

英文 中文
A hundred years ago 100年前
there were one and a half billion people on Earth. 地球上生活着15亿人
Now, over six billion crowd our fragile planet. 如今 已有超过60亿人拥挤在 我们这颗脆弱的星球上
But even so, there are still places barely touched by humanity. 尽管如此 地球上仍有一些 人类极少涉足的地方
This series will take to the last wildernesses 这部专题片将把你带到最后的蛮荒之地
and show you the planet and its wildlife as you have never seen them before. 展示这个星球的风貌 和你以前从未见过的野生动物
Imagine our world without sun. 想象一下一个没有太阳的世界
Male Emperor Penguins are facing the nearest that exists on planet Earth 雄帝企鹅正在挑战地球上最严酷的环境
winter in Antarctica. 南极洲的冬天
It's continuously dark 黑夜漫无休止
and temperatures drop to minus seventy degrees centigrade. 气温下降到零下70℃
The penguins stay when all other creatures have fled 其它动物早已逃离 只有企鹅留了下来
because each guards a treasure: 因为每只企鹅都护卫着一件宝贝
a single egg rested on the top of its feet 一颗躺在它们脚背上的蛋
and kept warm beneath the downy bulge of its stomach. 依靠耷拉下来的肚皮上的绒毛保持温暖
There is no food and no water for them, 它们没有食物 也没有水
and they will not see the sun again for four months. 而且整整4个月见不到太阳
Surely no greater ordeal is faced by any animal. 这绝对是动物们经受过的最严酷的考验
As the sun departs from the Antarctic 太阳已远离南极
it lightens the skies in the far north. 照耀在遥远的北方天空
It's March 现在是三月
and light returns to the high Arctic, 阳光重返北极腹地
sweeping away four months of darkness. 驱走了4个月的黑暗
A polar bear stirs. 一只北极熊苏醒了
She has been in her den the whole winter. 整个冬天 它都在洞穴里度过
Her emergence marks the beginning of spring. 它的出现标志着春天的到来
After months of confinement underground 长达数月的地下闭居已经结束
she toboggans down the slope. 它从斜坡上一滑而下
Perhaps to clean her fur, 也许是为了清洁皮毛
perhaps for sheer joy. 也许只是因为高兴
Her cubs gaze out of their bright new world for the very first time. 它的幼熊们第一次注视着 这个明亮的新世界
The female calls them, 母熊召唤着熊崽
but this steep slope is not the easiest place to take your first steps. 但在这个陡峭的斜坡上 踏出第一步可不太容易
But they are hungry 可是它们太饿了
and eager to reach their mother, 急切盼着来到母亲身旁
who's delayed feeding them on this special day. 在这个特别的日子里母熊已经推迟了喂奶的时间
Now she lures them with the promise of milk, 现在该是履行承诺的时候了乳汁是巨大的诱惑
the only food the cubs have known since they were born deaf and blind beneath the snow some two months ago. 自从熊崽们两个多月前又聋又瞎地 在雪下出生以来 母乳就是它们唯一的食物
Their mother has not eaten for five months 它们的母亲已有5个月没有进食了
and has lost half her body weight. 失去了一半的体重
Now she converts the last of her fat reserves into milk for her cubs. 现在它将仅剩的一点脂肪 变成乳汁喂养它的宝贝们
The spring sun brings warmth 春天的太阳带来了温暖
but also a problem for the mother. 但对母熊而言却是一个问题
It starts to melt the sea ice. 海面的冰层开始融化
That is where she hunts for the seal she needs to feed her cubs. 而母熊则需要在那里捕杀海豹 喂养幼熊
And she must get there before the ice breaks up. 因此它必须在冰层破碎之前到达那里
For now though it's still minus thirty degrees 而现在的气温仍然有-30℃
and the cubs must have the shelter of the den. 熊崽们必须回到洞中避寒
It's six days since the bears emerged 现在是北极熊现身后的第6天
