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It may sound barking, but 10-year-olds can understand dogs better than people of any other age.


Researchers at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest found that humans understand a dog’s bark from an early age, but that after 10, are not able to decipher meanings so easily.


In tests, volunteers found it easiest to distinguish when a dog was angry – but 10-year-olds excelled at interpreting more subtle noises.


The study’s results came from playing recordings of various bark ‘modes’ - such as warning off a stranger, playing and feeling lonely - to children aged six, eight and 10, and adults, and asking them to pair the noises with corresponding human facial expressions.


The authors, Péter Pongrácz and Csaba Molnár, said: ‘This shows that the ability of understanding basic inner states of dogs on the basis of acoustic signals is present in humans from a very young age.'

       作者Péter Pongrácz和Csaba Molnár说:“这个实验揭示出,这种理解狗狗通过基本声音信号所表达的内心情感的能力,是为年幼的人所具有的。”

'These results are in sharp contrast with other reports in the literature which showed that young children tend to misinterpret canine visual signals.’


Molnár's other research in the field includes using machine-learning algorithms in an effort to further understand how humans 'listen' to dog barks.


Molnár and colleagues’ tested a computer algorithm’s ability to identify and differentiate the acoustic features of dog barks, and classify them according to different contexts and individual dogs.


The software analysed more than 6,000 barks from 14 Hungarian sheepdogs (Mudi breed) in six different situations: ‘stranger’, ‘fight’, ‘walk’, ‘alone’, ‘ball’ and ‘play’.


The barks were recorded with a tape recorder before being transferred to the computer, where they were digitised and individual bark sounds were coded, classified and evaluated.


In the first experiment looking at classification of barks into different situations, the software correctly classified the barks in 43 per cent of cases.


The best recognition rates were achieved for ‘fight’ and ‘stranger’ contexts, and the poorest rate was achieved when categorizing ‘play’ barks.


These findings suggest that the different motivational states of dogs in aggressive, friendly or submissive contexts may result in acoustically different barks.


In the second experiment looking at the recognition of individual dogs, the algorithm correctly classified the barks in 52 per cent of cases.


The software could reliably discriminate among individual dogs while humans cannot, which suggests that there are individual differences in barks of dogs even though humans are not able to recognise them.


The authors concluded: ‘The use of advanced machine learning algorithms to classify and analyse animal sounds opens new perspectives for the understanding of animal communication. The promising results obtained strongly suggest that advanced machine learning approaches deserve to be considered as a new relevant tool for studying animal behaviour.’

