent of a passport. It is issued by a trusted organization and provides identification for the bearer. A trusted organization that issues public key certificates is known as a certificate authority (CA). The CA can be likened to a notary public. To obtain a certificate from a CA, one must provide proof of identity. Once the CA is confident that the applicant represents the organization it says it represents, the CA signs the certificate attesting to the validity of the information contained within the certificate.
A public key certificate contains several fields, including:
Issuer - The issuer is the CA that issued the certificate. If a user trusts the CA that issues a certificate, and if the certificate is valid, the user can trust the certificate.
Period of validity - A certificate has an expiration date, and this date is one piece of information that should be checked when verifying the validity of a certificate.
Subject - The subject field includes information about the entity that the certificate represents.
Subject's public key - The primary piece of information that the certificate provides is the subject's public key. All the other fields are provided to ensure the validity of this key.
Signature - The certificate is digitally signed by the CA that issued the certificate. The signature is created using the CA's private key and ensures the validity of the certificate. Because only the certificate is signed, not the data sent in the SSL transaction, SSL does not provide for non-repudiation.
If Bob only accepts Alice's public key as valid when she sends it in a public key certificate, Bob will not be fooled into sending secret information to Charlie when Charlie masquerades as Alice.
Multiple certificates may be linked in a certificate chain. When a certificate chain is used, the first certificate is always that of the sender. The next is the certificate of the entity that issued the sender's certificate. If there are more certificates in the chain, each is that of the authority that issued the previous certificate. The final certificate in the chain is the certificate for a root CA. A root CA is a public certificate authority that is widely trusted. Information for several root CAs is typically stored in the client's Internet browser. This information includes the CA's public key. Well-known CAs include VeriSign, Entrust, and GTE CyberTrust.
消息身份验证代码 (MAC) 哈希函数通常与数字签名一起用于对数据进行签名,而消息检测代码 (MDC) 哈希函数则用于数据完整性。
When sending encrypted data, SSL typically uses a cryptographic hash function to ensure data integrity. The hash function prevents Charlie from tampering with data that Alice sends to Bob.
A cryptographic hash function is similar to a checksum. The main difference is that while a checksum is designed to detect accidental alterations in data, a cryptographic hash function is designed to detect deliberate alterations. When data is processed by a cryptographic hash function, a small string of bits, known as a hash, is generated. The slightest change to the message typically makes a large change in the resulting hash. A cryptographic hash function does not require a cryptographic key. Two hash functions often used with SSL are Message Digest 5 (MD5) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA). SHA was proposed by the US National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST).
Message Authentication Code: A message authentication code (MAC) is similar to a cryptographic hash, except that it is based on a secret key. When secret key information is included with the data that is processed by a cryptographic hash function, the resulting hash is known as an HMAC.
If Alice wants to be sure that Charlie does not tamper with her message to Bob, she can calculate an HMAC for her message and append the HMAC to her original message. She can then encrypt the message plus the HMAC using a secret key she shares with Bob. When Bob decrypts the message and calculates the HMAC, he will be able to tell if the message was modified in transit. With SSL, an HMAC is used with the transmission of secure data.
.NET Framework 提供以下实现数字签名算法的类:
摘要是一种防止改动的方法,其中用到的函数叫摘要函数。这些函数的输入可以是任意大小的消息,而输出是一个固定长度的摘要。摘要有这样一个性质,如果改变了输入消息中的任何东西,甚至只有一位,输出的摘要将会发生不可预测的改变,也就是说输入消息的每一位对输出摘要都有影响。总之,摘要算法从给定的文本块中产生一个数字签名(fingerprint或message digest),数字签名可以用于防止有人从一个签名上获取文本信息或改变文本信息内容。摘要算法的数字签名原理在很多加密算法中都被使用,如S/KEY和PGP(pretty good privacy)。
现在流行的摘要函数有MD4和MD5。MD2摘要算法的设计是出于下面的考虑:利用32位RISC结构来最大其吞吐量,而不需要大量的替换表(substitution table)。MD4算法将消息的给予对长度作为输入,产生一个128位的"指纹"或"消息化"。要产生两个具有相同消息化的文字块或者产生任何具有预先给定"指纹"的消息,都被认为在计算上是不可能的。MD5摘要算法是个数据认证标准。MD5的设计思想是要找出速度更快但更不安全的MD4中潜在的不安全,MD5的设计者通过使MD5在计算上慢下来,以及对这些计算做了一些基础性的改动来解决这个问题。MD5在RFC1321中给出文档描述,是MD4算法的一个扩展。美国国家标准技术研究所的SHA1和麻省理工学院Ronald Rivest提出的MD5是为代表。HMAC-MD5算法(消息摘要5)基于RFC1321。MD5对MD4做了改进,计算速度比MD4稍慢,但安全性能得到了进一步改善。MD5在计算中使用了64个32位常数,最终生成一个128位的完整性检查和。
HMAC-SHA算法:安全Hash算法定义在NIST FIPS 180-1,其算法以MD5为原型。SHA在计算中使用了79个32位常数,最终产生一个160位完整性检查和。SHA检查和长度比MD5更长,因此安全性也更高。
随机数生成是许多加密操作不可分割的组成部分。例如,加密密钥需要尽可能地随机,以便使生成的密钥很难再现。加密随机数生成器必须生成无法以计算方法推算出(低于 p < .05 的概率)的输出;即,任何推算下一个输出位的方法不得比随机猜测具有更高的成功概率。.NET Framework 中的类使用随机数生成器生成加密密钥。