and spring is advancing rapidly. 春色匆匆
But even now blizzards can strike without warning. 但即使是现在 暴风雪 仍会在毫无征兆的情况下来袭
Being so small, the cubs are easily chilled and they will be more comfortable resting in the den. 幼小的熊崽很容易冻僵躲在洞穴中可能会更舒服些
But their mother must keep them out and active. 可是母熊必须得把它们带到外边活动
She's becoming weak from hunger 饥饿将它折磨得虚弱不堪
and there's no food on these nursery slopes. 而这片产仔的斜坡上没有一点食物
The sea ice still holds firm, 海面上的冰层依然坚固
but it won't last much longer. 但是这种情况不会持续太久
Day 10, 第10天
and the mother has led her cubs a mile from the den. 母熊已经带领幼熊离巢1英里远
It's time to put them to the test. 现在该是考验它们的时候了
They've grown enormously in confidence, 它们的信心日益膨胀
but they don't have their mother's sense of urgency. 不过它们并不像母熊那样着急
At last it seems that they're ready for their journey 最后 它们似乎做好了旅行的准备
and they're only just in time, 它们刚好赶得及
for a few miles from the coast the ice is already splitting. 离岸几英里远的海面上冰层已经开始崩裂
Now the mother can start hunting for the seals they must have, 现在母熊将猎杀海豹获取紧需的食物
but she's leading her cubs into a dangerous new world. 而它也正带着熊崽们 进入一个危险的新世界
Nearly half of all cubs die in their first year out on the ice. 大约有近一半的幼熊 会在第一年的冰上历险中丧生
Summer brings 24 hours of sunlight 夏季意味着全天24小时的日照
and the thawing shifting landscape. 融化的冰雪不断改变着地貌
Further south the winter snows have almost cleared from the Arctic tundra. 在更远的北极苔原上冬雪几乎已经完全消失
Northern Canada's wild frontier. 这里是加拿大北部荒野
Here nature stages one of her greatest dramas - 大自然正在此上演着一幕最壮观的演出
Every year three million caribou migrate across the Arctic tundra. 每年 300万迁徙的北美驯鹿 都将穿越北极苔原
The immensity of the herd can only be properly appreciated from the air. 庞大的鹿群只有在空中 才能完全领略它的壮观
Some herds travel over 2,000 miles a year in search of fresh pastures. 有的鹿群一年得走上2000多英里才能到达新鲜草场
This is the longest overland migration made by any animal. 这是动物界中最长的陆地迁徙
They're constantly on the move. 它们总是不停地赶路
Newborn calves have to be up and running the day they are born. 新生的小鹿必须 在出生的第一天就站起来奔跑
But the vast herds do not travel alone. 但是庞大的鹿群并非独自旅行
Packs of them, eight to ten strong, shadow the migration. 8~10只狼组成的小股部队 悄悄地尾随着迁徙的大军
And they are hungry. 它们已是饥肠辘辘
It's the newly born calves that they are after. 它们的目标就是新生的小鹿
Running directly at the herd is a ploy to generate panic. 直冲向鹿群是一种制造恐慌的战术
The herd breaks up 鹿群奔散开来
and now it's easier to target an individual. 狼群便更容易锁定单个目标
In the chaos a calf is separated from its mother. 混乱中一只小鹿与它的母亲失散了
The calf is young, 小鹿虽然很小
but it can outrun the wolf if only it manages to keep its footing. 但如果全速奔跑起来它仍可以比狼跑得更快
At this stage the odds are even - 这种情况下一般有两种可能
either the caribou will make a mistake 一是驯鹿自己犯下错误
or after a mile the wolf will give up. 否则就是狼追出1英里之后选择放弃
Midsummer on the tundra 现在是苔原的仲夏时节
and the sun does not set. 不会出现日落
At these latitudes the sun's rays are glancing 在这个高纬度地区太阳辐射只能斜射到这片土地
