
public delegate stringMyDelegate();
       static void Main(string[] args)
           int num=3;
           MyDelegate Dele = new MyDelegate(num.ToString);
           Console.WriteLine("String is " + Dele());


MyDelegate Dele = newMyDelegate(num.ToString());





   //  Define the delegatemethod.声明委托

   delegate decimal CalculateBonus(decimal sales);

   //Define an Employeetype. 建立员工类

   class Employee
       public string name;
       public decimal sales;
       public decimal bonus;
       public CalculateBonus calculation_algorithm;

   class Program

       // Thisclass will define two delegates that perform acalculation.这个类将实例化两个委托以计算奖金

       // The first will be anamed method, the second an anonymousdelegate.第一个是指定方法的委托,第二个则是匿名委托

       // This isthe namedmethod.下面这个是第一个委托所指定的方法

       // It defines one possible implementation ofthe Bonus Calculationalgorithm.声明了一个可执行的奖金运算法则

       static decimal CalculateStandardBonus(decimal sales)
           return sales / 10;

       static void Main(string[] args)

           // A value used in the calculation of thebonus.奖金计算中用到一个值            
           // Note: This local variable will become a"captured outervariable".这个局部变量会变成一个“被捕获的外部变量”。不懂。。
           decimal multiplier = 2;

           // This delegate is defined as a namedmethod.这个委托以一个具体方法名声明
           CalculateBonus standard_bonus = newCalculateBonus(CalculateStandardBonus);

           // This delegate is anonymous - there is nonamedmethod.这个委托是匿名委托-没有方法名
           // It defines an alternative bonuscalculationalgorithm.声明了一个可供选择的奖金计算法则(即两个委托均可计算)
           CalculateBonus enhanced_bonus = delegate(decimal sales) { returnmultiplier * sales / 10; };

           // Declare some Employeeobjects.实例化一些员工对象
           Employee[] staff = new Employee[5];

           // Populate the array ofEmployees.给员工类数组赋值
           for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
               staff[i] = new Employee();
           // Assign initial values toEmployees.给实例化的员工对象赋初值
           staff[0].name = "Mr Apple";
           staff[0].sales = 100;
           staff[0].calculation_algorithm = standard_bonus;

           staff[1].name = "Ms Banana";
           staff[1].sales = 200;
           staff[1].calculation_algorithm = standard_bonus;

           staff[2].name = "Mr Cherry";
           staff[2].sales = 300;
           staff[2].calculation_algorithm = standard_bonus;


           staff[3].name = "Mr Date";
           staff[3].sales = 100;
           staff[3].calculation_algorithm = enhanced_bonus;

           staff[4].name = "Ms Elderberry";
           staff[4].sales = 250;
           staff[4].calculation_algorithm = enhanced_bonus;


           // Calculate bonus for all Employees为所有的员工计算奖金
           foreach (Employee person in staff)

           // Display the details of all Employees显示员工详细资料
           foreach (Employee person in staff)


       public static void PerformBonusCalculation(Employee person)

           // This method uses the delegate stored inthe personobject      

            //to perform thecalculation.这个方法执行储存在员工具体信息中的委托来实现计算

           // Note: This method knows about the multiplier local variable,even though
           // that variable is outside the scope of this method.
           // The multipler varaible is a "captured outer variable".注意:此方法可识别增加的局部变量,即使变量在该方法范围之外,增加的变量为“被捕获的外部变量”头晕。。不就是具体参数具体实现么,说的那么复杂。。
           person.bonus = person.calculation_algorithm(person.sales);

       public static void DisplayPersonDetails(Employee person)





delegate void TheEvent(int a);

public static void test()
 int x = 12;
 int y = 32;
 TheEvent ev = delegate(int a)
 { Console.WriteLine("output x+ y : {0}", x + y); };

3.0 及更高版本中,Lambda 表达式取代了匿名方法,作为编写内联代码的首选方式。
Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run));  
// 或 Thread thread = new Thread(Run); 
 Thread thread = new Thread(delegate()  {    // 要运行的代码  }); 
 // 或 Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate()  
// 要运行的代码  //
使用Lambda 表达式:
Thread thread = new Thread(() =>  {    // 要运行的代码  });  
// 或 Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>  {   // 要运行的代码  //})); 
