


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 画图
from sklearn import linear_model # 线性模型
data = pd.read_csv('house_prices.csv') #读取数据
data.head() #数据展示
house_id neighborhood area bedrooms bathrooms style price
0 1112 B 1188 3 2 ranch 598291
1 491 B 3512 5 3 victorian 1744259
2 5952 B 1134 3 2 ranch 571669
3 3525 A 1940 4 2 ranch 493675
4 5108 B 2208 6 4 victorian 1101539
new_data=data.iloc[:,1:] #除掉id这一列
neighborhood area bedrooms bathrooms style price
0 B 1188 3 2 ranch 598291
1 B 3512 5 3 victorian 1744259
2 B 1134 3 2 ranch 571669
3 A 1940 4 2 ranch 493675
4 B 2208 6 4 victorian 1101539
new_data.corr() # 相关系数矩阵,只统计数值列
area bedrooms bathrooms price
area 1.000000 0.901623 0.891481 0.823454
bedrooms 0.901623 1.000000 0.972768 0.743435
bathrooms 0.891481 0.972768 1.000000 0.735851
price 0.823454 0.743435 0.735851 1.000000


x_data = new_data.iloc[:, 1:4] #are、bedrooms、bathroom对应列
y_data = new_data.iloc[:, -1] #price对应列
print(x_data, y_data, len(x_data))
      area  bedrooms  bathrooms
0     1188         3          2
1     3512         5          3
2     1134         3          2
3     1940         4          2
4     2208         6          4
...    ...       ...        ...
6023   757         0          0
6024  3540         5          3
6025  1518         2          1
6026  2270         4          2
6027  3355         5          3

[6028 rows x 3 columns] 0        598291
1       1744259
2        571669
3        493675
4       1101539
6023     385420
6024     890627
6025     760829
6026     575515
6027     844747
Name: price, Length: 6028, dtype: int64 6028
# 应用模型
model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y_data)
print("回归系数:", model.coef_)
print("截距:", model.intercept_)
print('回归方程: price=',model.coef_[0],'*area +',model.coef_[1],'*bedrooms +',model.coef_[2],'*bathromms +',model.intercept_)
回归系数: [  345.91101884 -2925.80632467  7345.39171369]
截距: 10072.107046726742
回归方程: price= 345.911018840024 *area + -2925.806324666705 *bedrooms + 7345.391713693825 *bathromms + 10072.107046726742


# 异常值处理
# ================ 异常值检验函数:iqr & z分数 两种方法 =========================
def outlier_test(data, column, method=None, z=2):
    """ 以某列为依据,使用 上下截断点法 检测异常值(索引) """
    full_data: 完整数据
    column: full_data 中的指定行,格式 'x' 带引号
    return 可选; outlier: 异常值数据框 
    upper: 上截断点;  lower: 下截断点
    method:检验异常值的方法(可选, 默认的 None 为上下截断点法),
            选 Z 方法时,Z 默认为 2
    # ================== 上下截断点法检验异常值 ==============================
    if method == None:
        print(f'以 {
       column} 列为依据,使用 上下截断点法(iqr) 检测异常值...')
        print('=' * 70)
        # 四分位点;这里调用函数会存在异常
        column_iqr = np.quantile(data[column], 0.75) - np.quantile(data[column], 0.25)
        # 1,3 分位数
        (q1, q3) = np.quantile(data[column], 0.25), np.quantile(data[column], 0.75)
        # 计算上下截断点
        upper, lower = (q3 + 1.5 * column_iqr), (q1 - 1.5 * column_iqr)
        # 检测异常值
        outlier = data[(data[column] <= lower) | (data[column] >= upper)]
        print(f'第一分位数: {
       q1}, 第三分位数:{
       q3}, 四分位极差:{
       upper}, 下截断点:{
        return outlier, upper, lower
    # ===================== Z 分数检验异常值 ==========================
    if method == 'z':
        """ 以某列为依据,传入数据与希望分段的 z 分数点,返回异常值索引与所在数据框 """
        data: 完整数据
        column: 指定的检测列
        z: Z分位数, 默认为2,根据 z分数-正态曲线表,可知取左右两端的 2%,
           根据您 z 分数的正负设置。也可以任意更改,知道任意顶端百分比的数据集合
        print(f'以 {
       column} 列为依据,使用 Z 分数法,z 分位数取 {
       z} 来检测异常值...')
        print('=' * 70)
        # 计算两个 Z 分数的数值点
        mean, std = np.mean(data[column]), np.std(data[column])
        upper, lower = (mean + z * std), (mean - z * std)
        print(f"取 {
       z} 个 Z分数:大于 {
       upper} 或小于 {
       lower} 的即可被视为异常值。")
        print('=' * 70)
        # 检测异常值
        outlier = data[(data[column] <= lower) | (data[column] >= upper)]
        return outlier, upper, lower
outlier, upper, lower = outlier_test(data=new_data_Z, column='price', method='z'); outlier.sample(5)