and not enough of their energy reaches the ground to enable trees to grow. 到达地面的能量很少并不足以支持树木生长
You'll need to travel 500 miles south from here before that is possible. 由此往南500英里的地方 才有可能生长着树木
These stunted shrubs mark the tree line - 这些矮小的灌木标志着森林界线
the beginning of the boreal forest - 北方森林由此开始
the taiga. 这就是泰加林带
The needle-shaped leaves of the conifers are virtually inedible 针叶树的针状树叶根本不能食用
so this forest supports very little animal life. 所以生活在这片森林里的动物非常稀少
It's a silent place 这是个寂静的地方
where the snow is unmarked by footprints. 雪地上没有被踩过的脚印
In the Arctic winter 每到北极冬季
snow forms a continuous blanket across the land. 雪便为这片土地盖上一层广袤无边的银毯
But as spring creeps up from the south 可是随着春天渐渐从南方赶来
the taiga is unveiled. 泰加林带也揭开了它的面纱
This vast forest circling the globe 这片环绕着地球的广大森林
contains a third of all the trees on Earth 容纳了地球上1/3的树木
and produces so much oxygen 产生了大量氧气
it changes the composition of the atmosphere. 从而改变了大气成分
As we travel south 随着我们向南行进
so the sun's influence grows stronger 太阳的影响力逐渐增强
and at 50 degrees of latitude a radical transformation begins. 北纬50°的地方是一场重大变革的起点
Summers here are long enough for broadleaf trees to replace conifers. 由于有足够长的夏季阔叶林得以取代针叶林
Broadleaves are much easier to eat and digest 阔叶树的树叶更容易食用和消化
so now animals can collect their share of the energy that has come from the sun. 因此动物们也能获得 太阳馈赠给它们的那部分能量
It's summer 现在是夏天
and these forests are bustling with life. 森林中一片生机勃勃的景象
But the good times will not last. 可是好景不长
Broad leaves must be shed in winter for their damage by frost. 由于严寒的原因 阔叶树得在冬天落叶
As they disappear, 树叶消失之后
so the land becomes barren with little for animals to eat. 大地一片荒凉 动物们的食物日益稀少
The inhabitants must migrate, 居民们只得迁往他处
hibernate, 或者冬眠
or face months of near starvation. 或者忍受几个月的饥荒
The Amur leopard - 这是远东豹
the rarest cat in the world. 世界上最稀有的猫科动物
Here, in the deciduous forests of eastern Russia 这里是俄罗斯东部的落叶林
the winter makes hunting very difficult. 冬天使得狩猎变得相当困难
Pray animals are scarce, 猎物非常稀少
and there's no concealing vegetation. 也没有可以隐蔽的植被
The cub is a year old and still dependent on its mother. 小豹已有一岁大了 仍旧依靠着它的母亲
Deer are frequent casualties of the harsh winter 鹿经常会死于严酷的冬天
and these leopards are not above scavenging from a corpse. 这些豹子不会介意吃死鹿的肉充饥
African leopards could never survive here, 非洲豹根本不能在这里生存
but the Russian cats have thick fur to shield them from the cold. 而俄罗斯的猫科动物则有厚实的皮毛 帮助它们抵挡严寒
There are only forty Amur leopards left in the wild 如今世界上只存活着40只远东豹
and that number is falling. 而且这个数目还在减少
Like so many creatures, 与许多动物一样
the cats have been pushed to the very edge of extinction by hunting and the destruction of their habitat. 由于盗猎和栖息地遭到破坏这些大猫已经被推到了灭绝的边缘
The Amur leopard symbolises the fragility of our natural heritage. 远东豹充分暴露了自然遗产的脆弱
The future of an entire species hangs on survival of a tiny number of mothers like this one. 整个物种的未来寄托在 为数不多的几只母豹身上 就好比这一只
All animals, rare or common, 所有动物 无论稀有的还是常见的
ultimately depend for their energy on the sun. 归根结底都依赖于太阳的能量
In Japan the arrival of the cherry blossom 在日本 每到樱花盛开的时节
announces the beginning of spring. 也意味着春天的来临
The sun's energy brings colour to the landscape. 太阳用能量创作了一幅色彩艳丽的山水画
The earth, as it makes its annual journey around the sun, 地球每年绕着太阳公转
spins on a tilted axis. 同时也绕着一根倾斜的轴自转
And it's this tilt that creates the seasons. 正是这种倾斜造成了季节变化
The advance of the seasons brings constant change. 世间万物随着季节的变迁不断改变
As the sun's influence diminishes in the north, 在北方 随着太阳影响力的减弱
so the deciduous forests of America begin to shut down 美洲落叶林开始放慢生命的脚步
losing their leaves in preparation for the dark cold months ahead. 它们落下树叶 以应对 即将到来的几个月的严寒和黑暗
One season hands over to another. 一个季节接替另一个季节
Some organisms thrive on decay, 有的生物在腐败中获得兴盛
but most must make special preparations for winter and a life with little sun. 而更多的却得专门为冬天做好准备以度过缺少阳光的日子
Whole populations of animals are now forced to travel great distances in pursuit of food and warmth. 动物们成群结队踏上 寻找食物和温暖的长途旅程
300,000 Baikal teal gather to escape from the Siberian winter by migrating south to Korea - 30万只花脸鸭集体迁往南方的韩国躲避西伯利亚的严冬
the world's entire population in a single flock. 仅这一群便集中了世界上所有的花脸鸭
But there are parts of the world that have no seasons. 但是 世界上有些地方却没有四季
In the tropics the sun's rays strike the earth head on 在热带地区 太阳辐射直射大地
and their strength is more or less constant all year round. 全年始终或多或少地 受到这种影响力的控制
That is why the jungle grows so vigourously 因此 这里的丛林茂密葱郁
and supports so much life. 生命在此欣欣向荣
This forest covers only 3 percent of the planet's surface, 这些森林仅覆盖了地球表面的3%
but it contains more than 50 percent of all its plants and animals. 但其中的动植物种类却占到了全球的50%
The canopy is particularly rich. 树冠层是生命最繁荣的地方
There are monkeys, birds 这里有猴子、鸟
and millions of species of insects, 还有数百万种昆虫
exactly how many we have no idea. 至于确切数量我们不得而知
The character of the forest changes as we descend, 从上到下 森林的特点也在发生改变
becoming ever darker and damper, 越往下就越阴暗潮湿
favouring different kinds of animals and plants. 适合各种不同种类的动植物
Less than 2 percent of the sunlight reaches the floor, 只有不到2%的阳光能够到达丛林地表
but even here there is extraordinary variety. 即便如此 这里的生物种类也异常丰富
In the great island of New Guinea there are 42 different species of birds of paradise, 在新几内亚岛上生活着42种不同的极乐鸟
each more bizarre than the last. 一种比一种奇异
This forest is so rich 这片森林异常富饶
that nourishing food can be gathered very quickly. 营养美味的食物唾手可得
That leaves the male six-plumed bird of paradise with time to concentrate on other matters 这也使得雄六羽极乐鸟 有时间去关心其它的事
like tidying up his display area. 比如打扫它的「舞台」
Everything must be spick and span. 整块地方必须干净整洁
All is ready. 万事具备
Very impressive, 非常精彩
but no one is watching. 可惜没有观众
The superb bird of paradise calls to attract a female. 华丽极乐鸟利用鸣叫吸引异性
And he has more luck. 它似乎更为走运
But what does he have to do to really impress her? 那么 接下来它该怎么做 才能获得芳心呢?