# 这里简单的丢弃即可
new_data_Z.drop(index=outlier.index, inplace=True)
以 price 列为依据,使用 Z 分数法,z 分位数取 2 来检测异常值...
取 2 个 Z分数:大于 1801467.128762203 或小于 -293051.36101170536 的即可被视为异常值。

Int64Index: 335 entries, 22 to 6018
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------        --------------  ----- 
 0   neighborhood  335 non-null    object
 1   area          335 non-null    int64 
 2   bedrooms      335 non-null    int64 
 3   bathrooms     335 non-null    int64 
 4   style         335 non-null    object
 5   price         335 non-null    int64 
dtypes: int64(4), object(2)
memory usage: 18.3+ KB
outlier, upper, lower = outlier_test(data=new_data_IQR, column='price'); outlier.sample(5)

# 这里简单的丢弃即可
new_data_IQR.drop(index=outlier.index, inplace=True)
以 price 列为依据,使用 上下截断点法(iqr) 检测异常值...
第一分位数: 364135.0, 第三分位数:966675.25, 四分位极差:602540.25
上截断点:1870485.625, 下截断点:-539675.375

Int64Index: 265 entries, 22 to 6018
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------        --------------  ----- 
 0   neighborhood  265 non-null    object
 1   area          265 non-null    int64 
 2   bedrooms      265 non-null    int64 
 3   bathrooms     265 non-null    int64 
 4   style         265 non-null    object
 5   price         265 non-null    int64 
dtypes: int64(4), object(2)
memory usage: 14.5+ KB
area bedrooms bathrooms price
area 1.000000 0.901623 0.891481 0.823454
bedrooms 0.901623 1.000000 0.972768 0.743435
bathrooms 0.891481 0.972768 1.000000 0.735851
price 0.823454 0.743435 0.735851 1.000000
area bedrooms bathrooms price
area 1.000000 0.895487 0.882985 0.787334
bedrooms 0.895487 1.000000 0.970403 0.739090
bathrooms 0.882985 0.970403 1.000000 0.724140
price 0.787334 0.739090 0.724140 1.000000
area bedrooms bathrooms price
area 1.000000 0.896169 0.883887 0.789651
bedrooms 0.896169 1.000000 0.970790 0.736541
bathrooms 0.883887 0.970790 1.000000 0.723202
price 0.789651 0.736541 0.723202 1.000000
x_data = new_data_Z.iloc[:, 1:4]
y_data = new_data_Z.iloc[:, -1]
# 应用模型
model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y_data)
print("回归系数:", model.coef_)
print("截距:", model.intercept_)
print('回归方程: price=',model.coef_[0],'*area +',model.coef_[1],'*bedrooms +',model.coef_[2],'*bathromms +',model.intercept_)
回归系数: [   226.42116974  49931.50311721 -12224.71724497]
截距: 64356.04135007458
回归方程: price= 226.4211697383351 *area + 49931.50311720713 *bedrooms + -12224.71724496588 *bathromms + 64356.04135007458
x_data = new_data_IQR.iloc[:, 1:4]
y_data = new_data_IQR.iloc[:, -1]
# 应用模型
model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y_data)
print("回归系数:", model.coef_)
print("截距:", model.intercept_)
print('回归方程: price=',model.coef_[0],'*area +',model.coef_[1],'*bedrooms +',model.coef_[2],'*bathromms +',model.intercept_)
回归系数: [  242.61115518 41547.43068791 -6415.7825009 ]
截距: 58018.13845504692
回归方程: price= 242.6111551782956 *area + 41547.43068790577 *bedrooms + -6415.78250090158 *bathromms + 58018.13845504692



price= 345.911018840024 *area + -2925.806324666705 *bedrooms + 7345.391713693825 *bathromms + 10072.107046726742


price= 226.4211697383351 *area + 49931.50311720713 *bedrooms + -12224.71724496588 *bathromms + 64356.04135007458


price= 242.6111551782956 *area + 41547.43068790577 *bedrooms + -6415.78250090158 *bathromms + 58018.13845504692