She retires to consider her verdict. 雌鸟退后考虑一番 准备作出决定
It's hard not to feel deflated 雄鸟不免有些沮丧
when even your best isn't good enough. 因为它已经倾尽全力 却还是没有合格
The sun influences life in the oceans just as it does on land. 除了陆地之外 太阳也同样 影响着海洋中的生命
Its richest parts are those where waves and currents bring fertilising nutrients to surface waters that are bathed in sunlight. 当海浪和洋流把大量营养物质翻上 沐浴着阳光的表层海水时那里便成了最热闹的用餐场所
The seas off the Cape in South Africa have this magic recipe 南非好望角外的海域就有这种神奇的魔力
and are hugely productive. 而且产量还非常高
Summer is the time of plenty 夏季是丰产季节
and it's now that the seals start to breed. 也是海豹的繁殖季节
The strike of a great white shark lasts a mere second. 大白鲨的突袭仅持续短短一秒左右
Slowing it down forty times reveals the technique and immense strength of this massive predator. 放慢40倍的画面为你呈现了 这个巨型掠食者的纯熟技巧与强悍力量
If surprise fails, 一旦突袭失败
there will be a chase. 鲨鱼就会展开追击
The shark is faster on a straight course 鲨鱼的直线速度更快
but it can't turn as sharply as the seal, 但是转向却不如海豹灵活
its agility versus power. 这是敏捷与力量的对抗
Once the seals have finished breeding 等到海豹结束繁殖
the giant sharks will move on. 大白鲨便会继续前进
It's now becoming clear that great whites migrate thousands of miles across the oceans 可以肯定的是大白鲨长途跋涉数千英里横越大洋
to harvest seasonal abundances in different seas. 就是为了在不同海域 享用这种季节性的盛宴
The sun, beating down on tropical waters, 太阳烘晒着热带地区的海水
powers the weather systems of the globe. 驱动了全球天气系统
Moisture evaporates from the warming ocean 海水受热蒸发成水蒸气
and rises to create great storms. 上升并形成巨大的风暴
The winds generated out at sea 风在外海形成
sweep inland across the continents. 侵入大陆席卷内陆地区
As they travel across the Sahara 它们穿越撒哈拉沙漠时
they create the biggest of all sand storms 造成了世界上最大的沙尘暴
blowing sand halfway round the world 沙子被吹到地球的另一头
to fertilize the Amazon jungle. 亚马逊丛林因此而变得肥沃
Winds blowing across the Indian Ocean 风掠过整个印度洋
collect moisture and sweep northwards towards the Himalayas. 一边收集水气一边扑向北方的喜玛拉雅山脉
As the air rises, so it cools. 随着气流的上升 温度也逐渐下降
The water it carries condenses into clouds 携带的水气开始凝结 汇集成云
and then falls as the life giving rains of the monsoon. 然后变成季风雨落到地面滋润大地万物
So air currents powered by the sun 至此 由太阳驱动的大气环流
carry wet air to the middle of continents. 将潮湿空气带到了大陆中部
Without water there can be no life, 没有水就没有生命
but its distribution over the land is far from even. 不过 水在陆地上的分配极不平均
Deserts cover one third of the land's surface 沙漠覆盖了地球表面的1/3
and they're growing bigger every year. 而且面积每年都在增大
This is the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa. 这里是南部非洲的卡拉哈里沙漠
It's the dry season 现在是旱季
and thousands of elephants have started to travel in desperate search for water. 数千头大象开始长途跋涉不顾一切地寻找水源
All across Southern Africa animals are journeying for the same reason. 所有横穿南部非洲的野生动物 都怀有同样的目的
Buffalo join the great trek. 非洲水牛也加入了这支浩大的队伍
Nowhere else on Earth are so many animals on the move with the same urgent purpose. 如此多的动物出于同一个紧急目的 而进行大规模迁徙 这在地球上其它地方可看不到
They're all heading for the swamps of the Okavango, 它们的目的地是奥卡万戈大沼泽
a vast inland delta. 一片巨大的内陆三角洲
At the moment it is dry, 这时它仍处于旱季
but water is coming. 可是水马上就要来了
The travellers are hampered by dangerous dust storms. 肆虐的沙尘暴困住了这群迁徙的动物
Females and calves can easily get separated from the main herd. 母象和小像一不小心就会和大部队分开
For this pair sanctuary lies in the patch of woodland a few miles ahead. 对于这对母子而言避难所就在前方几英里处的林地内
They can't rest until they reach it. 它们不能休息 必须尽快到达那里
The main herd has already got there safely. 大部队早已安全抵达
Finally, the stragglers emerge from the dust. 最后 掉队者终于从尘埃中走了出来
The exhausted calf is still blinded by sand. 疲惫不堪的小象仍旧看不清路因为沙子蒙住了它的眼睛
Its mother does everything possible to help it. 母象尽可能地去帮它一把
The storm is now subsiding, 现在 风暴已经消退
but not all the elephants have been so lucky. 但是 并非所有的象都是那么幸运
One youngster has got lost. 一头小象迷了路
Thirsty and exhausted, 尽管又渴又累
it follows the tracks of its mother, 它仍追随着母亲的脚步
but sadly in the wrong direction. 不幸的是 它走错了方向
At the peak of the dry season in the Kalahari 就在卡拉哈里旱季的最高峰时
water arrives in the Okavango. 奥卡万戈迎来了水
It fell as rain a thousand miles away in the highlands of Angola 这些水来自数千英里外安哥拉高地的降雨
and has taken nearly five months to reach here. 奔流了将近5个月才到达这里
The water drives out insects from the parched ground, 水将燥热土壤中的昆虫驱赶出来
which are snapped up by plovers. 它们很快便成了可口的点心
Catfish, travelling with the flood, 随着洪水一块儿到来的鲶鱼
collect any drowning creatures the birds have missed. 捡食着那些被鸟类遗漏的溺水者
It's a seasonal feast for animals of all kinds. 对所有动物来说 这是一场季节性的盛宴
Birds are the first to arrive in any numbers - 鸟类是所有宾客中率先到达的
wattled cranes, 肉垂鹤
then black storks. 接着是黑鹳
Behind the birds come buffalo. 鸟类之后就是非洲水牛
After weeks of marching their trek is coming to an end. 经过数周的长途跋涉它们终于抵达了终点
As the water sweeps into the Okavango 洪水铺盖了奥卡万戈
a vast area of the Kalahari is transformed into a fertile paradise. 卡拉哈里的广大地区变成了富饶的天堂
Nowhere on our planet is the life giving power of water so clearly demonstrated. 地球上没有其它地方能比这里 更能清楚地证明水对生命的意义
The Okavango becomes criss-crossed with trails as animals move into its heart. 动物们逐渐进入奥卡万戈的中心地带这里的路变得纵横交错
The new arrivals open up paths like arteries along which water flows, extending the reach of the flood. 新来者开辟了新的干道洪水流淌在这些「动脉」中 不断向外扩展
This is an Africa rarely seen - 这是非洲难得一见的胜景
a lush water world. 一个和谐繁荣的水世界
Some creatures are completely at home here. 有的动物干脆在这里安家
These are lechwe - 这些是赤列羚
antelope with hooves that splay widely, 这种羚羊的蹄子张得很开
enabling them to move its speed through the water. 使它们能在水里快速奔走
For others the change is far less welcome. 而有些动物却不是很喜欢这种改变
Baboons are somewhat apprehensive bathers. 狒狒在水里多少有些不安
The water brings a season of plenty for all animals. 水为所有动物都带来了一个丰收的季节
Hunting dogs. 非洲野狗
These are now among the rarest of Africa's mammals, 它们现在已经成了非洲最稀有的哺乳动物
but then nonetheless the continent's most efficient predators. 不过 它们仍是 非洲大陆上最有效率的掠食者
Their secret is teamwork. 它们的秘诀就是——团队协作
Impala are their favourite prey. 黑斑羚是它们最喜爱的食物
They start to hunt 捕猎行动开始
and the pack splits up. 狗群四下分散
An aerial viewpoint gives a new insight into their strategy. 通过空中镜头我们能从新的视角观察它们的战术
As the dogs approach their prey 狗群一旦接近猎物
they peel off to take up separate positions around their target. 便立刻分散 占领目标四周的各个位置
They seem to form a cordon around the impala. 它们似乎打算对黑斑羚形成一个包围圈
Moving in total silence 它们悄无声息地逼近
they take up their positions. 然后各就各位
Those ears can detect the slightest rustle. 它们的耳朵能洞悉最轻微的响声
The hunt is on. 狩猎开始
Three dogs close in on one impala. 3只野狗紧追一只黑班羚
Missed. 没捉到
The lead dog drives the impala towards the hidden flankers. 头犬将黑斑羚赶向侧翼的埋伏区
Anticipating their line 它估计了一下它们逃跑的路线
the leader cuts the corner 然后立刻从边角切入
and joins a flanker for the final assault. 从侧翼加入这次总攻
It's all or nothing. 成败在此一举
One on one. 一对一
The dog has stamina, 野狗拥有耐力
the impala has speed. 而黑斑羚拥有速度
Leaping into the lake is an act of desperation - 跳入湖中是绝望的选择
impala can barely swim. 黑斑羚可不太会游泳
The dogs know their prey must come out or drown - 野狗们知道它们的猎物迟早会上岸否则就会淹死
now it's a waiting game. 现在 它们只需等待
The rest of the pack are calling. 狗群中的其它成员正在发出呼唤
They've made a kill in the forest 它们已在树丛中捕到了一只猎物
and this is an invitation to join in the meal. 这是邀请它们加入宴席的信号
The impala is in luck. 这只黑斑羚非常走运
A pack this size kills once a day and everything is shared. 这种规模的狗群每天都得进行一次捕杀 并且一起分享猎物
And this impala is reprieved. 这只黑斑羚只不过被延缓了行刑的日子
The elephants are nearing the end of their long journey. 象群正接近漫长旅途的终点
After weeks of marching they're desperately tired. 经过数周的长途跋涉它们都已是精疲力尽
The matriarch can smell water 母象首领闻到了水的气味
and encourages the herd to make one last effort. 它鼓励象群再做最后的努力
The youngsters are exhausted 小象疲惫不堪
but their mothers have made this journey before 不过它们的母亲以前也经历过这种旅行
and they know that they're close to water. 它们很清楚水就在不远的前方
After many hundreds of miles they've arrived. 在完成数百英里的行程之后它们终于抵达了目的地
The lives of these elephants are dominated by the annual rhythm of wet and dry, 这些大象的生活决定于 一年一度的干湿季节交替
a seasonal cycle created by the sun. 这是太阳造成的季节循环
At the southern end of the earth, 在地球的最南端
after four months of total darkness, 经历了整整4个月的黑暗后
the sun once more rises over Antarctica. 太阳重新在南极上空升起
Now at last the Emperor penguins abandon their huddle. 现在 帝企鹅们终于不用再挤在一起了
The males are still carrying the precious eggs 雄企鹅们仍然看护着它们的宝贝
that they've cherished throughout the Antarctic winter. 在整个漫长的南极冬夜它们一直呵护着自己的蛋
With the returning sun the eggs hatch. 随着太阳的回归 蛋也开始孵化
Other birds have not even arrived. 其它鸟还没有到来
but the Emperors by enduring the long black winter 而帝企鹅却熬过了一个漫长黑暗的冬天
have given their chicks a head start. 因而它们的宝宝也有了领先的优势
These youngsters are now ready and eager to make the most of the brief Antarctic summer. 现在 这些小家伙们已经做好准备急切盼望着享受南极那短暂的夏天

